www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.24
How to Cite:
Malaniuk, N., Hubarieva, D., Sviatenko, T., Gogunskaya, I., & Parfanovich, I. (2023). Organizing the germans’ emotional world
through the prism of the opposition ORDNUNG vs. CHAOS: Ambivalent emotion concepts. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 236-247.
Means of gamification of learning during martial law
Ефективність використання забів гейміфікації навчання в умовах військового
Received: January 15, 2023 Accepted: February 22, 2023
Written by:
Nataliia Malaniuk99
Daria Hubarieva100
Tetiana Sviatenko101
Inna Gogunskaya102
Ivanna Parfanovich103
The aim of the research was to investigate the
impact of gamification on learning during martial
law. An analysis of learning results and academic
motivation of students who studied using
gamification elements and the traditional
"lecture-seminar" model was carried out.
Academic motivation was assessed using the
standard AMS-C questionnaire. It was found that
the gamification of education contributed to the
increase in the number of students who obtained
Level B and reduction in the number of students
who had Levels E and D. The use of gamification
in general contributed to the strengthening of the
motivation for learning, achievement and self-
development. Feedback from students revealed
that not all students liked the lack of correct
action algorithms and the use of leader boards. It
was established that the use of gamification
during martial law contributed to an increase in
the number of positive scores for the test exam
and an enhanced intrinsic motivation. Learning
motivation decreased among students who were
trained with the use of gamification. Students’
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Physics
of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Technologies of the State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and methods of primary education, National Pedagogical
Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Center for Allergic Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract, State University
"Institute of Otolaryngology Named after Prof. O.S. Kolomiichenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Social Work and Management of Socio-Cultural Activity of
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Mizin, K., Slavova, L., Petrov, O., & Yumrukuz, A. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 236-247 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
external motivation did not change under the
influence of gamification of learning.
Keywords: academic motivation, gamification,
learning outcomes, martial law.
Pedagogical science is constantly developing:
new tools, methodologies, and technologies
appear. The introduction of information
technologies into all areas of people’s lives has
significantly changed the way people find and
use new information (Lakhani & Wiedlitzka,
2022). The current generation of students have
significant differences in learning style and
requirements for it (Luke, 2020). This leads to
the need to change the paradigm of the education
system. The introduction of martial law as a
result of Russia’s military aggression against
Ukraine and the transition to distance education
created additional challenges in the education
Since February 24, 2022, Ukrainian higher
educational institutions (HEIs) had to switch to
distance and blended learning because of
Russia’s war against Ukraine. Distance learning
is often asynchronous because of constant threats
of shelling, communication and power outages.
Studying the impact of armed conflicts on the
education system and recovery after them is
relevant and attracts the attention of many
researchers and international organizations (for
example, UNICEF, Global Coalition to Protect
Education from Attack, etc.). These studies were
used to develop recommendations for the
implementation of the educational process in the
context of armed conflicts were developed
(Akresh, 2016; Leclercq et al., 2020). The
recommendations emphasize that education
should be continuous to prevent the worsening of
the crisis in society.
During martial law, participants in the
educational process may be in a depressed
emotional state because of the lack of a sense of
security or may not have the technical ability to
join training synchronously (Akresh, 2016).
Therefore, there is a need to change the
traditional lecture-seminar approach to planning
the educational process, since such an
educational process reduces the learning
motivation among students.
One of the newest pedagogical technologies is
gamification in the educational process.
Gamification is the use of game elements in non-
game situations (Lo & Hew, 2020). Luke (2020)
notes that gamification design elements are used
to enhance motivation. They came to us from the
world of games and are familiar to us in everyday
Ukraine has been implementing a number of
education reforms in order to change the
methodological principles of education. This is
why the issue of studying the impact of
gamification on education is relevant for
Ukraine. Although researchers noted the overall
positive impact of gamification on the
educational process, the impact of gamification
elements on the effectiveness of education under
martial law is insufficiently studied. During the
martial law, the participants of the educational
process are under stressful influence, which can
reflect on their performance, learning motivation
and amotivation. We assume that the application
of gamification elements to education can have a
positive effect on academic performance,
motivation and amotivation for students when
studying the subject.
