www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.60.12.10
How to Cite:
Meloian , A., Pohribna, A., Kiian, A., Sharypin, A., & Bulavina, O. (2022). Specialists’ basic behavioural coping strategies when
handling stressful situations. Amazonia Investiga, 11(60), 102-112. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.60.12.10
Specialists’ basic behavioural coping strategies when handling stressful
Базисні копінг-стратегії поведінки фахівців під час вирішення стресових ситуацій
Received: December 1, 2022 Accepted: December 28, 2022
Written by:
Anait Meloian42
Alona Pohribna43
Andrii Kiian44
Andrey Sharypin45
Olena Bulavina46
The professional activity of a modern specialist
is significantly impacted by various stressful
situations. Professional stress causes specialists’
anxiety, which negatively affects their well-
being. The choice of adaptive strategies for
handling stressful situations is the key to
successful professional activity and emotional
stability. The ability to choose the most
productive coping strategies enables a specialist
to quickly handle any stressful situations.
The aim of this study is to identify the anxiety
level and prevailing coping strategies of
specialists with different stress levels.
Methods. The research involved the method of
analytical information processing and methods
of empirical diagnostics. The following
statistical methods were used: the Kruskal
Wallis test and the Spearman correlation
Results. The obtained results revealed that
specialists with a high stress level have high
personal and situational anxiety, the prevailing
coping strategies are confrontation, escape,
PhD of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Economic Education,
SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, Sloviansk, Ukraine.
PhD of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Economic Education,
SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, Sloviansk, Ukraine.
PhD of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Economic Education,
SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, Sloviansk, Ukraine.
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture,
Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Personnel Management,
Sociology and Phycology, State Higher Educational Institution “Kyiv National Economic University Named After Vadym Hetman”,
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Meloian , A., Pohribna, A., Kiian, A., Sharypin, A., Bulavina, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 60: 102-112 / December, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
seeking social support and distancing (р≤0.001).
Specialists with a low stress level showed low
anxiety and coping strategies of self-control,
problem solving, and positive reappraisal
Conclusions. It was empirically proved that the
stress level affects the choice of coping strategy.
Specialists with high stress levels have high
anxiety and maladaptive coping strategies.
Prospects. The obtained results can be
implemented in the creation of a programme for
the development of adaptive coping strategies of
specialists in order to productively handle
stressful situations.
Keywords: adaptive behaviour, anxiety,
behavioural strategies, professional stress,
psychological well-being.
In modern society, the professional activity of
specialists of different fields is quite stressful.
Rapid economic and socio-political
transformations inevitably affect the labour
market. In turn, this enables employees to fully
control their professional activities. As a result,
specialists may experience a state of nervous and
mental overstrain, anxiety and stress.
Professional stress is specific human reactions to
the external negative effects of the professional
environment, which are psychological and
physiological in nature (de Los Santos et al.,
2018; Tsekhmister et al., 2019). According to the
World Health Organization, work-related stress
is the response people may have when presented
with work demands and pressures that are not
matched to their knowledge. Such stress can be
exacerbated by unproductive interactions with
colleagues and management.
That is why the problem of preparing competitive
specialists capable of effectively performing
their professional tasks is one of the urgent
problems of modern research. Such a specialist
must have not only personal qualities and
professional skills, but also must be emotionally
stable, ready to make effective decisions in
stressful situations. In other words, specialists
should have persistent basic coping strategies
that enable them to use their own resources in the
most useful way.
Coping strategies are certain types of behavioural
reactions that have the ability to accumulate and
form permanent types of behaviour (Maghan,
2017). The main goal of coping is to ensure the
well-being of the individual, his/her stability and
satisfaction with life. Coping becomes especially
important in the professional activities, as it
ensures adaptability of employees, their
productivity and professional growth. Specialists
who are able to act optimally in any situation,
quickly resolve complex problem situations and
make operational decisions that always bring
success to the company.
