www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.59.11.5
How to Cite:
Alazemi, N.F.S.A. (2022). The impact of digital learning resources on developing the educational process for faculty members at
the PAAET. Amazonia Investiga, 11(59), 54-63. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.59.11.5
The impact of digital learning resources on developing the educational
process for faculty members at the PAAET
               
Received: November 6, 2022 Accepted: November 30, 2022
Written by:
Nourah F. S. A. Alazemi12
The study aimed to identify the impact of digital learning resources on the development of the educational
process for faculty members at the PAAET, and its role in developing the academic capabilities of faculty
members, including the areas of academic advancement and the quality of scientific research in the
international publishing observatories, where the study applied the curriculum standards survey descriptive;
The questionnaire was applied as a main tool to measure the impact of digital learning resources on the
development of the educational process for faculty members through a sample of (78) faculty members
from various disciplines. The study concluded that digital learning resources are one of the most important
sources for developing the educational process for faculty members. Teaching, whether at the level of
scientific research or academic promotion, with its active role in the development of the educational
process. The study recommended the need to expand the use of faculty members for digital learning
resources, with the need to intensify training courses and workshops in this field, with the need to develop
policies and decisions related to their field of work, which In turn, it enhances the development of the
educational process.
Keywords: Digital learning resources; Digital resources; Educational process; the quality of scientific
research; PAAET.
                  
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Digital learning resources are all sources on
which information is recorded digitally, such as
books, research, conferences, peer-reviewed and
published theses, machine learning systems,
Dr. School Manager, Ministry of Education, State of Kuwait.
student affairs systems, admissions and
registration available through the university on
its website, which are accessed and read by
computers and networks. Communication, and it
Alazemi, N.F.S.A. / Volume 11 - Issue 59: 54-63 / November, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
can be saved, classified, indexed, and published
for various educational and research purposes
(Alghamdi & Holland, 2020).
Where the technological development has
affected the digital learning resources, after they
were confined to books and traditional sources,
they have become dependent mainly on
computers, educational websites (Barri, 2020),
and the various educational systems available
from the university, where these resources of all
kinds are of great importance to many faculty
members and students. To obtain information at
the appropriate time for them, as well as
providing them with the opportunity to increase
their information and knowledge on a specific
topic, and these sources seek to achieve
unlimited goals (Navarro-Pablo et. al, 2019),
most notably preparing a distinguished
educational environment that develops the
learner's ability to research, and develop their
awareness and capabilities.
The nature of information has changed over the
past years, as the current era is defined by the
digital age. Because of the nature of available
information sources, and because of the
significant change in the way resources are used
to support learning and teaching, as it often uses
a wide range of learning systems; For the diverse
cognitive processing of beliefs and associated
educational targets (Jara et al., 2017).
Faculty members in universities are also the most
important resources that they possess, in order to
achieve their competitive advantages, and they
are the main element in the continuity and
survival of any successful organization (Trouche
et al., 2020), Therefore, attention came to faculty
members for their active role in achieving the
performance of universities according to their
goals and material resources that they wish to
employ to improve their services (Pérez Garcias
& Marín, 2016).
This procedure will only be done by creating an
encouraging work environment that makes the
faculty member feel belonging to the university,
and enhances the quality of academic life
(Truong et al., 2021), which raises the morale of
the university employees and directs their
behavior to serve the goals of the university as an
integral part of its goals, hence the concept of
developing the educational process (Lonzo,
2018), which It emphasizes creating a work
environment in which there is support and
participation in decision-making processes,
problem-solving, and a stimulating academic and
career life (Kervin et al., 2019).
Various digital learning resources play an active
role in the development of the educational
process in universities (Bernacki et al., 2021), as
they provide effective factors for increasing
scientific capacity, providing information, and its
continuity, in line with improving the quality of
academic advancement of faculty members.
Objectives of the study
The study sought to identify the role of digital
learning resources in the aspects of developing
the educational process related to the faculty
members of the PAAET, and its role in achieving
high rates of job satisfaction, the pursuit of
continuous academic advancement, and the high
value of the quality of scientific research in
various publishing observatories at the global
level during the following:
1. The role of digital resources in the process
of upgrading the standards of scientific
research quality and increasing publishing at
the global level.
2. The role and relevance of digital learning
resources in the development of the
educational process related to faculty
3. The role of the PAAET in the procedures for
providing distinguished sources of digital
learning in order to achieve the ability to
develop the educational process.