The aim our research is to study the impact of
gamification elements on academic performance,
learning motivation and amotivation of students
during the educational process. The aim involved
the following research objectives:
1. Analyse the learning outcomes of students
who studied using gamification and those
who studied according to the traditional
lecture-seminar model
2. Study the impact of gamification of learning
on students’ intrinsic learning motivation.
3. Identify the role of gamification of learning
in building students’ external learning
motivation and the development of
Literature review
Learning outcomes and motivation are highly
dependent on the teacher and teaching methods.
The students’ psychological condition is difficult
in the wartime, they may not have the physical
ability to complete the assignment on time. In
such conditions, there is a need to use methods
that enhance learning motivation and enable
asynchronous distance learning. Students often
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
note that learning is difficult and simple
memorization is boring, uninteresting and tiring.
Learning outcomes can be influenced by several
factors: abilities, motivation, level of anxiety and
attitude towards the subject (Jati et al., 2020).
According to Shkuropat et al., (2021), the use of
gamification elements in the educational process
is intended to become a good monitoring tool and
enhance students’ learning motivation. The use
of game elements in non-game situations is
called gamification (Xu & Hamari, 2022).
Elements of gamification are widely used in all
spheres of human activity. Marketers widely use
gamification, for example, “collect five stickers
in a coffee shop to get the sixth coffee for free”.
Modern children and teenagers are used to
computer games, which have their own reward
system, lack of negative attitude towards defeats,
leader boards, communication through social
networks, etc. (Lo & Hew, 2020). The attitude
towards mistakes in games is somewhat different
than in educational institutions. The educational
institutions discourage mistakes, while they very
rarely praise a correctly completed assignment.
This is why pupils or students concentrate not on
knowledge, but on obtaining grades. In computer
games, a mistake is just one of the tools for
achieving success. Gamification in education
aims to use these elements to stimulate the desire
to learn. It is very different from traditional forms
of evaluation of learning outcomes. The
academic literature provides data proving that the
use of gamification eliminates the fear of failure
and getting a bad grade (Shkuropat, 2018).
The introduction of gamification in education is
related to the creation of entertainment elements
and their transfer to building knowledge and
skills that are components of professional
training. Dalmina et al. (2019) and Matthew et
al., (2022) note that gamification design elements
are used to enhance motivation. They came to us
from the world of games and are familiar to us in
everyday life. The term “gamification” is often
used to apply game elements to non-game
situations to create a motivating environment and
a fun learning experience (Leclercq et al., 2020).
Gamification in education provides for the
application of game mechanics and game
elements in education in order to intensify
learning and develop critical thinking, manage
student behaviour and guide it in a certain
direction (Toorn et al., 2022).
The term “serious games” was introduced by Abt
back in 1970 to denote games that enable
focusing on learning rather than entertainment.
These games should appeal to students’ everyday
experiences (Toorn et al., 2022). According to
Cruaud (2018), educational games are aimed at
stimulating interest in the academic subject.
Educational content in these games is presented
in different ways: it can be implicit in serious
games, while it is necessarily presented in
educational games (Kulhanek et al., 2021).
According to Schöbel et al., (2020), gamification
of learning differs, as it uses elements of the
game to advance towards the goal of acquiring
new knowledge. For example, a student receives
a badge for a correctly completed task. Although
earning a badge is an element of the game, it is
not tied to other elements of the game, such as
levelling up. Piaget wrote in 1962 that game is a
necessary prerequisite for different stages of a
child’s cognitive development. The child seems
to go beyond the reality to an abstract level,
manipulating such concepts as “acting as if”. The
game promotes the development of abstract
thinking (Dehghanzadeh et al., 2021).
