www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.13
How to Cite:
Al-Balawi, N.S. (2022). Digital competencies and digital transformation in light of the corona pandemic: Obstacles and challenges
at Northern Border University. Amazonia Investiga, 11(58), 124-133. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.13
Digital competencies and digital transformation in light of the corona
pandemic: Obstacles and challenges at Northern Border University
Received: October 9, 2022 Accepted: November 29, 2022
Written by:
Nwayyer Sulaiman Al-Balawi50
This study aimed to determine the level of digital
competencies among faculty members and
students at the Northern Border University and to
identify the obstacles and challenges imposed by
the Corona pandemic. A mixture of survey and
qualitative approaches was adopted. The study
sample consisted of (86) faculty members and
(406) students. The study’s questionnaire is to
measure digital efficiency at the Northern Border
University consisting of seven dimensions of
(57) paragraphs, in addition to two open
questions about the obstacles and challenges of
digital transformation. The results showed that
the skills possessed by faculty members and
students were of a high degree, and also showed
a lack of statistically significant differences in the
average digital competencies of university
students, whereas there are statistically
significant differences due to the impact of the
achievement level in favor of the achievement
level “excellent” versus “good”. The obstacles to
digital transformation were concentrated in four
main axes: infrastructure, the lack of interest in
digital transformation, resistance to change, and
the lack of appropriate competencies for digital
transformation. The challenges facing digital
transformation were summarized in four main
axes: providing infrastructure, developing the
quality of communication between the
educational process participants, controlling the
quality of educational outputs, and raising the
digital efficiency of the educational process.
Keywords: digital competencies, digital
transformation, Obstacles to digital
transformation, Northern Border University.
Assistant Professor, Psychological and educational guidance, Education Department Faculty of Science and Arts in Rafha, Northern
Border University, Saudi Arabia.
Al-Balawi, N.S. / Volume 11 - Issue 58: 124-133 / October, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Coronavirus has drastically impacted the
educational field around the world, and it has
negatively affected students, teachers, and
employees of educational institutions, so it has
been necessary to protect teaching staff and
students, by making them more flexible during
this pandemic; and new preparatory tasks have
emerged for the expected educational models in
the future so communities urgently need flexible
and resilient educational systems because we
face an unpredictable future (British Columbia
Teachers' Federation, 2021)).
Statement of the problem
Because of the sudden digital transformation in
educational institutions around the world, new
challenges in the context of educational designs
forced them to redesign their educational and
learning processes, so they had to rethink many
of their old assumptions about the learning
process, and this is a challenge that cannot be
delayed in educational institutions in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the foregoing calls
for acquiring the digital competencies required to
deal with this new situation through scientific
research and study.
Study Questions:
Based on the above, this study addresses the
following questions:
What digital competencies do Northern
Border University faculty have?
What digital competencies do Northern
Border University students have?
Are there statistically significant differences
at the level of 0.05) in the average
digital competencies of faculty members at
Northern Border University attributable to
variables (gender, academic rank and years
of experience)?
Are there statistically significant differences
at the level of 0.05) in the average
digital competencies of Northern Border
University students due to variables of
(gender, academic year and achievement
What are the obstacles facing digital
transformation in light of the Corona
pandemic at Northern Border University?
What are the challenges facing digital
transformation in light of the Corona
pandemic at Northern Border University?
Objectives of the study:
The current study aims to describe the
characteristics of the competencies that
characterize faculty members, and those that
students develop during their academic lives, to
identify the obstacles to digital transformation to
determine the developmental preparations
necessary for the post-Corona world and to
describe effective strategies to continue
development in pursuit of digital transformation
in all its dimensions and requirements.
Significance of the Study:
The study attempted to contribute to the
development of long-term strategies to benefit
from the data of technologies and integrate them
into education and university administration. The
study will attempt to identify the training needs
of students and faculty members with the aim of
integrating techniques into the university
education process and ensuring a better learning
environment for students. All this will help those
involved in the university with proper planning
to keep up with the situation and deal with it.
Terminological Terms
Digital Competencies:
Defined as the confident, decisive, and
responsible use and interaction of digital
technologies to learn, work and participate in
society. (European Commission, 2019).
Procedurally, it is defined in this study as the
degree to which the respondent obtains the digital
competency assessment tool.
