www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.12
How to Cite:
Abdulrahman, S.A. (2022). The effects of time management workshops on students` academic success: A study on foundation
english students at Tishk International University. Amazonia Investiga, 11(58), 112-123. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.12
The effects of time management workshops on students` academic
success: A study on foundation english students at Tishk International
Received: September 27, 2022 Accepted: November 19, 2022
Written by:
Soran Abubakr Abdulrahman49
Time management skills have been considered
fundamental to improve 21st century skills
related to learning, literacy and life.
Commanding the time precisely can facilitate
people`s lives in many aspects. Conversely,
people who are terrible at managing their time
can encounter many problems throughout their
lives. In this regard, the main aim of this study
which was conducted by a mixed method design
was to measure the effects of time management
workshops on students` overall success in
Foundation English course at Tishk International
University located in Erbil, Iraq in 2021-2022
Academic Year. Correspondingly, 30 students in
5 different departments were chosen by
convenience sampling method for this study
which had a span of 8 weeks. The participants in
the control group received a traditional
instruction with printed copies on time
management, while participants in the
experimental group underwent a training period
with three time management workshops. The
data were collected via a questionnaire, an
interview and two exams. SPSS 27 and
MAXQDA were primary instruments to analyze
the data. The former one was used to analyze the
exams through independent samples t test,
whereas the latter one was used to transcribe the
expressions in the interview. The findings
revealed that the students in experimental group
outperformed in terms of success in the exams,
the level of motivation and transforming their
lives positively. The implications of this study
can pave the way to integrate time management
workshops into the curriculum at educational
institutions globally.
Assistant Lecturer, English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil/Iraq.
Abdulrahman, S.A. / Volume 11 - Issue 58: 112-123 / October, 2022
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Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: Time management workshops, 21st
century skills, time management training.
The concept of time has been increasingly
debated since the dawn of civilization. Time has
been regarded as the most precious commodity
by individuals from all circles (Shipp & Cole,
2015). Additionally, corporates pay attention to
time management issues a lot. Accordingly, time
management constitutes an indispensable place
globally because it cannot be stopped, reversed,
sold or bought. Realizing the importance of this
topic, many companies and educational
institutions organize workshops on time
management periodically (Macan, 1994). Thus,
they expect to raise the standards in the
workplaces. The underlying reasons to organize
such workshops are to set the regulations equally,
monitor them closely and increase productivity.
Once productivity has increased with time
management workshops, the use of resources can
be enhanced, and living standards can be
improved considerably. Furthermore, time
management has two dimensions which are self-
management, inter-personal (Tsai & Liu, 2015).
Self-management refers to using the time
efficiently in many cases such as studying for the
exam, receiving a driving license, learning a
foreign language, developing a new hobby and so
on. On the other hand, interpersonal time
management means undertaking the
responsibility to keep the promise before the
scheduled time, so people can be held
accountable towards each other. For instance,
working on a project and submitting on time,
arriving early for scheduled appointments,
paying the debts on time are noble behaviors.
Considering these reasons, time management
skills can play an integral role in people`s lives.
Past studies found that university selection has
little effect on student performance, since
personal study habits and IQ are more essential
(Khan & Yildiz, 2020). Educators and students
spend a lot of time on the time-consuming
process that is teaching and learning (Yildiz,
2015a). In addition, managing the time wisely
can have positive implications in people`s career
(Majid et al., 2012). For instance, a student can
attend the lessons or exams on time to increase
the chance of earning a high GPA and graduating
from the university on time. Additionally,
teachers can cover all topics professionally if
they put the time management skills into the
school setting successfully. Likewise, tailors can
increase the customers if they sew or mend
clothes on time. In addition, managers can be
promoted more quickly if they are disciplined
enough to use the time efficiently. Moreover, bus
drivers can increase the salary if they arrive at the
bus stations timely and gently. After that, chefs
can cook more delicious food if they consider
time based on the recipe. It can be stated that time
management skills are essential to realize the
goals in many occupations.
