www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.2
How to Cite:
Yu, Z. (2022). Study on the optimization path of chinese online study tour program under the "5W" mode in the post-epidemic
era. Amazonia Investiga, 11(58), 18-27. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.2
Study on the optimization path of chinese online study tour program
under the "5W" mode in the post-epidemic era
Received: october 1, 2022 Accepted: November 9, 2022
Written by:
Zhou Yu6
This paper provides an analysis and a detailed
discussion on the Chinese Online Study Tour, a
special product of the times. The study was
carried out through a survey of the teaching
resources of universities in 2021 on the online
experience platform of "Chinese Bridge" of the
Chinese-Foreign Language Cooperation Center
of the Ministry of Education, and took the
Zhejiang Yuexiu University's project "A Tour to
the Water Town of Shaoxing in South China --
Clothing, Food, Residence, Travelling and Art"
as a case study. The paper gives an in-depth
analysis of the current situation and existing
problems of Chinese online study tour camp,
aiming to put forward the path of optimizing the
Chinese online study tour camp from the "5W"
mode of communications, and to provide feasible
suggestions for the construction of new modes for
Chinese online study tour camps in universities.
Key Words: post-pandemic era, Chinese
language, online study tour camp, optimal path.
With the deepening of globalization, the
exchange and spread of languages has become a
strategic measure for the cultural development of
different countries. China's international status
has risen and its influence in world culture has
increased a lot, so more and more foreign friends
have taken a keen interest in Chinese language
and Chinese culture. In recent years, in order to
meet the needs of Chinese language learners to
learn language knowledge and to experience
Chinese culture, many colleges, universities and
浙江越秀外国语学院 留学生教育学院,浙江 绍兴 312000
School of International Student Education, Zhejiang Yuexiu University Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China.
teaching institutions have launched a series of
short-term Chinese study tours in China which
are specifically designed for foreign learners.
These projects are mainly in the form of study
tours, such as the International Youth Chinese
Summer Camp and the Chinese Roots Searching
Summer Camp for Overseas Chinese Children.
As a kind of short-term Chinese teaching projects,
these activities combine "travelling" and
"learning" together and have the characteristics
of short learning cycle, flexible teaching methods,
Yu, Z. / Volume 11 - Issue 58: 18-27 / October, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
strong interest and intuitive experience, so that
students can be immersed in the target language
environment to improve their Chinese
proficiency and perceive Chinese culture (Jing,
2022: 137-138).
However, with the COVID-19 pandemic
sweeping the whole world, overseas Chinese
learners cannot come to China to take part in
language study projects, so many universities and
institutions use the Internet to implement online
Chinese teaching projects. The internet online
platforms such as the Tencent Meeting, DingTalk,
ZOOM and other teaching platforms become the
bridge between teachers and students. Chinese
study tour activities in short-term Chinese
language teaching have also been adjusted
accordingly. The teaching mode changed from
offline mode to the online mode, and a new
online learning platform has been set up in the
"cloud" around the world, so that students can
learn Chinese knowledge through the Internet,
and enjoy the travels around China and
experience the charm of Chinese culture. In
addition, with the continuous development of the
world, nowadays students' language and culture
learning are not limited to printed textbooks or
electronic textbooks. The digital construction
such as MOOC and micro-class is in full force
and developing very fast. It is an inevitable trend
for Chinese study tour camps to transform under
the general environment and new situation.
On the one hand, the research on the optimization
path of the Chinese online study camp project
will help to explore the effective integration of
"language+culture" in second language learning.
On the other hand, it can also explore how to
strengthen the interaction of language learning
and cultural learning through digital media from
the interactive characteristics of digital media.
Finally, this is also an effective attempt to
explore how to tell Chinese stories and spread
Chinese voice through the Internet in the new era.