So, the problem of coping strategies is studied
quite well and scientifically grounded. However,
the dependence of the type of coping on the
specialist’s stress level, as well as the
manifestation of anxiety in specialists with
different stress levels, is still insufficiently
studied. So, the aim of the research is to study the
impact of the stress level on the anxiety of
specialists and their choice of different coping
The aim involved the following research
develop methodological research tools;
diagnose the stress level of pharmaceutical
identify statistically significant differences
in the manifestations of anxiety and coping
strategies of specialists with different stress
study the relationship between the stress
level and coping strategies.
Research hypothesis: the coping strategies of
avoidance, escape, and distancing prevail among
specialists with a high stress level, while positive
reappraisal, self-control, and problem solving are
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
characteristic coping strategies for specialists
with a low stress level.
Literature Review
Stress is considered as an imbalance between the
resource capabilities of the individual and the
demands of the external environment. There are
many interpretations among the scientific
definitions of the concept of stress. Some
researchers believe that stress is the body’s
reaction to an emerging environmental threat
(Cheval et al., 2021; Suni et al., 2017). Others
consider this concept from the perspective of
physiology as a protective mechanism under the
influence of negative stimuli (Fernandes et al.,
2019), or as a non-specific reaction to external
influences (Leghari et al., 2020).
It is appropriate to define stress in the
professional activity, which occupies a
significant part of a person’s life. Occupational
stress is a reaction to events that are directly
related to professional activity (Ebrahimi et al.,
2016; Goel & Verma, 2021). Occupational stress
can contribute to problems such as headaches,
sleep disturbances, decreased concentration,
irritability, etc. (Kawale et al., 2022). Excessive
long-term stress can lead to anxiety, depression
and weakening of the immune system
(Alifanovienė et al., 2018). Professional stress
provokes a decreasing quality of a specialists
professional activity and an increasing number of
occupational mistakes (Białek & Sadowski,
2020; Napryeyenko et al., 2019).
Stress is always accompanied by negative
emotional experiences, in particular, feelings of
anxiety. Anxiety is a peculiar reaction of the
body to a stressful event. Depending on the
significance of the event or on the way of
response, anxiety can manifest itself at varying
degrees (Fernandes et al., 2019; Isikhan et al.,
2004). In most cases, stress is a short-term
reaction to a certain danger. Anxiety, on the other
hand, can continue for a long time, even after the
stressful situation is resolved.
Stressful situations in the professional activity
can arise as a result of the impact of many factors,
both external and internal. Most often, the
following factors cause stressful situations at
work: unsuccessful arrangement of the
workplace and working conditions (Cordeiro et
al., 2020); lack of control over the work process,
poor planning of activities and low management
level, negative interaction with colleagues and
management (Almogbel, 2021); lack of career
growth and inadequate salary (Hai-Yen et al.,
2021). Other studies indicate that the main
factors of professional stress are the pressure to
increase productivity, dangerous working
conditions, and poor relations with management
(Fernandes et al., 2019).
There is an opinion that a certain pressure that a
specialist feels in his/her professional activity
can even be useful. Under such conditions, it
performs a stimulating and motivating function,
provides the ability to work effectively (Cordeiro
et al., 2020). This is accompanied by the
violations in the psycho-emotional, psycho-
physiological state of the individual and in
his/her activity. Research results prove that
occupational stress reduces job satisfaction and
desire to work (Ji-Soo, 2018; Vasan, 2018). The
length of service of employees has a significant
impact on the occupational stress level, as it is
limited by control over work. This means that the
longer a person works, the less occupational
stress he/she experiences (de Los Santos et al.,
Coping with stressful situations is possible by
using conscious strategies of behaviour
coping. Coping is a way a person overcomes
certain stressful situations (Freire et al., 2020). In
other words, this is adaptive behaviour aimed at
adapting to the environment in order to function
optimally. According to the concept of Rus et al.,
(2022), coping is an individual's efforts aimed at
solving a significant problem situation.
