www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.59.11.8
How to Cite:
Kornyeyeva, I., & Makhovych, I. (2022). Methodic of professionally-oriented English-language competence formation in
monologue-presentation of future designers. Amazonia Investiga, 11(59), 86-97. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.59.11.8
Methodic of professionally-oriented English-language competence
formation in monologue-presentation of future designers
Методика формування професійно орієнтованої англомовної компетентності у
монолозі-презентації майбутніх дизайнерів
Received: November 22, 2022 Accepted: December 15, 2022
Written by:
Irene Kornyeyeva23
Inna Makhovych24
This paper offers the methodic of professionally-
oriented English-language competence
formation (POELCF) in monologue-presentation
(MP) of future designers (FD). The relevance of
the research is determined by social order of
society to train professionals capable for
professional foreign-language communication;
the contradiction between the specified program
documents requirements and current state of
English-language learning in Ukraine; the need
of future designers to have professionally-
oriented English-language-monologue for
effective foreign-language communication. The
purpose of the study is to substantiate the
developed and experimentally tested methodic.
We can outline the results of the present study:
the peculiarities of the POELCF are defined,
which are founded the base of the corresponding
Methodology; the author’s system of exercises
for learning the monologue-presentation-report,
monologue-presentation-advertising; the
definition of monologue-presentation is
proposed as the target type of monologue
utterance of future designers; linguistic analysis
of the “monologue-presentation” discourse was
conducted; checking experiment results are
submitted. We make a conclusion: monologue-
presentation is the most demanded and
convenient target type of monologue
broadcasting of future designers, who are
capable to rebuild our Motherland after the War
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Department of Philology and
Translation, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Senior Lecturer, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Department of Philology and Translation, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kornyeyeva, I., Makhovych, I. / Volume 11 - Issue 59: 86-97 / November, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
against Russian invaders and consolidate all
European community.
Keywords: English-language competence in
monologue-presentation, future designers, non-
linguistic higher educational institutions,
professionally-oriented learning of foreign
languages, system of exercises.
This article dwells on applying the methodic of
professionally-oriented English-language
competence formation in the process of
development of educational resources for study of
foreign languages. This needs to the demands of
scientific and technological development, social
transformations, humanitarian and integration
processes, globalization of the World. This is
dictated by the necessity to study foreign
achievements in the specialty and exchange of
experience with foreign colleagues, conducting
research on this problem.
In modern conditions, the expansion and
deepening of English-language competence
require the improvement of existing and creation
of new methods of forming professionally-
oriented competence of future designers on the
basis of the principle of monologue speech.
This involves the using of modern computer-
communication technologies such as presentation
in an English-speaking environment.
Kyiv National University of Technologies and
Design educates future designers on many
directions. There are the following themes for the
future designers: Fashion Industry, Principles and
elements of design, Costume Design, Set Design,
Scenic Design, Makeup Art, Interior Design,
Floral Design, Modern Hairdressing Design,
Graphic Design, Web Design, Photo and Video
Design, Corporate Identity Design. So, we
consider that our proposed methodic on
monologue-presentation is absolute relevant for
future designers. At our classes we train brand
application, company innovations discussion on
using design elements in layouts, on pages of
newspapers and magazines, websites; make
monologue-presentation on goods and services
development; make negotiations and fashion
performances; make monologue-presentation and
discussion on costume plot / sketches: style,
silhouette, accessories, textures; make
presentation on conducting theatrical makeup,
cinema photography, trademarks.
The professionally-oriented training of foreign
languages of future designers at Higher
Educational Institutions of Ukraine is
implemented on the 3-d and 4-th years of their
studying. It is the period, when the Deans of the
Design Departments do not face the problem of
expulsion of the students because of students’
professional self-determination and readiness for
independent activity in chosen specialty. This
period of students’ study is determined with
passing the creative practices in fashion houses,
art studios, workshops. This time we see, future
designers are well-motivated and professional
interested. It affects the satisfaction of the
profession and the success of learning of future
designers. Through practice they acquire
professional and social roles: Chief designer
owner of design workshops, fashion house,
factories for clothes mass production; a person
with authority to promote goods and services; a
person, who carries out the general management
of the company; moderator of innovations and
ideas creator; entrusted for holding fashion
shows, etc.
