Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.6
How to Cite:
Shevtsova, O., Tsarenko, V., Kurkina, S., Voloshyn, P., & Lisovska, T. (2023). The importance of musical and aesthetic education
of young people in modern society. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 51-60. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.6
The importance of musical and aesthetic education of young people in
modern society
Значення музично-естетичного виховання молоді в cучасному суспільсті
Received: January 3, 2023 Accepted: February 18, 2023
Written by:
Olena Shevtsova23
Vladyslav Tsarenko24
Snizhana Kurkina25
Petro Voloshyn26
Tetiana Lisovska27
The importance of musical and aesthetic
education of young people to form their spiritual
world in modern conditions of the information
society is clarified. The approaches of scientists
to understanding the phenomenon of "musical
and aesthetic education" are generalized, which
gives grounds to assert that this concept is: a
component of the spiritual development of the
individual, his artistic and emotional sphere,
aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality; a
means of developing his musical abilities in the
process of conscious perception of works of
musical art and critical attitude to musical
phenomena; a specially organized purposeful
process of forming musical qualities and musical
and aesthetic consciousness of the individual.
The main purpose of musical education is to
teach children to understand music by
familiarizing children with folk music, works of
great composers and organizing music circles
where you can study musical literacy, music
З’ясовано значення музично-естетичного
виховання молоді для формування її духовного
світу в сучасних умовах інформаційного
суспільства. Узагальнено підходи науковців до
розуміння феномену «музично-естетичне
виховання», що дає підстави стверджувати, що
це поняття є: складовою духовного розвитку
особистості, її художньо-емоційної сфери,
естетичного ставлення до навколишньої
дійсності. ; засіб розвитку його музичних
здібностей у процесі свідомого сприйняття
творів музичного мистецтва та критичного
ставлення до музичних явищ; спеціально
організований цілеспрямований процес
формування музичних якостей та музично-
естетичної свідомості особистості. Основна
мета музичного виховання - навчити дітей
розуміти музику шляхом ознайомлення дітей з
народною музикою, творчістю великих
композиторів, організації музичних гуртків, де
можна вивчати музичну грамоту, історію
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Departament of the Art Education, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Postgraduate Student of Pedagogy and Special Education Department, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State
University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogic Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Departament of the Art Education, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Musicology and Vocal and Choral Art, Honored
Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
PhD., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Primary School and Preschool Education Department, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi
National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
history, and learn to play musical instruments. It
is proved that teenagers are the most susceptible
to the influence of music, since they are
passionate about listening to music and are
included in performing musical activities,
striving to improve melodic hearing, fret sense,
develop harmonious hearing, auditory
representations and musical abilities.
Keywords: musical and aesthetic education,
youth, teenagers, information society, musical
музики, вчитися грі на музичних інструментах.
Доведено, що підлітки найбільш сприйнятливі
до впливу музики, оскільки вони
захоплюються музикою і включаються у
виконавську музичну діяльність, прагнучи
вдосконалювати мелодичний слух, ладове
відчуття, розвивати гармонійний слух, слухові
уявлення та музичні здібності.
Ключові слова: музично-естетичне
виховання, молодь, підлітки, інформаційне
суспільство, музичні здібності.
The modern period of renewal of Ukrainian
society, its spiritual revival put forward for
pedagogical science the task of strengthening the
connection between culture and education, which
is due to the affirmation of the ideas of the self-
value of the human person, the humanistic
essence of the nationally oriented worldview of
young people. In modern conditions of reforming
the educational system, considerable attention is
paid to musical and aesthetic education of
students, which is aimed at forming the spiritual
world of the child, his emotional sphere,
developing a sense of beauty, musical taste,
In the modern conditions of the information
society, musical and aesthetic education of
adolescent children is of particular importance
the period when awareness of the general picture
of the world occurs, self-awareness increases,
value orientations are formed, the processes of
self-determination, self-knowledge,
determination of personal ethical and aesthetic
views and judgments are activated.
In the modern socio-cultural situation, music is
increasingly coming to the fore in the structure of
artistic preferences of young people. It is ahead
of other types of art in the amount of
consumption due to its directly sensory features
of influence. But behind such a picture are hidden
complex contradictions of everyday life,
perception, value orientations in the art of music.