According to Suh et al., (2018), gamification is
the best method to enhance learning motivation
and encourage learning new material. Buckley
and Doyle (2016) provide grounded evidence of
the greater effectiveness of a gamified
educational environment compared to a non-
gamified one. The author assumes that this is
connected with greater interest of students in
learning, satisfaction with learning. The forms of
control offered by gamification are interesting
for students. These are, for example, points,
badges, rankings or leader boards, virtual gifts,
bonuses, etc. (Bateman, 2018). This promotes
self-expression, satisfaction, and competition
among students during their studies (Jati et al.,
According to Dehghanzadeh et al., (2021),
gamification elements such as points, leader
boards, rewards, feedback, challenges are most
often used in the educational process. Avatar,
warning signals, virtual credits, medals, etc. are
used less frequently. The elements of
gamification can be divided into individual and
social. Individual elements are points, virtual
goods, time limit, etc. Social include interaction
with other players, leader boards, rating tables,
etc. (Ruggiu et al., 2022).
A study of the impact of gamification on the
results of learning the basics of the taxation
system, conducted by Buckley and Doyle (2016),
showed a significant improvement in learning
outcomes. Besides, they demonstrated that
gamification of the learning process enhanced
intrinsic motivation for the subject and self-
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
esteem motivation. In their opinion, such
elements of gamification as leader boards and
ratings stimulated interest in learning by
stimulating gaming (Shkuropat et al., 2021).
Most researchers note that students attribute the
following adjectives to the elements of
gamification as “fun”, “joyful”, “pleasant”,
“interactive”, “attractive”, “interesting”, etc.
Research also shows that the use of gamification
elements evoked interest, contributed to
students’ satisfaction and motivation. Rivera and
Garden (2021) relate it to the psychological
inclusion of students in the learning process, as
well as having control over actions and the
learning process.
Like any method, gamification in the educational
process has its positive and negative features.
The positive features of gamification include a
web interface and asynchronous interaction of
participants in the educational process. The
negative ones include, for example,
disconnection of the Internet and power outages
during martial law.
Most researchers used surveys, focus group
discussions, and student interviews to study the
impact of gamification on learning. This suggests
that most studies of the impact of gamification on
learning are based on students’ perception of the
learning process. However, students’ perception
of learning and actual learning may not match.
This necessitates a study of the impact of
gamification on the effectiveness of learning, its
outcomes and motivation.
Research design
We conducted an experimental study that
included studying learning outcomes (academic
performance of students) and students’ intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation, as well as amotivation
to measure the impact of gamification on
learning during martial law. The research
covered the second semester (February 2022
June 2022) of the 2021-2022 academic year
under martial law in Ukraine. Mathematical
Methods in Biology and Medicine was selected
as an academic subject for the research. The
students studied this subject during the second
semester, once a week. This academic subject is
usually difficult for students and has a low
success rate.
The experimental group studied Mathematical
Methods in Biology and Medicine with the
involvement of gamification elements. Students
were engaged in synchronous and asynchronous
distance learning. Lectures were held for those
students who had the opportunity to join online
classes synchronously. Lecture materials were
provided asynchronously for the rest of students.
They could work with the leacture materials
when they considered convenient. The Moodle
platform was used for seminars which integrated
gamification elements: digital points, badges for
certain achievements, leader boards, levels with
a progress indicator. All students could access
the lecture material at any time. They planned
their activities independently. Students could
access all the lecture materials and then complete
all the assignments. Another option was doing it
gradually, topic by topic.
The control group studied Mathematical
Methods in Biology and Medicine. The students
were also engaged in distance learning
synchronously and asynchronously. They
studied according to the traditional lecture-
seminar model. The difference was that no
gamification elements were used for them on the
Moodle platform, and they learned the test results
from the teacher, who informed them of the
results in alphabetical order.