Unable to manage time wisely can have some
negative implications in people`s lives
(Bartholomew, 2012). To illustrate, students can
fail or graduate later if they cannot develop good
time management skills. In addition, teachers can
undermine their positions if they start the lessons
late. Likewise, teachers can lose the respect of
the students and parents if they fall behind other
classes in terms of lesson plan. Moreover, pilots
can be dismissed if they cannot take off or land
on time. Furthermore, doctors can put the
patients` lives at risk if they cannot take the
initiative on time. After that, couples can have
many conflicts if their habits on time
management differ tremendously. Subsequently,
singers can show a terrible performance if the
lyrics are not in harmony with the instruments. It
can be postulated that lack of time management
skills can pose many problems for people from
all walks of life.
A great number of tips have been compiled about
having improved time-management skills. To
name a few, Chaudhari (2022) set six essentials
of time management including planning
effectively, setting up goals, prioritizing and
delegation of responsibilities. He attests that the
chance to be successful in social, personal and
professional life increases if people put these tips
into practice. Likewise, Britton and Tesser
(1991) emphasized that making a to do list before
starting a new day, having realistic goals to
accomplish in the short and long run, criticizing
the previous day activity by activity for
improvement are fundamental tips to learn how
to manage the time more wisely in the following
days. In the same vein, Roper (2007) identified
some time management tips for students in online
classes which included developing a sensible
time management strategy, joining online
discussions to increase retention, putting the
theoretical knowledge into practice by real life
experiences, asking relevant questions and
making connections to learn better. He stated that
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
students who have developed good time
management skills can have many benefits
during their education. These points indicate that
time-management tips can affect people`s lives
Literature Review
Time management has a very fundamental role in
increasing efficiency and productivity. Its value
has been more recognized in the modern world
since the rivalry between companies and
individuals has become more intense.
Additionally, modern electronic devices to
monitor people`s behaviors by cameras and
biometric attendance management systems have
strengthened the importance of time
management. Nowadays, people are expected to
be more punctual if they want to avoid some
punishments or criticism from the other parties in
the conversation. There are numerous benefits of
sticking to regulations on time management in
workplaces, at home or in educational
institutions. To name a few, Eshaghieh and
Eslami (2015) state that the talent and full
potential of the workers can be uncovered if they
learn how to manage their time efficiently. In
addition, Hashemizade (2006) attests that time
management skills help all people to learn how
to eliminate timewasters from their lives
gradually. In other words, he contends that
prioritizing the activities based on the importance
can automatically reduce unimportant tasks in
people`s lives. In this way, students will be
encouraged to improve their English skills
because of the conducive environment they will
have while participating in these events (Yildiz,
2015b). Subsequently, Amiri et al., (2014)
propose that time management tips set by people
should be tested and evaluated before they are
applied, so some tips which are not practical can
be eliminated in advance. Likewise, Cyril (2015)
postulates that the popularity of time
management skills has increased considerably in
people`s social, personal and professional lives
because the common point is to stick to time in
all settings. The given statements show that time
management skills can affect the degree of life
quality directly.
An increasing number of studies in different
settings have indicated that time management
skills have a direct influence in people`s lives. To
illustrate, Macan et al., (1990) investigated 165
students` perceptions at a US university which
uncovered that those students who managed their
time efficiently had earned better marks, had
greater satisfaction at university or work and led
a less stressful lifestyle. This frequently cited
work laid a foundation on increasing the studies
related to time management. Subsequently, Ocak
and Boyraz (2016) conducted a study on 332
university students in Turkey which shed light on
key findings. The study revealed that the students
who did not develop good time-management
skills were likely to procrastinate, so a negative
chain reaction was pinpointed between time
management and procrastination. When time
management skills of participants were terrible,
the level of procrastination rose dramatically.
