Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.2
How to Cite:
Pankiv, L., Bodrova, T., Borshchenko, N., Chabaiovska, M., & Ihnatenko, N. (2023). Theoretical bases of professional culture of
future specialists in accordance with global challenges of the information society. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 17-25.
Theoretical bases of professional culture of future specialists in accordance
with global challenges of the information society
Теоретичні засади професійної культури майбутніх фахівців відповідно до
глобальних викликів інформаційного суспільства
Received: January 2, 2023 Accepted: February 3, 2023
Written by:
Liudmyla Pankiv3
Tetiana Bodrova4
Nataliia Borshchenko5
Mariia Chabaiovska6
Nataliia Ihnatenko7
The article highlights the theoretical bases of the
professional culture of future specialists in
accordance with the global challenges of the
information society. The following functions of
the general human culture are highlighted:
reproductive and translational, constructive-
adaptive, regulatory-corrective, developmental,
design-orientation, harmonizing-preventive,
productive-generative. In the structure of
professional culture, motivational, cognitive,
activity, axiological and personal components
are highlighted, it is concluded that the main
components of the content of professional culture
are motivation to master special professional
knowledge, skills, abilities, professionally
important values, which in the method of making
a professional culture should become personally
significant, the importance of forming personal
qualities that determine the success of
professional activity of a specialist is
У статті висвітлено теоретичні основи
професійної культури майбутніх спеціалістів
відповідно до глобальних викликів
інформаційного суспільства. Виділено такі
функції загальної культури людини:
репродуктивно-трансляційна, конструктивно-
пристосувальна, регулятивно-корекційна,
розвивальна, проектно-орієнтаційна,
гармонізуюче-профілактична, продуктивно-
генеративна. У структурі професійної культури
виділено мотиваційний, когнітивний,
діяльнісний, аксіологічний та особистісний
компоненти, зроблено висновок про те, що
основними компонентами змісту професійної
культури є мотивація до оволодіння
спеціальними професійними знаннями,
уміннями, навичками, професійно значущими
цінностями, які становлять мотивацію до
оволодіння спеціальними професійними
знаннями, уміннями, навичками, професійно
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor of Department of Art, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor of Faculty of Art, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
Postgraduate of Faculty of Art, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Ukrainian and Foreign Languages
at the Pedagogical Faculty, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine.
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of General and Social Pedagogy and Management, Dean of Faculty of
Pedagogical Education, Management and Arts, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
emphasized. Among its elements, the following
were identified: foreseeing, interpretation of
social phenomena and tasks in the goals and
objectives of activities; awareness of
professional culture as a path to success; use of
professional culture with various forms of
activity; analysis of the achieved result, linking it
with the goals and objectives of professional
Keywords: information society, professional
culture, specialist training, education, teacher.
значущими цінностями, які становлять
мотивацію до оволодіння професійними
знаннями, уміннями, навичками. у процесі
формування професійна культура має стати
особистісно значущою, підкреслено
важливість формування особистісних якостей,
що визначають ефективність професійної
діяльності фахівця. Серед його елементів були
виділені: передбачення, інтерпретація
суспільних явищ і завдань у цілях і завданнях
діяльності; усвідомлення фахової культури як
шляху до досягнення здобутків; використання
професійної культури з різними формами
роботи; аналіз досягнутого результату,
пов'язування його з цілями і задачами
професійної культури.
Ключові слова: інформаційне суспільство,
професійна культура, підготовка спеціалістів,
освіта, учитель.
Integration of Higher Education, Science and
Production is the basis for restoring the content
and forms of training and education of the future
specialist, a factor that strengthens the unity and
interaction of his educational, research, labor and
social activities.
Education and training is designed to form the
future specialist such personal qualities and
abilities that will allow him to independently
navigate the professional world and determine
the vector of his professional growth, the general
style of professional life (Sabatovska &
Bobokalo, 2019).
Radical changes in Ukrainian society create
prerequisites for determining the overall strategy
of the modern higher education system, which
requires the training of professionals who
combine deep humanistic beliefs, fundamental
theoretical knowledge and thorough practical
training. Professional culture is a reflection of the
spiritual and material values of education and
training, methods of creative pedagogical
activity necessary for the operation of the
educational process. Therefore, the real needs of
higher education lead to an rise in the interest of
scientists in the problem of professional culture
(Zhushma, 2020).
