Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.09.23
How to Cite:
Goshovska, V., Kisiel, I., Lukina, L., Gorulko, O., & Nehulevskyi, I. (2022). Development of democratic values as a basis for the
consolidation of modern Ukrainian society. Amazonia Investiga, 11(57), 221-231. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.09.23
Development of democratic values as a basis for the consolidation of
modern Ukrainian society
Розвиток демократичних цінностей як основа консолідації сучасного українського
Received: October 20, 2022 Accepted: November 8, 2022
Written by:
Valentyna Goshovska70
Iurii Kisiel71
Lyudmyla Lukina71
Olga Gorulko71
Ihor Nehulevskyi71
The problem of historical memory as a factor of
uniting the past, present and future, consolidating
modern Ukrainian society, and ensuring political
stability is relevant in our time. The purpose of
the study is to define the regularity of the state of
development of democratic values as a basis for
the consolidation of modern Ukrainian society
based on the reports "Democracy Index",
"Democracy Perception Index" and "Freedom in
the World" by means of regression analysis.
Research methods: comparative analysis;
systematization; regression analysis;
generalization. The results. After conducting a
regression analysis, it was defined that the value
of the coefficient of determination testifies to
this. The 88% regression model reflects the direct
dependence of the state of development of the
democratic regime in Ukraine on the state of the
electoral process and pluralism and civil
liberties. The study showed that the full-scale
invasion of the Russian Federation had a positive
effect on the consolidation of modern Ukrainian
society. According to the survey, 77% of
Ukrainians claim that things in Ukraine are going
in the right direction, 80% are proud of their
country, 64% of respondents believe that friendly
relations between Ukrainians and Russians
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Parliamentarism of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National
University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recipient of a scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science of Scientific Institute of public administration and public
service of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Department of Parliamentarism), Kyiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
cannot be restored. 56% of respondents believe
that the main goal of the Russian invasion is the
destruction of the Ukrainian people.
Keywords: consolidation, democratic values,
Ukrainian society.
Currently, the movement towards democracy is
the fundamental tendency in the context of
establishing society’s optimal form. The
development of democracy in the XX century
had its ups and downs. The twentieth century has
gained special popularity in the democratic
triumph. The influence of democratic ideas and
procedures, which encouraged the development
of democratic processes in human history,
became especially important for this century.
(Lakishyk, 2018).
The effectiveness of any state in the modern
globalized world largely depends on the degree
of consolidation of the people who form it. It is a
generally accepted fact that the more united the
nation is, the fewer conflicts in the society and
the more confident the nation feels in the
international arena. (Polishchuk, 2018).
The relevance of this issue is due to the fact that
the Russian Federation’s aggression was
conducted and is being implemented nowadays
through the integral using regular units of the
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, energy
blockade, economic pressure, diplomatic
blocking of legal mechanisms of international
organizations, etc. The encroachment on the
Ukrainian state’s territorial integrity and
inviolability confirmed the increased public
danger and grave consequences for Ukrainian
society. Territorial integrity as the sovereign
territory’s totality of the state within its borders
guarantees the state’s supremacy, sovereignty
and statehood as a whole. (Kindratets &
Sergienko, 2021).
Thus, the military aggression against Ukraine by
the Russian Federation has become a kind of
challenge for Ukrainian society to the level of its
consolidation. It developed on the grounds of
democratic values, thereby strengthening the
negative factors in the environment of
international and national security and launching
destructive trends that violate the international
legal principles of the world democratic order
(Sergienko & Kuris, 2022). Ukrainian authors
Yermakov, O. U., Hrebennikova, A. A.,
Nahornyi, V. V. and Chetveryk, O. V. considered
investment support for agrarian business in the
modern situation of Ukraine and social
responsibility of the population
(Yermakov, Hrebennikova, Nahornyi &
Chetveryk, 2019).