The perception of music, of course, depends on
the individual who encounters this art. The
formation of the musical and aesthetic culture of
the individual a kind of indicator of the
development of the person himself is one of
the most important goals of aesthetic education.
The most important result of involvement in
musical values is the formation of musical and
aesthetic preferences and ideals of the individual,
which become an indicator of the level of his
musical development. Hence, the development of
personal evaluative ideas is the subject of special
concern in the formation of the musical culture of
the individual. Thus, participation in musical
creativity through various forms of musical
activity, the development of the moral and
aesthetic sides of an individual under the
influence of his musical and cultural potential, a
high level of knowledge and evaluative ideas in
music - all these are leading signs that determine
the qualities of a person's musical culture, its
level musical and cultural development. We have
considered all these problems in the article.
The article shows the essence of aesthetic
education, various aspects and principles of
musical and aesthetic education in modern
conditions of the information society.
Literature Review
A significant contribution to the research of the
problem of musical and aesthetic education
belongs to Ukrainian and foreign scientists.
M. Fitsula (2000) describes the process of
education and explains it as a system of
educational measures aimed at the formation of a
comprehensively and harmoniously developed
O. Oleksyuk (2006) argues that the main
components of the spiritual world of youth,
national identity and patriotic thinking should be
formed by means of music, since it is primarily
associated with the comprehensive use of the best
examples of Ukrainian musical creativity the
folklore of our people.
O. Rudnytska (2005) argues that it is music,
which is distinguished by processality, the
absence of any visual concreteness, subject
representation, chronology of events that
requires as much as possible from the perceiver
emotional sensitivity, imagination, creative
Shevtsova, O., Tsarenko, V., Kurkina, S., Voloshyn, P., & Lisovska, T. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 51-60 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
initiative, associative thinking, and observation.
Those qualities that are sometimes more useful
for a person than the sum of knowledge received
by its.
I. Zyazyun (1970) considers that aesthetic
education is the involvement of a person in the
socio-cultural space, obtaining aesthetic
experience that specifically connects it with the
world, referring aesthetic experience as a
"spiritual education" to complex mental
phenomena that can be considered as systems
and have a component structure.
The research of I. Slyatina (2015) allows us to
state that it is in adolescence that the ideological
principles of the individual are formed and its
cultural level is determined. A teenager develops
an evaluative perception of the world,
representations, and forms aesthetic feelings in
the process of learning the world through the
prism of art.
Investigating the role of music in the process of
educational activity, C. Plummeridge (1999)
claims that the musical material itself influences
the emotional sphere of the child’s personality,
and one of the tasks of musical education
considers the formation of emotional sensitivity
to music and the development of musical and
aesthetic feelings.
D. Elliott (1995) is convinced that music can be
better understood by exploring and studying its
aesthetic qualities, listening to and performing
musical works. "Musical art has the ability to
cultivate aesthetic feelings that arise on the basis
of the perception of beauty in the process of
listening and performing musical compositions".
The purpose is to find out the significance of
musical and aesthetic education of young people
in the direction of forming their spiritual world in
modern conditions of the information society.
To perform certain tasks, theoretical research
methods were used: analysis of philosophical,
social, psychological and pedagogical literature,
study of legislative and regulatory documents on
the education of modern youth and
generalization of information received in order to
establish the state of development of the problem
under study. Moreover, synthesis, generalization,
systematization for theoretical justification of the
significance of musical and aesthetic education
of adolescents in the direction of forming their
spiritual world.
Results and Discussion
The modern period of renewal of Ukrainian
society, its spiritual revival put forward to
pedagogical science the task of strengthening the
connection between culture and education in
modern conditions of the information society,
which is due to the affirmation of the ideas of the
self-value of the human person, the humanistic
essence of the nationally oriented worldview of
young people (Demyanyuk, 2003).
Today, the education of Ukraine is faced with the
requirement of forming an emotional and
aesthetic experience of the individual at various
stages of training for a number of important
reasons: the need to restore the balance between
the spiritual development of the individual and
the material values of society in favor of
spirituality and human-centrism. In addition, the
importance of developing a conscious attitude of
the individual to the global spread of mass media,
the fascination of the music and information
space with popular music of low artistic value
and the allocation of truly artistically valuable
samples of modern musical art. Moreover,
expanding the volume of musical and auditory
impressions of students from the perception of
modern music to the understanding of the beauty
and perfection of classical musical art.
