Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.5
How to Cite:
Tolochko, S., Bordіug, N., Mironets, L., Mozul, I., Tanasiichuk, I. (2023). Forming ecological culture in educational applicants
within the context of modern education. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.5
Forming ecological culture in educational applicants within the context
of modern education
Формування екологічної культури здобувачів освіти в умовах сучасної освіти
Received: January 3, 2023 Accepted: February 15, 2023
Written by:
Svitlana Tolochko17
Nataliia Borug18
Liudmyla Mironets19
Iryna Mozul20
Iuliia Tanasiichuk21
The article reveals the foundations of the
formation of the ecological culture of youth. The
most important function of culture is highlighted.
Taking into account the latest global trends, it is
claimed that the formation of ecological culture
among young people is gaining importance. The
article notes that culture consists of four main
elements. Each of these components plays a
significant role in creating a cultural image and
providing environmental education for
specialists. Digitization of education is an
undeniable requirement of modern times. The
current system of education and science must
undergo major digital changes and meet the
global trends of digital development so that every
person can successfully realize his potential. The
article defines the main goal of open education.
Features of open education are quality,
excellence, accessibility, flexibility and
creativity. In this system, the learning process
becomes open and creative, free access to
information resources, freedom of choice, an
individualized approach are ensured, conditions
are created for joint creative mastering of the
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Extracurricular Education Institute of Problems
on Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Tecnologies, Zhytomyr Politechnic State
University, Ukraine.
PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Teaching Methods of Biology, Sumy State
Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education,
Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
PhD, Lecturer of Medical and Biological Fundamentals of Physical Culture Department, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical
University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
world in the formation of the ecological culture
of the students of education. We are lighted up
the principles of the educational policy of digital
Keywords: education seekers, open education,
digitalization, culture, ecological culture.
Informatization of society contributes to the
solution of a large number of urgent tasks, among
which the issue of the introduction of open
education takes place both at the global level and
in individual countries and regions. Scientific
and practical interest in the phenomenon of open
education is associated with new educational
opportunities, namely, deepening
democratization. This is flexibility in the
organization of the educational process,
individualization of education, deepening and
expansion of the source and information base of
educational and scientific projects, etc.
(Leshchenko & Yatsyshyn, 2014).
In order for each person to be able to successfully
realize their abilities, the modern system of
education and science must undergo thorough
digital changes and correspond to the global
trends of digital development. Thus,
digitalization of education is an indisputable
requirement of modern times (Ivashev et al.,
The issues of the formation of ecological culture
and health-preserving practices of young people
do not depart from economic and political
phenomena that vividly reflect the contradictions
of our society. One of the urgent tasks of
pedagogical science is to provide the future
specialist with knowledge of ecological culture
regarding the requirements for professional
activity. In order to form an ecological culture of
education seekers, a modern approach to the
problems of raising the personality of a new
formation, a healthy, mobile, competitive,
morally mature, professionally cultured
specialist ready for active life in the conditions of
modern educational phenomena is needed. This
requires open education and digitalization. It is
not easy to organize high-quality training of
specialists with the aim of forming an ecological
culture of education seekers using digital
technologies, for this it is necessary to inspire and
motivate the participants of the educational
process, to solve various technical problems.
Therefore, in the current conditions, open
education and acquired experience in the use of
new information and communication
technologies, distance learning, mastering the
relevant skills and personal competencies acquire
a special significance (Osadchuk, 2022).
The purpose. To reveal the foundations of the
formation of ecological culture of educational
applicants in the context of modern educational
phenomena: open education and digitalization.
Literature Review
M. Leshchenko, A. Yatsyshyn (2014) considered
the historical basics for the appearance of the
type "open education", they generalized the
scientific literature to compare the position of
scientists regarding the content of the idea of
"open education", examined the genesis of using
this concept. In adidition, recognized the key
problems of the progress of the open education
system, acceptable the convenience of using
open education technologies in the educational
development, measured capable instructions for
realizing elements of open education.