Moreover, Mac Cann (2012) examined the
relationship between time management and
college success on 556 students in the USA
which culminated in a positive correlation. The
students who commanded the time precisely
outperformed in exams. The study indicated that
good time management skills could foster
learning and increase the rate of success. After
that, Kim and Ra (2015) conducted a study on 46
Korean university students to pinpoint the factors
to be a successful student. The findings revealed
that time management was ranked first to be a
predictor of success among the participants who
were top students at their universities based on
their GPA. In addition, Hafner et al., (2015)
investigated the effects of time management
training on 23 students` stress level at a
university in Germany. The study culminated in
a negative correlation between stress level and
time management skills. The stress level of the
students decreased as they learned how to
manage their time more efficiently. Additionally,
Fidalgo et al., (2020) conducted a study in
Portugal, Ukraine and UAE to get students`
perceptions on distance education. The study
revealed that time management, motivation and
learning English were major concerns of students
in online learning sessions. One more notable
study was conducted in China by Xu et al.,
(2020) on 1450 8th grade students which
indicated that the students who were good at
managing their time wisely had better marks in
lessons and increased intrinsic motivation.
Considering the positive aspects of having good
time management skills in these studies, it can be
posited that time management skills can play an
integral role in many fields particularly in
Statement of the Problem and Significance of
the Study
21st century skills have been classified in 3
groups which are related to learning, literacy and
life skills. Learning skills cover critical thinking,
creativity, collaboration and communication,
while literacy skills urge the citizens to have a
plethora of information regarding information,
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
media and technology. In a world where
technology rules, commerce reigns, life moves
quickly, and culture is shrinking, educators must
adapt to the times Celik & Yildiz, 2017).
Additionally, life skills include flexibility,
leadership, initiative, productivity and social
skills. It is unsubtle that time management is the
core element to develop such skills in this
century. Although there are countless
mechanisms such as tutorials, tips, applications,
alarms to ensure that people stick to the time,
some problems have been noticed in this regard.
Accordingly, some conflicts are inevitable
between both parties. Some studies have
indicated that students are perplexed about time
management strategies when they are exposed to
many applications erratically. These studies
hinted that planned activities to develop good
time management skills yield better results. It can
be stated that the individuals who can control
their time effectively can go beyond the current
level gradually and transform their lives
positively. Considering the reasons mentioned
above, the primary aim of this study was to
examine the effects of time management
workshops on Foundation English students`
overall success.
Research Questions
In line with the aim of the study, following
research questions were formed:
Do time management workshops affect
students` success rate in Foundation English
Do time management workshops have
an influence on students` mood, stress
level, motivation?
Research Design and Instruments
The researcher preferred using a mixed methods
design in this study for its proven advantages. A
mixed methods design allows the researcher to
combine qualitative data with quantitative ones.
Additionally, a researcher does not need to rely
on single instrument which can be expanded with
multiple instruments according to the demand.
According to Kimmons (2022), a mixed methods
design approach has many benefits, including the
ability to combine verbal and numerical outputs,
take a more holistic approach, and analyze
outcomes conceptually and analytically. In this
respect, two exams, a questionnaire and an
interview comprised the backbone of this study.
Exams and questionnaire were collected and
analyzed by SPSS 27. as a part of quantitative
data, whereas the interview was held and
analyzed as a part of qualitative data through
MAXQDA software program. Gizzi and Radiker
(2021) propose that MAXQDA is a powerful and
reliable tool to fetch, categorize and analyze the
transcripts in the interviews.
Research Process
There were certain stages in this study which
could be explored in detail through Figure 1.
Fig 1. Stages of the Study Setting
1. Selecting the participants
from the population via
convenience sampling
4. Collecting Data
according to the pre-defined
2. Assigning 3 workshops
to emphasize the
importance of attendance,
exams and assignments
5. Inserting data and
making interpretations
the Study
3. Making a clarification
about the whole study and
getting students` consent
6. Discussing the
implications, coming to
conclusions and making
recommendations for future
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The setting of this study was chosen TISHK
International University (TIU hereafter) located in
Erbil, Iraq. The university offers an English
medium education to 5000 students in 29
departments according to 2022 records. The
university had functioned as a hub to welcome
students from different countries as using English
as lingua franca makes their communication with
friends and academics easier. Apart from diverse
community, the university was ranked first among
private universities in Iraq in 2022 in terms of
publications, students` satisfaction and modern
facilities offered.