Literature Review
At present, the research on the model of online
Chinese study tour is still in its infancy. Li Jiayu,
from Hebei Normal University (2021) took the
Indonesia Online Learning Exchange Group as
an example and wrote an article to give
illustration on the overall teaching design of the
group, summarizing the value and deficiency of
the group project and putting forward feasible
suggestions (Jiayu, 2021: 6-8). Yu Wen took the
"China-Thailand Interaction, Cloud Tour China"
online study tour camp held by Xiamen
University as an example, described the
implementation process and analyzed the results
of the tour, and put forward relevant
countermeasures and suggestions (Wen, 2021:
2-5). He Chengfang took the 2020 "Chinese
Bridge" online group of Guizhou Normal
University as an example and described the
implementation process of the group from three
aspects: teaching content, teaching methods and
teachers (Chengfang, 2022: 40-42). Zhuo Hao
(2022) studies an online Chinese study camp for
Russian students, and summarizes the problems
and suggestions of the program through the
description of the program, questionnaires and
interviews with students (Hao, 2022: 5-7). In
general, there are still few studies on online
Chinese study tour camps. Therefore, it is worthy
for international Chinese teachers and scholars to
do some more researches and in-depth
exploration on how to carry out scientific and
effective teaching design, plan practical and
interesting teaching activities, and coordinate the
relationship between teaching, activities and
interaction, so as to achieve the expected goals
and effects.
The Mode of Chinese Online Study Tour
Relying on the "Chinese Bridge" online group
program, the Chinese Language Tour Camp is an
online Chinese language and culture experience
program for Chinese language lovers around the
world. It is organized by the Chinese-Foreign
Language Cooperation Center of the Ministry of
Education, aiming to enhance the understanding
of Chinese and foreign language culture and
strengthen the exchange of Chinese and foreign
language education. The teaching mode and
implantation of the project uses real-time
teaching, video courses and a combination of
online activities, relying on the "Chinese bridge"
group online experience platform
(http://bridge.chinese.cn/online/camp). In the
year 2021, it organized more than 200
educational institutions to carry out more than
600 online group projects overseas, with 95,600
registered students from nearly 190 countries.
The project takes "language learning", "cultural
experience" and "online interaction" as the main
modules. Relying on the Chinese Language
Alliance, Online platforms such as ZOOM,
Tencent Meeting, DingTalk and Chinese
Alliance, the project provides students with
language learning, cultural experience and online
interactive activities. According to the
investigation and analysis of cultural study tour
camps uploaded on the online experience
platform (http://bridge.chinese.cn/online/camp)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of "Chinese Bridge" group in 2021, universities
or educational institutions mainly carry out
language teaching and cultural infiltration from
the following three perspectives.
1. Projects aiming to introduce to the regional
culture, such as the special scenic spots,
historic sites or cultural symbols of Fujian,
Guangdong, Henan, Shandong, Xinjiang,
Hainan, Henan, Qinghai, Jilin, Tianjin,
Guangzhou, Harbin, Quanzhou, Shaoxing,
Suzhou, Dunhuang, Guilin and other
provinces and cities. Among them, there are
some distinctive ones, such as, Nanjing
University's "Cloud Tour in Nanjing"
Chinese online study tour camp, and
Changchun Normal University's
"Appreciate the Culture of Northern China,
Enjoy the Snow and Ice Scenery" Chinese
online study tour camp, and so on.
2. Projects focusing on the characteristic
culture and specialties in academic fields
initiated by different educational institutions,
which covers aerospace, ceramic culture,
architecture, textile, Marine science and
technology, traditional Chinese medicine
health, new media, sports, environmental
protection, music, agriculture, film and other
characteristic fields. For example, the "TCM
Culture" Chinese online study tour camp of
Hebei University of Traditional Chinese
Medicine and the "Chinese Film Culture"
Chinese online study tour camp of Beijing
Film Academy are quite distinctive.
3. Introductory projects with Chinese
characters and other themes rich in Chinese
cultural characteristics, such as food, hutong,
gardens, traditional Chinese painting,
Peking Opera, tea, literary works, tie-dye,
seal cutting, solar terms, treasure jade, and
so on. The representatives are Yanshan
University's "Hebei Intangible Cultural
Heritage Tour" Chinese online study tour
camp, Neijiang Normal University's "Emei
Wushu" Chinese online study tour camp.