None of the students had experience with
gamified learning. Data were collected from two
sources in order to assess the effect from using
gamification. The first source is academic
performance of students for Mathematical
Methods in Biology and Medicine. Another data
source was the determination of intrinsic and
extrinsic learning motivation, amotivation before
intervention and and after the intervention.
The analysis of academic performance of
students for Mathematical Methods in Biology
and Medicine, the study of academic motivation,
amotivation and feedback in the form of
questionnaires were used to identify the impact
of gamification on learning during martial law.
The students’ academic performance for
Mathematical Methods in Biology and Medicine
were used to study the impact of the use of
gamification elements on the academic
performance of students for the subject. The
academic performance of student were assessed
in the following way. After completing the
course, the students of the experimental and
control groups had to pass a semester exam in the
form of testing. The number of points for the test
exam was summed up automatically, which
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
eliminated the subjectivity of assessing the
impact of gamification on learning outcomes.
A student questionnaire (AMS-C) for
determining intrinsic and external motivation and
amotivation was used to determine students’
academic motivation. This questionnaire proved
itself reliable and has been used in about 1,000
studies of students’ learning motivation. The
questionnaire consists of 28 items divided into 7
subscales: three scales for intrinsic motivation,
three scales for external motivation, and. one
amotivation scale.
The learning motivation scale is related to the
willingness to learn something new, interesting,
and the satisfaction with learning something new.
The achievement motivation scale reflects the
desire to achieve success, to get satisfaction from
solving complex problems. The self-
development motivation scale reflects the desire
to develop one’s abilities as a result of
educational activities, acquiring knowledge and
competences. The self-esteem motivation scale is
related to the desire to learn for the sake of self-
respect and recognition, increased self-esteem,
and a sense of self-importance. The motivation
scale measures the willingness to learn, which is
associated with a sense of shame and a sense of
duty to others and oneself in case of poor
learning. The external motivation scale measures
the compulsion to study because of social
pressure on the student. They learn because
society makes certain demands on them, while
their own autonomy turns out to be frustrated.
This is learning for getting a good job in the
future. The amotivation scale measures lack of
interest in learning and understanding of the
importance of learning. The survey was
conducted on the same Moodle platform as
learning. Surveys were conducted before and
after learning.
Upon the completion of the experimental study,
we additionally conducted a survey of students
learning with the use of gamification in order for
them to share their impressions of the learning
process to get their feedback. The questionnaire
included an open-ended questions: “Did you like
the scoring system?”, “Did you like the leader
board?”, “What are your general impressions of
the use of gamification in education?” etc.
The experimental and control group were used
for validating the results of studying the points
obtained for the test exam and the points of the
motivation scale.
We calculated the average statistical values of the
levels of motivation and amotivation within the
group. The relationship between variables was
found through the Student’s t-test. The indicators
were compared within one group before and after
the study. Group mean values between the
studied groups were also compared. Two pairs of
dependent samples and two independent samples
were formed in connection with the set goal.
There were two dependent samples. The first pair
is an experimental group of students before and
after the introduction of gamification elements.
The second pair of dependent samples is a
control group of students before and after the
studies. Independent samples comparison of
the indicators of the experimental and control
groups after the experiment. The Student’s t-test
for dependent samples was used to identify
statistical significance when comparing
indicators between dependent samples. The
Student’s t-test for independent samples was
used to find out statistical significance when
comparing indicators between independent
The χ² criterion was used to study academic
performance and to meaasure the statistical
reliability of the distribution of knowledge levels
in the studied groups of students. It enables
determining the level of reliability of variables
measured on a nominal scale (obtained scores)
without taking into account the data distribution
To find out the impact of gamification elements
on students’ academic performance, the final
score obtained by students for the test exam in
Mathematical Methods in Biology and Medicine.
A student questionnaire (AMS-C) to determine
students’ motivation and amotivation was used in
order to determine intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation. The survey was conducted on the
same Moodle platform as learning. Surveys were
conducted before and after learning.
