Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.08.8
How to Cite:
Ridei, N., Tytova, N., Kanova, L., Slonovska, O., & Panchenko, L. (2022). Educational policy of life quality of social and cultural
forms of the educational organisation throughout life. Amazonia Investiga, 11(57), 73-81. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.08.8
Educational policy of life quality of social and cultural forms of the
educational organisation throughout life
Política educativa de calidad de vida de las formas sociales y culturales de la organización
educativa a lo largo de la vida
Received: September 2, 2022 Accepted: October 25, 2022
Written by:
Nataliia Ridei18
Researcher ID *K-9259-2018
Scopus Author ID*55389896500
Nataliia Tytova19
Researcher ID *B-5293-2016
Scopus Author ID*57218378666
Liudmyla Kanova20
Oksana Slonovska21
Lesya Panchenko22
The relevance of the study of continuous
education through the prism of the analysis of its
socio-cultural dimension lies in the needs of
studying modern transformations of educational
systems in the cultural and educational plane.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the
educational policy of the quality of life of socio-
cultural forms of education throughout life. The
article is based on the use of theoretical
pedagogical research methods: analysis,
synthesis, induction, and deduction. The content
analysis of professional literature showed that
scientists do not pay much attention to lifelong
education. This is explained by the criticism of
some of its principles in scientific circles. The
results highlight the historical foundations of
permanent education, outline its main socio-
cultural features and principles of use in practice,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Ecology, Professor Department for Adult Education National Pedagogical
Drahomanov University St. Pyrogova, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor, Head of the Department of theory and methodology of vocational training National
Pedagogical Drahomanov University St. Pyrogova, Ukraine.
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor Department of Foreign Languages S. Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute,
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Department of foreign languages Ukraine, S. Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute,
PhD in Philosophy Associate Professor Department of Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Education and Educational Policy,
academic secretary National Dragomanov Pedagogical University St. Pyrogova, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
analyze European and American models of
implementation of this type of education.
Practical significance: creating a
recommendation for the implementation of
continuous education in Ukraine and revealing
its additional advantages. In the conclusions, it is
noted that this synthesized study in general opens
a wider discussion on the justification of the need
to harmonize the European and Ukrainian
education systems through the prism of the
analysis of the socio-cultural significance of
continuous education.
Keywords: lifelong education, continuous
education, socio-cultural significance, Ukraine.
The latest challenges for the information society
lead to tangible societal transformations. One of
the advanced spheres is education, which must
respond to structural, age, gender, scientific
paradigm variables and meet the current
requirements and current demands of society.
One of the products of the current development
of scientific ideas is lifelong learning (also
permanent education, continuing education,
etc.), which acts as a kind of bridge between
traditional learning and social and educational
requirements that require at least partial
satisfaction. The main attention of the article is
paid to the genesis and development of the
concept of lifelong learning, its current meaning,
and patterns of use.
Additionally, the relevance of the topic is
emphasized by the lack of serious synthetic
studies, which would reflect both the historical
origins of permanent learning and outline the
immediate prospects for further development
with a special emphasis on the Ukrainian
The article aims to analyze the educational policy
of quality and life safety of socio-cultural forms
of lifelong learning. The study of this issue
involves the disclosure of the following
problems, in particular the study of the historical
origins and characteristics of lifelong learning,
highlighting the basic principles of lifelong
learning, and consideration of models of
implementation of permanent education through
the prism of international experience in its
implementation. This structure will reflect the
socio-cultural dimension of the problems under
study and outline the range of prospective issues
to be considered in the future.
Note that at present there are several other terms
related to continuing education: “continuing
education”, “lifelong education”, “permanent
education”, “continuing education”, “renewing
education”. These terms are used as synonyms by
the authors of the article.
Literature Review
The literature base of the study are the works of
European and American scientists and educators
who have studied the peculiarities of modern
education, its main trends, and prospects for
transformation. Aghion et al. (2021) analyzed the
key aspects of the introduction of innovative
digital technologies in the educational system,
characterized the importance of certain
competencies for the modern teacher. At the
same time, Conte et al. (2019) in their empirical
study described the peculiarities of the
application of modern educational platforms,
outlined the special role of distance education in
the system of training modern competitive
specialists. On the other hand, Hamzah et al.
(2021) characterized the main problematic
aspects of the application of e-learning
principles, also the author investigated the role of
educational platforms to support continuing
education. At the same time, Fuad et al. (2020)
analyzed the key trends in the development of
education, defined the importance of computer
technology in the modern education system.