Participants and Sampling
The population of the study consisted of 250
students who took Foundation English as a
prerequisite for two semesters at TIU in Erbil, Iraq,
during the 2021-2022 academic year. 30 students
were chosen from the population by convenience
sampling method. Convenience sampling method
was chosen on purpose as it allows researchers to
choose the sample flexibly.
Table 1 visualized the participants` departments in
Table 1.
Distribution of Participants Based on Their Departments
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Information Technology
Based on the figures to represent the departments
in Table 1, it was observed that pharmacy and
computer engineering students were higher than
dentistry, civil engineering and information
technology students.
Table 2.
Demographic Distribution and Ages of the Participants
Table 2 showed that the number of male students
was higher than the female students.
Subsequently, the majority of the students were
either 18 or 19 years old.
The Conduct of Lessons in Foundation
English Classes
Foundation English course is a non-elective
technical course offered by the university in two
semesters spanning the whole year. The main
goal of this course is to increase students`
English competency during the year, so they will
not encounter problems to grasp details in their
departments while taking them completely in
English. The placement of Foundation English
students was based on their performance in TIU
Proficiency Exam run by Language Preparatory
School of the same university. The students
needed to answer 60 multiple choice questions
including listening, reading, grammar,
vocabulary and writing sections. In addition, they
were interviewed in the lecturer's offices to
assess their speaking abilities. According to the
results of the proficiency test, it was determined
that these pupils had some prior knowledge of the
English language, but it was not sufficient to
figure out all topics in English, so they had to
take Foundation English course to master
English during the year. It was noticed
previously that students` GPA increased
substantially once they took Foundation English
course as well as their departmental courses.
Language Preparatory School of the university
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
offered Foundation English course with qualified
academics and proven language teaching
methodologies. To name a few examples, online
quizzes, word games, role playing, watching
movies, summarizing stories, organizing some
field trips to practice English were common in
classes. The instructors had various meetings for
the betterment of education in Foundation
English course, so engaging lessons could be the
standard in Foundation English classes.
Subsequently, the students` satisfaction rate was
more than 85 % according to the survey taken by
the student in each semester.
Data Collection Procedure
Data collection period covered a time span of 8
weeks. Data collection procedure was divided
into 3 categories to allocate a certain time for
each category. The first category was to organize
3 workshops on time management.
The first workshop was about the importance of
attendance. The researcher presented all
workshops. The presenter emphasized the direct
relationship between time management and
attending the lessons regularly. Additionally,
possible consequences were highlighted once
they missed the lessons or turned up late. In the
final phase, the presenter asked questions about
the covered topics. It was noticed that students
who joined all lessons answered the questions
more eagerly and more accurately. It was a major
milestone to show that attendance affected their
performance directly.
Subsequently, second workshop was held on
exams. The presenter channeled his/her energy
into 2 points. The first point was about joining
the exams on time, while the second one was
about using the time efficiently in the exams.
The presenter emphasized the importance of
being punctual. Also, s/he emphasized the level
of stress, anxiety, anger, disappointment if
students arrive at the examination halls later than
scheduled time. In the second round of the
workshop, the presenter taught how to set aside a
certain time for each section in the exam. The
presenter also visualized some techniques to save
time during the exam by employing scanning and
skimming. The presenter handed out a worksheet
and allowed the students to put the techniques
into practice. Finally, students expressed their
time management techniques which they
employed during the exam as a brainstorming
The presenter reserved a special workshop for
assignments. S/he verbalized some tips to save
time while doing the assignments. Also, s/he
warned the students about the negative
consequences of doing the homework in a hurry.
The presenter suggested the students to plan the
days and hours systematically, so final work of
the students could be far better than doing in a
rush. Additionally, s/he showed some
applications to remind the remaining time about
any given assignments. Apart from individual
assignments, the presenter showed some
videoconferencing tools to complete projects
collaboratively. Finally, s/he displayed the rubric
about the assignments. The presenter emphasized
that the students could earn 100 points only if
they submitted on time. Once they submitted late
with a valid excuse, their marks would reduce
The students took two exams as pre-test and post-
test. The questions in the exam were chosen from
Scope 1 published by Oxford. All skills were
included in the exam equally. The students were
in charge of studying Unit 3-5 in pre-test, while
they had to study Unit 6-8 in post-test. The
researcher organized some mock exams to
pinpoint the problems about time management in
advance, so they could take action earlier.
