www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.22
How to Cite:
Reshetylov, K., Rajab Aljad, R., Panchenko, H., Bukliv, R., & Vynograd, O. (2022). Digital transformation of education and
science: responses to modern challenges. Amazonia Investiga, 11(58), 202-211. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.22
Digital transformation of education and science: responses to modern
Transformación digital de la educación y la ciencia: respuestas a los retos actuales
Received: October 1, 2022 Accepted: November 29, 2022
Written by:
Kyrylo Reshetylov92
Reyad Rajab Aljad93
Hanna Panchenko94
Roksoliana Bukliv95
Oleksandr Vynograd96
The relevance of the study is due to the rapid
digitalization and computerization of both the
educational process and research activities. New
challenges are prompting the creation of a new
digital educational environment. Relying on the
latest digital technologies, scientific paradigms
are changing towards creating interdisciplinary
areas of research. The article aims to analyze the
main trends of digital transformation of the
educational and scientific sphere. The article is
based on the use of theoretical pedagogical
research methods: analysis, synthesis, induction,
and deduction. Content analysis of scientific
literature showed that researchers do not pay
enough attention to the analysis of tools for
implementing the elements of digitalization in
the educational and research processes. The
results of the study were actualization of the
understanding of the content and essence of the
digitalization of the educational process,
coverage of the competence approach to the
implementation of digitalization, analysis of the
formation of new interdisciplinary areas of
research work. Practical significance: the
Senior Lecturer Department of Ukrainian Language, Literature and Culture, Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University
of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine.
Lecturer State of Libya / the city of al khoms Elmergib University Libyan Ministry of Education, Libyan.
Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Regional
Studies, Faculty of Public Management and Administration, Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Service and Management,
National University "Odesa Polytechnic", Ukraine.
Candidate of technical Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor Department of Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances,
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of the department of cynology, Territorially separated branch
«Khmelnytsky branch of the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service», Ukraine.
Reshetylov, K., Rajab Aljad, R., Panchenko, H., Bukliv, R., Vynograd, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 58: 202-211 / October, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
creation of recommendations on the
implementation of digital competence
acquisition tools for effective adaptation to the
new digital educational environment in Ukraine
and the disclosure of its additional benefits. In
conclusion, it is noted that this study opens a
broad discussion on the prospects for changing
both educational and scientific paradigms in
Ukraine and the world.
Keywords: digital technologies of education,
educational environment, research activities,
innovative education, e-Learning.
The traditional school was formed with a focus
on the present in its day manufactory production.
The digital transformation of education is largely
based on the models of transformation,
consisting in the background of modern high
technology. A distinctive feature of
transformational changes is their high speed, the
inability of inertial institutions to match the
changes taking place in society. Today, many
education administrators, making decisions,
believe that they are still in control of change. But
this is far from being true; the situation has
changed: changes in the surrounding world have
accelerated, technology renewal takes years, not
a decade, as it did half a century ago. New
opportunities are constantly opening up.
However, employees of the educational sphere
do not have the resources and tools to promptly
follow them, to plan research to study them, to
assess the potential for updating educational
As a result of this feature of the educational field,
innovative schools and teacher innovators
(“scouts of the future”) take the risk of mastering
new digital technologies and testing their
effectiveness in educational work. They share
their successes with their colleagues,
independently generating and disseminating new
educational practices. Thus, modern educational
institutions are losing their role as leaders of
school renewal, leaving only the fixation and
control of continuously occurring changes.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the main
trends in the digital transformation of the
educational and scientific sphere. Based on the
purpose of the study, the following research
objectives can be formulated:
analysis of the current state of the study of
the issue of digital transformation of the
scientific and educational sphere in the
world pedagogical science;
the study of the features of the formation of
digital transformation of education and
science in Ukraine, highlighting the main
features of this process, determining the
national nature of the changes;
the study of trends and prospects of
development of digital transformation of
scientific and educational spheres in
accordance with the national strategy for
reforming the educational sphere.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The work was based on low academic research.