The study involved 60 second-year students
majoring in 222: Medicine. They made up 2
academic groups. One group was experimental (n
= 30), the other was control (n=30). The
academic performance of students were
evaluated based on the final grade they obtained
for the exam. Students received a survey on
academic motivation and amotivation on the
Moodle platform asynchronously. The results
were processed and summarized after the survey.
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Ethical criteria
All students were informed about the study and
gave their consent before starting the analysis of
learning outcomes and academic motivation.
Students’ personal data were not disclosed, only
summarized data were subject to discussion.
A study of the impact of gamification on the
educational process during martial law was
conducted. Table 1 presents the academic
performance of students of the experimental and
control groups for Mathematical Methods in
Biology and Medicine.
Table 1.
Learning outcomes of the surveyed students in the academic subject Mathematical Methods in Biology and
ECTS level
Experimental group
Control group
FX (35-59 points)
Е (60-63 points)
D (64-73 points)
10% *
С (74-81 points)
В (82-89 points)
30% *
А (90-100 points)
Note: *-statistically significant difference between experimental and control indicators at P≤0.05
There were no students among the surveyed ones
who failed the test exam (FX). That is, all
students scored the required minimum of 60
points. The number of students in the
experimental group who received Level E was
6.67% of the surveyed students, while the
number of such students in the control group was
16.67%. That is, the number of students who
received Level E in the experimental group was
significantly less than the number in the control
group (P≤0.05). The number of students in the
experimental group with Level D for the test
exam was also less than the number of students
with the same level in the control group. It
amounted to 10% and 30%, respectively
Comparison of the number of students of the
experimental group who received Level C
revealed that it was higher than the similar
number of students of the control group. There
were 36.67% of the surveyed students in the
experimental group, and 26.67% in the control
group. However, this difference did not reach
statistical significance.
The number of students of the experimental
group who received Level B significantly
exceeded the number of students of the control
group who received Level B on the test
exam (P≤0.05). In the experimental group, 30%
received Level B for the test exam, in the control
group 16.67%.
The number of students of the experimental
group who received Level A for the test exam
was 16.67%. The number of students with Level
A in the control group was 10% of the surveyed
students. Although the number of students in the
experimental group who received Level A
exceeded the number of students of the control
group with the same level, this difference did not
reach statistical significance.
The average score of the surveyed students
(Figure 1) was calculated and showed that the
surveyed students received an average of 86.87
points for the test exam. Students of the control
group received 76.2 points for the test exam. We
found out that students who studied with the use
of gamification elements demonstrated higher
average scores compared to the indicators of
students in the control group (P≤0.05).
So, among the students engaged in distance
learning with the application of gamification,
there was a greater number of students who
received Level B and a smaller number of
students who received Levels D and E compared
to students engaged in distance learning without
the use of gamification elements.
The AMS-C questionnaire was used to determine
motivation to study. Four data sets were obtained
as a result of the research (Tables 2, 3). The
results of the survey of the experimental and
control groups before the start of the
experimental study (input testing; two data sets)
and the results of the survey of the experimental
and control groups after the end of studies and
passing the test exam (exit testing; two data sets).
The questionnaire of the academic motivation
scale enables evaluating the components of
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation separately to
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
clarify the overall picture of what a student is
guided by during learning, and the impact of the application of gamification of learning on
individual components of academic motivation.
Figure 1. Average academic performance of the surveyed students
Note: *- statistically significant difference between experimental and control indicators at P≤0.05
Table 2.
An input study of the motivation of students who studied with and without the use of gamification
motivation scales
group, scores
when comparing
experimental and control
Note: *-statistically significant difference between experimental and control indicators at P≤0.05
Table 3.