Additionally, common mistakes were identified
and explained clearly to reduce the number of
mistakes in the real exam. Apart from mock
exams, official worksheets of Scope 1 were
utilized effectively.
The Questionnaire and The Interview
The students took a questionnaire to pinpoint
whether they were in favor of time management
workshops or not. Additionally, they uncovered
their genuine opinions about the whole study in
the interview.
The conduct of each group can be examined
clearly below:
The Conduct of Lessons in Both Groups
The researcher explained the whole process in
each group and showed some examples of time
management booklets and workshops before
dividing them into control and experimental
group, so each student in the study had some
opinion about the conduct of instruction
regardless of being in control or experimental
group. Once they were divided into two groups,
the style of teaching changed according to pre-
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
defined plan. The students in control and
experimental group received the same treatment
except workshops. In other words, both groups
took two exams, a questionnaire and an
interview. On the other hand, the students in
control group received some printed copies on
time management, while the students in
experimental group underwent an intensive
training period through 3 workshops.
The findings of the study were classified within
3 groups which were questionnaire, interview
and exams in a sequence.
Table 3 illustrated students` responses in the
Table 3.
The Evaluation of the Whole Study Based on the Preferences of the Participants
1. Time management skills
play key roles in people`s
2. I used to know how to use
my time efficiently.
20 %
10 %
20 %
3. I would rather have joined
time management workshops
to develop than receiving
some copies on time
50 %
40 %
10 %
0 %
0 %
4. Receiving some copies on
time management was more
helpful than time
management workshops.
30 %
10 %
10 %
30 %
5. If I had a new chance to
join a similar study in the
future, I would be in control
group to take instruction by
printed copies.
20 %
0 %
20 %
50 %
6. If a new opportunity arose
in the future, I would be in
experimental group to
improve my time
management skills with
certain workshops.
70 %
30 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
7. This study was useful to
raise my awareness on time
40 %
0 %
30 %
20 %
8. My instructor directed the
whole study flawlessly to get
the highest benefit.
50 %
0 %
20 %
20 %
10 %
The participants responded to 8 items in the
questionnaire and the findings shed light on
significant points to be interpreted meticulously.
Item 1 indicated that students were aware of the
importance of time management skills in their
lives at many points. The mean score was highly
significant which was 4,9. Additionally, 27
(90 %) of the students chose strongly agree,
while 3 (10 %) students opted in agree. On the
other hand, no student chose neutral, disagree or
strongly disagree.
According to the findings in item 2, students had
some problems to manage their time efficiently.
The mean score was recorded as 3,2. In addition,
9 (30 %) students chose strongly agree; 6 (20 %)
students chose agree; 3 (10 %) students chose
neutral; 6 (20 %) students chose disagree; 6
(20 %) students chose strongly disagree. It
showed that time management was a common
problem for many students previously.
Based on the findings in item 3, the students
appreciated time management workshops on the
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
way of managing their time wisely. The mean
score was 4,4 which was significant.
Subsequently, 15 (50 %) students chose strongly
agree and 12 (40 %) students chose agree
options. However, only 3 (10 %) students chose
neutral. No student chose neither disagree nor
strongly disagree. It can be stated that workshops
were considered encouraging by the students.
Item 4 figures showed that receiving some copies
about time management was not favored by
students. The mean score was only 3,0 which
could not be envisioned as significant. To
elaborate the figures and percentages, 9 (30 %)
students chose strongly agree; 3 (10 %) students
chose agree; 3 (10 %) students chose neutral;
9 (30 %) students chose disagree; 6 (20 %)
students chose strongly disagree options. It can
be postulated that offering only paper based
copies was not enough to capture students`
attention on time management.