Thus, the article by Abad-Segura, González-
Zamar, Infante-Moro & Ruipérez García (2020)
addresses the issue of reforming the management
of educational institutions in a digital
transformation. The authors point out that this
process provides new opportunities for managing
the quality of interaction of all participants in the
educational process. Together with this study, the
works of Balyer & Öz (2018) and Benavides,
Tamayo Arias, Arango Serna, Branch Bedoya &
Burgos (2020) address the digital transformation
of the educational process in the academic
environment. The authors of both studies identify
issues that are specific to institutions of higher
education and the academic research
environment. For this study, the international
experience of digitalization implementation is
important. Bond, Marín, Dolch, Bedenlier &
Zawacki-Richter (2018) study highlights the
specifics of the digital transformation of
education in Germany. The authors note that the
field of education is still one of the most
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
conservative institutions, and despite the high
technological development of the country, the
introduction of innovative digital technologies
into the educational process has been very
sensitive. Studies highlighting the problems of a
modern adaptation of educational institutions to
current conditions remain interesting. Research
by Diachkova, Tomyuk, Novgorodtseva,
Avdeeva, & Belkevich, (2022) examines the
state of digitalization of modern universities and
the challenges that students and teachers face in
their daily activities. The authors consider the
strengths and weaknesses of the digital
transformation of the educational process. The
researchers have not overlooked the issues of
organizing research work in the context of digital
transformation. García-Peñalvo, (2021) in his
article examines the practical mechanisms of
implementing elements of digital transformation.
Yes, the author considers the principle of e-
Learning in higher education. The author reveals
the goals and objectives of e-learning, points out
the strengths and weaknesses of this educational
technology. The author pays special attention to
the problems faced by students in the digital
educational environment. Jackson (2019)
considers the problem of the formation of digital
necessary for the successful implementation of
digital transformation of education and science in
the conditions of technological development.
The author notes that basic ICT competencies
play a special role in digital transformation
today. Kapur, Byfield, Del Frate, Higgins &
Jagannathan (2018) in their study point to
important transformations in academia. The
authors emphasize that with digital
transformation, scientists gain new opportunities
for their work. The study of Kazibekova, (2019)
reveals the psychological features of the
adaptation of teachers and students to the new
digital environment. The study reveals the
peculiarities of adaptation to new educational
tools. Research Kulish, Radul, Haleta, Filonenko
& Karikh (2020) aims to analyze the tools of
digital transformation of the educational process
in Ukraine. The study of Mhlanga & Moloi
(2020) reveals the role of quarantine measures in
relation to the COVID-19 epidemic in
accelerating the digital transformation of
educational and scientific institutions. Despite
numerous studies on the digitalization of
education and science, the issue is not lost on us.
There are still low issues that have not been
reflected in scientific research: effective tools to
adapt students to the new pedagogical conditions,
the transformation of scientific discourse in
connection with the new digital realities,
effective tools of digital transformation, etc.
To analyze the organizational forms and
infrastructure of digital transformation, the work
applies interdisciplinary methods, allowing for a
new quality of research, which ensures its
perspective. Along with traditional sources and
comparative historical methods, modern
comparative methods of analysis of scientific
literature and legal acts are used. Analysis of the
integrity and completeness of information,
analysis of spatial and temporal correspondence
were used for comparative research. Applied
methods of digital humanities - content analysis
and visualization of research results - were used
to present the results of the study. The work is
based on the source analysis of Internet resources
of periodicals and organizations, identification
and comparison of qualitative and quantitative
indicators of synchronicity and diachrony,
scientometric analysis of publications in
scientific journals and collections of conference
materials, methods of information visualization,
generalization of the results.
