Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.17
How to Cite:
Ibraimova, A., & Dossymbekova, R. (2023). The peculiarities of «welcoming the guests 好客 » in Kazakh and Chinese
linguoculture. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 165-172. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.17
The peculiarities of «welcoming the guests 好客 » in Kazakh and
Chinese linguoculture
Las peculiaridades de "dar la bienvenida a los invitados - 好客 " en la lingüocultura
Kazaja y China
Received: January 8, 2023 Accepted: February 12, 2023
Written by:
Anar Ibraimova75
Rauan Dossymbekova76
Deep ties between China and Kazakhstan date
back to ancient times. Starting from the ancient
period of the Huns, Yuxin and the era of the
independent Kazakh Khanate, under Abylai
Khan, relations between the Kazakhs and the
Chinese took place within the framework of
political and diplomatic relations. The
researchers’ works are limited to considering the
differences and peculiarities between the Kazakh
and Chinese languages, omitting the cultural
spectrum of bilateral exchanges. This article
describes the linguistic and cultural features of
the concept of «welcoming the guests - 好客 /
hàokè» in the Kazakh and Chinese languages.
The norms of language etiquette based on respect
and honor are used in the expression of customs
and traditions. In addition to mastering a foreign
language, knowledge of intercultural
communication has a special place in the
communication with representatives of various
countries. Any nation has its own history of
development, mentality, way of life and customs.
Proper application of the rules and laws of
language etiquette leads to a favorable and
optimal outcome of communication between the
interlocutors. The etiquette of «welcoming the
guests 好客 / hàokè» in the Kazakh and
Chinese languages refers to a set of etiquette
based on ancient customs and traditions.
Keywords: national code, linguacultural,
custom, greeting, etiquette, communication,
mentality, phenomenon.
Ph.D. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Oriental Studies Faculty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ph.D. Acting Assistant Professor Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Oriental Studies Faculty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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The national identity of any nation develops and
is formed through language and is passed down
from generation to generation through language.
The research problem is the intercultural
communication as a linguistic connection
between Kazakh and Chinese people. This is
because the communicative function of language
plays an important role in society. The
effectiveness of language communication
between people is closely linked to the level of
speech, culture and behavior of the people in that
society. And in order to communicate with
people of other nationalities in a foreign country,
it is necessary to know the customs and traditions
of the people rose in that country. The research
focus is to analyze the language etiquette that
includes greetings, farewells, thanking,
congratulations, acquaintances, apologies and
other norms in Kazakh and Chinese culture.
Researchers of etiquette in a number of countries
have claimed that the study of linguistic
communication can lead to difficulties in
language communication due to the cultural
differences of nations. The research aim is to
study the concept of of meeting guests - 好客 /
hàokè of the Chinese and Kazakh peoples; to take
into account the similarities and differences in
the mentality and traditions of the Kazakh and
Chinese peoples; to analyze the language
etiquette used when meeting guests with
Kazakhs and Chinese, to reveal the issue of the
tendency to preserve traditions in the described
In this context was conducted a typological
analysis from the perspective of ethnolinguistic,
cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, and
linguistic in the context of Kazakh/Chinese
culture using the example of the study of the
tradition of meeting guests - 好客 / hàokè.