Digital transformation: transformation is
defined as the most sophisticated process of
thinking and structuring to solve problems in new
and innovative ways by using existing
technologies and available digital information,
with the aim of reorganizing technology and
business models, and arriving at fundamental
changes in infrastructure and adapting existing
processes (Oxford College of Marketing, 2018).
Limitations of the study
Time limitations: The first semester of the
academic year 2021-2022.
Spatial Limitations: Northern Borders
University; Saudi Arabia.
Population Limitations: The researcher in
this study targeted a sample of faculty
members and undergraduate students at
Northern Border University.
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Conceptual Framework:
First: Digital Competencies:
In order to identify relevant competencies using
modern ICTs, a variety of terms have been
developed that sometimes go beyond the term
digital competencies. Although discussed and
defined in different ways, the term competencies
represent a combination of knowledge and skills
as well as motivational and voluntary aspects and
they are necessary for active participation in
In an era of digital transformation, active
participation includes learning about digital
competencies; hence the emergence of digital
competency frameworks. One of the most
important is the EU Digital Competence
Framework for Citizens (DigComp) (Carretero et
al., 2017). Within this framework, digital
competence includes the confident, decisive, and
responsible use of digital technologies and
interaction with them to learn, work and
participate in society.
Second: Digitalization, digital representation,
and digital transformation:
Digital Transformation refers to the most
advanced process of thinking and structuring, by
which problems can be solved in new and
innovative ways using existing technologies and
available digital information (Heuermann, Engel
& Von Lucke, 2018).
Digital transformation aims at reorganizing
technology and business models, arriving at
fundamental changes in infrastructure, and
adapting and accommodating existing processes
in the best possible way through new thinking
patterns (Oxford College of Marketing, 2018).
Third: Changes needed for digital transformation
in higher education:
Digitalization and digital transformation gave
rise to the need to make the necessary changes in
the framework of the learning educational
process according to the data of new digital
technologies in order to be consistent with and
adapt to the changes in new learning habits
(Androsch et al., 2017), such as making changes
in the design of learning arrangements for
learning individuals, the ability to retrieve
information at anytime and anywhere from
mobile devices, search for interests, and generate
knowledge, all of which refer to more individual
learning settings.
According to Díaz-García et al., (2022)
Digitalizing means just a first step in the process,
in which the institutions use new tools in order to
carry out old activities. Further than just using
technologies, digitally transforming an
educational institution, or even the entire system,
requires a redesign of the learning and teaching
practices, reconsidering the roles of all the
stakeholders involved in the educational process,
promoting practices like flipped learning,
gamifications or crossover learning; as well as
the implementation of new managerial practices
where ICTs reshape the main value activities of
these organizations.
Fourth: Requirements of digital
transformation in higher education:
The introduction of digitization necessitated
many changes in learning behavior and in the
skills required for transformation have emerged,
and the need for a cohesive educational
ecosystem in which learners move from the
inside out smoothly has emerged. In this way, the
focus should not only be on the labor market but
also on preparing students for the social,
occupational and special problems that they will
face in the future through the development of
science-based work competencies (Gerholz,
Fifth: Previous studies:
The study of Halim and Rizk (2021) emphasized
the importance of digital transformation and e-
learning in Saudi universities as an important and
fundamental requirement through paying
attention to the technological structure and
working to modernize it.
The results of a study (Del Arco, Silva, & Flores,
2021) showed that the most prominent negative
roles of students revolve around the lack of
interaction, as well as disinterest in change.
Although there are no great difficulties in
pursuing the teaching process, there is limited
interest in the emotional aspects of students.
Finally, the study (Pesha, & Kamarova, 2020)
aimed to identify the facing distance education in
Russian universities during the pandemic
revealed a high level of respondents'
dissatisfaction with the quality of educational
services online (Pesha, & Kamarova, 2020).
With regard to students' functional competencies,
she explained that the forced transition to
distance learning had contributed to the
development of digital competencies, albeit to
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
some extent at the expense of the development of
social and emotional competencies.
Methodological procedure
Study Methodology:
To achieve the objectives of the study, a mixed
approach of descriptive survey method and the
qualitative method was adopted in line with the
nature and objectives of the study.
