Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.08.14
How to Cite:
Okolyshev, D.A., Karabulatova, I.S., Lagutkina, M.D., Zavarzina, G.A., & Savchuk, I.P. (2022). Linguistic patterns in the lexical-
semantic subsystem of new public administration: typology and features. Amazonia Investiga, 11(57), 133-144.
Linguistic patterns in the lexical-semantic subsystem of new public
administration: typology and features
Лингвистические паттерны в лексико-семантической подсистеме нового
государственного управления: типология и особенности
Received: October 2, 2022 Accepted: November 5, 2022
Written by:
Daniil A. Okolyshev42
Irina S. Karabulatova43
Margarita D. Lagutkina44
Galina A. Zavarzina45
Irina P. Savchuk46
The authors analyzed the confeptosphere of
public administration from the position of
representation in the Rus-sian language as an
area of increased interest from the controlling
structures in the field of state security. The au-
thors relied on the postulates of the presence of
three dimensions inherent in verbal signs: due to
the indirect connec-tions of words and objects of
semantics, determined by the relationship of
words to each other syntagmatics and due to the
relationship of words and communicants of
pragmatics; about the discreteness and continuity
of verbal signs, about the relative simplicity and
minimal variability of intersystem relations
between them, about the limited motivation of
verbal signs and the inverse proportion of
morphemic complexity and semantic structure of
the word. The focus of attention is on studying
the influence of language patterns on the
functioning of the “dominant” lexi-cal-semantic
subsystem of public administration in the
Russian language of the recent period, associated
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. Leading Specialist, Institute for Advanced Studies of Artificial Intelligence
and Intelligent Systems, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. Dr of Philology, Prof., Institute for Advanced Studies of Artificial
Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian; RUDN-university, Prof of Department of
Foreign Languages of Philological Faculty, Moscow, Russia.
RUDN-university, PhD of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages of Philological Faculty, Moscow, Russia.
Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia. Dr of Philology, Ass.Prof., Department of Russian Language and
Russian, Foreign Literature, Russia.
Ugra State University, PhD of Philology, Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, Russia.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
with the ideas about the specifics of public
administration focused on ensuring law and order
and constitutionally estab-lished rights and
freedoms of citizens. The paper concludes that
lexical and semantic patterns are important in de-
termining the main trends in the development of
the lexical system of the Russian language in
general, individual subsystems and language
signs in particular.
Keywords: lexical-semantic subsystem, lexical-
semantic field, governance, laws of vocabulary
development, lexi-cal semantics, language sign,
internal relations.
It is well known that the lexical system of any
language is in constant development, determined
by the influence of intralinguistic and
extralinguistic factors (Mirzaeva, 2022; Pllana &
Pllana, 2019; Vergara-Romero, &
Sorhegui-Ortega, 2020). The purpose of this
study is to analyze the conceptual sphere of
public administration from the perspective of
representation in Russian. The very concept
sphere of public administration in the Russian
language is an area of increased interest both
from the controlling structures in the field of state
security and from society. Modern Russian
realities are characterized by the renewal of the
system of laws with a number of reforms of
public administration. However, the everyday
culture of Russian society tends to demonstrate
dislike and distrust of the bureaucracy,
representatives of state and municipal
administration. The reasons for this attitude are
in the historically formed views of the Russian
people on the state and its representatives. The
transformation of this attitude is well
demonstrated by the proverbial foundation of the
Russian language: "The law is like a drawbar: as
you turn, so it turned out"; "Any government
aims to add to the rich, and take away from the
poor"; "When the power was divided, they forgot
to call us"; "Whoever has money has power";
"The will of the tsar is the law. The holy will of
the tsar is upon everything." At the same time,
distrust of local authorities is emphasized, as a
rule, on the contrary, by trust in the tsar
(president). Hence the abundance of various
renaming in the field of public administration, up
to the use of euphemisms (Dudareva et al.,
2021). For example: The Department of Good
Deeds instead of the Department of Social
Protection. In this regard, the relevance of the
work lies in the description of transformations in
the lexical and semantic field of public
administration of the Russian Federation, which
makes it possible to trace and predict the change
in the attitude of a native speaker of the Russian
language to the state government bodies. The
dynamism is also characteristic of the lexical-
semantic subsystems that are the part of the
lexical system, or lexical-semantic fields (LSF).