4. Coming up with specific recommendations
that properly contribute to spreading the
public culture among faculty members on
how to use digital resources to improve the
educational process.
The study importance
The importance of the study is due to the quality
of the study presented on the use of digital
learning resources in the educational and
academic field as one of the most important
determinants that push towards the continuous
and permanent improvement of the educational
process for an important category in universities,
so the impact of the study presented has
increased, especially in light of the current
technological development at the global level,
and the constant desire of the faculty in this type
of use.
The study Problem
Based on the foregoing, the problem of the study
is due to the fact that it focuses on studying the
use of digital learning resources as one of the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
objective variables in procedures for increasing
the capabilities of the educational process for
members of the faculty, as there are actually few
studies published in this field at the academic
level, whether in Arab or regional universities,
with this accuracy. And depth, and similar
studies in this specialization are not available at
the level of Kuwaiti universities.
Study questions
The study questions can be reached through the
specific answer to the following main question:
What is the impact of digital learning
resources on increasing the educational and
academic capabilities of faculty members?
Several sub-questions branch out from this
main question:
To what extent do digital learning resources
provide an effective and influential role in
further improving the educational and
academic practical capabilities of faculty
What is the impact of digital learning
resources on increasing research capabilities
and accredited global publishing?
What are the elements of excellence and
quality required to make the most of digital
learning resources in developing the fields of
the educational and academic process?
What is the role of the PAAET in increasing
the capabilities of the educational and
academic process for faculty members?
Study Approach
The study used the criteria of the descriptive and
survey method. The questionnaire was applied as
a main tool.
The limits of the study
Temporal limits: The study was applied
during the first semester of the academic
year 2022/2023.
Spatial limits: The study was applied to
faculty members at PAAET.
Study community
The study sample consisted of (78) faculty
members from all scientific disciplines at
PAAET, according to Table No (1).
Table 1.
Distribution of academic grades for faculty members
Academic Degree
Associate Prof.
Assi Prof.
Source: Author
Table No. (1) Clears the number of study
participants and their academic grades; the
     
     
degree in the second rank with 19.5%, the
     y the
Table 2.
Scientific majors in the study
Health majors
Source: Author
Table No. (2) Shows that the number of study
participants belonged to four scientific majors,
and that the humanities majors ranked first with
a percentage of 42.3%, while health majors
ranked second with a percentage of 27.1%, and
in the third rank the scientific majors came with
a percentage of 24.4%, and finally majors
engineering ranked fourth with 5.2%.
Literature review
Cohen et al., Study (2022), the current study
sought to identify many of the actual experiences
of students in how to deal with multiple digital
technologies during academic study, and to
realize their vision about the benefits of
technology. By applying latent factor analysis
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
consisting of 16 variables to students' perceptions
of the benefit of digital resources, the study found
that there were statistically significant
differences between the use of technology and its
actual usefulness among students, as they
confirmed the dominance of formal digital
resources such as: learning management systems,
and digital library resources. available on the
Internet, and the use of informal digital resources,
including academic research services; related
videos and audios on content-sharing sites such
as YouTube and Wikipedia; And communicate
with other students through social networks.
Sharp & Hamil study (2018), The study sought to
provide a lot of literature as one of the main
evidences on the importance of digital resources
that enhance student learning performance in the
mathematics major, and its impact on
discovering the effect of digital resources that are
adaptable to web processes, Think through
Math©, as well as on the performance of the
student sector through assessments Mathematics
course, where the study was keen to apply the
quantitative study method by conducting several
analyzes that included multiple regression among
a wide sample of students amounting to 723
students from a school district in northern Texas,
where the results of that study showed that there
are high levels of use with Think Through Math
© Think Through Math© reports, through
analysis and multiple data collection,
standardized math assessment procedures for all
elementary, middle and high school levels.
Urhiewhu & Emojorho study (2015), this study
sought to apply the standards of digital resources
among undergraduate students at the
postgraduate level at Delta University and Edo in
Nigeria. Likewise, there is a clear neglect by the
university administration of the role of the
Federal University Library associated with
petroleum resources, which does not include
digital sources of information at all, with many
databases not available on the Internet; with an
insufficient number of computers available to
access digital information resources.