Item 5 was formed to receive control group
students` genuine opinions on future studies. The
findings showed that being exposed to some
copies on time management was not favored in
control group. The mean score was 2,7. To
elaborate the figures and percentages, 6 (20 %)
students chose strongly agree; no student opted
in agree. However, 6 (20 %) students chose
neutral; 15 (50 %) students preferred choosing
disagree; 3 (10 %) students chose strongly
disagree. These figures show that printed copies
were not seen as adequate to receive students`
positive statements.
Item 6 was designed to get students` expressions
on time management workshops and their
willingness to participate in future studies. The
findings revealed that workshops were regarded
as engaging and motivating. To illustrate, mean
score was 4,7 which was highly significant. In
addition, 21 (70 %) students opted in strongly
agree, while 9 (30 %) students chose agree
options. However, no student chose neutral,
disagree or strongly disagree options. It can be
contemplated that workshops were appreciated
by a large number of students.
Based on the findings in item 7 which was related
to overall satisfaction of the students, it can be
argued that students had conflicting views. To
illustrate, the mean score was 3,4 which was less
than being significant. Subsequently, 12 (40 %)
students chose strongly agree, whereas no
student chose agree option. On the other hand,
9 (30 %) student chose neutral; 6 (20 %) students
chose disagree; 3 (10 %) students chose strongly
disagree. These figures substantiate that the
satisfaction rate of the students differed
tremendously in each group.
The last item in the questionnaire was related to
the evaluation of the instructors which revealed
that students had various opinions on the efforts
of the instructors. To illustrate, the mean score
was 3,6 which was not significant. 15 (50 %)
students chose strongly agree whereas no student
chose agree option. Additionally, 6 (20 %)
students chose neutral; 6 (20 %) students chose
disagree; 3 (10 %) students chose strongly
disagree. These figures hinted that students
evaluated the instructors based on the effects of
the chosen instruction method.
Concerning the findings in the interview,
collected data uncovered key points which were
summarized meticulously below:
I was bad at managing my time in a sensible way
prior to this study. Although I watched some
videos, read some materials, they were not
effective to change my time management habits.
However, I developed some habits to manage my
time effectively in this study. My instructor
guided me in an outstanding way. S/he illustrated
the importance of time management with clear
examples on attendance, exams and assignments.
I noticed once more that I learned better when I
was instructed in different sessions. My
instructor defined, explained, showed examples
and allowed us to practice in these sessions.
Additionally, we discussed more tips with our
classmates. When I recall my memory about this
study, I can see that it was an exceptional
initiative to be a master of time management.
(Student 3)
Time management skills play an important role
in people`s lives. On the other hand, I did not
have a chance to be guided on time management
by my teachers. I employed some strategies, but
they did not work well. Additionally, my
problem was about consistency. When I started
learning some tips about time management, I did
not keep putting them into practice for more than
2 weeks. However, this study changed my
attitude towards workshops positively. I learned
the importance of time management with
positive and negative consequences, applied
many time management tips and improved my
personality collaboratively. My relationship with
people around me has improved substantially
recently thanks to this collaborative initiative. I
wish I had joined such a mind-blowing study
earlier. (Student 6)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
I had some problems about being punctual
previously and this problem posed many risks in
my life. Although I wanted to break this habit, I
could not achieve for some reasons. This study
helped me to break this habit gradually. Our
instructor conducted the workshops
professionally. We could not stop listening to
him/her even for a second. S/he also showed us
some interviews of inspiring people and they
were talking about how time mattered in their
lives. When I watched the video of my role
model, I realized that my time management skills
should be flawless like him. Thus, I decided to
monitor the workshops more carefully. Now
everything is crystal-clear in my life about time
management which should be taken seriously to
achieve any goal on time. I am grateful to have
joined such a great study. (Student 7)
This study helped me to break my chronic
problems on time management. Although 3
sessions were held, time management session
was more intriguing for me. I failed some courses
previously because I had joined the lessons later
than scheduled time. I had to take some courses
again for this reason. Throughout the study, I
learned how to employ different instruments to
join the lessons on time. I tried them periodically
and they worked successfully. Now I can see
positive effects of it in many aspects. I am glad
to have been chosen as a participant in this study.