The key materials of the study were the official
Ukrainian legislation: 1. The concept of digital
transformation of education and science in
Ukraine (Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine, 2021). 2. Strategy for the development
of higher education in Ukraine for 2021-2031
(Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
2022). 3. Laws of Ukraine “On Higher
Education” (Law 1556-VII, 2014) The above
legislative framework allowed to identify the
current state, trends, and prospects for further
development of digital transformation of the
educational and scientific sphere in Ukraine at
the present stage of development. The study was
conducted in several stages: the first stage was an
analysis of the scientific literature, the study of
the legal framework, the goals and objectives of
the study. The second stage characterized the
state of digital transformation of education and
science in Ukraine, highlighted the main features
and trends of development, marked the most
striking forms of the impact of digitalization on
the development of these areas. At the last stage,
the results of the study were summarized,
conclusions were formed and the own point of
view on the prospects of the development of
digitalization of education and science in
Ukraine was highlighted.
Results and Discussion
The intensive development of computer and, first
and foremost, online educational technologies is
radically changing the process and format of
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
education, both in terms of the content of the
educational process itself and the means of its
organization. These challenges require serious
rethinking. It is not only about recording lectures
and preparing electronic versions of textbooks. It
is about the “depressurization” of education,
moving beyond university classrooms and
laboratories (Samoilovych, Garafonova, Popelo,
Marhasova & Lazarenko, 2021).
The digital civilization of the 21st century has
given rise to new forms of organization of
socially important institutions, which are the
educational and scientific spheres. Digitalization
requires new, quite different competencies from
those that Ukrainian university graduates have.
There is a paradoxical situation - many necessary
new competencies are acquired outside
educational institutions (Tsekhmister, Kotyk,
Matviienko, Rudenko & Ilchuk, 2021).
The main function of education becomes
teaching how to learn, how to be ready for
change, how to work with more complex
projects, how to borrow advanced, foreign
practices, how to broaden one's horizons by
following trends in other industries and
professions. Moreover, the digital competence of
university graduates should not exceed the
existing nomenclature of competencies in order
to work ahead of the situation. The times when
the lecturer was the primary source of discipline
and learning was reduced to listening to lectures
and discussing additional literature in seminars,
which was mostly reduced to fragments of
primary sources, are rapidly disappearing, and in
general have already gone into oblivion
(Tanushev, 2022).
Students armed with gadgets, even during a
traditional lecture, can repeatedly refer to
primary sources, contemporary interpretations,
often ahead of such awareness of the lecturer
himself. And those teachers who demand the
reproduction of the content of their lectures in
exams and credits, those institutions of higher
education that fight against the availability of
information by prohibiting the use of electronic
sources, fall out of professional activities,
becoming uncompetitive and unclaimed
(Bethencourt-Aguilar, Area-Moreira, Sosa-Al
Castellano-Nieves, 2021).
Digital technology is radically changing both the
content of disciplines and the way they are
delivered. It is not only electronic presentations,
which have already become a common practice,
or the use of videos. It is possible to connect
directly to electronic databases, news, and
forums that are actively taking place all over the
world. The use of social networks is possible in
conducting practical classes. With the use of
Skype, messengers possible participation in the
session of the leading specialist, the expert
(OECD (2018a). The conceptual model for the
implementation of digital transformation in
Ukrainian universities is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Conceptual model of concentric information technology of digital transformation of higher
education institutions.
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis
Activities of the HEI
Technology for solving
functional problems
information base
Regulatory and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Publishers specializing in educational literature
are increasingly switching to electronic versions
of textbooks and teaching aids. Mass online
education is developing rapidly. Video
recordings of lectures by educational institutions
and individual teachers began to appear on the
Internet as early as in the late 1990s. In the early
2010s, full-fledged interactive courses for taking
tests and exams appeared. Currently, some
popular courses have hundreds of thousands of
students. And universities and individual
instructors are actively entering the MOOC
market, an international form of open-access
online distance education (OECD (2018b). The
Coursera project alone now reaches almost 25
million users, who are offered more than 2,000
courses in 160 specializations from hundred and
fifty educational institutions. Since the project
collaborates with universities (among which are
elite universities), students who complete
courses and pass tests and exams receive full-
fledged digital certificates. The technical
platform is both the Coursera website and the
iPhone and Android mobile app (Oliver & Jorre
de St Jorre, 2018).