Professional culture of the individual,
undoubtedly, affords for the control of
professional knowledge, skills and abilities,
among which a significant place belongs to the
knowledge of the norms and rules of
interpersonal interaction, the ability and skills of
communication, adequate report information,
reflection of one's own professional activity
(Rudenko, 2016).
The purpose. To reveal the theoretical bases of
the professional culture of future specialists in
accordance with the global challenges of the
information society.
Literature Review
N. Mykolayenko (2012) examines the essence of
the definition of "professional culture" in
sociological, psychological, pedagogical, and
cultural sources. The definition of "professional
culture" is generalized.
V. Tusheva (2013) substantiates the theoretical
and methodical bases of processing the research
culture of the future teacher in the conditions of
the higher pedagogical school. The author
emphasizes that «…based on cultural, systemic,
synergetic, activity, axiological, personal
scientific approaches, the essence of this personal
phenomenon as a special type of competence in
new socio-cultural and informational conditions
is comprehensively revealed, its component-
structural composition».
A. Popchuk (2013) proposed a special course
"Professional culture of a document specialist"
aimed at improving the general culture of the
individual and forming the professional culture
of future specialists in the circumstances of
higher education institutions.
Pankiv, L., Bodrova, T., Borshchenko, N., Chabaiovska, M., Ihnatenko, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 17-25 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Yu. Kolisnyk-Humenyuk (2015) considers that
«…the role of professional culture, the purpose
of which is to increase the level of general culture
of the individual through: the formation of
students' creative thinking; the implementation
of professional orientation of the content of
education; the disclosure of professional
qualities; creating conditions for the
development of personal qualities of future
specialists in the art profile».
Ts. Yaochen (2016) reflects qualified culture as
a route of creation of successful professional self-
realization. Based on the review of sources, the
scientist showed the etymology and definition of
the concept of "culture", considered the concept
of "professional culture", and explored the
elements of professional culture. The article
defines the essence and conditions of the
formation of the teacher's professional culture,
shows the degree of formation of the professional
culture of a modern specialist - low, medium,
high. The function of future teachers as subjects
of professional culture, implementing the process
of professional activity and producing socio-
cultural values, is demonstrated.
O. Makeeva (2016) analyzes the problems of the
structure of professional culture of future social
workers. The results of theoretical study of
methodical works are presented. The structural
components of the professional culture of future
social workers are.
I. Vorona & I. Prokop (2020) pointed out the
peculiarities of the development of professional
culture of medical students, analyzed the
components of professional culture and the
conditions of its formation, noted that the change
of professional culture internally enriches a
person and contributes to his professional
development and personal self-improvement. A
person is most clearly manifested in activities
with others during the performance of
professional duties. The culture of behavior,
speaking, listening, and speech often determines
the results of professional activity.
T. Zhushma (2020) considered the didactic
culture of the future teacher, studied the
theoretical content and its correlation with
professional culture and activity, analyzed the
opinion on the issues of gradual deviations in the
content, construction and organizational basis for
the development of pedagogical culture.
Moreover, she gave a recent idea of the
components of the studied meaning of applicants
for the master's educational level, and presented
the structure of educational culture and its
important and least powerful mechanisms on the
success of activities.
Kravchenko et al., (2022) on the properties of the
new education system in Poland, shown by the
introduction of multimedia technologies in
education in Poland, the features of increasing
the professional competence of a specialist are
revealed. They light up, that «…various forms of
innovations implemented in improving the
professional competence of a specialist are listed:
improvement (rationalization), modernization,
innovation». Modernization of information
resources, especially multimedia, is an urgent
condition for the activity of professionals in
society today, because specialists are in the focus
of the educational process, during the
improvement of professional competence.
Plakhotnik et al., (2022) show that «…the
importance of multimedia teaching tools is
shown, which are promising and highly effective
tools that allow the teacher not only to present an
array of information in a larger volume than
traditional sources of information, but also to
include text, graphs, diagrams, sound, animation,
video, etc. in a visually integrated form».
Shchyrbul et al., (2022) light up the content of
the concept of multimedia. The article highlights
multimedia functions. Digitization of the
education process requires the teacher to have
knowledge and skills in the field of multimedia
technologies, as well as knowledge of high-
concept methods and tools of modern science.