Let us find out the content of the key concepts of
the study "education", "musical education",
"aesthetic education" and "musical and aesthetic
Consider the interpretation of the pedagogical
category "education", which, according to
V. Yahupov (2002), is used in pedagogical
science in four meanings. In the broad social it
is an educational influence on a person of the
whole society and the whole reality, which has
not only a positive orientation, since reality
contains conflicts and contradictions and the
person acquires not only a positive social
experience, but also a negative one. In the broad
pedagogical it is an educational activity of
various educational systems that are guided by
pedagogical theories; in the narrow pedagogical
it is a purposeful system of educational
influences of the teacher, the purpose of which is
to achieve the planned educational results. In the
extreme narrow this is the solution of a specific
individual problem of education or re-education
by a teacher.
"Education" as a pedagogical category is
characterized by: first, purposefulness (the
presence of a certain model, socio-cultural ideal);
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
second, compliance with certain socio-cultural
values and orientation to universal values; third,
a system of organized educational influences:
integral, continuous and lasting, throughout life.
In modern conditions of the information society,
education is a process of purposeful, systematic,
organized and systematic interaction between the
educator and the pupil, which affects the
consciousness, subconscious, cognitive,
emotional-volitional and motivational spheres of
the child in order to form a scientific worldview,
moral, civil and professional features of his
personality (Syroezhko, 2019).
Thus, the scientific and pedagogical category
"education" is a purposeful organized
pedagogical process, during which the
personality of the pupil is formed.
The Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary interprets
the term "musical education" as a process of
purposeful knowledge of music, the development
of musical and aesthetic tastes of a person,
abilities for musical activity and the enrichment
of his musical culture (Honcharenko, 1997).
Investigating the problems of the theory and
methodology of music education, V. Cherkasov
defines that musical education is a conscious and
purposeful influence on the child by means of
musical art, aimed at the formation of an
aesthetic culture of the individual. In addition,
views and beliefs, values, and its content, forms
and methods depend on the age characteristics of
children, the cultural and educational
environment in which the individual grows, and
are regulated by state standards. The researcher
believes that in the modern conditions of the
information society, musical development is the
process and result of the development of musical
and creative abilities of pupils (thinking,
memory, imagination during perception and
reproduction. Moreover, interpretation of the
intonation and figurative content of a musical
work, improvisation of both vocal and
instrumental) during active participation in
specific types of music making (Cherkasov,
Leading teachers of both the past and the present
reveal the educational potential and humanistic
orientation of musical art; in particular,
V. Sukhomlynskyi focuses the attention of
teachers on the training of children by means of
music, claiming that it is the language of feelings,
experiences, the most subtle shades of mood, a
powerful means of aesthetic education. The
teacher is convinced that "…the sensitivity of the
perception of the language of music, its
understanding depend on the perception in
childhood and adolescence of works composed
by people and composers, and the beauty of a
musical melody opens up to the child its own
inner beauty and educates a conscious sense of
dignity" (Sukhomlynsky, 1975).
Revealing the value of the influence of music on
the child, the teacher claims "…the emotionality
of nature, characteristic of a morally and
aesthetically educated person, is expressed in the
fact that the heart becomes receptive to a kind
word, instruction, advice, parting words. If you
want the word to teach you to live, so that your
students strive for good, cultivate subtlety,
emotional responsiveness of the young heart.
Among the many means of influencing the young
heart, an important place belongs to music"
(Sukhomlynsky, 1976).
The process of connecting the individual with the
musical art has a procedural character and occurs
on an emotional, intellectual and creative level.
Thus, the primary basis of communication with
musical art is the emotional and sensual activity
of students who, in the process of perceiving
musical works, react emotionally, empathize,
enjoy what they hear, and experience pleasure
from communicating with the beautiful in art
(Padalka, 2008).
Thus, summarizing the above, it should be
concluded: musical education is a component of
an organized educational process that ensures the
development of musical abilities of the pupil, the
means of mastering musical knowledge,
mastering the skills of practical musical activity,
the formation of musical consciousness and
aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.
The relevance of the external and internal
transformation of the individual as an aesthetic
and spiritual-moral value, the prospect of self-
realization of the individual is the aesthetic
education of the younger generations, the level of
which depends on the state of education of
people in society, their culture and humanistic
attitude to various phenomena of the surrounding
reality. Aesthetic education is considered as a
process of forming a certain aesthetic attitude of
a person to reality, in which the orientation of the
individual in the world of aesthetic values is
developed, in accordance with the ideas about its
character that develop in a certain particular
society with the involvement of these values.