(Student 10)
One of the most major problems in my life was
racing against time in the exams. Although I was
brilliant in lessons, I was not as successful as
expected in the exams because I did not know
how to use the time efficiently. I missed
examining many questions in several exams.
While I was contemplating about receiving
professional help from some experts, I was
invited to join this study. My instructor depicted
the time management concepts with relevant
examples. For instance, s/he showed some
questions about reading. listening, grammar and
vocabulary. S/he reserved a certain time for each
skill and informed us. While we were answering
the questions, s/he showed us skimming and
scanning reading techniques. Thus we saved a
great deal of time. S/he also instructed us to
allocate a certain time for each question and head
to other questions rather than getting stuck in one
question. Finally, I could improve my time
management skills. Now I test my alertness on
time management by taking some online exams.
I hope any student can join such useful
workshops. (Student 14)
My problem was about missing deadlines for
assignments. I could not submit many
assignments for this issue. I was a perfectionist,
so I could not help my works editing again and
again. Unfortunately, I earned ``0`` for many
assignments. Once I joined this study, I was
hopeless. However, my hope was restored day by
day after noticing that the sessions were designed
professionally. I figured out how to take action
and submit on time. Additionally, my instructor
persuaded me to think that assignments were
opportunities to be informed my mistakes and
improve my skills. My instructor also
encouraged me to collaborate with my
classmates. S/he told me that receiving their
suggestions before submission can increase my
self-confidence and help me save much time.
This study was a great motivational tool for me.
(Student 19)
I joined the study in the control group and
received a traditional instruction on time
management. My instructor just handed out some
printed copies without elaborating them with
some workshops. He urged us to read, figure out
and change our habits positively. However, this
method was not inspiring for us at all because it
was not a monotonous activity. We wanted to be
clarified, guided and inspired by stories, videos,
games, real life examples. Unfortunately, the
version of instruction was not appealing for us. I
wish we had had a chance to learn collaboratively
by brainstorming activities. Additionally, we
could learn well when our different learning
channels were triggered. Breaking the monotony
in the lesson could be a real game-changer in
classes. In conclusion, I was not satisfied with the
type of instruction for the aforementioned
reasons. (Student 25)
My instructor printed some copies on time
management for us. We read them, but we could
not benefit a lot. There were some reasons of this
disappointment. To begin with, the given
examples in the copies were not practical for us.
After that, the level of the texts was beyond our
understanding. We could not get the meaning of
many words from the context, so we needed to
look up the dictionary frequently. Additionally,
we wanted to get further explanations about some
issues. However, there was no link to follow and
learn further. If we had had some paper based and
online materials in a balanced way, we could
have taken advantage of this period more.
(Student 27)
This study transformed me dramatically. Having
learned some time management tips, I have
implemented them in my daily life which fit
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
perfectly. Additionally, I have no difficulty
joining the lessons, completing the exams on
time and submitting the assignments. I hope this
study spread to all departments at my university,
so they can have a chance to benefit from this
fruitful activity. (Student 28)
I have realized once more that workshops can be
quite helpful if familiar topics are chosen.
Although the topic was familiar, the way our
instructor covered was exceptional. Thus we
could take advantage of it in many ways. Our
instructor combined theoretical knowledge with
the practical one, so abstract topics were more
concrete and feasible for us. Additionally, we
could have a chance to break a chronic habit by
getting help from our friends and the instructor
respectively. (Student 30)
Independent samples t test analysis was
illustrated in Table 4.
Table 4.
Independent Samples T Test Analysis
Note. P<0.05
Independent samples t test was conducted to
measure whether there was a significant
difference between two groups considering
variables. Once mean scores were compared,
there was no significant difference in pre-test
considering 0.72 p-value which was higher than
0.05 significance level. It can be stated that their
levels were nearly the same at the beginning of
the study. However, a significant difference was
noticed when p-value was measured as .003 in
post-test which was less than 0.05 significance
level. Based on the gathered data, it can be
attested that experimental group students who
participated in workshops actively outperformed
the students in the control group who received a
traditional instruction with printed copies on time
management. In other words, the improvement in
control group was not as significant as
experimental group.