Research questions: to show the national
mentality as well as Kazakhs and Chinese
essence, to emphasize the peculiarities
hospitality in these two cultures; to point out
similarities, as well as differences in the
mentality and traditions of Kazakhs and Chinese;
to analyze the peculiarities of the tendency to
restore ancient traditions, their original basis and
essence in both cultures.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Emphasis on teaching the culture of speech was
first made by Protagoras of Ancient Greece by
founding the art of oratory (Kizi, 2022). In
addition, this problem was developed in parallel
in Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and India. Kazakh
ethics developed thanks to the contribution of
Korkyt, his philosophy, precepts, proverbs are a
model for all Turkic peoples. A great number of
scientists analyze socio-ethical issues, namely
the concepts of mercy, kindness, conscience,
wisdom and humility in Kazakh culture from a
philosophical point of view. Many Chinese Suas
authors continue the legacy of the great thinker
of ancient China, Confucius (551-479 BC),
continuing the analysis of human personality. In
general, linguistic and cultural studies are a
separate interdisciplinary direction that was
established in the 90s of the 20th century. This
subject consists of the «dialogical» or cognitive-
pragmatic richness of language and culture. The
Kazakhs and Chinese etiquette is the main topic
of research in order to understand the culture’s
essence (Ibraimova, 2022). Kurkina & Sternin
(2018) suggest that any language consists of a
unique system of symbols of the nation; the
national feature of language etiquette is the
features of the traditions of the nation. Whereas
Leyla & Diyora (2021) noted that from the
moment a person opens the door to the world, he
hears the sounds of the future native language, as
well as the language, the environment, the
society he belongs to, and is filled with the
information of its culture, value system, morals,
and actions. Kazakh scientist Sakaeva (2018)
mentioned that the rules of language etiquette
contribute to successful and harmonious
communication. In this context the researcher
Morphy (2020) underlines that the main indicator
of national identity is the main part of the Kazakh
spiritual culture, etiquette is the quintessence of
the Kazakh mentality. The life, history,
psychology, customs and way of life of the
people are clearly visible in that language. In
addition, Xafizovna (2021) noted that language
etiquette is a stable form of language
communication formed by the culture, mentality
and traditions of the people. Ge (2022), a
researcher of Chinese etiquette, considered
language etiquette to be the key to the
establishment of social harmony in the country,
the establishment of a civilized and polite
language, the bridge of thoughts and feelings
used in all spheres of social life. From the
opinions of researchers, one can see that the role
of language etiquette in human society is
important, but also closely related to the
traditions, nature, culture and way of life of the
Ibraimova, A., Dossymbekova, R. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 165-172 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Research methodology In the course of writing
the article, analysis, description, historical,
comparative and empirical research methods
were used in relation to the peculiarities of the
«welcoming the guests» etiquette in the Kazakh
and Chinese linguoculture. The methods of
analysis were used while working related
scientific works, the description was used in
examples data, historical analysis helped to
understand the cross cultural ties between two
different cultures, comparative and empirical as
well as social research was kept during the two
cultures comparison depending on the specifics
of the concept of «welcoming the guests - 好客 /
hàokè» in the Kazakh and Chinese languages. In
addition, the theory and practice of
communication in the field of sociology,
linguistics related to the problems of human
relations were considered. The main research
method is descriptive and verbal-communicative
methods. Using these methods, one conducted a
study to identify similarities and differences
between the etiquette of the Kazakh and Chinese
peoples in terms of national traditions and
mentality, and represented a number of
Results and Discussion
The norms of etiquette in any nation are based on
the national history, culture and traditions of the
people, the factors of life. That is, the topic of
etiquette is closely related to the way of life and
environment of the people, lifestyle or the
sciences of history, geography, ethnography,
cultural studies, linguistics, theology, sociology
and philosophy. Therefore, this topic requires
interdisciplinary research.
The topic of etiquette in society dates back to
ancient times. The reason for its emergence is
based on the moral principles of «mutual
respect» in society. From ancient times, people
have believed in the existence of supernatural
powers, such as gods, demons, and ghosts, and
worshiped God. At the same time, they were
sacrificing for the sake of their descendants. The
Chinese believed in the concept of « 立于
源于 / jìng ér yuányú » associated
with ghosts, meaning that «the ceremony is based
on reverence and begins with sacrifice». This is
the meaning of the Kazakh saying, «People
won’t be prosperous, until the dead are satisfied».
Respect for the ancestors means respect for the
elders and our ancestors. On the basis of this we
can see the etiquette of the Kazakh people,
respect for the upbringing and child’s respect for
the parents. And the worship of the ancestral
spirit and obedience to God is the only
manifestation of the national spirit and religion,
traditions and etiquette of the Kazakh people.
This tradition has long been ingrained in the
customs and traditions of the Kazakh people and
passed down from generation to generation.
According to the ancient history of the Chinese
people, in the 13th century BC, during the reigns
of Yao and Shun in the ancient country of 华夏 /
huáxià, family members, in particular, father’s
sincerity, mother’s, brother’s and friend's
kindness, respect for the younger, respect for the
elder, and five specific rules of honoring the
child’s father regulated communication and
speech of family members (Du et al., 2019). He
also expressed the love and respect of the
tribesmen for each other during hunting and
farming, based on these principles. From this
period, the positions of rulers and subordinates,
men and women in feudal society were
determined by the rules of etiquette in
accordance with the hierarchical order. Etiquette
is used to establish or maintain a respectful and
polite relationship between a person and society.