Aesthetic education, in particular the formation
of emotional and aesthetic experience, is an
important component of the harmonious
development of the individual.
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In pedagogy, there are different approaches to
defining the scientific and pedagogical category
of the concept of "aesthetic education". The focus
of aesthetic education on personal development,
the need to form an aesthetic culture of the
individual, the development of his ability to
improve himself, his creative needs and abilities.
The purpose (result) of aesthetic education is the
aesthetic and general development of the
individual; the subject of formation is the
personality, and the methods used are guided by
the personality (its age and other characteristics),
and the pedagogical process itself is aimed at
preserving the personality (Brylin & Brylina,
According to M. Fitsula, the concept of
"aesthetic education" is a component of the
educational process, directly aimed at the
formation of the ability to perceive and transform
reality according to the laws of beauty in all
spheres of human activity (Fitsula, 2000).
The author O. Dubaseniuk understands the above
concept as a pedagogical process of interaction
between the teacher and students, aimed at the
formation of aesthetic culture and the
development of the aesthetic attitude of the
individual to life, the acquisition of the ability to
creative activity according to the laws of beauty
(Dubaseniuk & Ivanchenko, 2002).
According to Yu. Yutsevich, aesthetic education
is the education of the ability to purposefully
perceive, feel, correctly understand and evaluate
the beauty of the surrounding reality: nature,
social life, work, art; purposeful activity, which
is realized through the implementation of the
relations of its participants, thanks to the
teacher's management of the activity process
(Yutsevich, 2003).
The analysis of approaches to the definition of
the concept of "aesthetic education" gives
grounds to identify its most significant features:
the ability to perceive, feel and understand the
beautiful; artistic activity; development of artistic
abilities; formation of aesthetic culture,
development of aesthetic views, tastes and
sensations. Therefore, aesthetic education is the
formation of emotional and aesthetic experience
and an important component of the harmonious
development of the individual.
Generalization of researchers' approaches to the
definition of the concept of "aesthetic education"
gives grounds to assert that this scientific and
pedagogical category is a purposeful activity of
the individual to develop the ability to perceive,
understand and aesthetically evaluate facts,
phenomena, processes of the real world based on
knowledge and practical skills in a particular art
form. It is worth noting that the process of
forming aesthetic feelings, tastes, interests,
needs, preferences of the individual occurs
through artistic and emotional mastering of the
surrounding reality.
So, based on the above, the main provisions that
characterize the essence of aesthetic education
are highlighted. First, it is a process of purposeful
action; secondly, it is the formation of the ability
to perceive and see beauty in art and life, to
evaluate it. Thirdly, the purpose of aesthetic
education of the individual is the formation of its
aesthetic tastes and ideals of the individual;
fourth, it is the development of the ability to
independent creativity.
The study of researchers' approaches to the
interpretation of the concept of "aesthetic
education" gives grounds to assert that they
distinguish the following common features in the
content of the above scientific category. The
ability to perceive, feel and understand the
beautiful; artistic activity; the development of
artistic abilities; the formation of aesthetic
culture, the development of aesthetic views,
tastes and sensations.
In the context of the study of the problem of
musical and aesthetic education of adolescents,
the concept of "aesthetic education of a teenager"
is understood as a pedagogical process of
including adolescents in musical activities by
means of folk and instrumental performance in
order to awaken an aesthetic attitude to national
folklore, art, the surrounding world and cultural
In the modern conditions of the information
society, musical and aesthetic education of
teenagers should be based on the best examples
of Ukrainian national folklore, foster love for
folk Ukrainian traditions. In addition, for the
native land and the history of our ancestors,
contribute to the formation of the main
components of the spiritual world of the
individual, national identity and patriotic
thinking. Musical and aesthetic education is a
separate branch of aesthetic education and the
sphere of attracting members of society to
musical culture, purposeful development of
musical abilities of the individual, education of a
holistic sense, experience and understanding of
the figurative content of musical compositions.
Assimilation of socio-historical experience of
musical activity aimed at the formation and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development by means of arts of aesthetic
feelings, experiences, concepts, interests, needs,
tastes, assessments, imaginative thinking,
creative abilities, humanistic attitude to the
surrounding life and art (Yutsevich, 2003).