Sydoruk et al. (2022) described modern
innovations contributing to the development of
education, investigated the main aspects of
formation professional competence in adaptive-
digital environment conditions of higher
educational institution. Tytova & Mereniuk
(2022) characterized the Ukrainian experience of
developing digital literacy for future university
Ridei, N., Tytova, N., Kanova, L., Slonovska, O., Panchenko, L. / Volume 11 - Issue 57: 73-81 / September, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
teachers. The results of the study reflect the
general state of digital literacy in Ukrainian
society against the background of the spread of
Russian military aggression. The researchers
noted that the Ukrainian government has offered
several platforms for independent digital literacy
development. We believe that such a fact also
contributes to the spread of the principles of
lifelong learning. Graves (2018) identified the
basic principles of lifelong learning, justified his
own understanding of this phenomenon in the
educational system. Also, the author noted that
continuing education has an effect on slowing or
counteracting the effects of age-related cognitive
decline. In addition, the use of lifelong self-
education can increase existing human working
memory. At the same time, Hoggan (2020)
observed in his study that a person should learn
throughout his life. This author also
characterized the problem of the transformation
of continuing education. Key principles,
functions of continuing education, considered
Huebener (2020). At the same time, aspects of
the influence of socio-cultural features of
learning on the transformation of lifelong
learning remain understudied. Also, a
comprehensive view of the models of the
formation of permanent education has not been
The article was formed based on the use of
pedagogical theoretical methods of research:
analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. Of
particular importance was the use of special
scientific methods: historical, logical. In
particular, based on the historical method traced
the genesis of lifelong learning, pointed out its
main stages of formation. Based on the
prognostic method the further significance of
lifelong learning was outlined and the possible
ways of its further use were determined.
Based on the axiological method it was possible
to pass from general statements to the formation
of our own conclusions and recommendations.
As a result of using a systematic method of
research, the phenomenon of lifelong learning
has been considered as a system consisting of
many actively changing elements.
The key materials of the study were the official
Ukrainian legislative acts, in particular:
1. The concept of digital transformation of
education and science in Ukraine (Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2021).
2. Development Strategy of Higher Education
of Ukraine for 2021-2031 (Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine, 2022).
3. Laws of Ukraine “On Higher Education”
(Law No. 1556-VII, 2014)
The above documents are a systematic
perception of the current transformation of the
education sector in Ukraine and meet the main
aspects of the implementation of the provisions
of state policy on the future development of
The study was conducted in several stages: the
first - a review of scientific literature, outlined the
little-studied issues of further development of
lifelong learning, the second - characterized the
concept of lifelong learning, outlined its main
principles, functions, and features of
implementation, and so on, the last - summarized
the results and formed his own vision of the
features of using this form of education in
Ukraine, characterized the main prospects of its
implementation and use.
Results and Discussion
In the new educational system, the basic
fundamental element is the concept of lifelong
learning. It meets the modern globalized
challenges of society and contributes to the
emergence of new concepts and methods of
updating educational socio-cultural reference
points. For this reason, lifelong learning becomes
a noticeable factor in the complete innovative
improvement of society, the main factor for
success in other spheres of human activity. There
are several functions of continuing education:
sociocultural, developmental, compensatory,
adaptive, technological, etc. (See Table 1).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Main functions of continuing education
Functions of lifelong learning
Consists in the satisfaction of knowledge of the
achievements of mankind throughout its
development, the formation of a high level of
culture and education
Development of spiritual needs, the formation of
factors for further creative growth of the
Overcoming deficiencies and gaps in basic
education, supplementing knowledge with new
relevant information
Learning to work with modern digital technology,
the formation of skills and abilities, digital
Formation of flexible professional training,
retraining, and personal development, which
contributes to the transformation and renewal of
the overall professional experience.
Acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities
against the backdrop of constant transformation
and change, development of information
technology and resources
Contributes to the needs of society, the country,
individual regions, or industries. Forms highly
qualified, competitive specialists
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis
The Cultural Origins of Lifelong Learning:
From Philosophical Concepts to Practical
The era of Antiquity was a significant period for
the emergence and further transformation of
pedagogical ideas. Among them are the ideas of
permanent education, which in different
variations were proposed by the philosophers
Socrates, Confucius, Aristotle, Seneca, Plato.
However, the main sources of such education
were religious and philosophical teachings. The
main goal of ancient lifelong learning was to
achieve the full spiritual perfection of man. In the
Middle Ages, the ideas of education changed.
The notions of lifelong learning were based on
religious principles of the universe. The key goal
of education at that time was to achieve holistic
spiritual unity with God. For this reason, we can
speak of medieval continuing education in a
theological concept. The emergence of secular
universities laid the foundation for the entire
university system around the world. The
combination of the more necessary parts of
ancient, medieval, new, and modern times
synthesized the prerequisites for the development
of continuing education. Particularly in the
modern era, continuing education was associated
with the process of inner growth of the
individual. Famous encyclopedists (Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu) formed the
actual concepts of personal development, based
on which the modern idea of lifelong learning is
Nowadays - lifelong learning as a whole forms
the growth of the intellectual (as well as
professional) ability of the individual. This, in
turn, organizationally provides a system of state
and social institutions and meets the modern
requirements of the transformation of society.