Study sample:
The main study sample consisted of (86) faculty
members, (17.5%) of the total, of whom (27)
were males and (59) were females, in addition to
(406) of the Northern Border University students,
(82.5%) of the total, of whom (148) were males
and (258) were females. (Appendix 1)
Digital Proficiency Scale:
The researcher developed a questionnaire to
measure digital efficiency, by reviewing the
theoretical literature related to the subject and
looking at previous studies in order to derive the
dimensions and paragraphs of the scale, and to
achieve validity the scale was presented to ten
arbitrators from the faculty of the universities of
North Border and Al-Jouf, and based on their
observations, the scale consisted in its final form
of (57) paragraphs, divided into seven
dimensions using the five Likert scale.
The scale was applied to a pilot sample of (30)
students and faculty members at Northern Border
University outside the main sample, with the aim
of extracting the Pearson correlation coefficient
between the score of each of the scale’s items
with the total score of the dimension to which it
belongs and calculating the correlation of the
items with the total score of the scale as a whole.
(Appendix 2). All values of correlation
coefficients were positive, high and statistically
significant at the level of (0.05) to emphasize the
internal consistency of the scale.
It then verifies the validity of the scale by
applying it to the members of the pilot sample in
order to calculate the validity using the Cronbach
method to extract the alpha coefficient of
validity, which reached (0.85). Then it was
applied to the pilot sample again after ten, and
then the correlation coefficients between the first
and second applications were calculated with the
aim of extracting the validity in the return
method, which reached (0.82). As the values
were high, it can be said that the scale is liable to
Results of the study and discussion
Results related to the first question:
To answer the first question, which states, “What
digital competencies do Northern Border
University faculty have? “The arithmetic means
and standard deviations of the dimensions of the
digital competency scale were extracted as
shown in the following table:
Table 1.
Arithmetic means and standard deviations of the dimensions of numerical competencies possessed by
faculty members at Northern Border University (n=86)
Questionnaire dimensions
The mean
Parameter 1: The Basics of Digital Technology
The second parameter: the use of digital technology
Parameter 3: Access to Digital Content
Parameter 4: Digital Content Creation and Development
Parameter 5: Data Management and Digital Content Storage
Parameter 6: Data Sharing and Digital Content
Parameter 7: Security and Privacy
The tool in total
Source: Author
The table indicate the arithmetic average of the
tool as a whole is (3.89), that is a high degree of
the skills possessed by faculty members. At the
level of parameters, the first “the basics of digital
technology “comes top with an arithmetic
average of (4.36) while the fourth parameter: the
design of digital content received the bottom rank
with an arithmetic average of (3.36).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
At the level of paragraphs (Appendix 3),
paragraph (17), which stipulates that “the
Internet shall be used to search for information
effectively", received the highest mean of (4.62),
while paragraph (31), which stipulates that
“educational games shall be designed", received
the lowest mean of (2.82). So the digital
competencies, skills and abilities developed by
faculty members need continuous improvement
and updating.
Results related to the second question:
To answer the second question which states,
“What digital competencies do Northern Border
University students have? “The arithmetic means
and standard deviations of the dimensions of the
digital competency scale were extracted as
shown in the following table:
Table 2.
Arithmetic means and standard deviations of the parameters of numerical competencies possessed by
students of the Northern Border University (n=406)
Questionnaire parameters
Parameter 1: The Basics of Digital Technology
The second parameter: the use of digital
Parameter 3: Access to Digital Content
Parameter 4: Digital Content Creation and
Parameter 5: Data Management and Digital
Content Storage
Parameter 6: Data Sharing and Digital Content
Parameter 7: Security and Privacy
The tool in total
Source: Author
The above table indicates the increase in the
arithmetic average of the tool as a whole reached
(3.68) for the skills of students, and at the level
of dimensions, the second dimension “the use of
digital technology” ranked first with an
arithmetic average of (3.96) with a high degree,
while the fourth dimension: the creation and
creation of digital content ranked last with an
arithmetic average of (3.38).
At the level of the paragraphs of the scale as a
whole (Appendix 4), paragraph (11), which
states “the ability to create and manage digital
accounts (Facebook, Twitter... etc.)” received the
highest arithmetic mean (4.30), while paragraph
(34), which states “Design and development of
digital learning activities”, received the lowest
arithmetic mean (3.05) and thus ranked last at an
average level.
Although the twenty-first century people have
distinctive digital skills and competencies, this
excellence in digital efficiency tends towards
non-functional competencies in most cases, as
the paragraph “Designing and developing digital
learning activities” has the lowest arithmetic
average, and the paragraph “The ability to create
and manage digital accounts (Facebook,
Twitter.)” On the highest arithmetic average of
all paragraphs.