It is worth noting that integration based on the
close interaction of various elements of musical
and aesthetic education effectively affects the
process of developing the spiritual culture of
children. Achieving the optimal influence of the
aesthetic essence of musical art on the
development of the pupil's personality ensures
the introduction of the principles and methods of
music pedagogy.
Musical and aesthetic education in modern
conditions of the information society is
considered in two aspects. First, because of the
action of the system, which is fixed by the state
standard for a certain educational system.
Second, given that the result of musical and
aesthetic education is a person, the result is his
musical and aesthetic experience as a set of
personal qualities, musical knowledge, skills and
abilities, value orientations, worldview, musical
and creative activity (Ovcharenko, Sysoieva,
Samoilenko, Chebotarenko, & Bohianu, 2021).
The development of musical abilities and skills
of musical and creative activity of the pupil is
carried out during musical and aesthetic
education, which provides not only a conscious
perception of works of musical art, but also the
ability to be critical of musical phenomena,
preserve, and multiply national musical
Special attention in the study of the problem of
musical and aesthetic education deserves the
pedagogical heritage of M. Tracy, who carried
out a scientific and theoretical justification of the
scientific and pedagogical approach to musical
and aesthetic education of children. The main
purpose of musical education the researcher
considers teaching children to understand music
by means of familiarizing children with folk
music, works of great composers and organizing
music circles where you can study musical
literacy, music history, and learn to play musical
instruments. (Szilvay, 2008).
Ukrainian musical art has a significant aesthetic
impact on the individual, the pedagogical support
of which is based on the actualization of
emotional empathy of artistic images that are
close in intonation and figurative nature to the
national worldview of the individual. The
aesthetic and educational potential of Ukrainian
music lies in the high spirituality and humanistic
orientation of its artistic images; in the use of a
wide palette of national-style and genre
formation with the support of professional music
on folklore. The proximity of intonation and fret
colors to the national and aesthetic perception of
students, the melodic orientation of expressive
means inherent in the best examples of domestic
music, constitute the musical and mental basis
for the development of aesthetic culture of future
citizens of Ukraine. Deep into the intonation
structure of music allows children to feel the
peculiarities of artistic perception of the world by
a particular people, psychological features,
typical characters of its characters, characteristic
"words sentences" of the musical language of
their society (Hordeichuk, 2015).
Therefore, the generalization of scientists'
approaches to understanding the phenomenon of
"musical and aesthetic education" gives grounds
to assert that this concept is a component of the
spiritual development of the individual, his
artistic and emotional sphere, aesthetic attitude to
the surrounding reality. In addition, a means of
developing his musical abilities in the process of
conscious perception of works of musical art and
critical attitude to musical phenomena; a
specially organized purposeful process of
forming musical qualities and musical and
aesthetic consciousness of the individual.
Musical and aesthetic education is implemented
by means of creating a musical and aesthetic
environment, which includes the process of
forming the musical and aesthetic consciousness
of the individual, the system of his musical
abilities and skills of musical and creative
Summarizing the above, we define musical and
aesthetic education of adolescents in the context
of our research as a purposeful process of
including a teenager in the system of
extracurricular musical activities aimed at
improving musical and aesthetic ideas and
developing creative musical abilities by means of
folk instrumental performance.
In this context, the formation of adolescents'
interest in folk instrumental performance, which
stimulates their need for self-realization and is a
means of developing the spirituality of the
individual, becomes particularly relevant. The
dominant feature in the musical and educational
process is the versatility of musical and aesthetic
activities of adolescents by means of
participation in various forms of group work in
extracurricular educational institutions, which
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
significantly stimulates their creative
development as a person. Freedom to choose
activities and forms of communication during
classes in clubs provides favorable opportunities
for meeting the interests, needs, inclinations of
students, and identifying individuality.
Therefore, with pedagogically appropriate
organization and optimal selection of methods of
influence, group classes can become an effective
factor in the formation of musical and aesthetic
culture of adolescents (Nelyubov, 2012).