Implementation of the online Chinese study
Tour project of "A Tour to the Water Town
of Shaoxing in South China -- Clothing, Food,
Residence, Travelling and Art"
In late May 2022, Zhejiang Yuexiu University
held a one-week online Chinese study tour camp
"A Tour to the Water Town of Shaoxing in South
China -- Clothing, Food, Residence, Travelling
and Art", with 120 overseas students from Japan,
South Korea, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Indonesia
and other countries participating in the online
course. This study tour is conducted through
several sections including 220 minutes of
recorded courses, 7 hours of live courses, two
live cultural practices and daily exchange and
Q&A with Chinese and foreign students.
Project Description
The recorded courses of this project consists of
five sections, which are "Clothing, Food,
Residence, Travelling and Art", and in these
courses, the famous scenery of Shaoxing is
captured. As for the section of "Clothing", the
course takes the scene of Asia's largest light
textile city trading market and Zhuji Xiashan
Lake pearl market, explores the prosperous
industry of Shaoxing Keqiao light textile fabric
and Zhuji pearl after the reform and opening up,
and tells the historical development, functional
evolution, aesthetic characteristics of Shaoxing
"clothing industry" and its local narrative in the
context of contemporary globalization. The
section of "Food" takes the scenery of Shaoxing
rice Wine Museum and Anchang Ancient town.
Starting from the key words of "rice wine, soy
sauce, fresh", the students can unlock the
password of Shaoxing food industry, and explore
the ancient Yue culture and feelings. The
"Residence" section takes students to the famous
scenic spots in Shaoxing, such as Shen Yuan, Lu
Xun's former residence, Cangqiao Zhi Street, etc.
From the perspectives of ancient gardens, former
residences of celebrities, and modern blocks, the
students can appreciate the typical residential
buildings of water towns in the South of the
Yangtze River, and appreciate the unique
Chinese culture behind the "residence". The
"Traveling" section takes the view of Bazi Bridge,
Shaoxing street and Shaoxing North Railway
Station. Through taking the typical unit
transportation tools such as Wupeng boat, shared
bike and bullet train, the students can feel the
historical evolution of "travelling" in the
development and change of the times. The
courses in "Art" section demonstrate the famous
calligraphy shrine in China - Lanting and "Yue
Opera Town" in Shengzhou, which can guide the
students to feel the beauty of Chinese calligraphy
and Yue Opera. The course is filmed by a
professional Chinese teacher and two overseas
students. Through the travelling and
conversation between the Chinese teacher and
the overseas students, the daily life of the
Chinese people is measured with their steps, and
the cultural connotation is conveyed with the
The live course and the recorded course focus on
the same theme and complement each other,
demonstrating Chinese culture from the five
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
aspects of "Clothing, Food, Residence,
Travelling and Art". The live courses allow
students to learn Chinese characters, vocabulary
and culture on related topics, and combine them
with grammar knowledge to improve students'
communication skills and enhance their cultural
perception. Every day, teachers will assign
language and cultural tasks according to the
theme of the courses. For example, students are
required to introduce the food of their hometown,
to introduce their own families, to describe a
journey in Chinese, and they record vlogs about
their presentations.
The live culture practice takes "Chinese
Calligraphy" and "Yue Opera" as practical
projects, and professional teachers give on-site
teaching, so that students can feel the charm of
Chinese culture intuitively on the other side of
the screen on the Internet.
The online interaction session is mainly for
teachers and students to answer questions and to
provide a communication platform for Chinese
and foreign students. Students can ask questions
about their Chinese homework and communicate
with their language partners. At the same time,
the online interaction also holds the related
demonstration activities, which helps the
students to carry on the homework feedback and
to give their own presentation.