Ye. Ivashev, O. Sakhno, V. Hriadushchna,
A. Denisova, A. Lukiianchuk, S. Udovyk
substantiated conceptual research plans
reflecting the content of digitization and its
purpose in the development of education. The
Tolochko, S., Bordіug, N., Mironets, L., Mozul, I., Tanasiichuk, I. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 41-50 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
article presents a model of the development of
digital competence of teachers of professional
(vocational and technical) education institutions.
The authors indicated plans for the application of
various digital technologies in the educational
process, as well as the introduction of elective
courses and short-term thematic author's courses
into the educational process of improving the
qualifications of teachers of professional
(vocational and technical) education institutions
(Ivashev et al., 2021).
І. Maistryuk I. & N. Ponomaryova (2022)
considered the issue of introducing innovative
pedagogical technologies in digital schools, such
as the following topics: prospects for the
development of education in a digital society,
innovations in education, and information and
communication technologies in modern
T. P. Gerasimyk-Chernova (2021) devotes her
research to the problems of ensuring
digitalization of the educational process under
martial law; discussion of issues related to the
development of digital competence of teachers
and applicants for education in vocational
education institutions, the acquisition of digital
literacy skills and digital culture.
V. Osadchuk (2022) carried out a historical
analysis of the development of open education,
analyzed its strengths and weaknesses. The
scientist positions open education as a modern
educational technology, a factor of anticipatory
development of society, aimed at helping
people's openness to knowledge. The author
studied the urgent issues of the use of
information technologies, as well as their
implementation in the educational process of
educational institutions that provide educational
services both in the context of traditional and
distance learning. He emphasizes that open
universities have both advantages over the
traditional education system and their
vulnerabilities, while creating a set of
perspectives for improving the quality of
O. Bida, T. Zorochkina, I. Oros, O. Kuchai, A.
Chichuk & T. Kuchai (2021) studied the problem
of ecological culture development of educational
applicants and expressed, concretized and
methodically corroborated pedagogical
situations for real health-saving activities of
students in the educational process of educational
Xiaoming Yi (2019) emphasizes that: «two
outcomes of ecological education through
esthetic engagement in schools: students acquire
rich and full esthetic experiences through whole-
body involvement in the natural environment and
students' art-making promotes conversation
between their esthetic experiences, art creation,
and ecological ethics».
Z. Alimin, N. Warnandi, R, Akhlan, &
E. Ratnengsih (2019) believed that: «the
objectives of the study to find out the
implementation of inclusive education have an
impact on the expansion of learning access for all
children in the context of compulsory education,
recognizing the objective conditions of inclusive
education implementation from the perspective
of cultural approaches, policies and practice of
inclusive education».
A. Hoffmann, & L.L.P. Sobrinho (2022) show in
the article recommendation to examine
Environmental Education as an instrument of
environmental and ecological sustainability.
S. Findlow (2019) notes that: «…a critical
framework integrating Capability, Feminist and
Critical Pedagogic theories to challenge the
reductive focus within sustainability discourses
on the physical environment, and education’s
typical development’ focus on economic
P. Kubiznak, W. Hochachka, V. Osoba,
T. Kotek, J. Kuchar, V. Klapetek, K. Hradcova,
J. Ruzicka, & M. Zarybnicka (2019) shows that:
«…purpose-designed systems, applying features
found in Internet-of-Things devices, enable more
efficient gathering, managing, and disseminating
of a diverse array of data needed to study the life
histories of wild animals».
Q. Jian (2020) believed that: «due to advances in
technology and the advent of many inventions,
many factories have emerged, causing many
environmental problems».
For the research, a set of methods was used in
particular: analysis of philosophical,
pedagogical, psychological literature, synthesis,
comparison, generalization for the study of
scientific literature, to compare the positions of
scientists regarding the content of the concept of
"open education"; to determine the importance of
open education in the process of digitalization of
educational and pedagogical space.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
At the stage of formation of an environmental
problem, methods that stimulate independent
activity play an important role. The tasks are
aimed at identifying contradictions in the
interaction of society and nature, at forming a
problem and generating ideas about the way to
solve it, taking into account the concept of the
studied subject. Discussions stimulate
educational activities, promoting the
manifestation of the applicants' personal attitude
to problems, familiarization with real
environmental conditions, and the search for
opportunities to solve them.