The research aims to define the regularity of the
state of development of democratic values as the
basis for the consolidation of modern Ukrainian
society, based on the reports of the Democracy
Index, Democracy Perception Index, and
Freedom in the World through regression
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
A review of the scientific literature on this topic
indicates the lack of a broad line of publications
on the role of the development of democratic
values in the consolidation of modern Ukrainian
society. Nevertheless, in recent years, many
studies have been published that accentuate the
value and seriousness of the development of
democratic values and their relevance (Chmil et
al., 2021).
On the basis of taking into account the current
political experience and having analyzed the
significance of certain political positions for
modern Ukrainian society and the relationship to
them, whilst on the groundwork of researching
the prerequisites for their formation and
correlation with the valid political situation in
Ukraine, it has been found that it is needed for
establish and define the criteria for constructing
a fundamental type of political identity. On the
base of actual experience regarding to the
functioning of the state and the nature of
interaction within society, they are directly
interconnected with the prerequisites for the
education and the formation of basic criteria of
political identity (Taylor, 1985; Hall, 1996). In
this regard, due to the conditions for the
formulation of the basic criteria, it is necessary to
cover each of the spheres of society's life, which
have a direct influence on the process of the
education and the formation of the fundamental
Goshovska, V., Kisiel, I., Lukina, L., Gorulko, O., Nehulevskyi, I. / Volume 11 - Issue 57: 221-231 / September, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
political identity, reflecting different but
equivalent aspects of this process (Ben-Bassat &
Dahan, 2012). We propose to single out the most
universal criteria for constructing a fundamental
type of political identity.
1) Instrumental-political criterion: any state is
obliged to have a set of political instruments
that influence on the education of the
political identity of citizens, in order to
contribute to the consolidation of society and
social mobilization in periods of active
phases of political struggle in order to
preserve the current democratic regime or in
order to receive sustainable support of
society in the transformation period. The de-
escalation of emerging political conflicts can
be facilitated by the constructive use of
political tools, which are based on reducing
the level of legitimacy of state institutions
and, in general, the rejection of government
policies (Klar, 2013). In order to prevent the
emergence of new points of conflict,
political instability and fragmentation of
political sentiments in society, the qualified
use of political tools by the authorities is
2) Ideological criterion: it is necessary to take
into account the ideological component
(erst, the state ideology must be formulated,
which reflects the images of the past, present
and future of the country, the "ultimate goal"
must be determined, the achievement of
which is directed to the state policy, the
ideals of the development of a democratic
state must be formulated, etc.) in the process
the formation of a fundamental type of
political identity (Devine, 2011).
3) Legal criterion: the formed system of legal
and democratic norms in the state, which is
enshrined in the Constitution and
fundamental laws, should contribute to the
development of democratic values and the
education of the political identity of citizens,
to ensure the level of legitimacy of state
institutions and the process of identification
of citizens, to spread of uniform rules of
behavior and coexistence in society due to
the conditions of the valid political and
democratic regime (Hogg & Reid, 2006;
Huddy, 2013). The legal norms are required
to outline the primary principles of
regulation of the political life of the
population, which would contribute to the
consolidation of society and full law
enforcement, whilst also required to comply
with the basic norms and criteria of
international law, and in case of violation or
non-fulfillment of laws, an appropriate
system of sanctions must be implemented.
4) Moral criterion: political identity must be
constructive, contribute to the processes of
stimulating society to consolidation, not
contradict defined traditions and values, but
at the same time must respond to emerging
challenges due to the modern conditions and
be consistent with democratic values and
principles. Thus, society must spread a
unifying discourse based on democratic
values and priorities acceptable to the
majority of citizens. It is necessary to define
a system of moral principles, which in turn
will contribute to the process of encouraging
citizens to respect each other, tolerance, and
compliance with ethical standards.
Therefore, the state is obliged to take on the
function of monitoring compliance with
rules and norms of behavior, as well as to
form and implement a universal socio-
cultural base for the further development of
a democratic society (Fowler & Kam, 2007).
Kolomiiets N. has attempted to establish the core
of the dominant democratic values of the
Ukrainian people, which include: patriotism,
human rights, and freedoms, social justice,
tangible and intangible assets of the Ukrainian
people, national security, and a constitutional
form of government. According to these
scholars, it was the blatant violation of key
national values by the authorities, and disregard
for human rights and freedoms, in particular,
human security, and social justice. That led to the
Maidan in November-December 2013 and the
outbreak of the Revolution of Dignity in January-
February 2014 (Kolomiiets, 2017).