In the process of dynamic language development,
changes can happen in the composition and
structural organization in some LSF. It seems
that such transformations are often observed in
the “dominant” LSF corresponding to the most
significant spheres for society at different stages
of the development. Such dominant fields,
undoubtedly, include the lexical-semantic field
of “Public Administration”, which is associated
with ideas about the specifics of the governance
aimed at ensuring the implementation of laws,
constitutionally established rights and freedoms
of citizens (Kattsina & Karabulatova, 2020;
Popelo et al., 2021; Zavarzina et al., 2020). The
change in the “dominant” fields in the lexical
language system is especially typical for the
critical periods in the society development,
which, without any doubt, include the latest stage
of the Russian language development. The
emergence of access to various arrays of official
documents and reflections on this issue in the
media discourse both facilitates and complicates
the work of a linguist and a manager. On the one
hand, previously it was simply impossible to get
access to a large number of documents, on the
other hand, there are problems with analysis:
Okolyshev, D.A., Karabulatova, I.S., Lagutkina, M.D., Zavarzina, G.A., Savchuk, I.P. / Volume 11 - Issue 57: 133-144 /
September, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
using an array of sources in scientific papers and
the media space. However, the issues of
transformation of administrative management in
the digital era are considered, alas, not by
linguists, which imposes its own specifics on the
interpretation of the term system (Baranov,
2021). It should be recognized that for the
analysis of the language of administrative
management, it is necessary to involve not only
subject experts, but also specialists in the field of
language (Velinov et al., 2020).
This situation is not new. Thus, the Russian
language was enriched with neologisms and
abbreviations in the grandiose era of the collapse
of most empires in the early twentieth century.
Some of them (for example, kolhoz/ kolkhoz
«collective farm», sovkhoz «state farm») have
entered other languages of the world (Obolonskii,
1986). The beginning of the twentieth century
was marked by the organization of the
management system in social welfare and
guardianship. So, there were organized nurseries-
shelters for peasant children, for this purpose the
funds of the Guardianship of the houses of
diligence were used, as well as the Departments
of the institutions of the Empress Maria, the
zemstvo self-government bodies. For example,
the spectrum of nuclear connotations used in
documents covers semantic groups that are
heterogeneous in their genesis, whose
significance nevertheless has the character of a
universal. Such concepts with pronounced
emotivity include the basic components of the
conceptual field "age" (for example, in contrast
to "old people and children"), "gender" (for
example, emphasis on assistance and support for
pregnant women, unmarried girls and widows),
"health" (for example, regulation of assistance
and support to such categories of citizens, as
wounded, maimed and disabled), "social status"
(an indication of the estate and cohort group:
"widow", "orphan", "refugee", "evictee",
"migrant", "deserter", "prisoner of war", "former
prisoner of war", "evacuated", etc.). The
emphasis on certain aspects is immediately set in
the very title of the document. For example:
collection of documents and supporting materials
on assistance to Jewish refugees "Assistance to
refugees: a collection of materials on assistance
to Jewish refugees. - Petrograd: without
publishing house, 1916"; propaganda poster
"Citizens of Moscow, dress the refugees: from
September 22 to September 30. Collecting things
for the benefit of refugees: artist Rimma
Brailovskaya. - Moscow: Partnership
A. A. Levenson, 1915. - 1 l." etc. The destruction
of the usual way of life dictated the need to find
new ways to organize the life of society. In this
regard, new structures and organizations are
emerging. Due to the fact that the social system
has changed dramatically, the language of
official business documentation has changed
The lexical system development of the Russian
language as a whole and the lexical-semantic
subsystem of public administration in particular
occurs due to certain laws, understandable as
constant and regularly acting tendencies (Cf.:
“language universals”, “lexical-sematic
universals”). Knowledge of the tendencies
allows to reveal general patterns in the language
structure and has an important role for the
studying the most important dynamic processes.