The rules of etiquette cover all aspects of public
life, in particular: greeting, farewell, giving
thanks, hospitality, and traditions. The tradition
of «welcoming the guests - 好客 / hàokè» has a
special place in human life. However, the main
reason for the study is the peculiarities,
similarities and differences in the development of
the Kazakh and Chinese peoples in accordance
with the national history, language and mentality,
customs and traditions.
Hospitality in ancient times emerged in
particular, during the first community building,
due to the needs for human life, hunting and other
factors caused by grouping. The tradition of
hospitality is a widespread public institution that
provides hospitality and respect for guests
(Eskazinova & Smagulova 2020).
Kazakhs and Chinese welcome guests with
special enthusiasm, generosity, open arms, are
loyal to friendship, and are kind and friendly
people. The Kazakh and Chinese people have a
long tradition of hospitality and want to spend
any holiday with their families and relatives.
However, there are similarities and differences in
the hospitality of these nations. It can be said that
almost all types of language etiquette are used in
the etiquette of hospitality in the Kazakh and
Chinese societies.
Linguistic communication is carried out within
the given components. The addressee composes
a certain text and sends a message, and the
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addresser understands the text, that is, receives
the message (Jalilbayli, 2022). The addresser
understands and accepts the meaning of the text.
And the text is the connecting part between the
addresser and the addressee (Erton, 2020). This
is because through the exchange of ideas, people
in society can share their ideas and thoughts, use
the circles and methods of greetings in
accordance with ethnic traditions, and further
develop the theme of dialogue, combining
languages and skills. In particular, in the process
of language communication between the host
(addresser) and guests (addressee) - language
norms of invitation, greeting, farewell, giving
thanks, apology, giving a present, and
congratulation are fully realized. The language
etiquette in relation to the tradition of
«welcoming the guests - 好客 / hàokè» can be
divided into three categories (Тab. 1):
Table 1.
Etiquette categories
Categories of «welcoming the guests - 好客 / hàokè» in Kazakhstan:
1. Norms of language etiquette for welcoming guests;
2. Norms of language etiquette used in the reception of guests;
3. Norms of language etiquette used when seeing off guests.
Source: Formed based on the author's analysis
The etiquette of welcoming guests develops
depending on the internal and external factors of
the population. For example, the Kazakh
tradition of «welcoming the guests - 好客 /
hàokè» appeared during the nomadic period. The
Kazakh people welcomed visitors with great
respect and hospitality. The Kazakh tradition of
welcoming guests is based on improving the
relationship between brothers, relatives, in-laws,
friends, peers, based on morality and humility,
increasing solidarity and maintaining social
integrity. The tradition of hospitality begins with
the etiquette of welcoming a guest, that is,
greetings and meeting, continues with wishes and
ends with farewell.
Kazakh tradition of welcoming the guests from
linguoculturological point of view
Kazakhs have put special attention to the
tradition of «welcoming the guests - 好客 /
hàokè» from ancient times. The addressee, that is
a host, when the guest comes to the house, he
interprets it as «when a guest comes, a prosperity
comes», «God will deliver the guest's share», «if
a good guest comes, a sheep has twins» - One can
see the special attention Kazakh people paid to
the tradition of welcoming guest in an excerpt
from the poem «Kazakh and Guest» by Kadyr
The life spent without guests
and celebrations
is not a life for Kazakh people.
This is your Kazakh elder brother
and brother.
He dreamed of free society.
It is a burden for him
to leave among people
and not to communicate with them (Kadyr,
In this poem we can see that the Kazakh people
uphold and glorify the tradition of hospitality.
The hospitality culture of the Kazakh people is
rich in traditions. In Kazakhs, the types of guests
are divided into «God’s» and «special». An
uninvited or traveling guest is called a guest of
God, and a guest invited to a party is called a
special guest. The Kazakh people welcomed any
guest with open arms. And special guests are
invited by the hosts because of the joy in the
family. The Kazakh people are very rich in
traditions. Since the Kazakhs opened the door to
the world, they had special celebrations such as
«childbirth celebration», «cutting the cord»,
«circumcision», «first word», «wedding»,
«birthday», «anniversary», «housewarming» and
continue to celebrate it nowadays.