A new stage of political identity formation began
in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity of
20132014. The population of the country,
realizing its own potential, expressed the desire
to build a European-style state with democratic
values, a developed civil society with a high level
of political culture and functioning political
institutions. Nevertheless, in practice, this plan
was implemented in a diametrically opposite
way, since the political preferences of citizens in
the further development of the country did not
correspond to the current political realities
(National Democratic Institute, 2021). The
political experience of Ukrainian citizens in this
period demonstrated the inability to implement
radical changes without the will of the political
elite, and the implementation of modifications to
self-formed political views was equated to the
denial of the generated situational political
identity (Lavrynenko & Prymush, 2020). In this
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
regard, Ukrainian society plunged into political
anomie, announced the illegitimacy of the
government and distrust of it. The situational
political identity did not have the opportunity to
get used in society and turned into a basic one,
and gave way to other forms of identity, which in
turn caused the reverse development of civil
society, contributed to the development of
tensions in society, which caused its disunity,
which in turn contributed the growing crisis of
statehood. In connection with the full-scale
invasion of the Russian Federation on the
territory of Ukraine, the consolidation of
Ukrainian society took place, which contributed
to the formation of its unity in the struggle for
democratic values. Analyzing this situation from
a methodological point of view, we single out
several scientific justifications regarding the
development of this situation in Ukraine, first of
all, from the position of symbolic interactionism,
in the mechanism of political identity formation
emphasizes political interaction (Inaç & Ünal,
2013; Unesco, 2021; Filippetti & Tsakiris, 2017).
The public's response here "is not directly caused
by the actions of another, but is based on the
value they attach to such actions" (Blumer,
The issue of national values was also thoroughly
studied by V. Horbulin and A. Kachynskyi, who
structured the system of democratic values,
classifying them into individual, social, and state.
The further existence of a democratic state and
nation, according to these researchers, should be
considered in the light of its value core, which
consolidates modern society, i.e. national
security, spiritual heritage, welfare, a system of
international relations, patriotism, etc.
Ivan, V. Yakoviyk together with a team of
authors analyzed the national security policy of
Ukraine in the context of changing the system of
power relations in the modern world (Yakoviyk
et al., 2020). Another Ukrainian scientist
considered the digital economy in a global
environment (Сhaliuk et al., 2021).
The study of the main components that make up
the structure of the concept of democratic values
can be: civil; cultural-historical; heroic-
historical; socio-political; moral; military-
patriotic; physical, etc. These structural
components are intertwined with each other and
constitute the content basis of education in the
personality of national consciousness (Horbulin
& Kachynskyi, 2005). Comprehending the
essence of these components of democratic
values, it is noted that "... genetically they stem
from the formation and strengthening of
individual states, especially during their struggle
for self-sufficiency and national independence"
(Kolomiiets, 2017).
Hence, the development of democratic values as
the basis for the consolidation of modern
Ukrainian society is reflected in the publications
of scientists in the form of practical research and
theoretical studies but the issue is relevant and
open for further research.
The realization of the purpose of this study
involves the use of such research methods as:
systematization of Democracy Index,
Democracy Perception Index, and Freedom
in the World reports to determine the state of
development of democratic values in
Ukraine to consolidate modern Ukrainian
logical and systematic analysis, method of
synthesis of information based on the
national survey conducted by the
sociological group "Rating" to determine the
level of consolidation of Ukrainian society;
generalization of statistical data published
by governments and accountable
organizations to define an assessment and
current analysis of the state of
democratization of Ukraine, based on the
reports Democracy Index, Democracy
Perception Index, and Freedom in the
a method of comparison to differentiate the
characteristics of the level of political rights
and civil liberties based on the reports
Democracy Index, Democracy Perception
Index, and Freedom in the World.