Pena Correa study (2018), The study aimed to
analyze many types of databases, such as: the
knowledge base and information management
systems available in Arab academic institutions,
where information technology represents a major
investment in organizational and academic work,
as the study focused entirely on the capabilities
of information management systems to acquire
knowledge, store it securely and retrieve it. And
e integration
of various digital resources, e-learning systems,
and knowledge-based management technology
leads to an improvement in the performance of
academic satisfaction for faculty members. The
primary variables that allowed predicting
intention and use were baseline (38.3%), learning
rewards (34.9%), ease of use (28.2%), and
resource characteristics (25.9%).
The study theoretical framework
Educational process
The educational process is an organized and
coordinated set of all activities and procedures
that seek to meet the educational and academic
needs that guarantee the conditions and
objectives set by the field of higher education
(Inefuku & Franz, 2015), the educational and
academic process is based on a wide range of
basic principles. Among them: the standards of
democracy, science, and humanity (Niqresh,
2019), which aim to provide students with many
educational and academic skills that make their
personality more balanced, and fully contribute
to providing future job opportunities (Warwick,
Digital learning resources
They are those sources that rely entirely on
computer applications and the Internet for a
comprehensive set of services that contribute to
facilitating access to educational material,
exchanging discussion and dialogue, and
assisting students in obtaining educational
material digitally from various local and
international agencies. It is also known as
information that is stored and stored (Fatima et
al., 2017), Access to it through a computer, and
this information can include the forms of text
files, a computer program, or a page available on
the World Wide Web. It could be defined
procedurally as those sources that provide
educational resources in their various forms
electronically (Makharova, 2021).
The importance of digital learning resources
The use of digital learning resources can be used
to overcome all the problems faced by faculty
members through processing information, the
process and procedures for organizing, storing,
retrieving, publishing and making it available to
other beneficiaries (Koehn & Hawamdeh, 2010),
and other needs, as digital learning resources lead
to obtaining information in an easy and fast way
(Warwick, 2008), and there are many among the
reasons and factors calling for the introduction
and use of digital learning resources, the most
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
important of which is the increase in the capacity
of the volume of intellectual production, and the
distribution of information in different
information container (Fernández-Pampillón,
Thus, the importance of digital learning
resources can be summarized in the following
It provides the student with the opportunity
for self-learning according to his personal
potential and tendencies.
Reducing the costs of electronic publishing
of digital resources.
It allows learning methods according to the
individual differences of students.
Allows speed and extreme accuracy in
accessing information by students and
Allows the student to provide information
Ease of updating and modifying digital
Provides full opportunity for use by a wide
number of users.
Achieving the ability to overcome the
difficulty of running out of hard copies and
the difficulty of distributing traditional
Types of digital learning resources
Basic digital learning resources: They are
digital resources available on the Internet
and can only be accessed through this use, as
they are available on the digital network and
have no origin in traditional reality, such as:
info graphic design sites, as well as
resources for providing educational lessons,
and resources for modifying and media
Converted digital learning resources: They
are non-digital resources in the first place,
but digital copies of them have been
prepared, meaning that they have been
actually converted from their actual paper
content to digital content such as: e-books
and training courses websites.
Digital learning resources, which are
through texts, images, sounds, videos,
diagrams, and mind maps.
Open learning resources
All of them are used as a similar value to describe
learning, teaching and research resources of
various digital types that are included with the
public domain or issued according to open
publishing licenses, which is the format that can
be used or modified continuously, or
redistributed by users free of charge (Marín et al.,
2020), free and without restrictions, as these
resources are Open educational forms of teaching,
learning, and the ability to research through a
variety of media, whether digital or non-digital,
which are in the public domain or released under
an open regulated license that allows others to
freely use, apply, adapt, and redistribute them
without any or no restrictions (Matusiak, 2010),
Open license within the framework of
intellectual property rights based on the
associated international agreements, which
respect the copyrights of these sources.
Preliminary study procedures
The researcher took several of the following
actions: (Ricardo-Barreto et al., 2020).
Working on defining the theoretical
framework for this study through the
processes of reviewing previous studies and
previous educational research related to the
same specialization.
Create a specific questionnaire to measure
the extent of measuring the impact of digital
learning resources on developing and
increasing the educational process for
faculty members (Üstünlüoglu & Dahlgren,
The questionnaire was presented in its initial
form to many specialized arbitrators.
The questionnaire was prepared and created
in its final form that can be distributed, by
preparing a set of successive suggestions and
amendments submitted by specialized
arbitrators.Distribution of the questionnaire
electronically to faculty members.