We consider that designers’ unique psychological
“architecture”, intelligence and mental experience
must be connected with the talent of monologue-
The leading receptor perception of the designers
is their seeing. The clothes designers can
distinguish 30 40 shades of black, while ordinal
people are usually able to distinguish only 2 3
shades. But we believe, future designers must be
also accurate with their speech.
Once it happened that well-known English writer
Mark Twain couldn’t learn his speech. It was a
problem when he started it or continued. Then he
made pictures to take connections to the passages
of his speech. And after that he made a triumph:
his speech indeed was successful. That fact tells
us that Mark Twain, as all creative persons, had a
visually-shaped type memory. Seeing is
believing! The same we mean for designers.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Visually-shaped memory (examining of
paintings, exhibitions, preparation of
presentations) practically is the characteristic of
the designers.
In addition, reports on students’ scientific
conferences, the current lectures, round tables, if
they are not accompanied by presentations, are
understood too complicated and received without
interest. It proves: future specialists have become
more visually-oriented. To sum it up, we believe
monologue-presentation of future designers
becomes the leading challenge in their studying of
foreign languages.
Therefore, the key to the effective and successful
formation of professionally-oriented foreign-
language communicative competence is training
of professionally-oriented monologue-
The relevance of the research is defined by a
number of factors: * the social order of society to
train professionals capable for professional
communication in a foreign language; * the
contradiction between the requirements specified
in the program documents for the English-
language training of future designers, and the
current state of English-language training in non-
linguistic higher education institutions; * the
demands of future designers to master
professionally-oriented foreign-language
monologue-speech for effective professional
communication and insufficient development of
problem in scientific, methodological and
practical plans (Nikolaeva, 2003, 2013; Bakaeva,
Borisenko & Zuyenok, 2005; Bigych, 2013, Law
of Ukraine № 1556, 2022).
The purpose of the article is to ground the
methodic of monologue-presentation training of
future designers. This practice-oriented methodic
accounts for the novelty of the present research. It
was hypothesized that the development of
foreign-language learning materials based on
proposed methodic is the most efficient and
convenient way to master foreign-languages
communicative competence, and also
intercultural communication competence.
Theoretical Framework
It is obvious, modern humanity faces many
problems of existence: lack of food and the threat
of famine in Africa, India, Pakistan; modern
territorial wars and their terrible consequences,
when people lose homes, dreams for the future
and every day wake up without heat, water and
electricity. And at such time personal
development, motivation, self-education,
psychology, public speaking, career development,
successful investment presentation are the most
relevant topics for humanity.
It is precisely in such a difficult time, Ukrainians
watch lectures by the best speakers between
black-outs: Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Gilbert,
Dan Ariely, Adam Grant. The purpose of their
speeches is “get inspired, share, create and
consume consciously!” These authors share the
techniques of a successful speech: how to
formulate the content and effectively convey your
opinion to the audience.
Some people are such good speakers that their
words leave a deep impression on our
consciousness. Listening to them, we feel
ourselves inspired and confident to take on the
challenges that the life throws at us.
Such people bring positive energy and good
moods into our lives. It’s no wonder, then, that
such talent is coveted all over the world.
The best highly-paid motivational speakers in the
world (Tommy Robbins, Cary Vaynerchuk, Grant
Cardone, Arnold Schwanneger, Deepak Chopra,
Nick Vujicic, Robin Sharma, Brian Tracy, Les
Brown, Zig Ziegler) evoke us with optimistic
feelings such as happiness, hope and joy. It helps
to increase productivity, commitment, enthusiasm
and determination to succeed. That is why, the art
of oratory, a successful business presentation is
considered the target tasks of modern reality, a
challenge of the life.
Modern design is aimed at meeting the maximum
number of needs of the most diverse categories of
consumers: from a bottle of perfume and the
convenience of baby diapers to formidable aircraft
and armored vehicles. The severity of economic
indicators is compensated by the specialist’s
imagination, his knowledge and creativity, which
are based on artistic-graphic, engineering-design
and intellectual-communicative abilities.
In Ukraine, the system of higher education is
being updated, aimed at entering the world
educational space. The context of this process
consists of plural-lingual and intercultural
approaches focused on the student (Law of
Ukraine № 1556, 2022).