Regression analysis was applied to reflect the
state of development of the democratic regime in
Ukraine, which depends on the current results of
the electoral process and pluralism and civil
Results and Discussion
According to the statistics presented in the report,
which was proved by Latana and the Alliance of
Democracies in spring 2022, from March 30 to
May 10. Information was collected from a
sample of n=1030 internet-connected
respondents. Nationally representative results
were calculated based on each country's official
population distribution by age, sex, and
education, derived from the latest available data
from Barro Lee & UNStat and census.gov. The
average margin of error for a country is (+/-) 3.2
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
percentage points. Ukraine is noted as a partially
free country.
Although democracy is in decline around the
world, the survey shows that people still believe
in it: 91% say it is weighty to have democracy in
their country. Nevertheless, the number of those
disappointed with the state of democracy is
growing, with 22% believing that their country
lacks democracy. Respondents consider
corruption and economic inequality to be the
biggest threats to the development of democracy
and democratic values in Ukraine (81% and 70%
respectively) (see Table 1).
Table 1.
Questionnaire of the Democracy Perception Index (DPI) 2022 in Ukraine
In your opinion, how important is it for
your country to be a democracy?
Democracy is Important (7-10)
Think about your country today. How
democratic do you think it is?
My Country is Democratic (7-10)
Democracy Important - The country is
Perceived Democratic Deficit
Which of the following statements comes
closest to your view? "I think there is..."
Not enough democracy
The right amount of democracy
Too much democracy
"Not Enough Democracy" TREND 2022 - 2021
“My government usually acts in the
interest of… "
"Minority ""A small group of people in my country""
Minority TREND 2022 - 2021
How important is it for you that everyone
in your country can freely express their
opinion on political and social topics?
Free Speech is Important (Very Important)
“Everyone in my country can freely
express their opinion on political and
social topics”?
Free Speech Assessment Disagree (Strongly +
How important is it for you that political
leaders in your country are elected in free
and fair elections?
Fair Elections are Important (Very Important)
“Political leaders in my country are
elected in free and fair elections”
Fair Elections Assessment Disagree (Strongly +
How important is it for you that everyone
in your country is equal before the law
and has the same basic rights?
Equal Rights are Important (Very Important)
“Everyone in my country is equal before
the law and has the same basic rights”
Equal Rights Assessment Disagree (Strongly +
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements? “Democracy in my
country is threatened by …”
Economic Inequality Agree (Strongly + Somewhat)
Power of Big Tech Agree (Strongly + Somewhat)
Limits to Free Speech Agree (Strongly + Somewhat)
Foreign Election Interference Agree (Strongly +
Unfair elections and/or election fraud Agree (Strongly
+ Somewhat)
Corruption Agree (Strongly + Somewhat)
Influence of Global Corporations Agree (Strongly +
Source: Compiled by the authors on official data of (Alliance of democracies, 2022).
Once one of the worst-performing regions in the
Democracy Index, Eastern Europe outperformed
all other regions in 2021, avoidance a decrease in
its regional average score. Ukraine struggled in
2021, with its score dropping from 5.81 in 2020
to 5.57 in 2021, falling further below the 6.00
threshold, above which countries are assorted as
"democracies with deficiencies" and Ukraine is
marked as a "hybrid regime".
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
The Democracy Index of Ukraine in 2016-2021
process and
Source: Compiled by the authors on official data of (Economist Intelligence, 2022).
The average score for the region's "hybrid
regimes" declined lightly in 2021, with Ukraine's
score recording the sharpest decrease among the
four Eastern European countries in this category,
and Ukraine now shares 86th place with Mexico
in this global ranking, down from 79th place in
2020. Ukraine's score decreased partially due to
military actions by Russia. The functioning of a
government in a situation of direct war usually
limits democratic processes in favor of
centralizing power in the hands of the executive
and security or military apparatus to guarantee
public security (see Figure 1).
Fig. 1. The Democracy Index of Ukraine in 2006-2021
Source: Compiled by the authors on official data of (Economist Intelligence, 2022).