In our opinion, pedagogically appropriate
organization and optimal choice of methods of
classes will ensure the musical and aesthetic
education of teenagers by means of folk
instrumental performance, the result of which
will be the formation of musical and aesthetic
culture and musical and aesthetic competence
(Ovcharenko, Matveieva, & Chebotarenko,
The formation of a certain system of musical and
aesthetic ideas, views in adolescents that can help
them develop criteria for aesthetic values,
readiness and ability to bring elements of beauty
into their lives begins with the perception of the
environment. Consequently, music education is
not an isolated process, but is associated with the
social and general mental development of the
student and is carried out in the context of the
formation of an integral human personality
(Rostovsky, 1997). Establishing a dialogue
between adolescent students and musical art is
possible if they learn to perceive it
independently, analyze and evaluate it deeply, as
well as interpret it creatively, which will allow
them to become the subject of this process and
show appropriate activity and independence.
The above allows us to conclude that the pupil of
adolescence has a different level of readiness for
the relationship with the musical art: a significant
part of students still have insufficient experience
in learning and mastering the musical art,
experiences significant difficulties in
establishing a fruitful dialogue with the
manifestations of beauty in musical and
performing practice. For teenagers, creativity is a
means of self-expression and self-affirmation.
Significant in adolescent creativity are the search
and testing of their own capabilities, the study of
certain processes, and life discoveries (Zhurba &
Hariacha, 2007); Ovcharenko et al., 2021).
Psychologists, sociologists and teachers address
the problems of adolescence in their works. Jean-
Jacques Rousseau characterizes this period as a
"new birth" of a person and notes that an
important feature of this age period is the growth
of self-awareness, the formation of personality.
G. Didych notes that an important factor in the
development of adolescents is the ability to
abstract thinking, the formation of active,
independent, creative thinking.
It is worth noting that in parallel with the physical
and social development of adolescents, the
feelings and emotions of adolescents are actively
developing, moral ideals, a sense of
responsibility, patriotism, national pride, etc. are
formed. Therefore, adolescence is "a period of
formation of aesthetic feelings and aesthetic
attitude of the pupil to reality" (Didych, 2014).
S. Honcharenko characterizes adolescence as "a
rapid rise in life activity and a deep restructuring
of the body; the formation of the first beliefs of
the individual, taking into account the
psychological patterns of adolescent
development, which is an important prerequisite
for successful education and training of children"
(Honcharenko, 1997). The attitude to musical art
in modern conditions of the information society
is an important indicator of the spiritual needs of
a growing person in adolescence, which is
characterized by the emergence of new needs and
interests in various spheres of spiritual life. The
desire to actively participate in various forms of
extracurricular activities, the desire for
independence, changes in the value system
(Koval, 1983). This is due to such factors as
expressiveness, rhythmicity of music, which
allows a teenager to express their feelings and
emotions, as well as the ability of music itself to
be a means of interpersonal communication
between children and young people.
One of the problems of the process of musical
and aesthetic education in adolescent children is
that during this period, students change the ratio
of concrete-figurative and abstract thinking.
It is in the development of the musical and
aesthetic potential of a teenager that his aesthetic
taste, ideal is formed, his personality is improved
in accordance with the Universal Laws of
Kindness, Beauty, Love, etc. (Beh, 2020). One of
the essential features of the development of
thinking in adolescents is the combination of
abstraction with imagery, which indicates their
special sensitivity to artistic images-symbols, a
tendency to their active, creative awareness
(Rudnytska, 1998).
Actualization of the solution of the above
problem in the context of the theoretical
foundations of the development of education and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
training of students in their free time. In
particular in extracurricular educational
institutions, is caused by the need to meet the
personal interests and needs of adolescents by
means of introducing a personality-oriented
approach based on the principles of consistency,
interactivity, child-centrism, multiculturalism.
Therefore, musical and aesthetic education of
adolescents in modern conditions of the
information society has the following features: it
is based on a personality-oriented approach,
which involves taking into account the needs and
interests of each child; it has different age
associations of pupils according to common
interests. In addition, it provides freedom of
choice of classes; it is characterized by
flexibility, non-formalization of the structure,
which quickly responds to changes in socio-
cultural and educational needs of children, takes
into account their individual capabilities and
abilities; it is carried out in the leisure time of a
The process of education in modern conditions of
the information society has the following
features: voluntary participation of children; lack
of regulatory attitudes; differentiation of students
by interests in a particular field of work, science,
technology and production; setting up relatives in
front of each pupil in achieving the tasks of work.