Output study of motivation of students who studied with and without gamification
Academic motivation
group, scores
Control group
when comparing
experimental and
control groups
Learning motivation
< 0.05
Achievement motivation
< 0.05
< 0.05
Self-esteem motivation
Introjected motivation
Extrinsic motivation
< 0.05
Note: *- statistically significant difference between experimental and control indicators at P≤0.05
average score
Experimental group Control group
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Intrinsic motivation includes learning
motivation, achievement motivation, and self-
development motivation. There was almost no
difference in the number of points scored by
students of experimental and control groups on
the learning motivation scale before the
beginning of the experimental study. After
completing the study of the academic subject
Mathematical Methods in Biology and Medicine,
students who studied with the use of gamification
elements demonstrated an increase in learning
motivation compared to the indicators before the
start of the experimental study (P≤0.05).
Indicators of learning motivation of students of
the control group almost did not change during
the study. When comparing the scores on the
learning motivation scale after the experimental
study of the students of the experimental and
control groups, the indicators of the students of
the experimental group turned out to be
significantly higher than the similar indicators of
the control group.
The number of points on the achievement
motivation scale scored by the students of the
experimental and control groups before the study
did not have statistical reliability. The survey,
which was conducted after the completion of the
experimental study, demonstrated a statistically
significant increase in the number of scores on
the achievement motivation scale of the students
of the experimental group. The achievement
motivation of the students of the control group
after the completion of the experimental study
almost did not change. When comparing the
indicators of achievement motivation of the two
surveyed groups after completing their studies,
we found a statistically significant increase in
students who studied with the use of gamification
elements (P≤0.05).
Studying the indicators of self-development
motivation, we found out that both surveyed
groups before the study of the academic subject
Mathematical Methods in Biology and Medicine
did not have a statistically significant difference
in the scores of the relevant scale. After
completing the studies, students who studied
with the use of gamification demonstrated
statistically significant increase in motivation for
self-development, while the students of the
control group only tended to increase self-
development motivation. When comparing the
indicators of self-development motivation
between students of both groups after the
experimental study, we found a statistically
significant increase (P≤0.05) in the scores of the
self-development motivation scale in the students
of the experimental group compared to similar
indicators of students of the control group.
Extrinsic motivation includes self-esteem
motivation, introjected and external motivation.
The number of points scored by the experimental
group students on the self-esteem motivation
scale did not have a statistically significant
difference with the number of points scored by
the control group on this scale. The output survey
showed that the self-esteem motivation of
students who studied with the use of gamification
elements tended to increase, but did not reach
statistical reliability. Indicators of self-esteem
motivation of students in the control group did
not change after the study was completed. The
comparison of the scores of the self-esteem
motivation scale of the students of the
experimental and control groups after conducting
the experimental study did not found a
statistically significant difference. That is, the
use of gamification had practically no effect on
the motivation of self-esteem.The study of
introjected motivation established that the
experimental and control groups of students did
not have significant differences in the indicators
of this scale before the study. The survey
conducted at the end of the study showed that the
use of gamification in education in the wartime
did not affect introjected motivation. The
experimental group students showed almost the
same result of the scale of introjected motivation
as before the study. The indicators of the control
group on this scale also did not undergo
significant changes during the studies. No
differences between the surveyed groups were
found after the study.
The students of the experimental group did not
have a statistically significant difference with the
students of the control group in terms of external
motivation before the experimental study. The
use of gamification in the educational process
among students of the experimental group led to
an insignificant increase in external motivation.
Students of the control group did not change the
level of external motivation during the study
period. Among themselves, the studied groups
did not have a statistically significant difference
in the number of points of the scale of external
motivation, although the students of the
experimental group tended to increase the
indicators compared to similar indicators of the
control group.
So, students’ extrinsic academic motivation was
almost unchanged under the influence of
gamification of learning during martial law,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
although self-esteem motivation and extrinsic
motivation tended to increase.