This result is in line with the results of the study
(Batez, 2021), which indicated that there are
differences between the level estimated by
university students for ICT skills and ICT skills
used in online education, where students
estimated their level of ICT skills as higher than
It is essential for online education.
Discussing the results related to the third
To answer the third question, which states: “Are
there statistically significant differences at the
level of 0.05) in the average digital
competencies of faculty members at the
University of the Northern Borders attributed to
variables (gender, academic rank and years of
experience)?” Use the triple contrast analysis test
as shown in the following table:
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Analysis of the tripartite variance of the impact of gender, academic rank and years of experience at the
level of digital competencies of faculty members at Northern Border University (n=86)
Source of
Degrees of
Squares mean
F value
Academic Rank
Years of
Source: Author
The table shows the statistically significant
differences at the level 0.05) in the average
digital competencies of faculty members due to
the effect of academic rank, where the value of P
is (2.851) with statistical significance. (.042) It is
also clear from the above table that there are no
statistically significant differences at the level of
0.05) in the average numerical competencies
of faculty members attributed to gender variables
and years of experience, where the statistical
significance reached).154 (f) and (216)
respectively. To determine the direction of
differences in the averages of the academic rank
variable, the Scheffe test was used for
dimensional comparisons, showing that the
highest differences between the means were
statistically significant between the two
categories (lecturer and assistant professor) with
a difference between the means that reached
(27.546) in favor of the rank of assistant
professor, and there were no significant
differences Statistical significance among the
rest of the variable categories. This result can be
justified by the fact that all faculty members have
positive attitudes towards digital competencies.
This result is a clear indication of their sincere
interest in trying to succeed in the goals of the
educational process. Zawacki-Richter study
(2020) pointed to the positive impact on digital
innovations in university teaching, and the great
commitment of many faculty members due to the
pressures generated by the crisis.
Results related to the fourth question:
To answer the fourth question which states: “Are
there statistically significant differences at the
level of (α 0.05) in the average numerical
competencies of Northern Border University
students due to variables (gender, academic year
and achievement level)?” Use the triple contrast
analysis test as shown in the following table:
Table 4.
Analysis of the tripartite variation of the impact of gender, academic year and achievement level at the
level of digital competencies of students at the University of the Northern Borders (n=406)
Source of variance
Degrees of
Squares mean
F value
Academic Year
Achievement level
Source: Author
The above table shows that there are statistically
significant differences at the level of 0.05)
in the averages of the digital competencies of the
students of Northern Border University attributed
to the variable achievement level, and when
determining the direction of the differences in the
averages of the variable achievement level using
the Scheffe test for post comparisons, it was
found that the differences between the level of
achievement is “excellent” and the level of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
“good” is in favor of students with an “excellent”
achievement. It is also clear from the table that
there are no statistically significant differences at
the level of 0.05) in the average digital
competencies of the students of Northern Border
University attributable to the variables of gender
and academic year, where the statistical
significance reached(225) and (096)
respectively, which is below the level05) was
therefore statistically not a function of the
relative affinity in the numerical competencies
they possessed with different gender and
academic year variables.
The reality of the situation and the circumstances
determined by the pandemic period increased the
digital competencies that students possessed in
general, and most of them adapted to the new
conditions somewhat quickly, as they are born
and grow in the technology era, and this was
confirmed by the study (Pesha, & Kamarova,
2020), whose results showed that the forced
transition to a situation Distance learning has
contributed to the development of digital
competencies for university students, but at the
same time it has somewhat reduced their chances
of developing social and emotional
Results related to the fifth question:
To answer the question: “What are the obstacles
facing digital transformation in light of the
Corona pandemic at Northern Border
University? “The responses of the study sample
to the obstacles facing digital transformation at
Northern Border University were monitored and
analyzed through the open question that formed
the first axis of the third part of the questionnaire:
“In your opinion, what are the obstacles facing
digital transformation at Northern Border
University?” In general, the analysis of the
responses of the sample of the study on the
obstacles resulted in four main axes as follows:
First: Constraints related to poor
infrastructure and limited availability of
equipment for digital transformation:
Adequacy of infrastructure, including hardware
supplies and technical resources, support for
Internet networks, and increasing the efficiency
of educational platforms, are among the most
important factors to ensure the success of the
transformation process. When monitoring the
responses of the study sample, some responses
that stopped at infrastructure constraints emerged
in several forms. There are administrative
obstacles related to the lack of readiness
mentioned by some, and there are logistical
obstacles related to the lack of technical devices
and lack of maintenance in addition to the lack of
devices among students. There are constraints
related to the lack of financial support provided
by the university for digital transformation,
which were pointed out by a not insignificant
number of respondents. Similarly, faculty
responses were very similar to those of students,
who also pointed to a lack of faculty and student
skills. Reflecting on these views, which were
emphasized within this axis, faculty and students
confirm the existence of the digital
transformation infrastructure at Northern Border
University, but at the same time they consider it
insufficient. From here, Northern Border
University must work and plan to mitigate this
impediment, through increasing the financial
budget for digital transformation, and entering
into partnerships with the private sector to ensure
access to information and communications
technology to raise its quality.