The construction of the four major modules
follows the general rules of the course. Preview
is conducted by recorded courses, in which
various cultures are introduced vividly and
systematically, interspersed with relevant
questions, so that students can think about the
video content. The live course is a normal lecture,
during which students listen to the lecture with
their questions, and the teacher answers the
questions after class. The live culture experience
is a practical project, taught by professional
calligraphy teachers and Yue Opera artists, and
the students can truly touch the cultural
connotation of these Chinese arts.
Questionnaire Survey of the Project
In order to master the effect and implementation
of this project, we conducted a questionnaire
survey among 120 students on the internet, and a
total of 83 valid questionnaires were collected.
There are 16 questions in this questionnaire. The
first part includes 14 questions for satisfaction
assessment, and the second part includes 2 open
questions. The first part of the satisfaction
assessment questions was in the form of a five-
point grading system (5= excellent/strongly
agree, 4= good/agree, 3= fair/neither agree nor
disagree, 2= poor/disagree, 1= very
poor/strongly disagree). The average score is the
students' score on each option. The higher the
score, the higher the satisfaction. The open
questions are: 1. What is your favorite theme? 2.
Suggestions or opinions on this online Chinese
study tour.
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Table 1.
Analysis of Satisfaction Evaluation Results
Dimension (score)
Overall Evaluation
Overall Recognition
Recorded Courses
Cultural Content
Vedio Production
Live Courses (4.52)
Teachers' teaching methods and multimedia use
Content of Courses
the Interaction in Class
Live Culture Practice
Content Selection
Teaching Mode
Online Interaction
Language and Cultural Task
Communication with Language Partner
Other Aspects (4.47)
Management Service
Result (4.65)
It not only improved my Chinese language ability, but also gave me
a more comprehensive understanding of China.
The following analysis results can be obtained
from the above:
a. The overall evaluation and effect evaluation
of the Chinese online study camp were high.
Many students said that the Chinese online
study camp was a wonderful journey, which
allowed them to know Shaoxing and learn
about many local cultures they had never
known before. Among the four modules, the
satisfaction of recorded courses is the
highest, while the satisfaction of live courses
is the lowest. Among the individual scores,
the score of language partner
communication was the highest, and the
score of classroom interaction was the
b. Participants were generally satisfied with the
recorded courses. Through random
interviews with relevant students, the
students said that this course allowed them
to visit the famous scenic spots in Shaoxing
online, and through the form of question and
answer, they told the story of Shaoxing's
clothing, food, residence, art, and raised the
issues of concern from the perspective of
international students. The course videos are
well produced, content-focused and
beautiful. The teachers and students speak
fluent Mandarin with Chinese and English
subtitles. It is a wonderful “online journey”.
And the course can be played back and
watched from time to time.
c. Live courses have the lowest satisfaction.
According to random interviews with
relevant students, students think that the live
broadcast time is short and the content stops
abruptly when it hits its peak. Moreover, due
to the problems of platform and network, the
online interaction is not ideal, and it is easy
to get bored. Although the teaching methods
of the teachers were very good and the
courseware was very attractive, the
classroom activities needed to be changed to
keep the students engaged.
d. The live culture experience also scored very
low. Through random interviews with
relevant students, the students believe that
calligraphy is a very famous Chinese art, and
many students have learned it in their own
country, and it is related to Chinese
characters, so they feel familiar with it.
However, people feel very strange to the
Yue Opera. Even if they can learn it from the
introduction of recorded courses, there is
still a cultural gap, and they do not know
what is sung and what language is sung.
e. For online interaction, language partner
communication scored very high, but
language and cultural tasks scored very low.
Through random interviews with relevant
students, students think that although the
daily language and cultural tasks are to help
students to master the key output of
language task for each day, the daily tasks
are a little similar, boring and heavy, so they
have no motivation to complete those tasks.