The theoretical and methodological basis is the
philosophical propositions about the general
connection and interdependence of nature, man
and society; cultural approach to interaction in
the "man-nature" system; psychological and
pedagogical concepts about the leading role of
activity in the formation and development of
personality; concepts of environmental education
and upbringing; ideas of personally oriented
education; the concept of problem-based
developmental learning; the main provisions of
the competence approach in education.
The methodological basis of the research was
made up of various approaches that define
activity as the leading condition for full-fledged
personality development in the educational
process and allow considering the person of the
future specialist in the context of subject-subject
educational relations as a subject of professional
development; interdisciplinary and systemic
approaches that contribute to the construction of
the educational process on the basis of
continuity, integrity and system; a complex of
philosophical, natural, psychological and
pedagogical concepts of the interaction of society
and nature; principles of humanization and
humanization of higher education.
In the field of knowledge, there is a rethinking of
the theoretical, methodological and conceptual
foundations of the formation of the ecological
culture of the individual. Natural and active
concepts of ecological culture appear. Studies on
the development of a typological approach in the
field of ecology, environmental culture and
environmental education have shown that the
cognitive paradigm is evolving from a classical
(biological) understanding of the essence of the
concept of "ecological" to an operational one.
The methodological analysis made it possible to
distinguish two types of environmental culture of
the individual: natural and active. The natural-
scientific type of ecological culture of the
individual is characterized by "classical" ideas
about the essence of ecological activity. For the
most part, they are reduced to a biological
approach to the study of environmental issues.
The active type of environmental culture of the
individual is a modern methodology for solving
environmental problems in society. All the
above-mentioned problems are considered by us
in the article.
Results and Discussion
Taking into account modern world trends, the
formation of ecological culture among young
people is of primary importance. We will show
the main advantages of forming an ecological
culture of youth in the context of open education
and digitalization. We would like to note that
culture consists of four main elements:
Concepts (found mostly in language; thanks
to them, people's experience can be
Relationships (they not only distinguish
certain parts of the world with the help of
ideologies, but also show how these
components are related to each other: in
space and time, in meaning, on the basis of
causal conditioning.
Values (generally accepted beliefs about the
goals to which a person should strive. They
form the basis of moral provisions.
Rules and regulations (these elements
regulate the actions of people in accordance
with the values of a certain culture (Horbach
et al., 2019).
Each of these components plays an extremely
important role in creating the cultural image and
environmental education of applicants for
education. Culture, like any other social
phenomenon, performs certain functions in
public life, is a complex of subjectivations and
objectivations that must necessarily be
assimilated in the process of cross-cultural
education and used in everyday orientation. The
most important function of culture is that it is the
way in which societies solve global problems in
the context of modern educational phenomena:
open education and digitalization.
Taking into account modern world trends, the
main modern problems of education and nature
protection are of particular importance in
Ukraine, so the preparation of future specialists
for environmental education, and the formation
of ecological culture among applicants for
education is an urgent problem in the activities of
educational institutions and requires new
approaches to its optimal solution. The
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
ecological culture of future specialists can
contribute to the transformation of humanity
from a consumer lifestyle to a lean and
restorative one (Akseonova, Varetska, Klopov &
Bida, 2020).
It is very important to bring environmental
education as close as possible to everyday life
to promote the awareness of humanity that their
everyday activities affect the ecological state of
the immediate environment, as well as to form a
culture and thinking that would help them in any
situation to evaluate their own activities from the
point of view of environmental expediency.
An important component of the ecological
culture of a specialist is the valeological
component, which provides for the preservation
and promotion of human health, which to a
certain extent depends on the ecolological state
of the environment.
Health has always been a major factor in the
nation's security. Health should be one of the
results of education, one of the main foundations
of modern society. Today, there is a need to
create an educational innovation system that
would not only educate an educated cultured
person, but also preserve his health.
