www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.8
How to Cite:
Mosendz, O., Filimonova-Zlatohurska, Y., Pankiv, H., Bannikova, K., & Vlasiuk, O. (2022). Problems and prospects of the
development of Ukrainian art (realities of martial law). Amazonia Investiga, 11(58), 74-83.
Problems and prospects of the development of Ukrainian art
(realities of martial law)
La crisis del arte ucraniano en la realidad de la ley marcial y las perspectivas de desarrollo
Received: October 27, 2022 Accepted: November 28, 2022
Written by:
Oksana Mosendz32
Yevheniia Filimonova-Zlatohurska33
Hanna Pankiv34
Kateryna Bannikova35
Olena Vlasiuk36
This article examines the problems of Ukrainian
artistic space that emerged as a result of the
Russian-Ukrainian war, and the prospects for its
development in the future. The purpose of this
research work is to thoroughly investigate the
ways of development of Ukrainian art in the
realities of wartime and the formation of new
features of national identity in the European
cultural space. Also, the author has defined the
purpose of studying the most widespread artistic
trends in Ukraine in order to define their
problems and study their perspectives in the
Ukrainian and world artistic space. The
methodological approach of this research
consists in searching and analysis of the
overwhelming majority of sources of Ukrainian
origin, aimed at studying the artistic cultural
space of Ukraine during the war. The methods
used in the article were historical and logical
analysis, synchronic analysis, as well as
descriptive methods to study the issues of
problems and prospects of the development of art
in Ukraine. As a result, the main problems of
Ukrainian art were analyzed and the tendencies
Associate Professor Doctor of the Philosophy, field of study Culture and Art Department of Fine Arts and Design Faculty of Ukrainian and
Foreign Philology and Studi Arts, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Directing and Choreography of the Faculty of Culture and Arts, Ivan Franko National
University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine).
Candidate of Study of Art, Associate professor of the Department of Music and Fine Arts, Pedagogical faculty, Izmail State
University of Humanities, Ukraine.
PhD, Scientific degree: Candidate. Specialty: Sociological sciences. Head of People Oxford Quantum Circuits Thames Valley
Science Park Shinfield, United Kingdom.
PhD, Associate Professor Decorative and Applied Art department Rivne State University of Humanities Rivne, Ukraine.
Mosendz, O., Filimonova-Zlatohurska, Y., Pankiv, H., Bannikova, K., Vlasiuk, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 58: 74-83 / October, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of its development in the realities of war were
Keywords: cultural restoration, development in
war conditions, contemporary Ukrainian art,
creativity, trends in art.
Starting from this study, we should note the fact
that on February 24, 2022, Russia, with the
support of Belarus, began a full-scale war against
Ukraine, as a result of which huge losses among
the civilian population of the Ukrainian people
have already been recorded. The occupiers are
creating all conditions for a humanitarian crisis
and destroying housing and social infrastructure
on the territory of the Ukrainian state. According
to the International Organization for Migration,
more than 7 million Ukrainians have been forced
to leave their own homes, a significant portion of
Ukrainians have been internally displaced and
more than 6 million have gone abroad
(Tereshchenko, Pron & Anisimova, 2022). And
even though military realities negatively affect
all spheres of life of the Ukrainian people,
Ukrainian art inside and outside the country
continues to develop and be popularized around
the world.
Ukrainian artists resist on the artistic front by
depicting historical values and culture on their
canvases. For example, a study by S. Dolesko
(2022) highlights the characteristic features of
Ukrainians depicted in paintings by Ukrainian
artists, embodying the indestructibility of the
nation, the value of native Ukrainian values, and
the thirst for future victory.
Musical art is also in a state of creative disquiet.
A large number of musical events have moved to
online platforms, festivals and concerts continue
to support Ukrainians around the world. Despite
the forced internal displacement of Ukrainians
and the move to other states to preserve their own
lives, Ukrainians continue to create artistic
projects of astounding quality and creativity. In
her own study, T. H. Kuzmenko (2022)
emphasizes the increase in professionalism of
masters of music and the creation of a new
picture of Ukrainian music in the world.