According to Lazarus and Folkman (1987),
regardless of whether the situation is
positive (expectation of success) or negative
(stressful), identified efforts activate a persons
adaptive capabilities. In other words, coping
ensures psychosocial adaptation of the individual
to the external environment. Two main types of
response can be distinguished with a view to the
variability of different behavioural forms of
response to stressful situations determined by
Lazarus and Folkman (1987): problem-oriented
and subjective-oriented. The first involves a
rational resolution to a problem situation by
finding alternative forms of behaviour. The
second type is characterized by detachment from
the problem through emotional devaluation.
The basic strategies of “problem solving”,
“seeking social support” and “avoidance” are
distinguished in the concept of coping behaviour.
Problem solving is the most adaptive strategy
aimed at resolving a problem situation. This
strategy implies assessing the situation and
elimination of the stressor’s impact. Specialists
with this strategy do not seek to avoid the
stressor’s impact, but on the contrary, resolve the
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
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situation in order to avoid its repetition in the
future. This enables the development of a certain
response style and also contributes to the
development of adaptive strategies (Thelwell et
al., 2007). The strategy for resolving stressful
problems increases the motivation of
professional activity, job satisfaction, and
promotes career growth (Białek & Sadowski,
2020). Seeking social support is a coping strategy
aimed at overcoming a stressful situation by
seeking other people’s help (Meško et al., 2013).
This strategy enables maintaining emotional
well-being, but does not lead to a solution to the
problem. The avoidance coping strategy
involves the use of any attempt to solve the
problem. Constant avoidance leads to the
aggravation of the problem and the failure to
support its solution by any arguments (Manzoor
et al., 2022).
Coping in professional activity can be defined as
a set of certain internal efforts of a specialist to
overcome a stressful situation that exceeds
his/her resources (Maresca et al., 2022). The
specialists lack of necessary resources to
overcome a stressful situation makes him/her
emotionally and psychologically vulnerable. As
a result, the specialist will pay excessive
attention to the external threats of the stressful
situation instead of finding ways to overcome it
(Maresca et al., 2022). Coping strategies for
occupational stress depend on the accurate
identification of risk factors, the correct selection
of coping strategies and change control
(Welbourne et al., 2007).
Studies prove the significant influence of the age
factor on the choice of coping strategies. In
particular, it is indicated that older workers with
more work experience better overcome stressful
situations (Bonneville-Roussy et al., 2017). It is
also noted that overcoming stress is facilitated by
professional skills and self-control (Leghari et
al., 2020), which are also more developed in
older specialists. Alosaimi et al., (2018) found
that people are more likely to use adaptive
problem-solving strategies with age. Some
studies reveal the relationship between adaptive
behavioural strategies and cognitive abilities
(Vachet, 2022). This can be explained by the fact
that real awareness of a stressful situation enables
drawing logical conclusions about the
consequences of its resolution.
The conducted literature review proves the
appropriateness of an empirical study of the
problem of using coping strategies by specialists
when handling stressful situations. The
specialists’ use of adaptive coping strategies to
handle stressful situations can contribute to their
productivity and efficient professional activity.
Research Design
The design of the procedure consisted in the
organization of a diagnostic study, which enabled
a thorough study of the basic coping strategies of
specialists with different manifestations of stress.
The respondents were divided into three groups
according to their level of stress: participants
with a high level of stress (n=29) were assigned
to Group 1; participants with a medium level of
stress (n=114) were assigned to Group 2;
participants with a low level of stress (n=73)
were assigned to Group 3. It was followed by the
comparison of the indicators of prevailing coping
strategies and the level of anxiety in these groups.
The sample population included 216 specialists
employed at YURiA-PHARM. The subjects
were selected by age: the employees from 30 to
40 years old were selected in order to reduce the
influence of the age factor on the survey results.
The quantitative composition of the sample is
complete and sufficient to reflect the
characteristics of the entire population. The
gender composition of the sample is as follows:
88 (41%) women and 128 (59%) men.
The respondents gave their informed consent for
their voluntary participation before the study,
which ensured the ethics of the study.