The authors show the current concepts of media
education, which are being deepened and
improved in Ukraine and represent a strong basis
for the modernization of education, which will
energize the constructions of the digital society
in the country and the formation of civil society.
Distance education allows large sections of
society to receive education and is considered the
most democratic form of education. We can
observe the use of distance learning methods in
higher educational institutions, in schools, in the
system of improving the qualifications of
teachers, in the system of training various
managerial personnel.
To solve the tasks set and realize the goal, the
resulting study methods were used: theoretical:
examination, combination, judgement,
systematization, generalization, modeling
analysis of psychological and pedagogical
scientific sources and methods of professional
training on the topic under study to clarify the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
key concepts of the study; study of provisions,
concepts, normative documents on the
professional culture of future specialists in
accordance with the global challenges of the
information society.
The study of the problem revealed the need for
methodological substantiation of the process of
forming the professional culture of future
Let's consider the methodological basis of the
professional culture of future specialists.
We will consider the approaches as the basis of
the methodology, which are determined by the
peculiarity of professional activity, the specifics
of training future specialists, the peculiarities of
student training in organizations of secondary
vocational education: the synthesis of
communicative and technological components,
the constant interaction of all subjects of the
educational process aimed at mastering service
activities, the situational nature and rituality of
implementation service communications, which
require their contexts, the need for cultural
development of a professional and the formation
of his value-motivational sphere as a condition
for increasing his competence.
Philosophical methodology forms a higher level,
the content of which is the basic principles of
knowledge and the categorical apparatus of
science. The philosophical level determines
approaches to the process of understanding and
transforming reality. In this study, this
methodological level is represented by an
axiological approach.
The application of an axiological approach to the
teaching of professional culture is based on the
fact that axiology a philosophical study of
values, their nature, place in the real world and
its structure can be interpreted as a
methodological basis of education, as it ensures
the formation of value orientations of the
individual, a humanistic worldview,
establishment of activities and creative
realization in it. The axiological approach
contributes to the education of a humanitarian
culture in the subject of education, which
contributes to the formation of a sense of
belonging to society, in the limit - to everything
human. The axiological approach is a catalyst for
the individual's activity, the driving force of his
professional and personal development. It is
manifested in the study and improvement of
students' value orientations from the point of
view of professional needs and interests.
Actualization of the axiological component of
the process of training in service
communications contributes to the adaptation of
the future specialist, his mastering of the values
of professional culture: orientation to the service
culture, implementation of a personal approach
to each client and individualization of his service.
The next level of methodology is the general
scientific level, which forms a system of
knowledge that is the basis of theory and
practical activity. Systemic approach arose with
the development of society's culture.
Systemic approach allows to consider the process
of formation of students' professional culture as
a system, to reveal its structure, external and
internal connections and system-forming
elements, interaction between them. The
systematic approach in this study acts as a
methodological basis for formulating research
concepts and designing a model of the process of
forming the professional culture of future
Specific scientific methodology is a set of
principles, research methods used in a certain
field of knowledge, which helps to specify the
problem, identify principles and determine
research methods in this scientific field. The
competency approach is the methodological
basis of federal state educational standards.
In order to reveal the research methodology in
the article, we identified the functions of general
human culture, the functions of professional
culture of a specialist. It is emphasized that
professional development is part of the overall
development of the individual and the
components of personal professionalism are
highlighted. The theoretical foundations of the
professional culture of future specialists are
described in accordance with the global
challenges of the information society.
Results and Discussion
Culture is one of the most characteristic attributes
of human civilization, covering all aspects of
social life and human activity. S. Honcharenko
claims that culture is understood as the level of
education, training of a person, as well as the
level of proficiency in a particular branch of
knowledge or activity (Honcharenko, 1997).
Scientists have identified such functions of the
general human culture.
1. Reproductive and translational. The
preservation and transmission of that new in
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
views, traditions, theories, methods, mode of
action, values, as well as the achievement of
a certain personal cultural level that would
create the continuity of generations, would
not allow subsequent generations to slide
back and would prepare the conditions for
the progress of mankind.
2. Constructive and adaptive. Ensuring social
adaptation, effective interaction, mutual
understanding of people, ensuring the
effectiveness of external and internal human
activities aimed at solving problems, based
on existing life experience, education,
development of mental processes and
3. Regulatory and corrective. Ensuring the
effectiveness of self-regulation, self-
organization, and self-control processes.