Work on the formation of an ecological culture
of educational applicants should combine two
interrelated components:
1) their acceptance of healthy lifestyle values
(propaganda component);
2) their acquisition of knowledge and
acquisition of skills and abilities necessary
for independent fulfillment of requirements
and transfer of knowledge to students in
future professional activities (content,
information and practical planes).
The study of the state of the problem of the
formation of ecological culture of educational
applicants in modern scientific research allows
us to formulate, concretize and scientifically
substantiate the pedagogical conditions for
effective health-saving activities of students in
the educational process of educational
institutions, namely a value attitude to the
preservation and promotion of health; mastering
the health values necessary in socio-personal,
mental and physical terms to increase the
effectiveness of professional education and
further effective professional activitie. In
addition, implementation of a systematic solution
to the problem of preserving and strengthening
health in educational, informational and
behavioral terms; differentiated and individual
selection of the content, forms and methods of
forming the ecological culture of educational
applicants, taking into account the characteristics
of the student population. Moreover,
development of a system of software and
methodological support for the problem of
forming the ecological culture of educational
applicants, the development of a complex of
methodological and organizational measures for
the implementation of this problem;
consideration and implementation of recreational
and rehabilitation prospects and capabilities of
the body (Bida, Chychuk, Kuchai, Honcharuk &
Kuchai, 2022; Bida, Zorochkina, Oros, Kuchai,
Chychuk & Kuchai, 2021).
In the XXI century, thanks to the development of
information technologies that provide fast,
universal and remote access to information and
knowledge, new information and pedagogical
technologies have emerged that form the basis
for a qualitatively new development of the
phenomenon of open education. The
development of the category "open education"
begins with definitions describing a democratic,
individualized, flexible process of obtaining
knowledge, which is provided, first of all, by the
purposeful activity of the teacher and the
management of the educational institution. At the
present stage, the application of this category in
the vast majority of cases is associated with ICT,
in particular cloud technologies, thanks to the use
of which the availability, individualization and
flexibility of training is realized (Leshchenko &
Yatsyshyn, 2014).
Therefore, open education is an integral part of
informatization of society, reflects the general
trend of consistent transition of educational
processes from one state to another, the
formation of the defining information and
communication basis for the development of
education and is necessary in the formation of the
ecological culture of educational applicants.
The main purpose of open education is to prepare
applicants for full and effective participation in
public and professional life in the information
society. Features of open education include
quality, advanced character, accessibility,
flexibility, creativity. In this system, the learning
process becomes open and creative, free access
to information resources, freedom of choice, an
individualized approach are provided, and
conditions for joint creative development of the
world are created in the formation of the
ecological culture of educational applicants.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Open education in the formation of the ecological
culture of educational applicants ensures
continuity of learning throughout life, changes in
the nature of relations between participants in
educational activities, efficiency and
accessibility in obtaining knowledge. Open
education, integrating all the valuable things that
science has developed, reflecting the truly
democratic and humanistic orientation of the
educational process, is the dominant feature of
the civilizational development of society
(Leshchenko & Yatsyshyn, 2014).
Today, the interpretation of the terms "openness"
and "open education" in pedagogical theory and
practice is characterized by a variety of
approaches (synergistic, anthropological, and
systemic) to the disclosure of their essence. It is
in an open system that you can express your
personal opinion, choose your life path, and build
your own career. Providing freedom for such
choices means giving a person the opportunity to
receive education without external restrictions.
In an open education system, citizens who have
difficulties in obtaining an education or who have
not previously had basic or vocational education
should have a real opportunity to study. Today, a
cultural picture of the world has replaced the
principles of the mechanical picture of the world,
and the defining trend of the modern educational
process should be integration, where the ideas
and principles of synergetics have become the
basis for holistic perception and awareness of the
surrounding world. The informatization of
education will raise the educational process in the
formation of the ecological culture of educational
applicants to the level of active social creativity,
and this will expand the opportunities for Human
Development and contribute to the integration
and transformation of various kinds of
information in an open information and
educational environment.