Since 2009, the Academic Earth website has
been launched, featuring video lectures by
professors at MIT, Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton,
Stanford, and Yale on economics, political
science, mathematics, physics, chemistry,
history, philosophy, literature, psychology, etc.
The Ukrainian web platform for schoolchildren
(All-Ukrainian School Online) is also successful
(Xiao, 2019).
If the listener does not have a goal to get a
certificate, he or she can take the course for free.
The development of free online education of
advanced world-class universities is a serious
challenge to small regional universities.
However, if you intelligently combine online and
offline education formats, regional universities
can offer and implement high-quality, if not
unique, educational programs. Students who
attend traditional HEIs are increasingly
supplementing their education with online
courses as needed or desired-the format is not
only convenient for gaining knowledge from top
experts, but also for being able to study at any
time (Ulas, 2019). Beginning in their sophomore
year, most students begin working “on-the-job”.
They are forced to do this both by financial
circumstances (the need to pay tuition, living in
another city, etc.) and by an understanding of life
prospects. A graduate who graduates and only
then enters the labor market loses out to a
graduate who has already acquired skills while in
a particular position. Thus, most universities will
have to adapt to low attendance, more and more
students switching to individual plans,
rescheduling sessions, etc. (Ovchinnikova,
Ovchinnikova & Kharlamov, 2020). It should be
noted that the success of the implementation of
digitalization of education depends on the
formation of digital competencies of both
students and teachers. Table 1 presents the
content of the required digital competencies.
Table 1.
The limits of digital competencies for students, teachers, and educational organizations
Limits and tools
Target audience
Digital competencies for
All citizens
Conceptualization of digital
competence for citizens taking
into account lifelong learning;
Digital competence of teachers
Promotion model with all levels
of digital competence Conceptualization of digital
competence for educators; Promotion model with six levels
of digital competence
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis
It is necessary for education to give confidence
and readiness to change, to make a young person
less dependent on facts and narrow knowledge,
to teach how to develop together with
technology. And this means that the university
should teach: to solve problems quickly, to find
the necessary information and knowledge, to be
able to work in a team, to see the perspective and
prepare for it, to be able to make decisions, to
develop and implement projects, to respond to
requests, to build communications and
partnerships (Safonov, Usyk & Bazhenkov,
Internet education, which is becoming
increasingly popular, provides opportunities to
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
use electronic courses prepared by other
universities in educational programs. A new
educational field is forming, the purpose of
which is the professional certification of
specialists (Sousa & Rocha, 2019).
However, besides education, the traditional
university plays another important role in the
socialization of the most advanced part of the
new generation, in its entry into the professional
environment. The university forms a professional
network-not only between generations-between
faculty and students, but also horizontally-the
graduates each year maintain a lasting
relationship based on the memory of their shared
years of study. Each university graduation not
only adds to the professional network of formal
and informal relationships but also triggers new
network relationships already partially
established within a generation during their
studies. It has long been observed that personal
relationships between classmates and even
graduates of different years, but one university,
one department, and one educational program lay
quite a constructive foundation for partnerships
and professional careers. These relationships
persist in business and academia as well (Sinaga,
Sahyar, Darwin & Rajagukguk, 2022).
But the role of the teacher, the very content of his
work under digitalization changes significantly.