Standardized psychological tests were used to
achieve the aim and fulfil the objectives of the
research. The subjects’ stress levels were
diagnosed in order to determine whether there
were any stressful situations for the subjects. The
stress levels were diagnosed using the
Psychological Stress Scale (PSM-25). The
PSM25 Scale by Lemyr-Tessier-Fillion is aimed
at detecting the level of stress in the subjects. The
main goal of the technique is to measure a sense
of stress. The questions of the test are formulated
for the normal population aged 18 to 65 and can
be applied to various professional groups. This
makes the technique universal in the study of
different age and professional samples in the
normal population. The structure of the
methodology includes 25 statements that assess
the mental state of the subject. The results are
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
processed by counting all the points and
comparing them with the key.
To diagnose the level of anxiety of specialists,
the Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory (STAI) adapted by Yu. L. Khanin was
chosen. The technique detects two levels of
anxiety: reactive (situational) anxiety as a state,
and personal anxiety as a human property. The
questionnaire consists of 20 statements that
indicate a state of anxiety or anxiety as a
property. This technique is one of the most valid
and reliable in the differential diagnosis of
anxiety. The analysis and processing of the
results are carried out based on the calculation of
the points scores. The interpretation is based on
the following levels: scores from 0 to 30 indicate
low anxiety; scores from 31 to 44 indicate
moderate anxiety; scores of 45 or more indicate
high anxiety.
The specialists’ coping strategies were diagnosed
using the Lazarus Ways of Coping
Questionnaire, WCQ. Among all questionnaires
of coping strategies, this technique allows the
most complete identification of dominant coping
strategies and their characteristics. This
questionnaire is considered the first standardized
technique in the diagnosis of coping. The
technique enables revealing the dominance of 8
types of response in stressful situations:
confrontation; self-control; acceptance of
responsibility; problem solving planning;
seeking social support; distancing; avoidance;
positive reassessment. The structure of the test
involves 50 statements, each describing stressful
situations. One position describes one of the 8
types of human response. The interpretation of
the results is based on finding the number of
points for each behaviour strategy. The more
points scored for a particular behaviour style, the
more often the subject uses this type of coping
when difficulties arise.
The research results were analysed using
Microsoft Excel and SPSS 22.0. The non-
parametric Kruskal-Wallace test was used to
identify distinctive features of the anxiety level
and dominant coping strategies among specialists
with different levels of stress.
The correlation coefficient between stress,
anxiety and prevailing coping strategies was
identified using correlation analysis. Pearson’s
correlation coefficient was used. The identified
correlation coefficients were analysed as follows:
coefficients from 0.1 to 0.3 indicate a weak
relationship, coefficients from 0.3 to 0.5 indicate
a moderate relationship, coefficients from 0.5 to
0.7 indicate a significant correlation, coefficients
from 0.7 to 0.9 demonstrate a high correlation
between features, and coefficients from 0.9 to
0.99 reflect a very strong correlation between the
studied features.
The data that reflect the stress levels among the
surveyed pharmaceutical specialists were
obtained in the course of the study (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Correlation of stress levels of the surveyed pharmaceutical specialists
According to the data, 34% of specialists have a
low level of stress, which indicates its minor
manifestations. There were 52% of the surveyed
specialists with a medium stress level, which
indicates a partial experience of a stressful event.
A high level of stress was found in 14% of the
subjects, which indicates the inability of such
specialists to effectively handle a conflict
Accordingly, indicators of situational and
personal anxiety of the subjects were revealed
based on these levels. As the Kruskal-Wallace
test showed, those with high anxiety prevail
among the respondents with a high level of stress
(Table 1).
low medium high
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Average indicators of situational and personal anxiety of pharmaceutical specialists with different stress
Situational anxiety
Group 1 (low stress level)
109.09 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
Personal anxiety
Group 1 (low stress level)
18.45 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
According to the data in the table 1, situational
anxiety in the group of subjects with a low stress
level is the least manifested (55.97, n=73),
situational anxiety is medium in the group with a
medium stress level (120.63, n=114), while it is
the largest in the group with a high stress level
(193.05, n=29). Therefore, the statistical analysis
revealed significant differences between the
groups in the situational anxiety level (Н=109.09
According to the obtained results, personal
anxiety is low in the group of specialists with a
low stress level (T=93.58, n=73). A medium rank
of personal anxiety is observed (T=106.94,
n=114) in the group with a medium stress level.