Currently, the teaching of foreign languages in
domestic non-linguistic institutions of higher
education is oriented towards professional goals
LSP (Language for Special / Specific Purposes).
This is the way to professionally oriented training
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of specialists of various specialties in foreign
languages, in particular foreign language
monologue speech (Dyachkova, 2012;
Bondar, 2012; Avsyukevich, 2009; Drab, 2010).
The research of modern scientists undoubtedly
enriches the methodology of teaching business
professional speech, in particular, they contribute
to the development of the ability to inform
interlocutors and convince them to support the
ideas presented in speeches (Popel, 2018;
Lyamzina, 2018; Dyachkova, 2012).
In this work, we consider monologue-presentation
as a key type of professionally-oriented
monologue speech of future designers. We define
the competence in monologue speech of designers
as the ability to implement communication in a
monologue form, in particular in the professional
sphere to solve the following communicative
tasks: * to convince the partner / client in solving
the target task; * provide evidence for and against
any facts / actions / figures / results; * set the
listener / audience to action.
According to the professional qualification
requirements, the foreign-language monologue-
presentation training for students is vectored to
their preparation for writing and oral
communication while conducting business
negotiations with partners from other countries;
public representation of the interests of Ukrainian
companies or clients in international issues;
implementation of legal support for the economic,
political or civil international activities and
development programs (Bilotserkovets et al.,
It is vital for the instructor of successful
presentation training to sustainably meet the
individual needs of the learner and continually
improve own professional, linguistic and
computer competence in order to provide quality
teaching (Sosas, 2021).
The following research methods were used to
conduct our study: theoretical theoretical
analysis of scientific literature, textbooks,
curricula, manuals, websites, professional
journals and other sources of information on
methodic of learning foreign languages,
psychology, neurophysiology, psycholinguistics
and pedagogy on the research topic; the analysis
of language features of discourse of designers for
selection of educational materials and conclusion
of exercises complexes was carried out; empirical
scientific observation of the course of POEL-
monologue speech in order to determinate an
effective version of the methodic; experimental-
statistical statistical processing of experimental
data in order to confirm the effectiveness of the
proposed training methodic.
Monologue-presentation as a type of foreign-
language monologue speech is considered to be a
means of overcoming the language barrier, the
development of correctness and flow of speech,
studying to form a coherent text.
The term “presentation” comes from English and
is interpreted as the process of acquainting
students with a topic. These is, as usual, a
demonstration, lecture / speech to inform /
persuade someone. The presentation contains
three components: the speaker’s speech, slides,
In Industrial Design presentation is one of the
most important and crucial stages of production
cycle, which covers the following cycles: 1) brief
the definition of the purpose of design;
2) analytics analysis of certain goals; 3) research
study of similar design solutions;
4) specification a description of the necessary
costs for the implementation of design solutions;
5) design solutions conceptualization and
technical description of the implementation of a
particular design solution; 6) presentation
design presentation.
To define the essence of the term “presentation”
in design, we will dwell on the content of the
“design”. “Design” is a creative method, process
and result of artistic and technical manufacture of
products, creation objects and environment for
utilitarian and aesthetic needs of a man.
Etymology of design was researched by
O. M. Yaremchuk. The word “project” appeared
before “design”. It comes from Latin and meant
“to throw something forward”. From the
beginning it meant “plan, drawing, scheme,
sketch of something”. To express the concept of
“the process of creating a project” the Italian
master Scver used the word “design” in the 17-th
century. Philosopher Heidegger defined “design”
as “the ability to be in the World” (Yaremchuk,
Based on a number of researchers, we have
identified a monologue-presentation of future
designers as an accurate prepared subject speech
of the specialist aimed to inform, persuade,
strength partner and to motivate him / audience
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
for signing contract, preparing shows, fair,
exhibition; conducting flexible business policy;
promoting the service / product on the World
Market) with the addition of non-verbal means of
communication and with the help of Internet
We share the opinion of O. I. Nazarenko that
presentation is a report that contains information
about the state of the process in the observed field,
with a clear formulation of the topic, an overview
of the situation (Nazarenko, 2009).