Literature review
The research for this article is based on an
extensive amount of literature to create a widely
applicable model of systematic analysis followed
by the solution of general and particular
problems in articulating the topic of public
administration, as well as in understanding the
successful factors of public sector performance
management. As it is known, the patterns that are
active in the lexical-semantic system are
identified and described in the scientific
linguistic literature (see the works of P. Jacobs,
George R. Krupka and Lisa F. Rau, 1991;
G. Stern,1931; Bekkozhanova et al, 2020;
O.V. Popova, 2021; M. Madina, 2022,
L. Bloomfield, 1983; etc.). The German scientist
K. Reisig (1839) wrote about the importance of
studying the conditions that determine a word
development and its meanings. Among the
important tasks of linguistics, M. Breal denoted
the study of laws that rule the change of the
language vocabulary and its meanings
The lexico-semantic group of professional
designations of the sphere of public
administration contains groups that characterize
the sphere of administrative and public
administration in the language (Peggy &
Heikkinen, 2015). Lexical units belonging to the
lexico-semantic group of professional
designations of the sphere of public
administration clearly identify the features of
labor, the characteristics of certain types of work
(D’haen-Bertier, 2015; Podger et al., 2021). For
example, administration in the field of education,
the head of the Department of education, the
Department of social policy, etc. The use of
euphemisms in the terminology of public
administration is due to the language policy in
the administration system (Andoh-Kumi,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
2015). And each sphere reflects the ethno-
cultural characteristics of its country. For
example, in some Eastern countries there is a
ministry of happiness, and gross income is
indicated by the happiness index per capita.
Historically formed search for successful
communication practices in a diverse ethnic
environment has become the basis for the
formation of effective management in the field of
trade, social policy, charity (Karabulatova et al.,
2022; Kristinsson, 2015).
Confer the statement of O. Jespersen: “There are
universal laws of thought that are reflected in the
laws of changing meanings, although the science
of meaning has a little progress in discovering
these laws” (Jespersen, 2014: 14). In the
twentieth century, descriptive and structural
methods for the study of lexical-semantic
subsystems came to the fore, which significantly
influenced on the search for lexical-semantic
universals. In addition, most universals are
statistical probabilistic laws by its nature, and the
probability of their occurrence in a language can
be determined only if the researcher has very
extensive and significative data. Cf.: “Inductive
generalizations are only useful generalizations
concerning the language ... When we have
sufficient data on many languages, we will have
to refer to the problems of general grammar and
try to explain the interlanguage similarities and
differences, but the process of such research
should not be speculative but inductive”
(Bloomfield, 1983: 4); inductive (empirical)
universal laws see: J. Greenberg and C. Ferguson
(Greenberg, Osgood & Jenkins, 1970).
Moreover, such patterns can be defined as
absolute or implicative universals, most of which
are statistical in nature. There is another type of
general phenomenon which is close to universals,
but very limited in scope, it is the result of a
parallel development that occurs in a certain
group of languages (e.g., some types of
metaphors). Identified the laws of two types -
synchronous phenomena and diachronic
processes of transformation of behavior matrix
(Karabulatova, Vildanov, Zinchenko, Vasilishina
& Vassilenko, 2017: 4), scientists came to the
conclusion that it is necessary to use the
synchronous diachronic method in the study of
any lexical-semantic subsystems (Zagorovskaya
2015; Zavarzina et al., 2020).
However, as the study showed, a comprehensive
description of the laws that make it possible to
identify the main tendencies in the development
of the lexical-semantic subsystem of public
administration of the newest period still does not
exist, which makes the relevance of such work.
Materials and methods
The research material was lexical and
phraseological units of the lexical-semantic
subsystem “public administration” which are
presented: a) in various modern lexicographical
sources (defining dictionaries of the Russian
language, etymological and historical-
etymological dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign
and new words, general and special encyclopedic
dictionaries), b) in the scientific and educational
books on political studies, state and municipal
(administrative) management, theory of public
administration, political management; c) in
modern journalistic, including media discourse
devoted to government management. We
compared the language of administrative
management at the break of epochs. So, the
beginning of the twentieth century. these are the
kinds of jobs that have discovered new areas of
administration. For example: special reports on
improving the work of "Refugees and the
organization of assistance to them in connection
with the work of a Special meeting: report to the
Main Committees of the Commissioner,
Chairman of the Department M. M. Shchepkin,
March 1916; All-Russian Zemsky and City
Unions, Department on the device refugees. -
Moscow: Moscow City Printing House, 1916. -
II, 98 p."; auxiliary materials, such as: "Tables
for quick calculation of food rations for refugee
families for the calculation of 10 pennies for
children under 5 years (inclusive) and 20
kopecks. for adults and children over this age per
day: A guide for provincial, county and volost
committees and other bodies for the arrangement
of refugees / Yekaterinoslav District Committee
of the All-Russian Zemstvo Council of the
Refugee Assistance Department. -
Yekaterinoslav: printing house of
K.A. Andrushchenko, 1916. - 24 p."; "All-
Russian Zemsky Soyuz. Department for the
Placement of Refugees. List of refugee children:
orphans and lost parents: With the application of
the addresses of shelters. Issue 1- / All-Russian
Zemsky and city unions. Department for the
Placement of Refugees. - Moscow, 1916. 27c.";
"List of refugee addresses: Issue 1 - / All-Russian
Zemsky and City Unions. Department for the
Placement of Refugees. Central Information
Desk. - Moscow: printing house "Earth", 1916.