But it’s fun to talk with Chinese students
about their lives and share current pop
culture with them.
f. In other aspects, students rated management
services moderately, but had low satisfaction
with their platform experience. Through
random interviews with relevant
participants, they think that the management
services of this study tour camp are in place,
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
but some details need to be improved. In
addition, the platform used for live courses
needs to be improved, especially in terms of
interaction. Teacher-student interaction and
student-student interaction of live courses
need to be strengthened.
Results Analysis of Open Questions
Among the five modules of the study tour, the
students liked the “Food” module best, and Yue
Opera and Chinese Calligraphy enjoy the least
popularity among them. Just as it is shown in the
previous satisfaction evaluation analysis, as a
traditional Chinese art, Yue Opera creates
cultural distance among foreign, which also leads
to a greater “cultural discount”. When it comes to
suggestions, the most frequently mentioned are
the requirements for the online platform, hoping
to enhance the experience of the online platform
and enhance the interaction of the live class. The
communication activities with language partners
can be enriched, and more online interactive
activities of various forms can be organized. The
organization and expression form of linguistic
and cultural tasks can be changed and diversified.
Advantages and Problems of Online Chinese
Study Tour Camp
According to the investigation and analysis of the
“A Tour to Shaoxing, a water town in South
China--Clothing, Food, Residence, Travelling
and Art”, combining with relevant research, the
author believes that, as a new study tour activity
under the influence of the epidemic, compared
with the offline study tour camp, the online
Chinese study tour camp has the advantages of
abundant digital teaching resources, convenient
“teaching” and “learningexperience, and a wide
range of audiences. It is a breakthrough of the
traditional teaching model and has positive
significance. But at the same time, it also faces
problems such as the lack of “enthusiasm” of
interaction, the lack of practical cultural
experience, the difficulty of management, and
the uncertainty of network (Anqi, 2021: 76-85).
1. Digital teaching resources are abundant.
The Chinese online study tour camp is carefully
designed according to the standards of the online
study tour camp and the practical need of the
students. The rich recorded and live courses
(which can be watched back) are used as the main
teaching resources to help the students learn
Chinese, experience the culture and understand
China in a rich language environment. In
addition to the course videos of teaching
resources, some study tour camps also provide
supporting teaching resources of PPT on various
courses and cultural knowledge to provide
students with support and help as much as
possible, which can provide support and
guarantee for their long-term Chinese learning.
2. “Teaching” and “learning” are relatively
The online Chinese study tour camp breaks the
time and space limitation and establishes virtual
classrooms through online live streaming
platforms, enabling teachers and students to carry
out teaching and learning in the cloud. Teachers
pass on knowledge through the teaching
platform, and students can learn language
knowledge and Chinese culture on the platform.
Teachers and students can communicate and
interact without leaving their own homes, which
breaks the limitations of time and space. As long
as they can choose a good network and relatively
quiet environment, students around the world can
participate in the learning activities. Students can
also take advantage of their fragmented time to
study, which meets the learning needs of
different levels and different of students.
3. The target audience for this course is broad.
The online Chinese study tour camp does not
require students to submit any study fee. Students
only need to have a computer or mobile phone
and connect to the Internet to learn Chinese in
real time. In the previous learning mode, many
students will give up the opportunity to
participate in the Chinese study tour camp in
China due to the fee of air tickets, living expenses
and other reasons. So, the teaching mode of
online projects had obvious advantages.
1. Less enthusiasm in online interaction
In the online Chinese study camp, the teachers
and students are in a virtual classroom space,
which is not conducive to teacher-student
interaction. Although the relevant teaching
platform provides technical support for teachers
to ask questions and students to give responses,
the online interaction is less engaging and
dynamic, because the two parties are unable to
communicate face to face, unable to capture eye,
emotional and physical information, and lack a
certain "tension". Since the teachers and students
can only rely on screens to interact, students are
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
prone to slacking off. In addition, it is difficult to
implement interesting traditional classroom
teaching activities such as games and
performances in online teaching, and there is a
lack of fun in cooperation between teachers and
students and students, which makes the
interaction lack of “atmosphere” and reduces
students’ learning enthusiasm.