The Kazakh people have always considered the
shanyrak, the threshold and the cradle sacred.
This is because the house starts from the
threshold, and rises with shanyrak, and grows
generations in the cradle. The house where one
makes fire is a holy place for him. Therefore,
respect for one's home begins with greeting the
family. For example:
If you greet a guest
By shaking his hand,
It is the first sign of honor.
And if you offer him bid-rains,
This is the second sign of honor.
And if you open the door
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
And lay the blanket,
This is the third sign of honor - said Aidabol poet
(Akhmetova, 2005).
The tradition of welcoming the guests for Kazakh
people starts with «greeting» etiquette. In the
process of language communication the host, that
is an addresser not only applies the rules of
receiving guests, but also uses linguistic norms of
«welcoming the guests 好客/ hàokè» and says
«Welcome!» «Make yourself at home! », «Sit at
the table», «Let your steps fill with light», «Let
every step you made fills with flowers», «Was it
a tiring journey? », «Did you encounter any
problems? ». One of the reasons for this
communication is to make guests feel
comfortable. And the guests as addressees
express their satisfaction spending on the reason
for celebration in the following ways:
«Congratulations!, Let your intentions be
positive!» on a child birth «Let a baby be
strong!, Let he be a big man!», «I wish him good
health!», «Be happy!»; for the child’s joy
«Dream big!, Live long!», «Let him be a
significant citizen of his country and his people»;
for a wedding «Let the married couple be
happy!», «Let them have grandchildren»; for
house warming «Let your house be full with
children and wealth», «Let your house be full of
joy!»; on an anniversary «Live long!», «Let
you live a long life!».
And the Chinese are people who have lived a
sedentary lifestyle since ancient times, and lived
their lives based on their own experience and
work. In China, the custom of «Welcoming the
guests - 好客 / hàokè» originated in the time of
Confucius, and the Chinese still follow this rule.
There are several functions linguistic etiquette
has in people’s communication in society
(Tab. 2):
Table 2.
Etiquette categories
Categories of «welcoming the guests - 好客 / hàokè» in China:
1. To establish a connection. Linguistic etiquette leads to acquaintance with the interlocutor, his
attention, communication, collection of some information; 2. To keep the communication going. It leads to the functions in the modern society such as giving
thanks, apologizing, greeting, requesting which are necessary for communication in modern society; 3. To order the actions of people in society. They oder the linguistic communication among people and
display their roles in society
Source from: (Meirmanova, Khatran & Kabdoldina, 2020)
A common feature of these functions is that they
do not cause embarrassment or tension between
people in society through the application of the
rules of etiquette, and, if possible, a peaceful
solution, Usmanova, S. (2022). It is also true that
language is a mirror of the worldview, customs
and traditions, religion and culture of the people,
the nation. In the field of linguistics, language is
considered not only as a means of
communication, but also as a form of informing
about the history, customs and culture of each
nation or people.
Chinese tradition of welcoming the guests from
linguoculturological point of view
From ancient times, the Chinese have associated
national values with verbal communication
between subjects. The role of the «principle of
respect» in Chinese culture in language
communication is very important. Etiquette
should be based on strengthening the friendly
relationship between the communicator and the
recipient. In ancient times, Zhao Gong's ritual
record states, When Zi Tai Shu saw Zhao Jian
Tzu, he asked him about the ceremony of
greeting and communicating with each other. He
says it is an official tradition, not a ceremony.
«Excuse me, what is the ceremony? » - The late
Dafu Tzu Chan said, «The ceremony is based on
the movement of the sky, the order on earth and
the actions of the people». If the movement of the
sky and the earth is in constant motion, and the
people follow it as an example, they will live in
harmony. And if they are used inappropriately,
then everyone's place will change and the people
will lose their natural qualities (Erton, 2020).
According to many researchers, the traditions of
ancient society are based on the principles of
ethics and procedure. In order to increase the
compatibility of communication between people,
it is necessary to follow the code and criteria of
language communication. This is because in the
process of communication, a person with a pure
heart is friendly to the interlocutors.