26s."; "All-Russian Zemsky Soyuz. Department
for the Placement of Refugees. Assistance to
refugee children. - Moscow: without publishing
house, 1916. - 5 p."; "Rules for the guardianship
of refugees. - without a place of publication:
Electric-printing house of Iskoldsky, 1915. - 8 p."
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Special attention is paid to the media discourse of
the early twentieth century: "Prisoner and
refugee" (1915), "Refugee" (1915), "Northern
refugee" (1916), the magazine "Life of refugees"
(1916), "Companion of a refugee, tenant and
worker: reference newspaper" (1915), "News of
the First Advanced authority of the Western
Front on the arrangement of refugees" (1916),
"Bezhenskiy Leaflet" (1918), "New Siberia"
(1916-1921), "New Day" (1917), etc.
The article presents the results of synchronous
diachronic research of the lexical language
subsystem of public administration, intending a
description of changes in the system of lexical-
thematic groups that form the analyzed
subsystem as the most important promising area.
Turning to the methodology of a comprehensive
cognitive-oriented synchronous diachronic
analysis of language subsystems that reflect the
most important components of the modern
Russian sphere of concepts, allows us to
approach the solution to an important task of
modern lexicology - the description of the
Russian language vocabulary as a developing
phenomenon, the definition of qualitative
(semantic) and quantitative changes in the
language vocabulary during its development.
Results and Discussion
Understanding the lexical system as a compound
caused by not only the knowledge of the natural
features of a particular language, but also the
laws that work at its different levels: phonetic,
lexical and grammatical. Let us consider the
singularity of the implementation of
developmental laws of the Russian vocabulary.
On the basis of a semiological interpretation of
the language nature in linguistics, a law on a
word sign is formulated. It has three dimensions:
semantics due to the mediated connections of
words and objects, syntagmatics due to the
relationships of words to each other, and
pragmatics due to the relationships of words and
communicants (Hewson, 1995). At the same
time, the typical models of the main types of
intrasystemic relations are not various, which
confirms the postulate of simplicity suggested by
G. Guillaume: “The language structure which is
based on the fundamental operations that are not
too numerous and diverse, they do not have
excessive complexity, but, on the contrary, they
are small in number and mostly minimally
variable, characterized by incredible equability”
(Guillaume, 1984: 18). Four main types of
logical oppositions, characterizing the relations
of the lexical system elements, are traditionally
distinguished: 1) an identity that manifests itself
as synonymy; 2) an inclusion, which corresponds
to hyponymy, represented by taxonomy and
partonomy; 3) an overlapping, which manifests
itself as the compatibility of two lexical units;
4) an exception, which manifests itself as the
incompatibility of two lexical units (Sajous et al.,
2013; Torayeva, 2021). Similar types of semantic
oppositions in vocabulary, certainly, reflect the
objective relationships between objects and their
properties in the real world and they are quite
clearly represented in the lexical-semantic
system of public administration in the Russian
language of the latest period (Rakhilina &
Reznikova, 2016). Cf., e.g. paradigmatic
taxonomic relations of gender and aspect:
governance - e-governance, market governance,
bodies of authority - bodies of executive power,
bodies of legislative power, bodies of judicial
power; relations of synonymy: prime minister -
premier, head of government, government
executive; President - Head of the Russian
Federation; mayor - head of the city
administration, city administrator; Senator -
member of the Council of the Federation;
parliamentarian - member of the Federal
Assembly; Vice-Prime Minister - Deputy Prime
Minister, and antonymy: vertical power -
horizontal power, vertical relationship -
horizontal relationship, vote of confidence - vote
of nonconfidence; instructions - commands,
orders, as well as syntagmatic connections and
relations realized in new collocations: public
administration, federal agency, president’s
office, community bodies, Council of Federation,
etc. (Zavarzina, 2012).