The number of points for amotivation scale
scored by the experimental group students before
the study did not exceed the similar indicators of
the control group students before the
experimental study. The use of gamification in
the educational process in the experimental
group students significantly decreased the
number of points on the motivation scale during
the input test. The control group students
showed, on the contrary, a tendency to increase
motivation indicators after the study period. This
difference between the indicators of the input and
output tests did not reach statistical significance.
The amotivation indicators of the two surveyed
groups after the study period had a statistically
significant difference (P≤0.05): the indicators of
the experimental group were lower than those of
the control group.
So, students amotivation decreased under the
influence of gamification of the educational
process. The survey conducted with the aim of
getting feedback showed that the majority of
students (67.4% of the surveyed students) were
quite satisfied with the inclusion of gamification
in the educational process. They noted that the
accumulation of points for the assignment, the
progress scale stimulated the desire to complete
the task, and the leader board helped to improve
the process of learning the subject.
Among the positive reviews, it was often found
that studies with the use of gamification can take
place completely asynchronously, which is
relevant during the wartime because of frequent
air-raid warnings, lack of stable communication
and lack of power supply.
Students who were dissatisfied with the learning
process noted that they lacked clear correct
algorithms of action, in their opinion, there were
too many learning vectors that students could
create for themselves. In particular, when
studying the academic subject Mathematical
Methods in Biology and Medicine, it was not
strictly regulated whether the video lecture
should be watched first, and then the test, or
whether it can be done simultaneously. The
student could first watch all the proposed video
lectures, and then complete all the assignments.
Some students did not like the leader board, they
noted that they were dispirited by the fact that
their results were compared with others.
Learning during martial law is significantly
different from learning under normal conditions.
Students are often in a depressed emotional state,
have increased anxiety, neuroses and even panic
attacks. Learning in such conditions requires
more effort from the student than in peacetime.
In addition to the mental state, the students are
affected by obstacles in the technical support of
the educational process: lack of stable
communication, electricity supply, being
constantly on the road trying to leave because of
the war. In such conditions, the educational
process should contribute to the relief of
emotional tension, make students interested, and
motivate them for further professional activity.
We established that the gamification of the
educational process during martial law
contributed to an increase in the number of
students who had Level B, a decrease in the
number of students who had Levels E and D.
Gamification of the educational process had an
impact on the students’ academic motivation.
Students’ intrinsic motivation (motivation to
learn, achieve, and self-develop) increased in
students who studied with the use of
gamification. Extrinsic motivation (self-esteem
motivation, introjected and external motivation)
almost did not change under the influence of
gamification. The students’ amotivation
decreased under the influence of gamification.
Buckley and Doyle (2016) found an increased
motivation, namely intrinsic motivation and self-
esteem motivation, which is a type of external
self-esteem. In our study, only students intrinsic
motivation increased under the influence of
gamification, while the extrinsic one almost did
not change. All types of internal motivation are
related to the desire to learn something new,
satisfaction from solving complex problems, and
the desire to build one’s knowledge
(Sotos-Martínez et al., 2022). The use of
gamification stimulated such motives. This is
confirmed by the study of Fernandez-Rio et al.,
(2020), who found that gamification caused
positive emotions, the desire to learn, related to
the educational process. The self-esteem
motivation is related to the desire for recognition
and a sense of self-importance (Shvets et al.,
2020). Although studies have shown the positive
influence of gamification on motivation in
general and self-esteem motivation in particular
(Yang et al., 2021). It is obvious that the said
motives are not leading of students in the context
of martial law. Besides, some students noted that
they did not like the leader boards and
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
comparison of their results to the results of other
students. This is probably caused by the
increased anxiety during martial law. It increases
even more because of the failure to comply with
the requirements for oneself and own educational
The studies on the impact of gamification often
note that it has a positive effect on learning,
increases student interest, thereby improving
performance (Hassan et al., 2021). Our study is
fully consistent with these results. In our study,
students who learned with the use of gamification
noted that they liked the system of accumulating
points for completed assignments and the
progress scale. In our opinion, this gave students
an opportunity to plan their own activities and
understand to the accents to increase the number
of points.