4. Developmental. Activation of the processes
of self-education, self-improvement, self-
realization, self-development.
5. Design-orientative. Orientation, planning in
the processes of life self-determination,
conscious design, "building" a person's life,
solving crises that arise in life.
6. Harmonizing and preventive.
Harmonization of the inner world of a
person, creation of a holistic consistent "I-
Concept", a state of internal well-being,
ensuring a full-fledged human life,
improving the quality of life, and the degree
of satisfaction.
7. Productive and generative. Ensuring
progress, renewal of individual and social
human existence in all spheres of life
(Ruzyak, 2022).
The progression of professional training is
considered effective only in the context of the
relationship of professional training with the
professionalization of the future specialist. The
formation of a professional's personality is
provided by the synthesis of its capabilities,
abilities, activity and requirements of activity.
General and professional development of the
individual is an integral component of its
professionalization, which involves the
formation of specific types of human labor
activity. In our opinion, a professional is not just
a specialist in a particular field of work.
Professionalization involves not only the
inclusion of the individual in professional
activities, the presence of requirements for
professional education and the level of
qualification, the existence of a public need for
professional improvement, but also the formation
of an appropriate level of professional culture.
Professional culture is one of the components of
the culture of the individual as a member of
society, it provides for creative mastery and
development of personal knowledge,
performance of work, possession of a certain
strategy in the performance of tasks,
development of professional intuition. It is
formed among people who are professionally
engaged in a certain field of activity and have
received special training for it. Professional
culture is undoubtedly connected with the
general culture, but it also has its own specific
features. The structure of professional culture of
specialists is characterized by a set of historically
established principles, norms, rules and methods
that regulate a person's professional activity. The
position of a person as a subject of professional
activity begins to form much earlier than this
activity begins, so its development should be
influenced from the beginning of training. The
qualified situation of the student is created on a
scheme of value-semantic constructive attitudes
to: movement, its structures, surroundings,
consequences; socio-cultural space,
opportunities for determining environmental
systems by the capabilities of the chosen
profession; self-awareness in the profession. The
complexity of a young person's life direction
depends on many circumstances, and spirituality
is an important factor, since it is directly related
to the worldview, aspirations, and ideals. With
the growing importance of the environment for
the individual, his involvement, inclusion in this
environment, the power, diversity and
sophistication of the personality-forming
influences of the environment on the individual
increases. Thus, the social environment
determines the level of consciousness of each
person and the potential of his spirituality, and
therefore the level of his professional culture.
Nevertheless, the interests, spiritual and human
values, needs and actions of the individual reflect
the level of culture of society. Therefore, the
development of professional culture internally
enriches a person and contributes to his qualified
progress and individual self-improvement
(Kolisnyk-Humenyuk, 2015).
The creation of a student's professional culture is
a process of constant combination of a teacher
and a student, humanity, creativity and the search
for new ways and assignments, the solution of
which increases the motivation of future
professionals to achieve modern heights in
professional practice (Vorona & Prokop, 2020).
The cultural dictionary defines "The professional
culture characterizes the level and quality of
professional activity, which depend on the socio-
economic state of society and conscientiousness
in mastering certain knowledge, skills of a
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
particular profession and their practical use"
(Korinnyi & Shevchenko, 2003).
S. Isaenko argues, "Professional culture is an
integral personal education, the essence of which
is the dialectical connection of all elements of an
individual's culture, which develops dynamically
and non-linearly, specifically manifesting itself
in the sphere of professional activity and
communication" (Isaenko, 2009).
Ts. Yaochen (2016), studying the issues of
professional culture, shares the position of
scientists regarding the definition of professional
culture from the point of view of the need of
society for the cultural level of persons involved
in a specific professional activity. He note that
the general culture is considered very broadly. At
the everyday level, people should focus on this
model. Culture is identified with education,
intelligence as a certain quality of a person.
Culture can also be considered as a specific
characteristic of society, reflecting a person's
attitude to history, nature, and society.