A reasonable statement is formed on the
important postulate of two interrelated states of
linguistic signs - discreteness and continuity. The
statement is about the lack of similarities in the
paradigmatic relations and syntagmatic
connections of words as a reflection of the
dialectical unity of the language system and
speech. The regularity of semantic word concord,
which is determined by certain rules of semantic
combinatorics, is formulated as the "law of
semantic word concord", which states that "...
words that are combined must have at least one
common seme, have no incompatible seme, and
have specific, different semes" (Giannakidou &
Zeijlstra, 2017; Read, 1948). Cf.: the word
combination “state administration” (Stern 1931;
Seifter, 2018: Ziemba, 2020) with the general
seme “related to governance” (Hromovenko,
2020), “based on directive methods” (Pina et al.,
2009; Entina et al., 2021).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The “law of distribution” is based on the
postulate of identities and differences as the basic
principles that determine the systemic relations
of verbal signs, according to which words that
were once synonymous are gradually
differentiated and cease to be interchangeable. It
is not by chance that psycholinguists claim that
complete synonymy in language is impossible,
since almost every language form is assigned to
a constant and specific meaning. At the same
time, the rupture of stable associative semantic
links leads to a gradual loss of fixed meaning and
the acquisition of an emasculated form with an
"empty" meaning (Jones et al., 2015).
Indeed, the following official names are used to
designate the legislative bodies in the constituent
entities of the Russian Federation, which are
synonymous, but not interchangeable at this
stage of the development of the Russian
executive language: Parliament - State Council -
State Assembly - People's Assembly - People’s
Khural - Legislative Assembly -High Khural -
Supreme Soviet (for 21 republics as a member of
the Russian Federation); Regional Duma -
Legislative Assembly - Federal Duma - Council
of People's Deputies -the Regional Council of
People's Deputies - Regional Council of
Deputies - Regional Assembly (deputies) -
Assembly of Deputies - District Assembly - City
Duma - District Duma - Duma (Autonomous
region) - Legislative Duma - Regional Duma -
Legislative Suglan (for the territories, regions,
autonomous district, autonomous regions and
federal cities), which is associated with serious
extra-language processes that have taken place in
the country in recent decades. The formation of
new synonymous connections, covering the
lexical-semantic system of “Public
Administration”, testifies to the development of
this sphere and three areas of transformation
which are manifested: a) in the oxidation of the
Russian state-administrative language; b) in
updating nominations reflecting the realities of
pre-revolutionary and Soviet reality; c) in the
consolidation and using of original names. Thus,
the system of public control has historical roots
associated with the tradition of the Russian
community (Okolyshev, 2018). The
industrialization of the beginning of the XX
century led to the development of public and
governmental activities for the organization of
workers' social insurance in Russia. Russian
state and social institutions have adapted the
European experience to Russian realities by
developing and adopting special laws on
workers' accident insurance, on financial support
for workers in case of illness, on a special Public
committee and on the Council for Workers'
Insurance. These new developments were
revolutionary not only for Russia, but also for the
progressive European states at that time. A
significant point was the spread of the principle
of compulsory insurance in production, which
had a social risk. Documents from that period
show that social assistance was formed at work
through the provision of material and other
assistance in connection with illness, injury,
death of the breadwinner, as well as in
connection with dismissal and closure of
production. We consider it an important fact that
during the same period, the practice of social
protection of persons who were in the civil
service began to take shape. The Russian state
has assumed obligations to provide such social
guarantees as: 1) the formation of a high status of
a civil servant in the public consciousness; 2)
legislative support for career growth; 3) the right
to lifelong service; 4) privileged material
maintenance; 5) state pension service. It should
be noted that, to one degree or another, all these
privileges developed in pre-revolutionary Russia
have been preserved today.
The “law of distribution” is based on the
postulate of identities and differences as the basic
principles that determine the systemic relations
of verbal signs, according to which words that
were once synonymous are gradually
differentiated and cease to be interchangeable. It
is not by chance that psycholinguists claim that
complete synonymy in language is impossible,
since almost every language form is assigned to
a constant and specific meaning. At the same
time, the rupture of stable associative semantic
links leads to a gradual loss of fixed meaning and
the acquisition of an emasculated form with an
"empty" meaning.
As a result, pseudo-pathopsycholinguistic states
of speech arise, which make communication
difficult (Karabulatova et al., 2021). A special
place belongs in this space of disorganization to
the formulaic, emotionless communication in
administrative management. On the one hand,
this is due to strict compliance with the rules of
the organization of the life of the state. and on the
other hand, the habit of a template style of
communication emasculates the emotional
sphere of communicants representing the sphere
of state and administrative management.