According to S. Sadovenko (2022), modern
choral art representatives of Ukrainian choral
culture is another golden age in the development
of national culture.
This research paper investigated the existing
problems in the functioning of the artistic space
of Ukraine and further trends in the development
of art in the context of Russia's military actions
on the territory of Ukraine. Also, the article
analyzed the most common artistic forms of
creativity in Ukraine for a more in-depth study of
the defeat of their functionality. According to the
theme of this study, a general review of
theoretical studies of Ukrainian scientists and art
historians, forming a general picture of the
creative non-resistance inherent in military
realities, was carried out. The scientific work
were studied and analyzed the studies that raised
the issues of problems and development of
Ukrainian art in the military realities.
Even though art during the war always stops its
development for various reasons, caused by
military actions themselves, Ukrainian artists and
painters continue to restore their own artistic
space and continue to restore and augment the
national cultural heritage of Ukraine.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Studying the problems and development of
Ukrainian art during the war, which Russia
decided on the territory of Ukraine in 2022, we
should pay attention to the artistic currents that
now dominate the Ukrainian creative space. One
such phenomenon, according to Pishchanska
(2022), are the features of baroque in the work of
contemporaries. Thus, the Ukrainian artists A.
Savadovyi, V. Riabchenko, and K. Reunov, who
use stylistic techniques of the Baroque in
symbiosis with postmodernist features help the
development of Ukrainian art, relying on the
experience of the ancestors, which is
superimposed on the events of today. But
researchers C. Farago, G. Hills, M. Kaup,
G. Siracusano, J. Baumgarten, and S. Iacoviello
(2015), who in their study of the concepts of
baroque and neo-baroque in recent years believe
that contemporary Ukrainian artists in their
rethinking of history find ways to develop
Ukrainian art. In turn, based on the study of
A. Boichenko, M. Boichenko, M. Bykova,
I. Chystiakova, O. Hule, A. Nikiforov ta
A. Sbruieva (2021), we can argue that the
Baroque with its characteristic features form a
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
trend for the development of Ukrainian artistic
space, producing popularization of Ukrainian art
and beyond its borders because it forms a special
vision of its history and future.
Among the researchers of Ukrainian music art,
there is an opinion that Ukrainian musical genres
and styles characterizing modern events and
showing the past of the people - return the value
of historical art. Thus, A. Furdychko (2020) in
his work on kobzars as a phenomenon of
Ukrainian culture argues that the return and
popularization of traditional Ukrainian
instruments is a depiction of the revival of
Ukrainian musical culture. In turn,
I. Dovzhynets, N. Hovorukhina, O. Kopeliuk,
O. Ovchar, I. Drach (2022), who studied musical
projects in Ukraine XXI century as trends in
contemporary art and T. H. Kuzmenko (2022),
who studied the prospects of music festivals in
Ukraine, emphasize the popularization of the
festival format of music events in Ukraine,
focusing on online platforms and variations of
concert and festival activities, which, according
to scholars, increases demand from foreign fans
and opens new prospects for quality Ukrainian
music product.
In turn, when studying the choreographic art of
Ukraine, we should pay attention to the folklore
component of the construction of choreographic
productions. In his own study of the art of
choreography of Ukrainian masters I. Gutnyk
(2021) draws attention to the relevance of
Ukrainian folk art, folklore, rituals and legends
of Ukrainian historical cultural heritage in the
embodiment in choreographic productions. It is
important to note that such a reference to the
cultural identity of the Ukrainian people reveals
the actual problems of the present embodied in
the art of dance and is an important link in the
search for new ways of development of the
sphere of Ukrainian choreographic culture in the
An important part of Ukrainian culture is choral
singing, which is a phenomenon of imitation
singing ethnocultural archetype of the Ukrainian
people. Her research on this issue was conducted
by S. Sadovenko (2022), claiming that the choral
art realized in multicultural dialogues has
obvious prospects, because it reveals the unity of
the human and the natural expressing folk
The literary sphere of Ukraine continues to
develop, in addition, with the increase of world
attention to the war in Russia Ukraine has
expanded and the audience has become
interested in Ukrainian art and, in particular,
literature. This issue was studied in his research
by scholar R. Ivashkiv (2022), who was
interested in the relevance of translating
Ukrainian war poetry into foreign languages,
namely English. Thus, the scientist argues that
the formation of modern Ukrainian literature in
the English-speaking world is gaining
momentum and it is through the correct
presentation of Ukrainian poetry, interpretation,
and explanation the world community is
immersed in contemporary events in Ukraine and
understands the value of Ukrainian art in the
world arena.