Due to this we consider monologue-presentation-
report and monologue-presentation-advertising to
be the relevant types of monologue-presentations
for future designers. The difference between them
is in the speaker’s intention. The first type is
intended to describe the manufacturing process,
resources, effectiveness. The second one
describes the quality, advantages of the product
and the ways of its promotion in the market.
In our research we clarify the linguistic features of
English presentation for designers: 1) situational
language material; 2) specific phrases; 3) using of
linguistic clichés; 4) elipticity; 5) emotionally
colored vocabulary; 6) stylistic differentiation;
7) ambiguous words; 8) connectors of super-
phrases links.
Future designers have deliberately use education
and communicative strategies. They are the
following: 1) mental connections creating
strategy; 2) deduction strategy; 3) constructive
analysis strategy; 4) inference strategy;
5) collapse / expand statements strategy;
6) encoding information strategy; 7) presentation
building strategy, etc.
The author’s system of exercises for learning of
professionally-oriented monologue-presentation-
report and monologue-presentation-advertising is
offered. The tasks of each stage of monologue-
presentation, the group of exercises, their types
are outlined.
Within the framework of our research the
technique of training of future designers covers
six stages: 1) acquisition by students of
declarative knowledge about the monologue-
presentation; 2) acquisition by students of
procedural knowledge about the algorithm of
producing a monologue-presentation, processing
of texts-samples of presentation, conducting
logical-structural analysis of the components of
the monologue-presentation; 3) preparation of the
monologue-presentation text based on its
functional scheme; 4) independent preparation of
the presentation by the students on the contents of
the monologue; 5) independent students’
preparation of the monologue-presentation
without the sample; 6) mutual evaluation and
students’ discussion of the monologue-
presentation and its evaluation by the tutor.
At the 1-st and 2-nd stages of monologue-
presentation learning, we consider to use the
following groups of exercises: gr. 1.1: exercises to
improve skills of correct use of phonetic
phenomena, operating with the most commonly
used intonation models; gr. 1.2: exercises for the
skills formation on operating with speech
formulas, lexis necessary for further presentation;
gr. 1.3: exercises to improve the skills of operating
the most commonly used grammar structures
inherent to monologue-presentation; gr. 2.1:
exercises to develop skills on logical construction
of the monologue-presentation; gr. 2.2: exercises
to develop skills of understanding and using
super-phrase communication; gr. 3.1: exercises to
develop the ability to express their options about
what is heard / read / seen; make out the facts /
arguments / examples according to the problem;
use logical structure of the monologue-
presentation texts.
In the developed author’s methodic at these stages
we use non-communicative, receptive-
reproductive, conditionally-communicative
exercises, fully controlled, with specially created
supports, without using of business games,
individual / frontal, oral exercises.
The purpose of the 3-d and 4-th stages is the
activation of speech and speech material in the
conditions of speech tactics in solving
communicative tasks and creating monologue-
presentations. At these stages we use the
following groups of exercises: gr. 3.1: exercises to
develop the ability to combine phrases into super-
phrase unity, to exploit the connectors of super-
phrase connection, to understand and analyze the
markers use of these connections; gr. 3.2:
exercises for skills formation in creation of mini-
monologues with speech intentions: to explain /
reassure colleagues / partners / clients; to advise,
encourage students, motivate them to make
decisions, while freely choosing the means of
communication inherent to foreign-language
culture being studied; gr. 3.3: exercises to develop
the ability to create a professionally-oriented
monologue-presentation; gr. 4.1: exercises to
improve the ability to present a monologue.
In the developed methodic at these stages we use
non-communicative, receptive-reproductive,
conditionally-communicative, productive, fully /
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
partially controlled, motivated, with game
elements using, individual / group / frontal,
paired, oral exercises.
The purpose of the 5-th and 6-th stages is to
summarize the activities of students. At these
stages we outline the following groups of
exercises: gr. 5.1: exercises to develop the ability
to present research results; ability to implement
professionally-oriented monologue speech, freely
choosing the means of communication inherent in
the foreign-language of studied culture; gr. 6.1:
exercises for skills formation to sum up the results
of students’ joint activities, determining the
positive and negative aspects of such activity.
All these exercises are productive,
communicative, motivated, minimally controlled,
without support, using games, individual and
group, oral.
The model of the organization of the process of
POELCF during the future designers learning of
monologue-presentation is theoretically
substantiated and practically developed.