However, the modern language of administrative
management reveals a clear tendency to expand
the processes of Euphemia (Sofiyanur, 2022),
which is due to extralinguistic factors of avoiding
responsibility for the spoken and/or published
word (Lin et al., 2021). Legevphemism is a kind
of euphemism for avoiding legal risk.
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
"Legeufemism is a nomination of any volume
and semiotic status: a word, a phrase, a sentence,
and the phenomenon of legeufemia can be
realized at the lexical, stylistic and compositional
level." (Degtyarova & Osagchy, 2012). The
struggle of two strategies (masking and
prompting, hiding and revealing, obscuring and
highlighting) is the essence of communicative
tension in public communication. The strategy of
the listener/reader consists in the desire to decode
a statement in which legeuphemism is used,
updating background knowledge to "isolate"
euphemistic substitutions based on language
play, precedent base and reminiscences.
Functional classification of legeuphemisms
from the speaker's point of view:
1. Synthetic legeufemisms ("this whole story
gives the impression of extreme opacity
instead of being a hoax" (Radio Liberty,
11/16/2011); "using her resources, the
realtor forced people to part with
apartments" (Smd.mybb.ru , 15.08.2013)
instead of "committed illegal real estate
transactions using threats and pressure
against owners") - legevfemisms this type is
a statement in which the risky part is
completely replaced by a rhetorically
processed formulation (metaphor, hint).
2. Analytical legeuphemisms ("there are
reasons to believe that the money was
simply stolen" (Impravo.ru, 02/18/2014);
"the former director deliberately brought the
company to bankruptcy, but this is only my
opinion") - legeuphemisms of this type are a
two-part statement in which the risky part is
expressed directly, but is provided with an
additional component that neutralizes
potential risk.
Functional classification of legeuphemisms from
the position of the listener:
1. According to the method of correlation
between the language sign and the
1.1. Opaque ("different behavioral stereotypes"
(Lenta.ru , 21.10.2011) instead of
"interethnic discord") - decoding of
euphemisms of this type is poorly
predictable, based on a wide associative
1.2. Transparent ("enriched" by political
prisoners (Radio Liberty, 11/21/2011)
instead of "illegally received income") -
decoding of legeuphemisms of this type is
easily predictable, based on normative
values and customary combinations of
Human expectations are such that we assume
differentiation in the meanings of words in the
presence of phonetic differences. In this
connection, we can say that even nearby
synonyms can be antonymous in the shades of
their meanings.
Moreover, the differentiation of synonyms can be
realized in different ways: it can affect the
content of the words, their emotional shade,
social status or stylistic characteristics. As a
general principle of synonymy, S. Ullman
explained the “law of attraction synonyms”, the
essence of which is manifested in the tendency to
show the vital realities for a given group by a
large number of synonyms (Ullmann, 1970). Cf.:
a new public administration - new public
management model - a new state management;
speaker - chairman of the upper chamber of the
Federal Assembly - chairman of the Federation
Council - chairman of the State Duma - chairman
of the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly.
Cf. the law of "distribution", or delimitation of
synonyms, according to which words of identical
meaning begin to develop differences in
meanings and after a while stop to be
interchangeable (Markl, & McNulty 2022).
The speculative postulate of the arbitrariness of
the linguistic sign provides the basis for the law
on the limited motivation of word signs and the
conclusion about the inverse proportionality of
the complexity of the morphemic and semantic
structure of the word: the more complex the
word-formative structure of lexical items, the
simpler their semantic structure.
The law on the presence of epidigmatic or
derivational (extensively) relations as a special
type of systemic relations present only in
vocabulary explains the interdependence of
associative-semantic and word-formative links
of words, which is the “third dimension of
lexical meaning.
In the lexical-semantic subsystem of “Public
Administration”, derivational relations and links
are actively represented which are actively
developing under the influence of various word-
formative processes. At present, Russian and
foreign non-derivative and derivative lexical
items are used to form the numerous derivatives.
The word-formative paradigms are quite
numerous and they are presented by lexical items
formed on the basis of non-derivative foreign
words: apparat - apparatnyy, apparatchik,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
byudzhet - byudzhetirovaniye, byudzhetnyy,
byudzhetnik; komitet - komitetskiy, komitetchik;
dotatsiya - dotirovat', dotirovaniye,
dotatsionnyy; oppozitsiya - oppozitsioner,
oppozitsionnyy, oppozitsionno, oppozitsionnost';
korruptsiya - korruptsioner, korruptsionnyy,
korruptsioyemkiy, korrumpirovannyy,
korrumpirovannost' and etc.