In turn, researcher Dolesko (2022) in her work,
where she studied the artistic image of Ukrainian
folk costume in the genre portrait of Ukrainian
artists in the realities of the Russian-Ukrainian
war, argues that artists of the art sector actively
work and deliver the world truthful pictures of
wartime. Ukrainian artists, portraying the
psycho-emotional state of Ukrainian society,
draw the world's attention to events in the
country and produce a culture of preserving the
historical, cultural, spiritual, and territorial
integrity of Ukraine. According to the scientist,
the image of a Ukrainian in painting takes a
special place, because art during the war sharply
responds to public sentiment and continues to
develop and popularize Ukrainian culture
throughout the civilized world. Also, an
important opinion on the artistic craft of Ukraine
was expressed by Syvash (2018), who in her
work on the study of national style, draws
attention to the formation of the Ukrainian style,
based on the heritage and modern achievements
of ethnodesign. The researcher argues that the
development of the concept of the Ukrainian
style played a significant role in the development
of the national identity of the era, which in turn
provoked the development in the future.
Kysliuk (2022) believes that the transformation
of artistic art indicates the incompleteness of
modernization processes in Ukraine and the
continuation of its formation on the world stage.
According to Chumachenko (2022) the modern
artistic culture of Ukrainian artists is an
important moment of focus on the reproduction
of Ukrainian traditions and the preservation of
their own culture, through which the spiritual
worldview of the Ukrainian nation is formed.
Researcher of Ukrainian cinema Chepelyk
(2021) draws attention in her work to the
importance of audiovisual picture of the world
from the screens. According to the researcher,
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
film culture forms people's identity and takes
them away from intolerance and violence.
However, due to recent events in Ukraine, the
mission of national cinema is to promote mutual
understanding among Ukrainians, portray the
realities of war, and create collective immunity
against human rights violations.
Studying the problems of the development of
Ukrainian art, one cannot ignore the topic of
architectural losses and ways of solving this
Demessie (2022) in his work on contemporary
trends in the formation of modern interior
architecture, pays attention to the functionality of
architectural structures, an important component
of interior functionality, according to the
scientist, is to bring interior design closer to
nature and the creation of a coherent
compositional space. According to Prуkhod`ko
(2022), the characteristic means of artistic
expression of modern Ukrainian interiors are
related to the understanding of space as an artistic
concept and depict the idea and artistic and
aesthetic principles of the domestic interior.
Theater in the realities of the war in 2022 also
suffered great losses, both from the damage and
complete destruction of Ukrainian theater
facilities, which carried the value of cultural
monuments and stage areas and from the
possibility of the realization of contemporary
artists. However, as L. S. Kanyuka (2022) writes
in her study of Ukrainian theater space, the
Ukrainian opera theater moves from stamps and
clichés to universalization, which creates new
problems. Thus, directors creating new forms
and demonstrating modern ways of development
of theatrical action are lost in the imbalance of
musical and scenic components of the action.
However, given the events taking place in
Ukraine, modern musical theater exists as a field
of artistic experiment, provoking the
development and further expansion of the
boundaries of Ukrainian theater as such.