A high level of stress in the subjects corresponds
to high personal anxiety (T=152.19, n=29). In
this case, significant differences in the level of
personal anxiety between groups of subjects with
different stress levels (Н=18.45 p≤0.001) should
be noted.
The data obtained by the Kruskal-Wallace test
indicate the statistical significance of differences
in coping strategies among specialists with
different stress levels (Table 2).
Table 2
Average indicators of coping strategies of pharmaceutical specialists with different stress levels
Types of coping strategies
Groups of subjects
Group 1 (low stress level)
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
Group 1 (low stress level)
69.09 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
Group 1 (low stress level)
54.82 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
seeking social support
Group 1 (low stress level)
37.01 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
acceptance of responsibility
Group 1 (low stress level)
51.17 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
Group 1 (low stress level)
116.49 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
problem solving
Group 1 (low stress level)
48.07 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
positive reappraisal
Group 1 (low stress level)
50.81 р≤0.001
Group 2 (medium stress level)
Group 3 (high stress level)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The revealed results show that confrontational
coping is most manifested in the group of
specialists with a high stress level (T=114.83,
n=29). It is manifested at a medium level in the
group with a medium stress level (T=109.52,
n=114). This coping is least manifested in the
group of specialists with a low stress level
(T=88.55, n=73).
Distancing as a coping strategy is most
represented in the group of specialists with a high
stress level (T=193.03, n=29). It is represented at
a medium level in the group with a medium stress
level (T=104.88, n=114). This coping strategy is
least represented in the group of specialists with
a low stress level (T=80.58, n=73).
The self-control strategy is manifested in the
group of specialists with a low stress level
(T=142.05, n=73). It is manifested at a medium
level in the group with a medium stress level
(T=103.88, n=114). This coping strategy is the
least manifested in the group of specialists with a
low level of stress (T=42.19, n=29).
Seeking social support prevails among specialists
with a high stress level (T=167.09, n=29). The
medium level is manifested in the group with a
medium stress level (T=108.96, n=114). This
coping strategy is least represented in a group of
specialists with a low stress level (T=84.51,
The self-control strategy is expressed in the
group of specialists with a low stress level
(T=142.05, n=73). It is expressed at a medium
level in the group with a medium stress level
(T=103.88, n=114). This coping strategy is the
least represented in the group of specialists with
a low stress level (T=42.19, n=29).
Seeking social support dominates among
specialists with a high stress level (T=167.09,
n=29). The medium level is expressed in the
group with a medium stress level (T=108.96,
n=114). This coping strategy is least represented
in group of specialists with a low stress level
(T=84.51, n=73).
The acceptance of responsibility as a coping
strategy has the highest level of manifestation in
the group of specialists with a low stress level
(T=141.14, n=73). It is expressed at a medium
level in the group with a medium stress level
(T=103.80, n=114). This coping strategy is least
represented in the group of specialists with a high
stress level (T=44.83, n=29).
Escape as a coping strategy is presented in
subjects with a high level of stress (T=184.62,
n=29). It dominates at a medium level among
specialists with a medium stress level (T=126.27,
n=114). This coping strategy is least expressed in
the group with a low stress level (T=50.51,
Problem solving coping dominates in specialists
with a low stress level (T=138.04, n=73). The
medium level of is expressed in specialists with
a medium level of stress (T=105.99, n=114).
Low dominance of this coping strategy is
expressed in the group of specialists with a low
stress level (T=44.02, n=29).
The positive reappraisal strategy is quite clearly
expressed in specialists who have a low stress
level (T=138.39, n=73). The medium level of
positive reappraisal dominates in specialists who
have a medium stress level (T=106.45, n= 114).
A low level of this coping strategy was found in
the group with a high stress level (T=41.33,
Therefore, specialists with a high stress level
have pronounced coping strategies such as
confrontation (Н=33.81 р≤0.001), distancing
(Н=69.09 р≤0.001), seeking social support (Н=
37.01 p≤0.001), escape (Н=116.49 p≤0.001).