His task becomes not so much the development
of the course, the content of lectures and practical
classes, their regular updating in accordance with
new theoretical concepts and developments, as
well as new technologies, practices, empirical
data, publications of scientific and educational
literature, as the tracking of electronic resources
and databases, where all these materials are
presented. This includes keeping abreast of
educational programs and services offered by
other universities. The teacher becomes not so
much a source of knowledge as a navigator,
offering the optimal trajectory for the purposes of
this course to get acquainted with databases,
develop practical tasks, cases for discussion, and,
of course, testing the students' passing of this
trajectory. And if the teacher or the head of an
educational program wants to use the courses or
their fragments presented on the web, he or she
should take these courses to understand their
capabilities (Stupak, 2021).
Speaking about interdisciplinary research from
the perspective of instrumental
interdisciplinarity, it should be noted that they
are most effective if there is a common object,
which the methods of different sciences are
aimed at. Information, which has a complex
internal structure, can be considered as such an
object. The methods of both natural and socio-
humanitarian sciences must be used to study it.
At the same time, it is becoming increasingly
important not so much to expand the arsenal of
scientific methods, as to search for universal
general scientific foundations, the foundation
that allows interdisciplinary research at the
methodological level. The logic of development
of the humanities today moves in the direction of
methodological interdisciplinarity, the search for
a general scientific methodology which would
not simply allow to unite the tools of separate
sciences, but also to work out some common
grounds for humanitarian and natural research
(Butschan, Heidenreich, Weber & Kraemer,
In the modern sciences, under the influence of
digital transformation, methods have been
created that allow us to investigate information
from different perspectives. However, the study
of information is still dominated by a
technocratic approach, which narrows the
understanding of the essence of information and
its role in the development of society. The
situation changed at the beginning of the 21st
century when it became clear that
interdisciplinary integrative research began to
prevail in modern science. The humanities found
themselves in a situation of searching for any
general scientific foundations, a foundation that
would provide interdisciplinary research. The
response to this search was the attempts to
synthesize the ideas about information, the ways
of analyzing its life cycle, the role in the system
of communications, which showed that such a
synthesis of approaches to the study of
information is possible only in the humanities on
an interdisciplinary basis and is manifested today
in the development of digital humanities (digital
humanities DH) (Núñez Valdés, Quiros Alpera
& Cerdá Suárez, 2021).
The approach to humanitarian research from the
standpoint of information theory leads to a
change in the main object of research. If
previously the source as a carrier of open
information was considered as an object, now the
main object of study becomes not the part of
information fixed in the source in the sign form,
but all information, including hidden
information, latently present in the source. The
spread of digital technologies leads to an
extremely rapid birth of new information flows,
the formation of new sources of information,
which become the objects of DH. In turn, the
study of new sources of information is
accompanied by an increase in their number -
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
both primary sources, generated by the era and
people, and secondary ones, arising already in the
process of “digitalization”, in the process of
applying various research methods. The
development of digital technologies itself gives
rise to new objects of humanities research - new
texts in social networks and blogs, YouTube
videos, etc., all at once in digital format, which
requires computer processing of data and an
informational approach to the analysis of sources
(Marks & Al-Ali, 2022).
Digital Humanities (DH), a field that is rapidly
growing and transforming humanities research
through digital tools and resources, contributes to
the emergence of new communications across
academic boundaries. Breaking “disciplinary”
boundaries in science leads at first to rejection
but usually produces extraordinary results.
Combining different technologies and methods,
different expertise becomes key for the digital
humanities, where not only “disciplinary”
boundaries are raised, but also themes, meanings,
searches, solutions are intertwined.
To analyze the organizational forms and
infrastructure of DH, the paper applies
interdisciplinary methods to obtain a new quality
of research, which ensures its perspective. In
addition to traditional source and comparative
historical methods, modern sociological methods
and tools based on questionnaires, focus groups,
etc. are used. For data collection, automated
environments were used, and for their processing
- specialized software Statistica and MS Excel
spreadsheet processor (Sumuer, 2018).