Understanding culture as a socially progressive
activity of humanity in all spheres of existence
and consciousness is aimed at improving and
transforming reality, at transforming the wealth
of human history into the inner wealth of the
The definition of "professional culture" is not a
combination of the concepts of "professionalism"
and "culture". This synthesis creates a new social
phenomenon, where mastery with a common
culture is formed. Therefore, for a professional,
his activity serves as a criterion for personal
morality, compliance with the educational
principle. Professional culture is combined with
ethical standards, professional competence,
encouraging a person to high professionalism
and personal expression.
Professional culture is considered as an essential
part of the general culture of the individual, or as
a complex structural education based on
conscious assimilation. Moreover, continuous
development and use of an integral system of
special professional knowledge, skills and
abilities, or as a professional quality for highly
effective professional activity in situations that
require the mobilization of deep personal
resources of a specialist. Thus, based on the
above, N. Mykolayenko (2012) suggests
interpreting professional culture as a complex,
integrative socio-psychological education, which
is born in the system of relations to the social
environment, defines ideological guidelines,
value attitudes, and the general concept of
professional training of a specialist. Professional
culture is a qualitative sign of social
development, a concrete integrity created by
human activity. It is characterized through the
certainty of human activity as a system of the
most important and necessary properties of a
certain specialty.
The professional culture of a teacher is a system
of social qualities that directly ensures the level
of labor, professional activity and determines its
content, attitude to work; it is the most important
spiritual quality of a person, which manifests
itself in the pleasure that he (the person) receives
from work, etc. Nevertheless, pedagogical
culture is the level of assimilation of pedagogical
experience by a specialist and its manifestation in
the process of professional activity.
Professional culture includes internal and
external components. The internal component is
not only the level of knowledge and skills in the
field of pedagogy, because it characterizes only
competence in the relevant field, but also formed
personal attitudes, ideals, needs, motives that
determine the scope and conditions of their daily
manifestation. The main components of the
internal culture of the teacher are: a) the
personality of the teacher (internal originality)
with its individual psychological and social
pedagogical dignity and disadvantages
individual-personal level; b) the volume and
degree of assimilation of the teacher accumulated
in professional activity of pedagogical
experience. This is the theoretical (ideological)
level of pedagogical culture. It defines the
rational level (component) and shows what
psychological and pedagogical knowledge and
how it is learned by the teacher; to what extent
they can be used in professional activities; c) a
sensitive attitude of the teacher to the object of
pedagogical work, its results, their pedagogical
components is formed, and self-improvement in
the pedagogical field is the emotional level of
pedagogical culture.
In the real educational process, professional
culture is found in integral unity with the general
cultural and moral manifestations of the teacher's
personality. It is determined by the creative use
of the usual technological nature of its activities,
thanks to which it acquires peculiar features of
science and at the same time art. Therefore, it is
no coincidence that today such considerable
attention of researchers and practitioners is paid
to the problems of pedagogical artistry, which is
only able to successfully solve complex tasks of
important and responsible professional activity
of a higher school teacher (Zhushma, 2020).
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
O. Makeeva (2016) concluded in the structure of
professional culture identified motivational,
cognitive, activity, axiological and personal
components, that the main components of the
content of professional culture is motivation to
master special professional knowledge, skills,
abilities, professionally important values. There
are in the process of forming professional culture
should become personally significant, noted the
importance of the formation of personal qualities
that determine the effectiveness of professional
activity of a specialist.
I. Sabatovska (2010) offers the following
functions of professional culture of a specialist:
creating a sense of internal control;
formation of a strict standard of activity;
development of moral validity of service
desire to perform official duty;
increasing the culture of professional
stoppage of professional deformation.
The professional culture of a specialist has its
own specifics. Among its basics, the following
can be distinguished: foreseeing, interpretation
of social phenomena and tasks in the goals and
objectives of activities; awareness of
professional culture as a path to success; use of
professional culture with various forms of
activity; analysis of the achieved result, linking it
with the goals and objectives of professional
As mentioned above, the professional culture of
a specialist is a component of his general culture,
more precisely, education in an integral structure
of personality. We can outline the most
characteristic features of the professional culture
of a specialist: the presence of abilities for
professional activity, the development of which
contributes to the education of culture, because
of which the specialist is able to feel and
understand others. Moreover, the formation of
professional culture, which affects both the
general development of a person and his inner
world and is the basis of the general culture. The
presence of professional and cultural skills and
abilities; the development of the emotional
sphere, without which it is impossible to develop
the spiritual culture of the individual, the
assimilation of values of social existence, etc
(Yaochen, 2016).