Specialists with a low stress level are
characterized by such coping strategies as self-
control (Н=54.82 р≤0.001), "acceptance of
responsibility (Н=51.17 р≤0.001), problem
solving (Н=48.07, p≤0.001) and positive
reappraisal (Н=50.81 p≤0.001).
The correlation coefficients revealed in the study
(р≤0.001) demonstrate the relationship between
stress and anxiety of the surveyed specialists
(Table 3).
Table 3
Correlational analysis of the relationship between stress and anxiety of pharmaceutical specialists
Situational anxiety
Personal anxiety
Stress (r)
Significance level (р)
Note: **- correlation coefficient for р≤0.001
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
A direct relationship between the stress level of
the surveyed specialists and situational anxiety
was revealed (r=0.662, p≤0.01). This relationship
indicates that the higher the stress level, the
higher the situational anxiety. A slightly lower
correlation coefficient was found between the
respondents’ stress level and their personal
anxiety (r=0.310, p≤0.01).
The correlation analysis revealed relationships
between stress and coping strategies of
pharmaceutical specialists at a high level of
significance (р≤0.001) (Table 4).
Table 4
Indicators of the correlation coefficient of stress and coping strategies of pharmaceutical specialists
Components of social and psychological adaptation of the specialists
seeking social
acceptance of
problem solving
Stress (r)
Significance level
Note: **- correlation coefficient for р≤0.001
Based on the data presented in the table 4, a direct
relationship between the stress level of
pharmaceutical specialists and distancing
(r=0.393, p≤0.01), seeking social support
(r=0.317, p≤0.01), escape (r=0.690, p≤0.01)
coping strategies was found. Feedback is
observed for such coping strategies as self-
control (r=-0.452, p≤0.01), acceptance of
responsibility (r=-0.399, p≤0.01), problem
solving (r =-0.388, p≤0.01).
The results of the study show that in stressful
situations, pharmaceutical specialists tend to
experience anxiety, in particular, more
situational anxiety than personal anxiety.
Specialists with a high level of stress are
characterized by such basic coping strategies as
confrontation, distancing, seeking social support,
and escape. Coping strategies of self-control,
acceptance of responsibility, problem solving,
and positive reappraisal prevail among
specialists with a low stress levels.
Specialists with three levels of stress were
identified based on the obtained results: low,
medium and high. A low stress level is
characterized by the absence of nervous tension,
the ability to act productively in difficult stressful
situations. A medium stress level among
specialists is an expression of personal resilience,
but such employees do not strive to resolve the
problem situation, do not show excessive
activity. A high level of stress is a sign of strong
emotional stress, exhaustion, and partial
disorientation. Specialists with this level are not
able to fully perform their professional duties,
their productivity is significantly reduced,
relations with colleagues and management get
worse (Kawale et al., 2022).
The analysis of the research results showed that
the experience of stress is accompanied by
anxiety among pharmaceutical specialists. The
study also found that respondents with a low-
stress level have affected situational and personal
anxiety. The respondents with a high-stress level
were found to have a high level of personal and
situational anxiety. Situational anxiety is a kind
of mobilizing factor that, in some instances,
stimulates goal achievement by overcoming
obstacles. Some studies prove the importance of
stress as an integral part of professional activity
(Białek & Sadowski, 2020), thereby concluding
the need for skills to handle stressful situations.
Specialists with highly pronounced personal
anxiety were also identified. Anxiety as a
personality trait interferes with the productive
resolution of problem situations blocks the paths
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of optimal behavioural reactions, and reduces
adaptability (Fernandes et al., 2019; Yaribeygi et
al., 2017). Lack of behavioural skills in stressful
situations, low psychological readiness, and
adaptability to stress can negatively affect mental
and physical health (Ebrahimi et al., 2016).