Considering wartime, the number of online art
consumers has increased in Ukraine. Researcher
D. Akimov (2021) spoke about this, noting that
the model of “home” online consumption of art
through television, the Internet and other means
of communication produces an increase in
interest in artistic products, but reduces the
quality of their cognition, which is provoked by
the lack of complete immersion.
Also an important way of development of art the
use of new technologies and theories of
humanistic art, which contributes to the
restoration of the psychological health of the
population of Ukraine. Scientists Fang et. al.
(2022), who study this issue, claim that art
therapy improves the psychological disorders of
vulnerable children. Researchers L. Morison,
L. Symonds, and their colleague S.-J. F. Stewart
(2022) investigated questions of introduction and
efficiency of art therapy based on not only
children but also teenagers traumatized by events
of the war in Ukraine. Based on their own
research, the researchers argue for the
effectiveness and prospects of adding art therapy
experiences to level out the symptoms of trauma
and negative mood in children. However, it is
necessary to note that this approach is also
effective for the adult population suffering from
war, as art therapy in its essence has universal
formulas for healing, as does art in general.
In turn, Protas (2022) draws attention to the fact
that the war of Russia against Ukraine has
reunited Ukrainian artists in a single Art Front
around the idea of self-identity, which produces
the cultural development of the Ukrainian people
and prosperity in the future.
The methodological basis of this research article
was the method of historical and logical analysis,
descriptive method, and the method of
synchronic analysis. Using the method of
historical and logical analysis, the author of the
article investigated the classification of the base
of literary sources on the raised question. Using
the descriptive method, the state of Ukrainian art
in the realities of the war with Russia was
described and investigated. Using the method of
synchronic analysis of the research, the main
ways of development of Ukrainian art in the
realities of martial law were analyzed and
identified. The comparative method of studying
the problems and prospects of Ukrainian art in
the realities of war was involved in the study and
comparison of different branches and areas of art,
through which a general picture of the current
state of Ukrainian art was formed.
In the work were studied literary sources of
Ukrainian and American origin, which studied
the problems and development of Ukrainian art
in the realities of war.
This article on the study of the state of the art in
Ukraine in the realities of the Russian-Ukrainian
war and the prospects for its further development
was carried out in three consecutive stages.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
During work on the first stage of the research
work, the collection and analysis of literary
sources of Ukrainian and world specialists, who
studied the issues of preservation and restoration
of Ukrainian art in wartime, were performed.
Such analysis helped in the formation of the main
research problems. Performing the first stage of
work, the author of this study collected the
characteristic features of Ukrainian art during
wartime based on art historians and researchers
of this issue.
Performing the second stage of the work, there
was an analysis of the scientific works of
scientists who studied the current state of affairs
in the artistic space of Ukraine. During the work
on the second stage, the peculiarities and
characteristic genre features of Ukrainian art,
namely literature, architecture, music, and art
that were created under the influence of military
actions in Ukraine were highlighted. In the
course of this stage, research was studied, which
helped in the formation of the nearest tendencies
in the development of art in the territory of
Performing the final stage of research work on
the topic of problems and prospects of Ukrainian
art in the realities of war were created the results,
which were formed by working on the topic of
research of problems and development of
Ukrainian art in the realities of war.
The results of the study of problems and
prospects of Ukrainian art during military
operations on the territory of Ukraine can be used
by scientists for further research on this topic.
Results and Discussion
War is a terrible present that has overtaken
Ukrainians of all regions and in all fields of
activity. Despite the sad contemporary realities,
Ukrainians support each other and try to continue
doing business, business and creativity. It should
also be noted that Ukrainian art in the realities of
war should be identified as a socio-cultural tool
to achieve mutual understanding between
countries and communities. Modern Ukrainian
artistic space and the achievements of artists
continue to assert themselves in the eyes of the
global creative community. Despite the war,
artists continue to create and show the world life
as Ukraine sees it. Rapid and timely response to
social issues and portraying them in various
forms of artistic expression stimulates the
community to address and prevent future
problems in society. It is also important to note
that the further in-depth inclusion of Ukrainian
art in the political picture of the Ukrainian state
in wartime conditions will contribute to the
consolidation of Ukrainians, which is important
both for the artistic industry and for all spheres of
activity of Ukrainians in general.