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The Chinese people are a hospitable nation. If we
explore Chinese proverbs on hospitality such as
«重要的客人最好的位置 / Zhòngyào de kèrén
zuìhǎo de wèizhi An importan geust takes an
honorable place», «
/ Yǒu péng yuǎnfāng lái, bù yì ?
Won’t you greet your best friend with ajoy after
a long journey?” or «客人越多闻越多 /
rén yuè duō , xīnn yuè duō The more
guests you welcome, the more news you have»,
we will see the high respect for guest.
The Chinese should agree with the host in
advance before visiting, only the best friends can
be visited by people without a special invitation.
And if you can't go, you need to warn the
homeowners. Before crossing the threshold, it is
necessary to knock on the door and wait for the
hosts to greet those (Bikmullina & Zamaletdinov,
2020). Homeowners carefully prepare for the
reception of guests. And if the guest crosses the
threshold for the first time, they should get
acquainted with family members. Hosts that are
addressers greet the guests the following way «
们好!/ men hǎo! Hello!», «欢迎,欢迎!
/ Huānyíng, huānyíng! Welcome! ». Or «
欢迎你们! / men huānyíng men!
Welcome! », «请进!/ Qǐngjìn! Come in!», «
见到你 / Jiàndào men
hěn gāoxìng! I am glad to see you! », «路上辛
苦了/ shang xīnkǔ le ma? Was it a
tiring journey? », «诸位请入席! / Zwèi qǐng
! Please, take your seats! »«请就坐吧! /
Qǐng jiùzuò ! Have a seat! » «希望你能感
觉象在自己家里一样!/ wàng néng
gǎnjué xiàng zài jiā yàng! Make
yourself at home!» «请您坐舒服些; 请随便
! / Qǐngnín zuò shūfu xiē; Qǐng suíbiànzuò!
Please feel free! » (Konyratbayeva et al., 2021).
These traditions are a special tribute of the hosts
to the guests, that is, a special care for the guests
to feel at home. There are the other usual ways of
greeting «们好!/men hǎo Hello!», «
上好!/ Zǎoshanghǎo! Good Morning!», «
上好!/ Wǎnshàng hǎo Good Evening!», «
/ Bùyào kèqi! Make yourself at
home!». And the guests, that is addressees reply
to hosts: «们好!/ men hǎo Hello!», «
谢谢/ Xièxie Thank you!» «我也很
兴同你们见面!/ Wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng tóng men
jiànmiàn! I am glad to meet you!» and shake
hands (Pae et al., 2021). In the given situations
we see that the norms of etiquette take place in
the process of communication between the
According to Mamasheva et al., (2021) Kazakh
hospitality is highly valued not only by our
writers, but also by other people. Zogg (2019)
described Kazakh people as people that will feed
the guest even if they are hungry themselves and
will give the last piece of meat to them, is very
hospitable and hungry Kazakhs. While
Zohirjonovna (2022) noted that Kazakhs are not
only brave, but also humble to strangers, and
consider it a great shame to offend a guest.
Sinologists share their thoughts about China and
their national features of communication. Having
compared the national characteristics of the
Kazakh and Chinese peoples described in the
researcher's work, the etiquette is closely related
to the sciences of psychology and
ethnolinguistics, especially the researcher was
able to describe the Kazakh people’s hospitality
and sincerity despite any hardships they
experience, and the Chinese people’s try to
achieve their goals by smiling and talking. From
this one can see the peculiarities of the national
identity of peoples formed between society and
the individual. In this context (Bondarenko et al.,
2021) underlines that after welcoming the guests,
the rules of language etiquette between the host
and the guest, that is the addresser and the
addressee, are further implemented. The Kazakh
people, like the Chinese, have paid special
attention to hospitality, trying to entertain guests
by placing them at the table. However, the most
important place for Kazakh guests is the table.
From ancient times, the table was the
«educational school» for every Kazakh shanyrak.
According to the Kazakh tradition, respect for
adults has a special place. In this regard, first
adults and then young people sit at the table.