Carrying out statistical analysis and
processing of the data provided, reaching
many study results and their interpretation,
and presenting related recommendations and
The following procedures were prepared for the
First: The researcher initially prepared a list of
criteria that include the role of digital learning
resources in developing and increasing the
educational process for faculty members, in
which she relied sufficiently on a variety of
coherent studies that are fully related to the field
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of study, and accordingly the following actions
were taken: (Pinkas & Lin, 2010)
A list of basic criteria has been prepared in its
initial form: A specific and preliminary list has
been prepared for a number of criteria aimed at
measuring the role of digital learning resources
in developing and increasing the educational
process for faculty members.
Ensuring the veracity of the arbitrators: the
researcher was keen to request arbitration
and check the criteria by a number (5) of
specialists in the library and information
field, and all the required amendments were
made from them based on their suggestions
and observations.
Preparing the list of standards in its final
form: The list of standards in its full form
consisted of (3) main and specific standards,
and (16) sub-paragraphs of the standards.
Second: Preparing the main study tool: The
researcher was keen to prepare the main study
tool (the questionnaire) according to the
following stages:
The main objective of the questionnaire: The
objective of this questionnaire was to realize
the impact of the standards of digital
learning resources on the development and
increase of the educational process for
faculty members.
Reaching the veracity of the questionnaire:
Where the validity of the questionnaire
means: the suitability and suitability of the
questionnaire phrases in their apparent form
for the research purpose of the study for
which they were developed, and through the
preliminary examination of the contents of
the questionnaire phrases, and the following
has been taken into account:
Clarity of the objectives and determinants of
the questionnaire.
The validity of the basic criteria and phrases
that the questionnaire aims to measure.
Availability of the questionnaire in
electronic form, speed in distribution and
application, correct access to responses, and
interpretation of those results.
To ensure the validity of the questionnaire; A set
of procedures were applied, including: (the
validity of the arbitrators, the validity of internal
consistency), according to the following
Achieving the veracity of the arbitrators: the
questionnaire was presented to a number (5)
specialists in library and information science;
In order to ensure the validity of the
questionnaire, the specialists have indicated
several necessary amendments. Especially
with regard to the distribution of the
established criteria related to the
questionnaire with its division into 3 main
axes, and many sub-criteria associated with
it, and the Cooper equation was applied in
order to calculate the degree of agreement
between the group of arbitrators, and the
actual and real agreement percentage for the
questionnaire reached (94.00%), which is A
very high percentage, which indicates the
validity and strength of the resolution.
The validity of the internal consistency of
the questionnaire: The internal consistency
coefficient of the questionnaire was verified
by the researcher by applying the
questionnaire to the study sample, through
Table No. (4):
Table 4.
Correlation coefficients for the resolution criteria
The relation of the phrase to the
degree of the axis
The relation of the phrase to
the degree of the axis
(**) Function at (0.01) level
Source: Author
It is clear from the previous table no. (4) That the
group of correlation coefficients between the questionnaires and the total score for each
domain separately ranged between (0.691) and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(0.789), and all of them achieved a statistically
significant degree at the level of (0.01).
Accordingly, it turns out that the correlation
coefficients between all the questionnaire
phrases and the total degree associated with them
are considered a function at the level (0.01);
Which is statistically significant on the existence
of the extent of interdependence and coherence
of the resolution criteria; This confirms that the
questionnaire has a strong internal consistency.
Calculation of the degree of stability of the
questionnaire: where the measurement of
stability is one of the important conditions
that express the complete accuracy in
measuring the study criteria, as the
researcher was keen to calculate the degree
of stability of the questionnaire through the
application of the midterm segmentation
procedures, through which the degrees of the
sample of (78) members were distributed
Teaching staff, where the grades were
partially divided according to odd and even
criteria, and this was done by extracting a
correlated group of simple correlation
coefficients (Pearson coefficient) between
each of the two halves scores in this
questionnaire, and then work was done to
correct them by applying the equation
(Spearman-Brown), and finally the
Guttmann equation was used to calculate the
degree of stability of the resolution: as
shown in Table No. (5):
Table 5.