"Freedom in the World is an annual global report
on civil liberties and political rights and founded
on the premise that freedom for all people is best
attained in liberal democratic societies. Freedom
in the World assesses the factual freedoms and
rights made use of individuals, not governments
or the activities of government as such. Civil
liberties and political rights can be influenced by
both state and non-state actors, including rebels
and other armed groups (see Figure 2).
In scoring, greater emphasis is placed on
5,57 5,81 5,9 5,69 5,69 5,7 5,7 5,42
5,84 5,91 5,94
6,94 6,94
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2008 2006
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 2. The ranks of Ukraine in the Democracy Index of Ukraine and Freedom in the World in 2013-2021
Source: Compiled by the authors by official data of (Economist Intelligence, 2022; Freedom House, 2022).
The ranking of local democratic governance by
Freedom in the World has improved from 3.25 to
3.50 due to the success of territorial and
administrative decentralization reforms, which
have made local governments more inclusive,
trustworthy, and transparent. In consequence of,
Ukraine's democracy rating in 2021 remained
unchanged at 3.36.
Table 3 shows the results of regression modeling
to define the dependence of the state of effective
development of the democratic regime in
Ukraine (given in Table 2), based on the results
of the electoral process and pluralism and civil
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑚𝑒
= (14,86)+ (−1,62)
𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑚
+ 3,10 𝐶𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠
Hence, the effectiveness of the development of
the democratic regime in Ukraine depends on the
actual results of the electoral process and
pluralism and civil liberties. The model
parameters are statistically significant, as
indicated by t Stat of (-6.23) and 3.09 and P-
values of 0.0034 and 0.036.
The value of the coefficient of determination
indicates that the regression model by 88%
reflects the direct dependence of the state of
development of the democratic regime in
Ukraine, based on the state of the electoral
process and pluralism and civil liberties. This
analysis indicates that there are still a small
number of other factors affecting on the
effectiveness of the development of the
democratic regime in Ukraine, which are not
included in the regression model.
One of the main goals of the Russian Federation's
"special operation" was to create disunity and
internal confrontation in Ukrainian society, but
the opposite happened. Based on a nationwide
survey conducted by the Rating Sociological
Group (the survey was conducted on March 18,
2022), a high level of consolidation of Ukrainian
society was established (see Table 4).
60 62 60 62 61 61 62
55 57
79 78 84 83 86 88 92
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
The Freedom in the World The Democracy Index of Ukraine
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
The results of regression modeling
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error
Significance F
Electoral process
and pluralism
Civil liberties
Source: Compiled by the authors on official data of (Economist Intelligence, 2022).
Table 4.
A national survey in Ukraine in 2022
Are things in Ukraine going in the
right direction?
Cannot estimate
Are you proud of your country?
How do you feel about Ukraine?
Feeling sad about Ukraine
Feeling glad
What is the purpose of the Russian
The decimation of the Ukrainian people
Occupation of Ukraine and annexation to Russia
Russia aims to change Ukraine's political course or prevent the
deployment of NATO bases
Russia's motive is to destroy military infrastructure
To provoke NATO to war
Russian invasion was aimed at protecting Russian speakers
Do you think it is possible to
restore friendly relations between
Ukrainians and Russians?
Impossible to restore
This can happen in at least 20-30 years
They see such reconciliation in the future for up to 15 years
Source: Compiled by the authors by official data of (Sociological group "Rating", 2022a; Sociological
group "Rating", 2022c; Sociological group "Rating", 2022b).
Thus, we can note that the full-scale invasion of
the Russian Federation has consolidated
Ukrainian society as never before.
Thus, the consolidation of modern Ukrainian
society has significantly strengthened due to
several difficult circumstances that forced
citizens to defend their state values (Unesco,
2021). Accordingly, the consolidation of modern
Ukrainian society became possible only in the
context of individual national identification, in
consequence of which a person adheres to
generally accepted institutions, values, and
standards promoted by a modern democratic
community (Filippetti & Tsakiris, 2017).