If we pay attention to the literary industry of
today's Ukraine, it is understandable that the
authors turn to national tendencies associated
with both the specific historical and cultural
context in the country, and with the national
Ukrainian mentality. Given this, the authors are
inclined to immerse themselves in the historical
and epochal processes of the country and to
rethink its past experience. In general, among the
representatives of Ukrainian artistic and cultural
space the interest in the history of Ukrainian art
has significantly increased, especially the period
of the fiery revival, which continues to be one of
the important stages in the development of
Ukrainian literature of the XX century
(Sheptytska, 2019). It is in this interest in
national art that the growth of the nation's self-
consciousness and culture. It is also important to
note the fact that the possibility of deepening and
more emotional knowledge of the heritage of the
Ukrainian people, the restoration of national self-
identity in a globalized world allows Ukrainian
literature to move in its own problems of art to
the development and self-improvement
(Kolesnyk, 2022). It should also be noted that the
dissemination of Ukrainian culture by means of
the translation of literary works into foreign
languages also increases the demand and
popularity of the Ukrainian word on the world art
scene. The demand for Ukrainian poetry and
prose is growing, the number of translators in this
sphere also contributes to the cosmopolitan
development of Ukrainian literature (Ivashkiv,
In 2019, the music scene around the world has
undergone significant changes due to the spread
of the coronavirus infection. A large number of
music events have moved to an online format,
which has modified the music culture itself. In
Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 with the
beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia,
musical events such as festivals and concerts
continue to be held online, and the experience of
holding musical events in difficult crisis
moments has become a prerequisite for
professionalism of Ukrainian masters. As of
autumn 2022, Ukrainian music festivals and
events continue their development, which
produces the formation of worthy competition
for foreign music events and professionals as
well (Kuzmenko, 2022). It should be noted that
in the Ukrainian music community there is a
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
tendency to popularize classical academic music
and actualize modern musical styles as well as
forms of presentation of musical content. Also in
Ukraine, more and more popular polygenre
music projects are becoming more and more
popular, defocusing listeners on a particular
genre of music (Dovzhynets, Hovorukhina,
Kopeliuk, Ovchar & Drach, 2022). Note that the
popularization of Ukrainian festivals within the
European space and online platforms, which we
have already mentioned earlier, shows the
development of the Ukrainian musical product as
modern musical art, depicting global problems of
the world community and its own country. The
issue of choreographic art is important for
Ukraine in the realities of war. Ukrainian
choreographers create productions based on their
own plot, based on the vision of Ukrainian
folklore, folk narratives, rituals, legends and
realities of the time. The use of images of
Ukrainian folklore in the folk stage choreography
of Ukraine more and more popularizes the folk
choreographic art, which in turn increases the
interest of modern society to the national
traditions (Gutnyk, 2021). Also, exploring the
problems and prospects of the development of
Ukrainian art in the realities of martial law, we
should note the importance of the values of
historical art, which can be characterized by
ancient musical styles and genres. Among others,
of particular importance for Ukrainian culture is
the phenomenon of kobzarstvo, which began to
revive in the era of Ukrainian independence.
Debates and disputes between admirers of
authentic kobzars and representatives of
academic bandura performance about the degree
of approximation of each artistic movement to
the historical sources give rise to the
development and become the driving force for
the future prospects of this genre of music art. It
is kobza, lyre, and bandura as the basis of the
musical mental code of the Ukrainian people in
the combination of ancient traditions and the
original kobzar movement revive the self-
identification of Ukrainian art and in the XXI
century (Furdychko, 2020).
It is important to note that the main features of
the aesthetic and philosophical concept of
Western European Baroque, which had a
significant influence on the Ukrainian artistic
environment (Figure 1), formed based on
previous historical, cultural, and artistic
traditions have developed a tendency to
complicate forms in architecture and strengthen.