Elements of open education can be actively used
in the formation of the ecological culture of
educational applicants in distance education and
lifelong learning; information and
communication technologies make it possible not
only to tell, but also to demonstrate clearly,
modeling a certain situation, which will give
positive results in the short term. In addition,
electronic publications will promote access to
more educational materials (digital formats of
textbooks, methodological materials for the
formation of the ecological culture of educational
applicants, which is much cheaper and freely
available). This ensures a higher level of system
transparency and achieves higher quality
indicators (Leshchenko & Yatsyshyn, 2014).
Open education can expand the educational
opportunities of a person in the formation of
ecological culture and create a qualitative level
of openness and unity of the learning system at
all levels, namely, in all types and varieties of
internal and external communications. This is the
connection between society and the state and the
education system as a whole and specific
educational institutions, and internal
communications include the connection between
teacher and teacher; student and student; teacher
and student; school administration and teacher
and student.
Collective participation in the process of forming
the ecological culture of educational applicants is
created thanks to a variety of dialogue systems
that allow you to communicate in real time, in
particular: e-mail, video conferences, and chats.
For example, Swedish teachers use "electronic
blackboards" (www.sisweb.com/math-
/whiteboard/), newsgroups
(www.peg.apc.org/iearn/-works.htm), video
conferences (www.ascusc.org/jcmc), special
programs: collaborative and multimedia learning
environment (www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/edtech)
and integrated information environment
(www.kie.berkeley.edu/KIE) (Leshchenko &
Yatsyshyn, 2014).
In connection with the digitalization of
education, the role of individual elements in the
content of components of the ecological culture
of educational applicants is changing and new
elements are appearing. Therefore, for example,
in the motivational and value component, the
importance of awareness of the value of self-
education increases. In the content and
procedural component a special place is
occupied by the skills of using information and
communication technologies and media literacy.
In the control and reflexive component to plan
your own educational and cognitive activities
and manage them using automated control and
diagnostic tools, etc. (Maistryuk &
Ponomaryova, 2022).
Digital information and communication
technologies in the formation of the ecological
culture of educational applicants replace, no
matter how sad it may be to state, the book and
the printed word as the dominant carrier of an
information resource. Each new method of
information dissemination makes the challenge
to society its own, unexpected yesterday,
opportunities for storing and transmitting
information, for which it is necessary to develop
new structures and methods of management.
According to smartphones and laptops, today
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
there is a strong technological development,
which is characterized as "digitization",
"automation" and "networking". Almost any data
can be converted to digital format, their number
is almost unlimited due to a variety of storage
options (therefore, publicity about the excess of
information is spreading more and more loudly).
Thanks to networks, stored data is instantly
processed automatically and instantly becomes
available to the whole world. All this
simultaneously leads to changes and creates a
wave of new challenges.
The implementation of the digital development
educational policy is based on the following
openness consists in providing open access
to departmental data (information), unless
otherwise established by law;
transparency - consists in ensuring the
possibility of using open external interfaces
to departmental information systems,
including application programming
reusable - consists in ensuring an open
interagency exchange of solutions and their
technological neutrality and data portability
- is to ensure access to departmental services
and data and reuse regardless of
technologies or their products;
citizen orientation consists in ensuring
priority consideration of the needs and
expectations of citizens when making
decisions on the forms or methods of
performing state functions;
inclusivity and accessibility is to provide an
opportunity for all citizens to enjoy the latest
achievements of information technologies
and access to services;
security and confidentiality is to provide
citizens and business entities with a safe and
reliable environment in which electronic
interaction with the state takes place,
including its full compliance with the rules
and requirements established by laws on the
protection of personal data and information
belonging to the state, electronic
identification and trust services;
multilingualism - consists in ensuring the
provision of administrative, information and
other services to citizens and business
entities, including cross-border ones, using
the language of their choice;
decision support - consists in ensuring the
use of the latest information technologies for
the development of software products that
support decision-making by executive
authorities during the exercise of power;
administrative simplification - consists in
ensuring the acceleration and simplification
of administrative processes through their
digital development;
information retention - is to ensure the
storage of solutions, information, records
and data, reliability and integrity, as well as
their availability in accordance with the
security and privacy policy for a certain
period of time;
efficiency and effectiveness assessment
consists of conducting a comprehensive
assessment and comparison of at least two
alternative solutions to ensure the
effectiveness of the exercise of power
(Ivashev et al., 2021).