According to Domínguez et al., (2013), the
educational process is associated with increased
students’ anxiety and, as a result, decreased
interest, indifference to the educational process.
The state of war intensifies these phenomena in
Ukrainian students, therefore the use of methods
that can improve the emotional state (Chapman
& Rich, 2018), enhance the interest in learning,
encourage the study of new material (Cruaud,
2018) is a necessity. As our study showed,
students who studied with the use of gamification
really showed decreased motivation on the
academic motivation scale, while students who
were engaged in distance learning using
traditional lectures and seminars showed
increased learning motivation.
Jati et al., (2020) noted that the improved
performance during learning with the use of
gamification is associated with a decreased fear
of receiving an unsatisfactory grade, since the
learning process is evaluated in points, which
excludes such a concept as “unsatisfactory
grade”. Our study confirms this opinion, the
majority of students in our study positively noted
the absence of unsatisfactory grades, and the
points and progress scales. In our opinion, the
absence of unsatisfactory grades reduced
students’ anxiety, and the progress scale
encouraged them to complete the assignment.
Most researchers of the application of
gamification in the educational process note an
exclusively positive impact on learning outcomes
(for example, Dehghanzadeh et al., (2021)). Our
study showed that it is necessary to clearly plan
the educational process when applying
gamification methods The reason is that a part of
the students noted that it was difficult for them to
choose a learning vector for themselves in the
absence of a correct algorithm of educational
activities. When studying the academic subject
Mathematical Methods in Biology and Medicine,
it was not strictly regulated whether the video
lecture should be watched first and then complete
the test, or it could be done simultaneously, the
student could first watch all the offered video
lectures and then complete all the assignment.
This caused difficulties for some students. In the
context of the ongoing war, these students
obviously experienced difficulties in self-
organization, therefore, planning their own
learning vector caused them difficulties.
So, we showed that the use of gamification of the
educational process during martial law had a
positive effect on learning outcomes, which is
consistent with other studies on gamification of
the educational process. However, students’
learning motivation under the influence of
gamification increased only with intrinsic
motivation and the use of gamification had no
effect on extrinsic motivation.
The educational process during martial law has
its specifics: depressed emotional state of the
participants in the educational process, technical
difficulties for timely completion of assignments
and participation in traditional seminar classes.
This creates the need to introduce methods that
will stimulate the educational activity of
students, in particular, learning motivation.
Based on the study of learning outcomes and the
academic motivation scale, we established that
the use of gamification in the educational process
had a significant impact on intrinsic motivation,
in particular, learning, achievement, and self-
development motivation. Learning amotivation
of students who studied with the use of
gamification decreased, that is, their interest in
educational activities increased. Gamification
contributed to the increased number of high
scores among students for the test exam. We
found students who had difficulties in learning
with the use of gamification. Numerous studies
found that gamification enhances students’
motivation and interest in learning. However,
these studies do not take into account students
who have problems with self-organization and
time planning, who need a clear, uniform
algorithm for studying and time regulations.
The obtained results of the impact of
gamification on learning during martial law are
intended to strengthen the teacher’s arsenal with
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
methods that enhance intrinsic learning
motivation and interest in educational material.
We found out that not all students could act in the
absence of a clear correct action algorithm. The
obtained results will help to improve studies of
such students by clearly planning the educational
process with the involvement of gamification.
Research limitations
This study is aimed at contributing knowledge to
the growing volume of information on the
creation of educational environments, increasing
the effectiveness of learning and motivation for
it. However, it has a number of limitations. These
include a short research period, a small sample,
and the lack of division into individual elements
of gamification and the study of their impact on
learning outcomes and motivation.
Prospects for further research
We plan to further expand the sample size, study
the impact of individual elements of gamification
on learning outcomes and academic motivation.
Different strategies for the application of
gamification for students with different self-
organization abilities and time management
require further studies.
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