Second: Restrictions related to the lack of
interest in digital transformation:
This is the most important thing at which this
result stopped, as this handicap came at a high
level, as it exceeded 20 times in the study sample
of students and faculty members, which rings the
alarm bell for the management of the University
of the Northern Border to move in to address this
obstacle and find practical solutions to get rid of
it and mitigate its dangers. This problematic
result clarifies and critically discusses the role
that the university must play, and the reforms that
must be pursued. The study sample mentioned
the lack of interest of the administration in digital
transformation and its slow response to new
developments, in addition to the lack of training
courses or workshops. The responses of faculty
members were largely consistent with the
responses of students, as they indicated a lack of
awareness of the digital development of
university employees, which negatively affected
the services provided by the university. It is as if
we are here, within these responses, witnessing a
psychological element behind an important
obstacle facing digital transformation at Northern
Border University, which is summed up in the
lack of attention that leaves behind neglect and
disregard for the importance of digital
transformation and its effective roles in moving
towards the future.
Third: Obstacles related to resisting change
and not accepting the new technologies needed
for digital transformation:
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The lack of acceptance of what is new and
resistance to change is one of the main reasons
for the failure of most development strategies.
Resistance to change may take many forms, such
as the public or confidential rejection of changes
announced by the university administration, and
may be expressed through cold, shy, or
aggressive responses. Some pointed out the
difficulty of changing the mindsets of many
employees from what they are accustomed to and
their routine adoption and the university's
unwillingness to change and about the
availability of the real will of the university
towards transformation. The responses of faculty
members have largely agreed with the responses
of students, in terms of not wanting digital
transformation charges, adhering to traditional
methods and being content with their
experiences, and then another suggests activating
awareness of the importance of digital
transformation, complaining about the lack of
training programs for faculty members. Hence,
the development of an effective strategy to
confront and address the obstacles related to
resistance to change must be part of the
organizational change plan for the future
management of the Northern Border University,
because dealing with this matter is not limited to
knowledge of the possible reasons for resistance
to change, but goes beyond knowledge of the life
cycle of resistance to change, and the sensitive
stages in the process of real digital
transformation that requires a real will.
Fourth: Constraints related to the lack of
appropriate competencies for digital
Human resources are the most important
elements that work to develop the organizational
work of any educational institution. With
efficiency and training, the process of change
goes on the right path. Digital transformation as
one of the contemporary components and
features of the Northern Border University needs
competencies that can be managed. Therefore,
the lack of these competencies hinders the
process of digital transformation. A group of the
study sample indicated the lack of competencies
and devices in addition to the inability to attract
the appropriate competencies. Another added the
lack of proficiency of employees in using
technology in the educational process and the
weakness of their talent. The responses of faculty
members were consistent with the responses of
students in terms of the lack of specialists in
addition to the lack of courses, competencies and
infrastructure, as if the tongue of the situation for
students and faculty members says: Attracting
the appropriate competencies ensures the
injection of new blood within the university,
which helps accelerate the process of digital
transformation, by adding new skills and
experiences that help to develop and increase the
productivity of university work and professional
growth within the University of the Northern
Results related to the sixth question:
To answer the question: “What are the obstacles
facing digital transformation in light of the
Corona pandemic at Northern Border
University?” The study sample's responses to the
challenges were analyzed through the open
question that formed the second axis of the third
part of the questionnaire, which states: “In your
view, what are the challenges facing digital
transformation at Northern Border University?”