Moreover, freedom and the ability to choose
favorite activities in extracurricular institutions
have a beneficial effect on the nature of self-
organization of the child's future life, contribute
to his basic professional training and
competence, help to find the ideal model of
future professional activity. In addition, "try on"
it to their capabilities and character at an early
age, more precisely determine the place in life,
and fully realize creative abilities. The
peculiarity of the methodology of extracurricular
pedagogical process is the continuity of the
process of musical and aesthetic education; the
child not only reproduces what he learns, but also
develops the acquired experience, complements
it, improves this is the law of creative behavior
(Sushchenko, 2020).
One of the most important, organizing and
determining factors of education is the
personality of the educator, who plays a crucial
role in organizing and purposefully managing the
process of Education. The success of the latter is
largely determined by the content and orientation
of the teacher's value orientations, professional
Along with learning, communication is a specific
activity, in the process and result of which
students acquire a variety of knowledge, master
certain skills and abilities, and learn certain
habits. Communicating in the course of various
types of joint activities, students learn each
other's character, learn to perceive and
understand other people, be aware of and
evaluate themselves. The unity of the educational
process consists in the formation of collectivist
relationships between students and the formation
of the children's collective itself, the success
factors of which are the inclusion of pupils in
certain types of joint, collective activities that
meet the following requirements. The goals of
the activity should become the motives of the
children's activities, since the so-called "shift of
the motive to the goal" occurs relatively easily;
the structure of musical activities and ways of its
organization should ensure the possibility of each
student's awareness of the importance of his
personal contribution. Moreover, for the
successful achievement of the goal of the entire
team; it is important that students' awareness of
the social significance of the results of their
collective activities. The activity of students,
built based on optimal self-activity and self-
organization as a collective in the future as a
whole, and all its members, will ensure the
improvement of the structure and educational
functions of the team itself, its impact on each
pupil. In addition, encouraging, supporting and
stimulating the initiative of each member of the
team creates conditions for the disclosure of its
creative capabilities.
The use of music as an educational tool is based
on the application of the method of selecting
musical material and introducing innovative
forms for its effective use, which will contribute
to more effective involvement of pupils in artistic
and creative activities, which will fully
contribute to musical and aesthetic education.
We believe that before studying a piece of music
with students, the teacher himself should
understand its musical content and form and the
possibilities of its use (Shevchenko, 2010).
The analysis of psychological and pedagogical
literature gave us the opportunity to consider the
theoretical foundations of the problem under
study, to determine the system-integrative
structure of the concept of "musical and aesthetic
education" of adolescents. Based on the analysis
of the state of development of the problem in the
philosophical, social, psychological and
pedagogical domestic and foreign literature, the
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
content of the key concepts of the study is
clarified: "education", "musical education",
"aesthetic education" and "musical and aesthetic
education", "folk instrumental performance".
We have highlighted the psychological and
pedagogical features of musical and aesthetic
education of adolescents in modern conditions of
the information society, namely: musical and
aesthetic education of adolescents in
extracurricular educational institutions in content
and form, the role relationship between the
teenager and the teacher-leader of the group. In
addition, musical activity of adolescents is based
on voluntary, personality-oriented approach to
the interests and abilities of each pupil; features
of the content of the educational process of
extracurricular educational institutions, namely:
the presence of various (in particular individual)
standard, authors, complex, etc. Programs, the
predicted result of which is not only in-depth
knowledge, skills, special skills of students, but
also the development of the pupil's personality,
the formation of his individuality, the formation
of a value system; individual approach in
combination with the social orientation of
activities creates opportunities for the child to
find his place in the team.
Musical and aesthetic education is based on the
following principles: humanization (dominance
of the idea of uniqueness of each pupil);
recognition of the self-value of childhood,
orientation to create comfortable psychological
conditions for the development of the creative
potential of the pupil. In addition, child-centrism
(priority of the interests and needs of the pupil);
natural conformity and cultural conformity
(orientation to take into account individual
natural inclinations and opportunities for the
development of a teenager); unity of the process
of musical and aesthetic education and socio-
cultural environment. Moreover, creative
cooperation of pupils and teachers on the basis of
partnership; approval of relations of creative
participation in the process of musical activities
to achieve joint goals individualization, which
involves not only taking into account the
individual characteristics of the pupil, but also
accepting his values for the development of his
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