Word-formative paradigms are insignificant in
the lexical-semantic system of the “Public
Administration” sphere and they are represented
by word signs formed from non-derivative
Russian-language words (duma - dumets,
dumskiy, sila - silovoy, silovik) and from derived
lexemes (manage - management, managerial,
managed, manageability, manager; de-
bureaucratize - de-bureaucratization, declare -
declared, opaque opacity and etc.).
Derivative compound words can be generating
(motivating) words: single-seat - deputy for
single-seat district.
An essential condition for the evolution and
functioning of the language is the law on the
variation of vocabulary for various parameters:
phonetic, morphological (e.g., SD - State Duma,
FC - Federation Council and etc.) and semantic
(e.g., format” - “the method of location and
presentation of data in the computer’s memory,
in the database or on an external storage
medium” and “the way of communication of
representatives of government agencies”: a new
format for the provision of public service
The law on the interaction of the center and the
periphery determines the principles of the
systematic organization of lexical-semantic
groups and semantic fields. Lexial-semantic field
of "Public Administration" is one of the
dominant fields of the linguistic view of the
world of the Russian people. The nexus of the
lexical-semantic field of “Public Administration”
is formed by lexical and phraseological items
which are different in origin and time of
occurrence and they include in the thematic
group “Names of public and administrative
authorities” (cf.: President, Government,
Council of Federation, State Duma, Ministry and
etc.). The center of the lexical-semantic field is
formed by items of various thematic relevance
with fewer differential semantic features
(cf.:“The designations of concepts naming
features of the organization of the public
administration system”, “Names of areas of
public administration activities and their
specifics”, “Designations of principles of public
administration”, “Names of public
administrative documents”, “Designations of
negative phenomena in the sphere of public
administration ”,“ Designations of ways to
encourage and punish officials ”,“ Names related
to the system of election of state officials and
etc.). The periphery, on the contrary, includes
items with a large number of differential
semantic features, among which it is advisable to
single out new words which are the part of
previously known thematic groups, including
neologisms of a highly specialized (cf.: web-
presence (authority), indivisible public goods
and etc.) metaphorical and metonymic nature
(cf.: the top of the Cabinet, the bureaucratical
corridor, dirty election technologies, pocket
government and etc.), obsolete naming units and
word signs, borrowed from thematic areas not
previously connected with the public
administration (cf.: re-branding of a government
body, nanotechnologies, and etc.). The periphery
of semantic fields is the zone where the
interaction, the “application” of one semantic
field on another takes place.
The interaction of the center and the periphery is
regulated by centripetal forces, renewing the
center due to the periphery, and by centrifugal
forces replenishing the periphery. It should be
noted that the existence of the field periphery is
explained by the law of asymmetry of the
language sign formulated by S.O. Kartsevsky
(1965) and W.F. McKeever (1976).
We believe that there is some stigmatization of
the sphere of public administration in the
everyday language consciousness, and this
stigma is universal. It was the stigmatization of
the sphere of public administration and
administration that caused the appearance of the
Department of Good Deeds in the Government of
Moscow and the Ministry of Happiness in Abu
Dhabi, Integrity Department at the Anti-
Corruption Agency in Kazakhstan, Ministries of
Loneliness in Japan and the UK. The Ministry of
Happiness appeared for the first time in Bhutan,
a small state in the Himalayas. The local
authorities, even instead of the world's usual
GDP, measure happy - an indicator of gross
national happiness (GNH). A similar office also
exists in the United Arab Emirates. Studies
conducted by psychologists, sociologists and
cultural scientists in different countries (USA,
Canada, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Russia)
suggest that the cause of stigmatization can be
not only psychological, but also socio-cultural
factors. In this regard, researchers attribute
stigmatization to social phenomena rather than to
mental phenomena (Mamedov, Kokina, 2019). In
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
our opinion, the introduction of euphemism into
the terminological apparatus of public
administration reflects the processes of social
construction of reality at the new evolutionary
turn of the electronic-digital society (Berger &
Luckmann, 1991).