The values of the stability coefficient for the study questionnaire using the split-half method
Guttmann coefficient
Stability coefficient
Pearson stability
Stability coefficient
Questionnaire phrases
Source: Author
The values in Table No. (4) indicate that the
questionnaire of the impact of the role of digital
learning resources on the development of the
educational process for faculty members at
PAAET has a high degree of stability, and this
means that the values in this questionnaire are
very appropriate and reliable, and are indicative
of The validity of the questionnaire and its
applicability to actual application.
Analyzing the results of the applied study
The role of digital resources in improving the
quality of scientific research and publishing.
Table 6.
The role of digital resources in improving the quality of scientific research
Some how
The impact of digital learning
resources on the development of the
educational process
Using digital learning resources in
performing scientific and academic
Digital learning resources meet
scientific, teaching, research and
knowledge needs
Using digital learning resources to
improve reference citations
The use of digital learning
resources in ease of research and
objective coverage
Source: Author
The responses of the study sample of faculty
members indicate that there is a positive increase
in the role of digital resources in improving the
quality of scientific research and publishing.
There is a significant increase in the impact of
learning resources on the development of the
educational process, by 93.6%. Digital learning
in the performance of scientific and academic
tasks has achieved a fairly high score of
approximately 88.5%, while the total responses
towards digital learning resources meeting
scientific, teaching, research and knowledge
Volume 11 - Issue 59
/ November 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
needs have achieved a rise of 91%, while the
attitudes of faculty members towards The use of
digital learning resources to improve reference
citations reached an average score of 78.2%, and
the responses of the study sample towards the use
of digital learning resources in ease of research
and objective coverage reached an average score
of 70.5%.
The role of digital learning resources in
developing the educational process.
Table 7.
The role of digital learning resources in developing the educational process
Some how
The contribution of digital learning
resources to the development of the
educational process
Using digital learning resources in
performing scientific and academic
Digital learning resources meet
scientific, teaching, research and
knowledge needs
Using digital learning resources to
improve reference citations
The use of digital learning
resources in ease of research and
objective coverage
Digital resources raise the
efficiency of scientific research and
global publishing.
Source: Author
The responses of the study sample about the role
of digital learning resources in the development
of the educational process indicate that they
achieved a fairly high degree, as the contribution
of digital learning resources in the development
of the educational process reached 79.5%, while
the use of digital learning resources in the
performance of scientific and academic tasks
reached a moderate degree of 88.5%, and the
responses of faculty members reached a fairly
high degree of meeting digital learning resources
for scientific, teaching, research and knowledge
needs, amounting to 89.7%, and faculty members
answered about the use of digital learning
resources in improving reference citations to a
fairly high degree By 82%, while the responses
of the study sample on the use of digital learning
resources in the ease of research and objective
coverage achieved a high score of 93.6%, and the
responses of the study sample on raising the
efficiency of scientific research and global
publishing to a fairly high degree. At a rate of
83.3%, and with regard to the impact of digital
resources on academic promotion, a fairly high
score of 85.9%.
The role of the PAAET in providing digital
learning resources to achieve the development of
the educational process.
Table 8.
The role of the PAAET in providing digital learning resources to achieve the development of the educational
Some how
Contribute and improve the quality of
digital learning resources
Contribute to increasing the academic
achievement of faculty members
Involving undergraduate and
postgraduate students in the educational
Achieving academic satisfaction for the
faculty members of the Authority
Source: Author
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The responses of the study sample about
contributing to and improving the quality of
digital learning resources indicate achieving a
fairly high score of 83.3%, while contributing to
increasing the academic achievement of faculty
members achieved a fairly high score of 84.6%,
and it also achieved the involvement of
undergraduate and graduate students. The
highest level in the educational process achieved
a high score of 92.3%, and the academic
satisfaction of the faculty members achieved a
fairly high score of 92.3%.
The need to hold specialized workshops and
organize training courses on a regular and
regular basis on the use of digital learning
resource applications in developing and
increasing the educational process for
faculty members.
The need to consolidate the skills of faculty
members towards the use of digital resources
in order to transfer knowledge and develop
academic life at the university.
Work on developing future plans to develop
and increase the capacity of digital learning
resources to increase the educational and
academic process for faculty members
through many subscriptions, full
cooperation, and local and international
exchange of knowledge aimed at increasing
the many available digital resources.
Fully motivate faculty members to be
creative and innovative; With regard to the
field of digital learning resources in order to
develop and increase the educational and
academic process for faculty members.
Continue to conduct more studies and in-
depth research related to the impact of
digital learning resources on the
development of the educational and
academic process for faculty members.
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