Based on the analysis of the directions of
development of digital technologies, taking into
account the results of the research described
above, as well as trends in the organization of the
process of forming the ecological culture of
educational applicants in the conditions of
modern educational phenomena: open education
and digitalization in quarantine due to the
pandemic, such modern educational trends will
be determined, which will soon affect the
education system:
distance learning, online learning and
blended learning;
non-formal learning (informal learning);
cloud computing (cloud technology);
Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality
(AR), Mixed Reality (MR);
mobile technologies in training;
STEM Education;
educational robotics;
3D technologies;
programming or coding (Ivashev et al.,
2021; Kuzminskyi, Bida, Kuchai, Yezhova
& Kuchai, 2019).
When forming the ecological culture of
educational applicants in the context of modern
educational phenomena: open education and
digitalization, a single information educational
environment should provide the following
functions: information system, which provides
open access to information, creates conditions for
information exchange; interactive, which allows
you to implement internal and system
connections; communication, which allows you
to maintain connections "inside", as well as with
the "external" information space; coordinating,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
that is, to record and present in a relationship the
content that is addressed to different subjects;
developmental: development of intelligence,
personal creative qualities; cultural-forming,
related to information culture; professional-
oriented, focused on the profile of future
professional activity.
Based on the purposes, objectives and
characteristics of the implementation of the
formation of the ecological culture of educational
applicants in the conditions of modern
educational phenomena: open education and
digitalization, the main principles of functioning
are the following:
the principle of an integrated approach to the
problem of informatization of Education,
which provides for:
scientifically based determination of the
primary input state of the informatization
program-based approach to the development
and management of this process;
cooperation of subjects interested in the
problem of informatization of Education;
changing traditional views on the process of
informatization of Education;
the principle of systematic construction of
informatization of education of subjects,
which requires:
creation of new organizational structures
that ensure the organization and functioning
of technologies;
openness of this system at all levels;
availability of information exchanges
(Gerasimyk-Chernova, 2021; Kuchai,
Honcharuk, Kuchai, Visaver & Syroezhko,
The implementation of a comprehensive,
scientifically and methodologically based
approach to solving this problem, in our opinion,
will significantly increase the effectiveness of the
formation of the ecological culture of educational
applicants in the conditions of modern
educational phenomena: open education and
digitalization. Turning to the problem of the
general plan to the value orientations of
students it can be stated that the ecological
culture of applicants for education in the
conditions of modern educational phenomena:
open education and digitalization occupies a
place that is not adequate to its real potential.
Analyzing this problem, we identified
particularly weak points in the educational
process of Higher Education regarding the
formation of the ecological culture of educational
applicants in the conditions of modern
educational phenomena: open education and
digitalization. First, from the point of view of
information security of students on the issues of
strengthening and preserving health; second,
from the point of view of their mental and
physical activity; third, from the point of view of
the ability to preserve and strengthen health.
Fourth, from the point of view of socially
positive attitudes in the field of its development.
Software and methodological support on the
problem of formation of ecological culture of
educational applicants in the conditions of
modern educational phenomena: open education
and digitalization depends, first, on such factors
as material support of the educational process;
the contingent that participates in the educational
process. In addition, the implementation of
specific conditions of the program (review of the
content of educational material, the use of
various forms of organization of educational
activities, the choice of adequate content and
form of training methods, taking into account the
individual characteristics of students in the
organization of training sessions).