The effectiveness of this methodic had been
proved by the experiment (Bespalko, 1968;
Gurvich, 1980).
When comparing pre- and post-experimental
indicators, significant progress was recorded in
the mastery of experimental groups (EG-1 and
EG-2) on creating a monologue-presentation-
report and monologue-presentation-advertising.
These results indicate that the proposed methodic
for professionally-oriented learning of
monologue-presentation is effective.
Figure 1 (a, b) show the increase students’ skills
to produce a monologue-presentation-report
(a) and monologue-presentation-advertising (b) in
accordance with the results of pre- and post-
experimental sections.
Figure 1. Author’s histograms of the grows rate of learning to product a monologue-report (a) and
monologue-advertising (b) on the results of pre- and post-experimental sections.
Source: own authorship
The average growth of skills to create a
monologue-presentation-report and monologue-
presentation-advertising is 0,30. These data
indicate the effectiveness of both variants of the
proposed methodic (Variant A “top-down”,
Variant B “bottom up”). Variant A begins
with exercises on skills formation to analyze and
structure the sample text of monologue-
presentation, mini-monologue, super-phrase
unity, to product logical-connected text of MP.
Variant B begins with exercises on super-phrase
unity formation, mini-monologues, the text of
monologue-presentation. The average level of
the formation of skills to create a monologue-
presentation-report was 0,70, according to
V. P. Bespalko (Bespalko, 1968). Therefore, we
consider Variant A to be effective for training a
monologue-presentation-report. The average rate
of the ability to create a monologue-presentation-
advertising was 0,80, so we consider Variant B
to be the most effective.
To confirm the reliability of these data, we
perform a mathematical analysis. The reliability
of the obtained results was checked with the help
of the criterion Fisher’s angular transformation
In order to understand which one of the variants
is the most effective, we formulate own statistical
hypotheses. Since both experimental groups of
all participants of the experiment reached the
level of learning according to V. P. Bespalko
(Bespalko, 1968) and during the training of
monologue-presentation-advertising the
coefficient was 0,80, we consider this coefficient
as “effect” and the failure to achieve this effect
“no effect”.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
We formulate two statistical hypotheses: Ho:
share of persons, who have achieved a learning
factor of 0,80 in the training of monologue-
presentation, in EG-2 not greater than in EG-1;
H1: the share of people, who have achieved a
learning factor of 0,80 in the training of
monologue-presentation, in EG-2 more than in
According to the results of our own calculations,
if the obtained empirical value of φ* is in the
zone of significance, hypotheses H1 is
confirmed; if φ* is placed in the zone of
insignificance, hypotheses Ho is confirmed. The
results are shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
Calculating φ* in order to determine a more effective authors methodic of training of monologue-
presentation of future designers.
According to these data we define φ*exper.
have effect
“have no effect”
share of
Per cent
Share of
Per cent
53,8 %
46,2 %
92,3 %
7,7 %
Source: own authorship
φ*exper.=(2.89 1.68) ×(13×13 ÷
Due to these results (φ*exper = 3,08) compare this
data with φ*contr.
On Figure 2 we build the author’s zone of
Figure 2. Zone of significance
Source: own authorship
Zone of significance is made. The result fell into
the zone of significance. This indicates that
hypotheses Ho is rejected. Thus, we concluded
that the number of students who reached the level
of learning rate according to the results of the
post-experimental section, in EG-2 is greater
than in EG-1. These data give us reason to
believe that the effectiveness of author’s training
of monologue-presentation methodic is high.
The effectiveness of the proposed author’s
methodic, which we tested, made it possible to
determine the reliability of the experiment. This
indicates that the methodic has proved its
effectiveness and can be recommended for
implementation in the educational process.
On Figures 3 10 we would like to present the
fragments of students’ work as a result of their
taking the author’s training course on
monologue-presentation making.
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 3. Fragment of presentation Chocolate design”, prepared by student Tarasenko K. Y
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment.
Figure 4. Subject of presentation “Coco Chanel”, prepared by student Domaratska Y.
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment.
Figure 5. Subject of the presentation “Coco Chanel” after Domaratska Yaruna.
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 6. Subject of the presentation “Mirrorless cameras” after Tereshina E.
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment.