The study revealed statistically significant
differences in the manifestations of basic coping
strategies of specialists. Specialists with a high
stress level are characterized by coping strategies
such as confrontation, distancing, seeking social
support, and escape. Choosing such strategies of
behaviour in stressful situations, specialists do
not seek to solve the problem, but avoid it,
distance themselves from it. Such behaviour
contributes to the accumulation of a negative
emotional background, in particular anxiety. The
above coping strategies can have a destructive
effect on the performance of professional duties,
reduce work capacity and adaptability (Freire et
al., 2020).
Specialists with a low stress level use such
coping strategies as self-control, acceptance of
responsibility, problem solving, and positive
reappraisal. This type of behaviour is adaptive,
constructive, and professionally productive.
When those specialists face with a stressful
situation, they are able to quickly make important
decisions, overcome stressors, and bear personal
responsibility. Based on the research conducted
by Maresca et al., (2022), it can be stated that
specialists use the most optimal problem-solving
and cognitive reappraisal strategies to overcome
stressful situations at the workplace.
The identified correlations between the stress
level and anxiety show the destructive effect of
stress on the specialist’s personality. The greater
the stress, the greater the anxiety, which can
develop into a personality trait. This reduces the
adaptability of specialists. In their study, Lukasik
et al., (2019) showed a direct correlation between
the level of anxiety and stress. Moreover, the
authors prove the negative impact of stress and
anxiety on professional activity.
The work statistically proves the relationship
between coping strategies and stress of
pharmaceutical specialists. According to the
obtained data, the lower the stress level, the more
self-control, acceptance of responsibility,
problem solving and positive reappraisal coping
strategies prevail. The higher the level of stress,
the more coping strategies such as confrontation,
distancing, escape, and seeking social support
prevail. The obtained results can be compared
with the findings of de Los Santos et al., (2018),
who proved that the level of professional stress
of specialists is interrelated with the type of basic
coping strategies. The authors determined that
specialists use types of adaptive coping
depending on the severity of the stressful
situation. At the same time, the study conducted
by de Los Santos et al., (2018) provided an
additional factor of work experience, which, as
the study showed, affects the choice of the type
of coping strategy. This factor and its influence
on the choice of coping strategy is worth paying
attention in further studies.
According to Leghari et al., (2020) the stress
levels of specialists who use adaptive coping
decrease. Conversely, the more specialists use
maladaptive coping, the more stress increases. At
the same time, an additional factor is the level of
qualification of specialists, which contributes to
the more frequent use of adaptive coping
Summarizing the obtained results, we state that
in stressful situations specialists experience a
sense of situational and personal anxiety, while
choosing maladaptive coping strategies. At the
same time, the absence of stress contributes to
more adaptive coping strategies that provide
effective solutions to problematic situations.
The conducted research emphasises the
importance of studying the basic coping
strategies that the specialists use in their
professional activity, since the emotional state of
the specialist depends on the type of coping.
Professional stress is a complex psychological
state that combines the significance of a stressful
situation and its cognitive assessment by the
individual. Stress is a factor that affects the
reduction of work capacity and productivity of a
specialist. Each specialist experiences stressful
situations differently, as well as chooses different
coping strategies. Therefore, it is very important
that specialists have adaptive coping skills for
handling stressful situations, which will ensure
the success of the organization as a whole in the
The limitations of the study include the
unpredictability of the occurrence of stressful
situations due to random situatedness. The
emergence of a stressful situation is possible
immediately before the diagnostics, or the
diagnostics itself can be stressful for someone.
Therefore, the findings of this research require
additional longitudinal studies using
psychometric tools and expanding the range of
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
diagnosed parameters. The age characteristics of
the subjects remains an equally important issue.
Many researchers established that with age
specialists have the ability to adapt to the
professional environment, and their stress level
decreases accordingly. On this basis, it is
appropriate to further expand the age range and
take into account length of service for an
objective assessment of the results.
The creation of a programme for the
development of adaptive coping strategies for
specialists is considered to be promising, as it
would enable building up response skills in
stressful situations in a certain period of time. It
is considered optimal to create a basic
programme that could be used in various areas of
professional activity with the possibility of
making adjustments to adapt it to narrow
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