Rapid changes in the labor market require
acquiring new knowledge and skills not only in
the process of professional training but also
directly in the period of labor activity, which can
be solved by lifelong learning.
Sociocultural Elements and Principles of
Continuing Education
The main goal of modern lifelong learning is the
comprehensive maturation of the individual both
during his/her physical and psychological
development (Huebener, 2020). Consequently,
modern literature treats the process of lifelong
learning on the one hand as a pedagogical
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
concept, and on the other hand as a phenomenon
of pedagogical practice.
In a 1976 report from UNESCO, permanent
education is a large-scale project aimed at
renewing the actual system of learning and the
transformation of other important non-systemic
opportunities. The creators of this report note that
the personal experience of continuing education
is the most complex kind of social relationship.
The system-forming factor in lifelong learning is
the social requirement in the stable development
of each individual (Leon-Martinez &
Tapia-Rangel, 2020). This factor determines the
composition of many educational structures -
general and parallel, primary and secondary,
public and private, formal and non-public (Amor
et al., 2019). Their connection and mutual
activity, mutual multilevel subordination,
organization of joint activities form continuing
education as a single system (Aghion et al.,
Taking this principle as a basis, we offer to
scientific attention our own interpretation of
continuing education - it is a set of tools, ways,
methods, means, and forms of obtaining,
improving, and expanding general knowledge,
professional competencies, cultural, educational,
social and ethical maturity (See Figure 1).
Figure 1. Key elements of continuing education
Developed by the authors of the article
The roles of continuing education can undergo
changes in accordance with its main purpose, for
example, for a particular person, it will become a
means of obtaining and forming knowledge,
satisfaction, and knowledge of spiritual and
physical needs, development of talents and
abilities in the system of public social
educational institutions and by obtaining self-
education (Conte et al., 2019). For the state, the
meaning of permanent education is somewhat
different: it consists in the formation of a certain
social policy, the ultimate goal of which is the
universal and professional development of all
members of society.
For society, continuing education serves as a tool
for the expansion and reproduction of its
professional and cultural potential, is a condition
for the transformation of social economy and
industry, contributes to the acceleration of social
and economic development of the state (OECD,
2022). At the same time, for the global
community, lifelong education performs the
function of preservation, mutual enrichment, and
development of world cultures and common
moral attitudes, moral values (Graves, 2018).
Moreover, in this system, lifelong learning is a
powerful factor in international cooperation in
learning and the realization of the major global
challenges of humanity.
The key sociocultural and pedagogical principles
of lifelong learning can be considered:
1. philosophical and pedagogical concept of
education development, according to which
the learning process encompasses the whole
life of an individual;
Expansion of
May vary depending
on the purpose
Gaining new
and skills
of professional
and general
Basic elements of
High level of
one's own
The process of
forming cognitive
and spiritual needs
Social and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
2. diversity of the educational system, which is
a permanent, stable, purposeful assimilation
of the human socio-cultural patrimony of
previous generations; (Hoggan, 2020).
3. aspect of the construction of education at the
level of the state and individual regions; 4.
mechanism of implementation of state
educational policy; (Graves, 2018).
4. current global trends and the future of
education; (OECD; (OECD, 2022)
5. consideration of the latest theories and
concepts of world pedagogical science.
(Hoggan, 2020).
Consequently, continuing education is an
integral entity characterized by dynamism,
continuity, flexibility, etc.
Models for implementing continuing
The implementation of the sociocultural function
of lifelong learning is based on the following
structural models: lifelong learning, lifelong
education, self-motivated education The first
principle is based on the concept that learning is
equal to the human lifespan (Graves, 2018). This
approach implies that humanity needs to
constantly improve, develop its knowledge,
skills, and abilities. Lifelong learning
encompasses the learning of different aspects of
an individual's activities, involves improving
both his professional skills and other general
skills (Hoggan, 2020). The principle of self-
motivation to learn implies that a person
consciously strives to develop mentally and
improve his knowledge (See Figure 2).
Figure 2. The main structural models of the sociocultural system of continuing education
Developed by the authors of the article
In professional education in the U.S., lifelong
learning is called “continuing education’. It is
primarily implemented by universities, but
professional educational associations are also
involved in adult education. The Massachusetts
Institute of Technology has developed a program
of ‘continuing cooperative education”, which
provides continuing education for technologists
and engineers throughout their careers. This is
provided at the level of universities and public
firms. Europe uses the dual principle of
continuing education (Huebener, 2020). It is a
combination of training in educational
institutions with practical training in enterprises
and organizations. In Germany, there are general
(allgemeine), professional (berufliche)
professional-scientific (wissenschaftliche),
cultural (kulturelle), and political (politische)
additional types of adult education. Such
additional education (continuous) is provided by
folk universities.