According to Kazakh etiquette, young people do
not reach for the table unless an adult starts
eating. In comparison with the Kazakh tradition
which is based on ancient ancestral traditions,
writes that the Chinese follow the Confucian
trend, gathering with family members to share
good news and taste meals. Du et al., (2019)
analyze the ritual of drinking tea in everyday life
and at celebrations, in China. Hospitality is a
linguistic expression of the traditions, national
values and culture of each nation. The peculiarity
of the Kazakh people from ancient times in
hospitality is their cheerfulness and generosity.
Kazakhs warmly welcomed the guest. This
quality of the Kazakhs is in the fact that the
ancestors brought up the child in a pluralistic
way. Because the Kazakh people never knew
how to be separated, no matter what decision
they made and planned, they consulted with their
relatives. This quality is passed down from
generation to generation at the genetic level,
which is unique to the Kazakh people. From this
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
we see that behavioral stereotypes affect the
nature and mentality of the nation. In addition,
the Kazakh people warmly welcomed and
escorted guests at any time, no matter how many
people came (Eskazinova & Smagulova, 2020).
Although the Kazakh and Chinese traditions of
hospitality are similar, there are many
differences. For example, the Kazakh and
Chinese people’s wish their congratulations and
best wishes to the owners of joy. This tradition is
also preserved in the Kazakh people. However,
in addition to the good wishes of the Kazakh
people, the tradition of «blessing» is a tradition
of heartfelt gratitude and appreciation, which has
been preserved since ancient times. Blessings
come in many forms. In this context Ge (2022)
describes how Chinese people welcome their
guests. They do it thoroughly and at the same
time they are good listeners. However, the
Chinese people differ from the Kazakh tradition
of «steppe etiquette» - they follow the culture of
Confucius, among other things, in welcoming,
and the main purpose of the teachings of the
Great Philosopher is to promote moral and
ethical values. However, the Chinese do not lack
the ability to listen carefully to guests and try to
get interesting information from them. The
Chinese tradition of morality is considered to be
the main way for people to achieve personal
success, self-development, social harmony and
cultural achievements (Ibraimova, 2022). In
Kazakh nation, the host does not separate the
guests and treats them regardless of their color or
position. The guest in both Kazakh and Chinese
nations should know the rules of being a guest; it
can be seen from the meaning of the Chinese
proverb « 乡随俗 / xiāng suí ». And
there is a similar Kazakh proverb «A guest rules
a bad house». Although the history and origins of
the life and works of the two peoples are
different, it is clear that their concept and outlook
on life are the same. In other words, this is
evidence that the guest who came to the house
was modest and timid.
All types of etiquette language cause the
occurrence of sciences such as ethnolinguistics,
cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics and
lingua cultural studies by taking into
consideration the people who speak that
language and their history, everyday life
activities and culture, their spiritual soul reflected
in customs and traditions passed from generation
to generation, mentality and history. In the study
of the tradition «Welcoming the guests - 好客 /
hàokè» one discussed the national mentality and
essence of the Kazakh and Chinese people, the
peculiarities of hospitality. In the study of the
concept of «hospitality - oke / haoke» of the
Chinese and Kazakh peoples, we considered that
the Kazakh and Chinese peoples have similarities
as well as differences in mentality and traditions.
While studying the topic, we saw that the
Chinese are different from the Kazakhs in
welcoming the guests. In other words, we
considered the language norms used in the
etiquette of the Kazakh and Chinese people in the
etiquette of greeting, welcoming, respecting,
honoring, thanking, and saying goodbye to
guests. A common issue in the mentality of the
Kazakh and Chinese people is the importance of
knowing their role, the role of the young and the
old, the young and the senior. In contrast, the
Kazakh «hospitality» tradition is a legacy of
steppe civilization, passed down from father to
son. The Kazakh people divide the guest into
several types: special guest, god guest, relative
guest and uninvited guest. However, the Kazakhs
welcomed any guest with open arms. In this
regard, the language etiquette used in welcoming
guests of the Kazakh and Chinese people is
different. This is because the language norms of
«welcoming guests - 好客 / hàokè» are based on
national traditions. And tradition is a complex
phenomenon formed in society. Tradition is a
phenomenon that has been formed and developed
over the centuries, based on the principles and
laws of any nation. Every nation must not only
preserve the cultural heritage and traditions of its
nation, but also further develop it. However, over
time, these traditions have their own features and
are renewed, but they must not lose their original
basis and essence.
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