The level of professional culture of the future
specialist is influenced by many factors, but the
most significant of them are the scientific and
general culture of teachers, the culture of
organizing diverse activities of the student at the
University, the quality and aesthetic appearance
of material, technical and methodological
support of the educational process.
In a higher education institution, a team of
teachers people of different ages and
experience of different specialties and
pedagogical views, different character and
temperament, moral development, etc. solves the
task of forming a general and professional culture
of the future specialist.
The formation of a professional culture of a
future specialist is impossible at a department
where there is no culture of joint activities and
interpersonal communication of teachers.
Therefore, updating the requirements for the
professional culture of a future specialist
automatically complements the list of
requirements for the scientific and pedagogical
staff of an educational institution, because
scientific knowledge can exist only in a certain
cultural environment.
Improving the level of professional culture of a
student is also impossible without improving the
quality of educational activities, namely: the
culture of educational work, its productivity due
to scientific organization and intensification of
the educational process, increasing the
coefficient of useful classroom and
extracurricular work. In practice, this means
certain changes in the organizational structure of
the higher education institution, which would
take into account the trends of integration of
educational, scientific and industrial activities.
They would create conditions for the formation
of socio-cultural aspects of professional activity
of future specialists, adapted the mechanism of
organizing versatile activities of students to the
new requirements of the time.
Harmonious personal development is impossible
without increasing the volume of cultural and
informational saturation of the educational
process, introducing problem-based learning and
modeling professional situations. Such an
environment is created by interdisciplinary
integrative courses that creatively and
purposefully combine various fields of
knowledge, preserving their consistency and
integrity, form and expand the horizons of
students, create a moral, intellectual and
psychological basis for future work.
Professional development is part of the overall
development of the individual. There are the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
following components of personal
systematic and analytical thinking, the
ability to foreseeing the development of the
situation, foreseeing the outcome of
decisions, the ability to think large-scale and
realistic at the same time;
communication skills, abilities of effective
interpersonal interaction;
high level of self-regulation, developed self-
control, stress tolerance;
business orientation, activity, striving for
continuous improvement of
a clear self-concept, a realistic perception of
your abilities (Dudoladova, 2009).
Professional culture enables further self-
improvement of the teacher, his perfect level of
professional functions and prospects. It stems
from the unity of the professional properties of
the individual, the degree of his possession of
achievements and professional knowledge,
which energizes social and moral development in
the conditions of entry into the pan-European
educational space. In the modern world, there is
a demand for the study, detection and analysis of
exactly this set of attributes that arise in an
educational institution and are subject to their
own subsequent improvement, are applied and
embodied in the work of a teacher (Kuchai &
Kuchai, 2018).
At the present-day point of development of
pedagogical theory and practice, interest in the
problem of professional culture is noticeably
growing, which is due to the public need for
specialists of a high cultural level who would
have the ability to effectively solve professional
and life tasks. Thus contributing to progress
within their own professionogenesis, a certain
professional industry and society as a whole.
This problem is relevant for professional training
of specialists for each field of professional
activity (Popchuk, 2013).
Professional culture occupies an active place in
the structure of civilization, because in the
process of professional practice it acquires its
deep and effective realization. In the structure of
the individual's culture, the professional culture
of the individual acquires specific weight. It
occupies an increasing place both as a subject of
research and as a factor that is significant for the
interpretation and understanding of the behavior
of workers. It should be noted that future
specialists are obliged to possess professional
knowledge and skills in any field, to be highly
educated specialists with great awareness and a
high general cultural level in accordance with the
global challenges of today's society (Sabatovska,
The article highlights the notional bases of the
professional culture of future specialists in
accordance with the global challenges of the
information society. Elements of a specialist's
professional culture are emphasized. The most
typical structures of the professional culture of a
specialist are charted. The components of
personal professionalism are revealed. The
following functions of the universal human
culture are highlighted.
The main components of the content of
professional culture are motivation to master
special professional knowledge, skills, abilities,
professionally important values, which in the
process of forming a professional culture should
become personally significant, the importance of
forming personal qualities that determine the
success of professional activity of a specialist is
noted. The functions of professional culture of a
individual are proposed.
We see prospects for further research in the
characteristics of the components of personal
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