Figure 7. “Landscape design” after Maksimova E. V.
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment.
Figure 8. Subject Concept Art” after Semenenko Tatyana.
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment.
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 9. Subject of the presentation “Eco-design”, prepared by student Lishtva A. V.
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment
Figure 10. The story of McDonald’s company” after Drozdyk Y. B.
Source: Collected by the authors during practical classes in the course of the experiment.
Since presentation was the dynamic base of
business successful operations, it has been
becoming the object of foreign languages
training (Carney, 1992; Churchman, 1986;
Jay, 2010; King, 2002; Comfort, 2010;
Pertaub, 2012; Leigh, 1999; Webster, 2002).
Developing Ukrainian society needs educated,
moral, enterprising professionals, who have
mobility, dynamism, developed individuality,
competitiveness; specialists, who are competent
not only professionally, but also in
communicative terms.
We consider, after the War against Russian
invaders, the transition of Ukrainian education on
new content, new State standards will require
improvement training of specialists. Within the
framework of our investigation, we see a
monologue-presentation as a modern leading
type of monologue broadcasting.
In Ukrainian methodology we had already had
the foreign-languages monologues researches:
the English-language monologue-persuasion
(Dyachkova, 2012), the French-language
monologue- argumentation (Bondar, 2012), the
English-language business presentation
(Avsyukevich, 2009), the German-language
monologue-presentation (Drab, 2010). The
research of these scholars undoubtedly enriches
the methodic of teaching business professional
speech, in particular, promotes the development
of skills to inform the partners, convince them to
support the ideas set out in presentation speeches.
The first attempts in presentation training of
specialists were made last seven years: future
engineers were trained by O. V. Popel (2018),
future economists were thought by
N. K. Lyamzina (2018), future lawyers by
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
J. O. Dyachkova (2012). We firstly elaborate the
training of monologue-presentation of future
designers. We made the conclusion: monologue-
presentation is the modern leading type of
monologue broadcasting of future designers,
especially at the time of rebuilding and renewal
construction of Ukraine after the War against
Russian invaders.
We share the opinion of O. V. Popel, who argues
that the effectiveness of future professionals
training of English presentation is achieved by:
1) consideration of presentation speech in three
dimensions: as professional literacy, rhetorical
ability and foreign-language norms; 2) its
integrated form, which involves the acquisition
of integrated knowledge of professional and
foreign-language material, the development of
integrated skills of technical information
presentation in its presentative and advertising
form; 3) making professional information in its
nominal-factual, narrative-presentative, detailed-
presentative, interactive-presentative and
professional-presentative type and look (Popel,
2018, p. 17).
We agree with L. V. Bondar seeing the problem
of presentation forms training limitations
(Bondar, 2012). It might be not only monologue-
presentation training at classes of foreign
languages but also the special courses at modern
Higher Educational Institutions.
Our command from Kyiv National University of
Technologies and Design (Ukraine) had got the
application for EU grant ERASMUS JMO-
2022-MODULE and in our further research the
problem of presentation training will be
As we see from above-mentioned information,
Design is the project of individual thoughts,
which reflect the reality, personal and cultural
tastes, traditions and history.
Designers are creative persons, who are ready for
constant novelties, breakthrough in
consciousness. And many of well-known
designers are the confirmation of this revolution
(fantasy and experiments): introduction of the
blouse, shorts, dress styles, mac, jeans, unisex
wear, mass production outfits. In the 21-st
century the appearance of Web-, Video-, Graphic
Design in last 10 years become the challenge of
new thinking, intercultural communication.
Independence, creativity, desire for continuous
learning and self-training are the marks of
professional activities of future designers, the
persons who are in constant creative research and
continuously developing with the ability to
enhance their learning including foreign
According to new War of Ukraine against
Russian invaders conditions and its
consequences, the designers will be ready to
construct the Motherland with all their talents,
knowledge from various fields and effective
intercultural business communication. As tutors
we must teach future designers how to say, what
to say in foreign languages in a particular case,
how to present the ideas effectively and make the
effective result.
Thus, we consider, future designers’ monologue-
presentation training is the most demanded and
convenient method of modern training of foreign
languages and the monologue-presentation is the
modern leading type of monologue broadcasting.
We see our proposed methodic is the
approaching of such results.
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