Also, the movement appeared in literature in the
image of travel, tension, and disasters, portrayed
elegant elegance in arts and crafts and
ornamentation in the fine arts.
Fig. 1. The main features of the aesthetic and philosophical concept of the Western European Baroque.
Source: (Boichenko, Boichenko, Bykova, Chystiakova, Hule, Nikiforov & Sbruieva, 2021).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The established features of Baroque of previous
centuries are also reflected in the contemporary
artistic space of Ukraine of the XXI century in
the realities of war. Thus, the artists of Ukraine
represented by A. Savadova, V. Riabchenko, and
K. Reunov in a modern interpretation turn to the
traditional themes of the Baroque, which,
however, arise in symbiosis with postmodernist
characteristics. It is also important to note that
neo-Baroque trends also influence the fashion
industry in Ukraine, which shows a renewal and
restructuring of the main features in
contemporary Ukrainian art (Pishchanska, 2022).
In order to understand the influence of Baroque
and its relevance to contemporary Ukraine and its
artists, it is important to understand that this style
requires from creators a radical rethinking of
historical time, which provides an opportunity to
rethink history (Farago et. al., 2015).
Studying the works of fine art created during the
war between Russia and the Ukrainian people, it
is worth highlighting the characteristic features
of the Ukrainians depicted on them. Traditional
Ukrainian attire, embodying the indestructibility
of the Ukrainian nation and being a direct
message in conveying the historical values and
culture of the Ukrainian people to modern art
connoisseurs. The works of Ukrainian artists
again display a historical retrospective, which
draws parallels to the past and depicts
contemporary tragic events in Ukraine.
Combining the ancient and modern folklore of
the Ukrainian people creates a single image of
the Ukrainian woman, embodying a composite
characteristic of the Ukrainian woman - a young
girl who is both the keeper of the home and the
madonna, as well as a warrior defending her land,
relatives, and home (Dolesko, 2022).
It is impossible to avoid the theatrical genre of
Ukrainian culture during the war, but it is
important to note that in modern sociocultural
realities the theatrical activities of Ukrainian
artists have been largely relegated to the
background, a large number of theater facilities
have been destroyed and damaged. And yet
Ukrainian musical theater continues to develop,
although not as actively as before the war,
because based on the legacies of the past and
integrating modern experimental techniques
(Kanyuka, 2022), the Ukrainian theater scene,
reinterpreting historical scenes, shows viewers
the latest means of interpretation and views.
In turn, contemporary Ukrainian cinema, which
has gained momentum in its development in
recent years, has also experienced significant
deformation. Back in 2021, the main message of
Ukrainian cinema was the role of art in the era of
the coronavirus crisis and the aggravation of
social inequality (Chepelyk, 2021), and by 2022
the depiction of events in Ukraine has become
the leading task of this art.
If you pay attention to the trends of modern
interior design in Ukraine, it should be noted that
this direction of art is characterized by the
saturation of the inner architectural space with
technical devices, special equipment, and
approximation to nature, the inclusion of natural
components in the interior (Demessie, 2022).
Preferable directions in the design of modern
interiors are considered to be stylistic directions,
where the harmonization of the internal
architectural environment is achieved by
merging into single compositional integrity of
the objects of filling and decoration. The same
ideas and trends for interior design flow from one
year to another, undergoing some changes. Now
interior design is based on the principles of
functionality and restraint, using new and hybrid
trends. This trend can be justified by a large
number of destroyed and in need of
reconstruction architectural objects, damaged or
destroyed as a result of war. By the way, the
design of not only premises, but also the
phenomenon of graphic design in Ukraine has
gained great demand and popularization. A
striking example of the latter is the development
of a popular postage stamp with an inscription
mentioning a Russian warship, which was even
presented to foreign politicians as an important
To understand how much Ukrainian art was lost
in this war, it is important to assess the scale of
the destruction of cultural and infrastructural
objects. However, noting the fact that there is
intense fighting on Ukrainian territory and no
communication in non-Ukrainian-controlled
territories makes it difficult, if not impossible, to
estimate the value of damaged and destroyed
cultural monuments and buildings (Valevskyi,
2022). It is also important to note that during the
Russian-Ukrainian war the country's economy is
constantly in crisis, so the priority for Ukraine
and Ukrainians remains to move towards a
strategy of post-war economic reconstruction
(Khmarska, Kucheriava & Klimova, 2022), as
well as cultural institutions.