In recent years, the level of national
consolidation and consciousness of Ukrainian
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
society has elevated significantly. It is explained
by many complex political, social, economic, and
cultural circumstances, namely the full-scale
invasion of the Russian Federation into the
territory of Ukraine. Nevertheless, the
transformation of consciousness and rooting of
national ideals formed the worldview image of
Ukrainian identity, which serves as an example
of the development of the social role of a citizen
in a modern democratic society (Chmil et al.,
It has been established that in the case of
strengthening the influence of civil society on the
process of education and formation of political
identity, a managed model of political identity,
which was previously accepted by society, will
protect the support of the level of legitimacy of
state institutions and anticipate the emergence of
crises of statehood, which were preceded by
outbreaks of protests. In the case of increasing
influence of the political elite and mass media on
the process of education and formation of
political identity, the resignation of society from
the recommended elite-controlled model of
political identity is likely, which in turn will be
accompanied by an increase in protest sentiments
in society. Thus, it is necessary to expect an
increase in the crisis of legitimacy of state
institutions, which in the final case may become
a threat to statehood. It has been established that
this similar scenario is inherent in states that are
at the stage of transformation, to which Ukraine
also belongs. In consequence of the conducted
research, it was established that the main factor
in the stability of the development and
consolidation of society and the security of
Ukrainian statehood is the process of education
and formation of political identity (Lavrynenko
& Prymush, 2020).
Nevertheless, in consequence of the analysis of
the indices, Ukraine cannot be called a stable and
consolidated democracy, but the country
demonstrates dynamism in its active actions
toward the implementation of democratic
development in Ukraine. Ukrainians face a
significant number of challenges due to the
current context, but they continue to demonstrate
enthusiasm for civic engagement and their
commitment to a democratic future: in the 2021
survey, 76 percent admitted that it is important
for them that Ukraine becomes a fully
functioning democracy with equal justice for all
and protection of human rights. These sentiments
are high in all regions of the country and have
remained stable over time (National Democratic
institute, 2021), showing that democratic
transition in Ukraine can be discussed in
individual cases, but not as a general ambition.
Nevertheless, corruption and lack of integrity of
the judiciary, as well as the ongoing occupation
of Crimea and full-scale war remain challenging
issues for Ukraine's democratic transition
(Freedom House, 2022).
Thus, the process of development of democratic
values as the basis for the consolidation of
modern Ukrainian society will face new
challenges due to the war on the territory of
Ukraine. Its in-depth study will lead to increased
attention to improving the process of
development of democratic values to fully
consolidate modern Ukrainian society.
In consequence of the analysis of the
development of democratic values as the basis
for the consolidation of modern Ukrainian
society, it was found that in consequence of the
full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on
the territory of Ukraine, Ukrainian society has
consolidated as never before. Public
organizations, volunteers, charitable
foundations, and ordinary active citizens have
united and undertaken to solve a significant
number of tasks to support the Armed Forces and
the population. It was explained that the
Ukrainian national idea plays a decisive role in
countering the attempts of the Russian
Federation to split the country. Its main goal is to
consolidate the consolidation, cohesion, and
national unity of the Ukrainian nation.
Thus, the main factor of consolidation of
Ukrainian society, due to modern conditions, is
the territorial integrity of the state. In
consequence of the study, we can note that
consolidation is the main feature of a classical
mature state and a form of existence of modern
nations in the world. Public activity under martial
law has acquired new forms of systematic
organization, cooperation of government,
business, army, society, and self-government.
Owing to the joint efforts of Ukrainians, we can
stop the active offensive of the Russian
Federation on the territory of Ukraine, where our
resistance and war with the Russian occupiers is
a war for the independence and territorial
integrity of Ukraine. The main task of Ukrainians
in the current conditions is to completely stop the
invasion of the Russian Federation and preserve
the statehood and sovereignty of Ukraine.
The practical significance of the study lies in the
fact that the conclusions and recommendations
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
developed by the author and proposed in the
article can be used for the development of
democratic values as the basis for the
consolidation of modern Ukrainian society due to
the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation.
Further research can be focused on the study of
the process of post-war reconstruction of
Ukraine, which will stimulate the activities of
state institutions to ensure the development of
democratic values as the basis for the
consolidation of modern Ukrainian society.
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