The system-functional method of studying
vocabulary made it possible to extend the law of
asymmetry of a language sign from individual
words to semantic fields and find the close
interaction of contiguous fields, their mutual
transition into each other. So, the LSF “Public
Administration” consists of intersectional
subfields “Political and Administrative
Administration”, “Economic Management”,
“Social Management”, which contain lexical and
phraseological items that correspond to the
designations of phenomena and concepts related
to a particular direction of public administration
and its functions performed.
An important law for diachronic studies of the
lexical language system is the law on the
enrichment of the seminal word structure, or on
the existence of the main methods of semantic
derivation: expanding and narrowing (worsening
and improving) meanings, as well as methods
based on metaphorical and metonymic
associations explained by S. Ullman as historical
universals in semantics (Ullman, 1970).
Changes in the semantic structure of word signs
forming the lexical-semantic subsystem of public
administration are currently manifested in its
expansion due to new lexical-semantic variants
(LSV) (cf.: team - “the immediate circle of a
state official working on the implementation of
his program” ": the presidential team, the power
team, Putin's team; setting -" ousting the
members of the government from key posts ":
setting of the government and etc.). A very large
group of word signs in the lexical-semantic
subsystem of the Russian language of the post-
Soviet period is formed by the so-called
"thematically reoriented semantic neologisms":
deputative immunity, government infrastructure,
pre-election rally and etc.
The study of the lexical-semantic language
subsystem is based, first of all, on the results of
fundamental diachronic language studies (Hack,
1972). The contradictory process of the
vocabulary development and changes is
manifested in typical tendencies of lexical
dynamics, generalized in the following
oppositions: a) the transition from external to
internal features, and vice versa [e.g.,
assimilation of borrowed words: good
governance, seamless government, jointed-up
government and etc.]; b) the transition from
complex to simple, and vice versa [for example,
changes in semantic (chistka - “carrying out cuts
in State administrative bodies”, “prodavit' -
“make a decision of the government” and etc.)
and word-formative (setevik in the meaning of“
the representative of political networks ”, social
sphere - social order, public administration,
State Duma and etc.) word structures]; c) the
transition from the old to the new and from the
new to the old, but on a different level -
archaization (Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, the police, to
have a party line, a mutual obligation,
overachievement of target and etc.), the
development of neologisms based on archaisms,
getting a modified connotation (president, town
hall, mayor, prefect, police, senate and etc.); d)
the transition from occasional to necessary, and
vice versa [the formation of homonyms as a
result of the split of polysemy, the transition of
occasionalisms to regular linguistic usage
(tandemocracy, state funded organization and
The significance of the general laws allows us to
determine the main tendencies in the
development of the lexical system of the Russian
language as a whole and its individual
The thesis confirms the principles of the systemic
organization of the lexico-semantic field under
study, determined by the law of interaction
between the center and the periphery, the
existence of which is explained by the law of
asymmetry of the linguistic sign. The system-
functional method of studying vocabulary
allowed us to extend the law of asymmetry of the
linguistic sign to the lexical-semantic field of
public administration and to discover the close
interaction of adjacent subfields “political and
administrative management”, “economic
management”, “social management”, which are
lexical and phraseological units corresponding to
the designations of phenomena and concepts
associated with a certain direction public
administration and its functions. It is established
that the law on enriching the semantic structure
of a word is important for diachronic studies of
the lexical language system, which allowed us to
study a group of “thematically reoriented
semantic neologisms” represented by verbal
signs that came from areas unrelated to public
administration (economics, sports, medicine,
etc.). It is noted that the law on the struggle of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
contradictions as the main driving force of the
development of the lexico-semantic subsystem of
the language manifests itself in a typical trend of
lexical dynamics, generalized in the following
oppositions: external signs internal signs and
internal signs external signs, complex
simple and simple complex, old new and
new old, accidental necessary and
necessary → random.
One can hope that the planned ways for a
dynamic (synchronous diachronic) description of
different lexical and semantic subsystems will
help to find unknown laws of development and
functioning of the Russian vocabulary in general,
help explain the loss of certain words in the
language and plan possible prospects for
replenishing the lexical system with new items.
Language laws can be useful for a linguist in two
ways. Firstly, they can tell him what changes
should be expected and what, judging by its
external signs, is some particular change -
frequent or rare, normal or exceptional.
Secondly, laws can help make a choice between
alternative solutions.
The study was carried out under the grant of the
Russian Science Foundation No. 22-18-20109,
Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund for support of
Scientific and scientific-technical activities"
(Karabulatova I.S., Savchuk, I.P.).
Conflict of interests: This research has no
conflict of interests.
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