Pertaining to the analysis of the questionnaire,
the study uncovered noteworthy points. To name
a few examples, the majority of the students
reiterated that time management has a pivotal
role in people`s lives. This finding has been
supported by Lerchenfeldt et al., (2021) who
hinted that time management is essential, so
some tips can be employed to use it efficiently.
In addition, only a few students stated that they
used to know how to use time wisely. Wolters
and Brady (2021) proposed that students need to
be trained on developing time management
skills. Subsequently, many students dismissed
the idea to improve their time management skills
with printed copies. They suggested the
instructors to enrich medium of instruction with
workshops. Khiat (2022) postulated that time
management workshops are fundamental to raise
the awareness of the students and help them
employ realistic strategies. Afterwards, only half
of the students appreciated the efforts of the
instructors which indicated that the way the
instructors taught had a paramount importance in
education. Although instructors covered the
lessons professionally, students` perceptions
differed vastly. Lucas et al., (2021) put forward
that enriching the traditional lessons with modern
teaching strategies can increase students`
satisfaction rate considerably.
Apart from the questionnaire, the interview
transcripts illuminated some key points. To
illustrate, some students stated that they used to
try many time management tips in a futile way in
the past. They put forward that systematic
guidance and peer-learning supported them
incessantly during the workshops as in line with
Adam and Blair`s (2019) statements. In addition,
some students reiterated that they had many
problems in their lives once they were not
punctual. This finding was supported by Clark
(2018) who postulated that there may be some
implications of being unpunctual in people`s
lives. Subsequently, many students expressed
that their life quality improved considerably once
they learned how to save time and meet the
expectations. Khan and Rashee (2019) stated that
commanding the time precisely can transform
people`s lives positively, so systematic time
management trainings can be effective.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Afterwards, many students stated that integrating
some videos, funny stories, movie scenes,
relevant idioms, proverbs and quotations
enhanced their alertness and satisfaction in the
workshops. This finding was supported by Topor
and Budson (2020) who stated that different
elements can be used in presentations, so
presentations can be more intriguing for the
Students` exam results were also employed to get
statistical data in this study. The findings of the
exams complemented the findings in the
questionnaire and the interview. The students`
results differed significantly according to the
group they represented. Control group students
progressed to a limited extend with a traditional
medium of instruction, whereas the improvement
was more substantial in experimental group
students who were exposed to 3-time
management workshops. This finding was
substantiated by Hensley et al., (2018) who stated
that time management workshops can increase
students` success tremendously.
Conclusion and Recommendations
This study was conducted to unearth the possible
nexus between time management workshops and
students` overall marks. The findings revealed
that time managements workshops received
much attention from the students once they
noticed the positive effects of them in their
academic, social and personal lives. Conversely,
the students highlighted once more that
traditional instruction had many limitations, so
traditional instruction should be transformed
with proven modern methodologies.
Additionally, students emphasized the
importance of collaboration, brain storming,
peer-learning through visual materials, games,
pair-work activities. They also attested that
speaking freely in the workshops increased their
enthusiasm to join all workshops timely.
Furthermore, students valued the importance of
putting theoretical knowledge into practice
during the sessions. They stated that the retention
rate of the students increased once they had
relevant exercises about the covered theme of the
workshop. When all collected data were cross-
checked, it was noticed that the collected data
had no conflicts with each other. All instruments
in this study supported that time management
workshops can increase students` success rate
Some recommendations can be put forward for
future studies. This study was conducted to
examine the possible nexus between success and
time management workshops. Further studies
can be conducted to examine the relationship
between stress and time management.
Additionally, some studies can be conducted to
investigate the relationship between
procrastination and time management.
Furthermore, the study examined the effects of
workshops without making a classification
between genders. Further studies can be
conducted whether the results differ based on the
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