Reliability and credibility of found sources of
information are ensured by their official
character: reliability of sources is confirmed by
the authority of the printed body, book,
publisher, website; credibility is a guarantee of
the authenticity of information fixation through a
digital document or digital copy of the printed
text of scientific publications with their filters of
editorial selection, reviewing, the responsibility
of the author and editor, reputation, etc. The
materials obtained as a result of the information
search are systematized and structured based on
the relational data model and processed by
statistical methods. Such analysis of initial
empirical data allows to reveal organizational
forms of scientific and educational centers
working in the field of DH, to determine the
infrastructure of researches in the field of DH in
the leading world centers, to localize these
centers in space, linking them to a world map.
The study of the DH information environment is
based on the analysis of the nature of information
interactions arising in the DH sphere and forming
its information environment. The identified
information interactions are classified as linear,
interactive, and transactional structures of
communication in the context of the process-
information approach to communication.
The rapid spread and renewal of digital
technologies over the past decade - broadband
Internet, high-performance digital mobile
devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.), Web 2.0
tools (blogs, wikis, social networks, etc.), cloud
services (Google, Office 365, etc.), a new
generation of virtual reality and artificial
intelligence devices - offer virtually unlimited
access to digital tools, materials, and services.
Everyone's access to an unlimited library of
online materials (which used to be the exclusive
privilege of elites) gives unprecedented control
over their information space and its sharing
(Tsiuniak et al., 2020).
The opportunities for students and teachers for
self- and mutual control, for the formation of
interest in learning, for meaningful (accepted by
the student) academic work have qualitatively
increased. Today the main problem is the lack of
a clear dynamically developing understanding
(vision) of the ways to update the education
system. Digital technologies in education - the
nucleus around which pedagogical innovations
can and should gather, there is a qualitative
improvement of the educational process
performance. However, so far the use of digital
education has often been (and continues to be)
considered in isolation from the transformation
of goals, organizational forms, and methods of
educational work. As a result, multimillion-
dollar investments do not contribute to
improving the quality of education. In advanced
countries, this situation has now begun to change.
The time has come for systemic transformation.
Today, as never before, it is important that the
ways and forms of introducing digital
transformations in education be discussed and
implemented based on an understanding of the
possible place of these technologies in the
educational process and the expected results (if
any) of their use.
The goals of changing teaching methods,
organization, and assessment should be
considered along with the goals of developing a
technology-rich learning environment. Solving
these tasks is the only innovative process of
education transformation. First of all, it is
necessary to consider the issues of improving the
efficiency of educational practices and, on this
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
basis, to address the issues of creating an
appropriate digital information infrastructure.
Consequently, relentless scientific and
technological progress has led to transformations
in all spheres of social and political life. New
digital technologies have affected not only the
economy, but they could also not bypass the
educational and scientific spheres, changing
methods and approaches to their content and
organization. The development of computer
technology has prompted the creation of a new
digital educational environment, which is the
main trend in the development of modern
education. The great role of digital and new
communication technologies in the development
and transformation of the scientific environment
should be noted. The emergence of high digital
technologies was the impetus for the creation of
new interdisciplinary scientific directions,
combining the humanities with the methods of
mathematical and digital data processing. At
present, the trend towards digital humanities
(DH) persists in the global scientific discourse.
Digital technologies are evolving rapidly. The
methodological developments that underlie them
are constantly progressing. Consequently, the
digital transformation of education and science
does not seem to be a static statement of a certain
level of development at a given stage, but a
dynamic process of continuous development.
Most of the curricula, simulators and learning
assessment complexes are based on
methodological solutions that were developed
more than half a century ago while exploring the
possibilities of programmed learning within the
behavioral model of the learning process. Their
advantage is that they use in most cases relatively
uncomplicated technological solutions. The
active model of the learning process requires for
its computer support the creation of sufficiently
developed learning environments of a new,
digital type. Considering the above, it should be
noted that further research on the digital
transformation of education and science should
focus on the analysis of educational environment
transformation and the challenges it brings.
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