However, despite the huge losses, it is worth
considering the main prospects for the restoration
and development of Ukrainian cultural heritage
(Figure 2).
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
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Fig. 1. The main tasks of the state cultural policy of Ukraine during the war.
Source: (Malimon, 2022).
It is important to keep in mind that during the war
in Ukraine, state cultural policy has priority
tasks. One such priority is the formation of a
unified sociocultural space of Ukrainians capable
of resisting the information and cultural
influences of the enemy, and thus the Russian
propaganda machine. The next dogma is to
ensure the fixation and preservation of historical
and cultural heritage, namely architectural and
cultural objects with the fullest possible
recording of war crimes. Digitization of cultural
heritage into electronic libraries and the Internet
with the involvement of international
organizations for the preservation and
dissemination of cultural values of the Ukrainian
people occupies an important niche in the
movement of preservation and dissemination of
Ukrainian culture. The state cultural policy of
Ukraine should also fight actively against
organized information attacks on Ukrainian
cultural and artistic segments by Russian
propagandists and bots. Also important is the
development of existing and the formation of
new cultural brands that will carry cultural
education to the masses, as well as the active use
of cultural diplomacy tools in the further political
activity of the country.
During the war, all areas of Ukrainian life are
aimed at helping their citizens, which manifests
itself in their integration and improvement within
other sectors. Thus also the field of art with the
help of therapy based on creative activity in the
treatment of children and adults who have had
traumatic experiences as a result of the war
continues to practice and implement art therapy
practices to alleviate the effects of psychological
trauma (Morison, Simonds & Stewart, 2022).
In the realities of martial law, the ability to value
time, respect labor, and rationalism, combined
with optimism, curiosity, and intelligence
(Petrova, 2017), as in the ancient Renaissance
era, form the basis of art in modern Ukraine in its
own renaissance.
Within the framework of wartime Ukrainian
artists and painters continue to realize a
significant layer of their creative potential.
Returning to historical trends in art - the revival
of self-identification of the Ukrainian people
plays an important role in the search for new
ways of development the art of the Ukrainian
land. Modern works of art, created in the realities
of war, show the history of the Ukrainian land,
depicting the present and provoking the cultural
progress of Ukraine in the future. Thus,
Ukrainian art, combining pan-European currents
and historical trajectories of art shows the
uniqueness of the artistic language of Ukrainian
artists, creating images of the future.
Summarizing the results of this research work,
we should note the established links between
contemporary art and the historical culture of
Ukrainians, which allows artists in conditions of
war to continue to create and develop.
As a result of the scientific research, the
identification of the peculiarities of artists'
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
functioning on the territory of Ukraine and the
development of Ukrainian art forces us to move
away from traditional perspectives, which is
associated with the unpredictability of further
developments in the war. However, it should be
noted that Ukrainian artists continue to create art,
finding new forms and ways of development.
As a result of this research work, the results
formed during the work on the article should be
highlighted. The main problem of Ukrainian art
is the unstable situation in the country, but art
continues to function and develop. New forms
and formats of creating and presenting art
product in Ukraine today create professionals
who become famous and competitive in the
global art market. Ukrainian art is a promising
and developing area because the use of artists of
history provokes the self-identity of the
Ukrainian people and produces a great future.
Considering that the war in Ukraine is ongoing
and its consequences for art and the world are
unknown, the study of the problems and
prospects of art development in Ukraine during
the war of 2022 should be continued. Future
researchers of this topic should delve into the
question of the phenomenon of art-making in the
realities of war, as well as analyze the future
consequences of this phenomenon on art in
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