2. Lack of practicality in cultural experience
Cultural experience is an important part of online
Chinese study tour camp, which is a way for
students to quickly integrate into second
language learning. As we all know, offline
Chinese study tour camps can be very convenient
to take students to visit places of interest and
historical sites to understand the culture, and they
can also carry out cultural practice through
various practical experiences, and perceive the
culture from the perspectives of taste, smell,
hearing, touch and vision. Although students in
the online Chinese study tour camp can have
cultural perception through video and computer
technology, there will be a certain “gapin the
process of cultural perception due to the post-
editing and processing of those cultural products,
as well as the part of cultural experience that
cannot be presented online or practiced by
students due to operational problems. Some
cultural experiences cannot be presented online
or students can’t practice by themselves due to
operational problems (Xinnan, 2020: 164-165).
3. More Management Difficulties
Online Chinese language camp has a relatively
large number of students, and it is difficult to
manage in many aspects because of the lack of
face-to-face contact. First of all, the attendance
of students is difficult to manage. In live online
classes, teachers can manage students' attendance
through check-in, interaction and other ways, but
it is difficult for teachers to accurately judge
whether students are really present, and teachers
may lose contact with students at any time once
network problems occur. Second, the students’
classroom performance is difficult to manage.
Teachers are unable to observe students’
classroom performance and get feedback from
micro-expressions and body movements. For
some students, the cameras are always turned off
for various reasons, making it difficult for
teachers to understand students’ class
performance and reactions and carry out
effective classroom management. Third, the full
participation of students cannot be managed. In
addition to attending in classes, students also
need to participate in other modules such as
watching the recording and broadcasting courses,
taking part in online cultural experience
activities, giving homework feedback, etc.
However, it is difficult to supervise students
effectively and ensure their full participation,
which is also a big challenge of online study tour
4. Uncertainty in the Network
Based on the actual situation or conditions,
teachers or students in the network environment
carry out the activities of teaching and learning,
and there may be instability in their network
environment. In this process, there may be some
unexpected situations that interfere with normal
teaching activities, such as non-synchronization
of audio and picture, blurred picture quality,
incoherent sound, and unable to play video.
Some students even drop off the line and leave
the classroom because of network problems.
These situations will interrupt the rhythm of the
class, affect the progress of the class, make
students miss the content of the class, and thus
reduce the sense of experience and gain of the
Optimizing the path of Online Chinese Study
Tour Camp
Harold Lasswell, one of the founding fathers of
communications, came up with the classic “5W”
model: Who (the communicator of
communication), Say What (the content of
communication), In which channel (the media of
communication), To whom (the target audience
of communication), With what effect (the effect
of communication) (Honghui, 2017: 337-338). It
explains the mode of communication process and
five basic elements: communicator, content,
media, target audience and effect. This paper will
discuss the optimization path of online study tour
to spread Chinese culture from the “5W” model.
A. Communicator: to improve the
comprehensive ability of teachers
The communicator is the leader of the whole
communication process. As the implementor of
Chinese language teaching and the disseminator
of Chinese culture, the ability and level of
Chinese language teachers will directly affect the
effect of Chinese language teaching and cultural
communication. In the newly released standard
of Professional Competence of International
Chinese Teachers, the competence training of
international Chinese teachers is defined from
five modules: professional knowledge,
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional skills, professional practice,
professional development and professional
In view of the special characteristics of online
study tours, the author believes that international
Chinese teachers should pay more attention to
broaden their international vision, improve their
skills in classroom management, enhance their
abilities of cultural communication and their
application of educational technology. Teachers
should have a global perspective and have a
certain understanding of the history, culture,
politics and economy of relevant countries, as
well as the situation of Chinese teaching in
different countries and regions. In terms of
classroom management, the language teachers
should not only output class content in a hurry,
but also skillfully use platform functions to
interact with students, present interesting and
efficient online classroom, control the rhythm of
virtual classroom, and be able to respond to some
problems on the scene. In terms of cultural
communication ability, it is necessary to select
appropriate cultural content and disseminate it in
appropriate ways. This communication is not
only a simple output, but also a guide to the
cultivation and communication of cultural
awareness. Zu Xiaomei has discussed the six
roles of Chinese teachers in cross-cultural
communication. The Chinese language teachers
should change from a simple cultural
communicator to a consultant of cultural
knowledge, a trainer of cultural skills, a guide to
explore cultural significance, a promoter of
cultural attitude change, a mediator of cross-
cultural communication, and a collaborator of
cultural learning. At the same time, they should
have the awareness of cultural difference and
multiculturalism. In the aspect of educational
technology, teachers need to be able to flexibly
cope with the selection and use of network
signals, teaching software, live broadcast
equipment and other problems that will occur in
the course of class, improve their educational
information technology literacy, and understand
the rules of online education (Xiaomei, 2016:
B. Communication content: to strengthen
the richness and practicality of the
learning content
The communication content is the important
content in the whole communication process, and
it is also the link between teachers and students.