In general, the analysis of the responses of the
study sample resulted in many proposals that we
present as follows:
First: Challenges related to providing
infrastructure and raising the level of the
technical aspect:
Digital transformation encourages students and
faculty members to work in a new format, which
requires changes in management functions in
relation to the implementation of procedures, by
raising the level of the technical aspect and
working to provide the infrastructure that
corresponds to the requirements of digital
transformation. The sample of students indicated
some challenges related to raising the level of the
technical aspect, such as working to raise the
strength of the Internet in the branches of the
university and neighboring villages and
providing a dynamic educational platform
through a strong infrastructure and massive
storage of information. The sample of faculty
members indicated almost the same points. Some
responses to these challenges came from the
weakness of the network in the villages and the
difficulty of all students and members having
devices, which contradicted the digital
Second: Challenges related to developing the
quality of communication between
participants in the educational process:
The need to develop communication mechanisms
between teachers and students that include real
educational outcomes referred to by some
members of the study sample, such as the need to
use contemporary methods of education and the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
establishment of an infrastructure of information
that facilitates communication between
employees and service seekers, as well as
providing the necessary capabilities for students
and providing adequate support to them,
knowing that a large percentage of respondents
confirmed that they have the necessary resources
for online learning, but they suffer from effective
communication with the other party, hence the
challenge related to digital communication to
represent the bridge of physical distance between
the parties to the educational process.
Third: Challenges related to controlling the
quality of educational outputs:
Digital transformation has an impact on
educational activities, whether through complex
technical knowledge or through the potentially
changing behavior of learners. In the first stage
of digitizing the educational process, the need for
the physical presence of those with access to the
Internet disappears in many cases, which requires
controlling the quality of educational outputs. A
large percentage of the sample of students and
teachers focused on the quality control point,
without explaining how to control the quality of
digital transformation. This is a major challenge
for the university administration in finding and
evaluating digital transformation, and finding
clear standards to ensure the quality of
educational outputs. Perhaps the most prominent
of these challenges came at the level of proper
planning for transformation. In general, the rapid
digital transformation process may be alarming
for many participants in the educational process,
as the achievement of digital transformation must
not be at the expense of scientific outputs.
Fourth: Challenges related to raising the
digital efficiency of the educational process
A Knowledge about how to start digital
transformation is still not specific and there are
not enough practical examples and experiences
to help universities in general to take concrete
steps, and perhaps the most prominent reason for
this challenge is the general weakness in the
digital efficiency of the parties to the educational
process within universities, and more privately a
large percentage of student responses came to
take place in the astronomy of raising the
absorptive capacity of students and raising the
technical competence of students and faculty
members together, B Specialized training
programs, and finding new disciplines that
correspond to the professions of the future and
are important in the labor markets, As for the
responses of faculty members, they came to work
to empower students with sufficient skills to deal
with devices and train university staff to use
smart applications and electronic services
efficiently and develop technical staff and
activate their roles and increase the
organizational culture of university employees,
ensuring a distinguished level of digital dealings
in all university facilities and the use of flexible
operational models
The educational systems around the world have
undergone fundamental changes that have upset
their settings due to the Corona pandemic, which
forced radical changes to the Northern Border
University systems in particular, in light of the
lack of prior and real experience of students and
faculty members, the Northern Border University
was not ready for this reality, as everyone was
shocked by the lack of digital and electronic
requirements necessary for the sudden digital
transformation to distance education. Hence, the
results of the current study confirm the need for
further development in the teaching and learning
process supported by technology within the
university, and this is a challenge that must be
met sooner rather than later within all higher
education institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi
The study revealed several shortcomings in
digital transformation strategies. Hence, the
study concluded that organizational leaders,
human resource development specialists, and
Northern Border University staff must work to
help the university not only recover from the
crisis, but also thrive in a new era within
frameworks transformed by technology.
Finally, the results of the current study
emphasized the importance of digital
competencies determining the level of digital
competence, which indicated that the skills
possessed by faculty members and students came
to a high degree, which provides fertile soil when
dealing with the process of digital transformation
at the university, but with great caution.
Creating advanced training programs and
workshops that serve digital transformation
and raise the digital competencies of
students and faculty together.
Seeking to overcome the negative effects
that the pandemic has created on the
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
university and on all levels of the
educational system.
Working to create real partnerships with
local community organizations in the public
and private sectors to ensure effective digital
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