These factors may vary in different regions,
taking into account the conditions, but the very
principles of building the process of forming the
ecological culture of applicants for education in
the conditions of modern educational
phenomena: open education and digitalization,
its attitudes remain virtually unchanged. These
are: from an educational point of view-training
students in health-saving activities, health-saving
principles, methodological features and practical
skills in organizing independent classes of
recreational and health-improving orientation.
Development of activity and independence in the
implementation of self-education and self-
improvement programs; motivational-
installation and behavioral positions-
organization of the pedagogical process with a
focus on changing personal aspirations from
individual improvement to socially important
ones. The ability to use the potential of ecological
culture for successful mastery of professionally
significant abilities: applied skills and abilities,
increasing the body's resistance to adverse
environmental influences, mental and physical
activity, which determines the further
achievement of skill in their profession and
career growth of a specialist (Bida, Zorochkina,
Oros, Kuchai, Chichuk & Kuchai, 2021; Kuchai,
Kuchai, Rokosovyk, 2022).
The ecological culture of educational applicants
in the conditions of modern educational
phenomena: open education and digitalization is
the defining basis for the comprehensive and
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
harmonious development of the student's
personality, lifestyle and life position.
As you know, culture is a complex of
subjectivations and objectivations that must
necessarily be assimilated in the process of cross-
cultural education and used in everyday
orientation. The most important function of
culture is the way societies solve problems.
Taking into account modern world trends, the
main modern problems of education and nature
protection are of particular importance in
Ukraine, so the formation of an ecological
culture of educational applicants in the context of
modern educational phenomena: open education
and digitalization is an urgent problem in the
activities of educational institutions and requires
new approaches to its optimal solution. The
ecological culture of educational applicants can
contribute to the transformation of humanity
from a consumer lifestyle to a lean and
restorative one, because it is from educational
institutions that you can instill a love for the
environment, for beauty, and for health.
The relevance of the environmental problem is
enhanced by Ukraine's entry into the European
and world levels, which significantly expands the
functions of teachers. It is required to master new
teaching technologies, the ability to rebuild the
educational space into an effective pedagogical
system based on the replacement of the
reproductive style of pedagogical activity with a
creative one.
The European Office of the World Health
Organization and the Council of Europe has
published the project "European Network of
Health Promotion Schools". Some schools in our
country have the status of an experimental
educational institution of the all-Ukrainian level
for the development of models of a school for
promoting health, a system of continuous
valeological education. A working group of the
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, and the
UNICEF children's fund in Ukraine has been
established to develop a concept for the
formation of a healthy lifestyle in children and
youth. The national network of Health Promotion
Schools is designed to fulfill an important task
to raise a healthy generation. In Ukraine, the
model "Educational Institution School of
Health Promotion" has been developed. Schools
in different regions of Ukraine are called upon to
develop their own models and create health
promotion schools (Kuchai, 2010; Nxumalo,
Nayak & Tuck, 2022).
From the above, we can conclude that scientists
are increasingly talking not just about the
education of the younger generation, but also
about the formation of an ecological culture of
educational applicants in the context of modern
educational phenomena: open education and
digitalization. Culture consists of four main
elements: concepts, relationships, values, rules
and norms. Each of these components plays an
extremely important role in creating a cultural
image and environmental education of
specialists. The most important function of
culture is the way in which society solves
problems. Taking into account current global
trends, the formation of an ecological culture
among young people is of particular importance
in Ukraine.
Digitalization of domestic education is an
uncontested requirement of our time. Open
education is an integral part of informatization of
society, reflects the general trend of consistent
transition of educational processes from one state
to another, the formation of the defining
information and communication basis for the
development of education and is necessary in the
formation of the ecological culture of educational
applicants. The main goal of open education is
defined. Features of open education are
highlighted. In this system, the learning process
becomes open and creative, free access to
information resources, freedom of choice, an
individualized approach are provided, and
conditions for joint creative development of the
world are created in the formation of the
ecological culture of educational applicants. The
principles of implementing the educational
policy of digital development are considered.
When forming the ecological culture of
educational applicants in the context of modern
educational phenomena: open education and
digitalization, a single information educational
environment should provide the functions
described in the article.
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