During the implementation of the online tour
camp, we need to determine what content to
spread. More and more people from different
countries and regions want to learn about China’s
development history and experience through
learning Chinese culture, so we need to choose
rich and attractive contents for their tour camps
(Fei: 2011, 1066-1068). Through the
investigation of various colleges and educational
institutions, the author finds that most of them
focus on the introduction and learning of
traditional Chinese culture, folk culture and local
culture. However, the author believes that we
should also focus on contemporary China. Only
by sorting out the context of the transformation
from traditional China to contemporary China
can learners get a real cultural understanding and
generate a sense of closeness and identity.
Secondly, in addition to culture, we should also
introduce the contents of economy, diplomacy,
people and other aspects, so as to present a rich
and diverse China to the students, and help them
get a real picture of the Chinese path, wisdom and
experience (Xiaohui, 2010: 109-110). The author
once participated in an online study tour camp of
an Indonesian university. The camp invited the
famous Indonesian Chinese and founder of
Fireboat Coffee, Dehui Wu, to introduce his
entrepreneurial history. At the same time, it also
integrated the history of Indonesian Chinese and
the struggle history of Chinese organizations,
which could arouse the interest of the participants
and enrich the content of the study tour camp.
Thirdly, we should combine the characteristics of
the online study tour camp with continuous
exploration, so that students can have a high
sense of operability and experience in cultural
C. Communication channels: to ensure the
effectiveness of communication
There are two kinds of channels. The first one is
the hardware channel. We need to test more
relevant platforms and test different platforms for
different requirements. The platforms used for
recording courses, live courses, online activities,
communication with language partners, daily
notification and contact should be arranged
according to the learning objectives. At the same
time, we should actively explore the introduction
of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR)
and other science and technology, to promote the
situational, practical and even gamification of
online Chinese teaching and cultural experience.
The other channel is the soft channel. We should
adopt more international ways of expression, use
communication rules that are easy for
international audiences to understand and accept,
find common ground among differences and
bridges between distances, so as to further
deepen exchanges and communications between
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
different civilizations. Therefore, it should not be
spread in the form of one party, but should be
shared through different ways of “cultural
collision” (Xun, 2007: 168-170). We can listen to
the voice of students through essay contest, short
video, round table meeting, poetry reading,
literary performance, debate competition and
other forms to encourage students to express their
views on China, their country and the world.
Although the online study tour usually does not
last long, it should plan and compile relevant e-
books according to the theme as much as
possible, provide relevant reading materials and
background materials for students, and act as a
“guide” for students to contact with relevant
culture. In addition, by cultivating online
classrooms or virtual communities with mutual
learning partners, the interaction between
teachers and students or communications
between students can be increased, thus, the
presence, conversation and practice of online
Chinese teaching can be improved (Xiaolong,
2018: 242-243).
D. Communication Target Audience: to do a
good job of student analysis
We should mobilize multiple resources for
enrollment and publish the content through the
official website and official micro-blog of the
university, and actively contact with overseas
cooperative colleges and universities to attract
more foreign students and expand the target
audience. Students should be classified, focusing
on their emotional needs, knowledge needs and
development needs. Students can be classified
from different perspectives such as country,
learning motivation and goal requirements, and
relevant plans can be adjusted according to the
different demands of students. At the same time,
we should do a good job of comprehensive
research on the national conditions of the
countries where the trainees are located, as well
as the political, economic, cultural and other
aspects of the countries and regions, so as to find
out the common values and common ideas
between us and the target countries and to
prevent cultural conflicts and conceptual
differences. According to conditions of different
students, the overall management of online study
tour camp should be well arranged. How to help
students adapt smoothly, how to motivate
students to complete learning tasks, and how to
adjust related problems and contradictions are all
based on the study situation analysis of students.
Based on the above analysis, when designing the
content of online learning camp, teachers and
participants can jointly design part of the
teaching content or activities to enhance
students sense of cultural experience and
participation, which can effectively stimulate
their interest in Chinese culture and deepen their
understanding of Chinese language and Chinese
culture (Xiao, 2021: 1-12).
E. Communication effect: to emphasize the
evaluation and effect of communication
For the improvement and perfection of the future
online teaching projects, the evaluation and
feedbacks of the teaching effect should be
gathered and analyzed carefully. In the process of
online Chinese study tour camp projects, we
should pay close attention to the reactions, status
and suggestions of campers, and adjust the
project content in time according to the status and
suggestions of students, so that the study tour
camp has a certain flexibility. After the end of the
camp, attention should be paid to collecting the
feedback and evaluation from teachers, head
teachers, teaching assistants, students and
language partners. The satisfaction survey of
students on the study tour camp can be carried
out through questionnaires, personal interviews,
group discussions and other forms, so as to put
forward optimization suggestions for future
work. These feedbacks and evaluation results are
not only the outcome of the four elements
discussed above, but also valuable wealth for the
improvement and optimization of the online
study tour camp, and they can provide
suggestions for future work. For example,
through the questionnaire survey and personal
interview of the online study tour camp “A Tour
to Shaoxing, a water town in South China--
Clothing, Food, Residence, Travelling and Art”,
we can clearly understand the problems existing
in the camp’s live courses, the selection of online
teaching activity platforms and the cultural
experience content. In this way, we can better
plan the design of live courses, the selection of
online teaching activity platforms and the
optimization of cultural experience content, so as
to provide better service and experience for
The International Chinese language education is
a stage for us to contribute our Chinese wisdom
to the world. With the advent of the 5G era,
Chinese online teaching and Chinese online
study Tours may become the norm in
international Chinese education even after the
end of the pandemic. Therefore, on the basis of
existing research, we need to strengthen the
research and practice of all aspects of online
study tour camp, create wonderful online study
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
tour camp for Chinese language lovers around
the world, and provide more people with the
opportunity to learn Chinese language and
perceive Chinese culture in the target language
environment without leaving their own home. At
the same time, we should also make full use of
this new carrier to present China in a vivid, three-
dimensional, comprehensive and objective
manner, and effectively spread the fine
traditional Chinese culture, local culture and the
Chinese spirit in the new era.
As is discussed in the book Cross-cultural
Communication, “The barriers to human
understanding and communication must be
overcome by the impulse (to communicate), the
growth of knowledge and the tolerance of
different cultures.” When this is reflected in the
teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, it can
be understood as follows: Chinese teachers need
to continuously stimulate learners’ interest in
communication, disseminate all aspects of China
through effective channels, and continuously
improve learners’ language knowledge and
communicative ability. When excellent
traditional Chinese culture is effectively
integrated in language teaching and effective
interaction between teaching and learning is
realized, the online study tour camps can not only
enhance cultural tolerance of teachers and
students in the process of language teaching, but
also overcome cultural communication barriers
and realize the effective dissemination of
Chinese culture (Jing, 2021: 190-192).
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