In the Ukrainian reality, the legislation proclaims
the importance of sustainable development of
society through the preparation of competitive
human capital, the formation of the necessary
conditions for lifelong learning. In Ukraine,
permanent education has not received systematic
development. Existing legislation, such as the
Law of Ukraine “On Non-School Education” is
unable to improve the situation because they do
not take into account the possibility of including
out-of-school education in the general education
system as a whole, bypassing the urgent
1. The first concept
Lifelong learning
Learning equals a
person's lifespan
The second concept
Education in the
width of life
Improving versatile
skills Third concept
The individual
consciously seeks to
intellectually and
improve his or her
own skills and
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
challenges of quality assurance and control and
recognition of knowledge acquired in non-formal
education. There are no statistics on this issue,
and there are no special concepts and programs
to promote this integration. However, lifelong
learning is gradually taking a leading position in
modern educational methods around the world
(Kem, 2022). For this reason, there is a need for
tangible measures in Ukraine in order to bridge
the gap with European and American
pedagogical models of development.
In particular, the Ukrainian realities are tangible
socio-cultural trends that generally contribute to
the further progress of permanent learning. First
of all, it is important to highlight the following:
1. Increasing the weight of human capital for
the growth of national wealth. In developed
countries, human capital accounts for at least
65% of national wealth proportions, while
natural and physical capital accounts for
20% and 15%, respectively. The greatest
economic impact of human capital is felt in
such developed countries as Finland,
Switzerland, Germany, Japan, and the USA,
where it can be estimated at more than 80%
of national wealth. Further growth of
national wealth is guaranteed primarily by
the conditions that are created to shape the
prospects of using human capital (Florian,
2019). One of these conditions is primarily
2. Unprofitable trends in demographic
development. The decreasing birth rate and
the general growth of middle age (aging of
the population) entail the need to form
prerequisites for the education of persons
already mature and even older. Adult
education is one of the most important
factors in the current socioeconomic
situation (Huebener, 2020).
3. The growing need to update professional
knowledge. The pace of technology
development and comprehension of the
possibilities of its use leads to a systematic
revision of already known information in the
leading industries about a quarter annually.
For example, in the realities of the U.S.
professional competence in 5 years
experiences “aging”, that is, during this
period, curricula and training systems need
radical renewal. In Ukrainian conditions the
terms of training of specialists are higher
than 5 years, i.e., specialists with already
outdated knowledge receive university
diplomas. The solution to this problematic
condition may lie in a gradual transition to
lifelong learning, in which basic education is
partially renewed through additional training
programs. In such circumstances, it will
become a solid foundation of education not
so much a completed and exhaustive
education, but the basis for further learning.
4. Approval of the theory of lifelong learning
in the European educational environment.
Such education is designed to develop the
necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities to
work in today's information society. This
includes digital literacy, the development,
and dissemination of innovative and
improved types of learning, access to
educational technology for people of all
ages, etc. (Tytova & Mereniuk, 2022).
(Tytova & Mereniuk, 2022). The Council of
Europe has decided that permanent
education is an important component of the
modern European social model. It is not only
a matter of immediate importance but also
critical factors in employment and social
welfare, economic development, and
increased competitiveness (Laufer et al.,
The modern system of national security of
Ukraine, covering humanitarian, social,
economic components, requires appropriately
trained personnel to respond to the challenges of
our time (Law No. 1556-VII, 2014). The
problematic of lifelong learning should be
divided into several sociocultural factors. The
first is related to the development of the system
of permanent education, which will become part
of social practice (a socio-educational aspect of
lifelong learning). The second one is connected
with the processes of assimilation of new life,
social, professional realities, and formation of
updated experience. It is for this reason adult
education is proclaimed a peculiar combination
of the principles of lifelong learning with the
principles of lifelong learning, and then - in
general - with the formation of the information
society (Tsekhmister et al., 2021). Therefore, an
urgent task is to try to fix in the public
consciousness of society the mutual
responsibility of people, the state, and specific
individuals for the development of learning
The content of continuing education in European
and American practice is usually divided into
several significant components related to adult
education (Hoggan, 2020). This refers to literacy
instruction in the broad sense of the word, i.e.,
computer literacy, language literacy, social
literacy, etc. (Tytova & Mereniuk, 2022). Also
important is vocational education, which consists
of vocational training, retraining, and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional development. The next element is
general cultural additional education not directly
related to a job, profession, or qualification
(Hoggan, 2020). Consequently, researchers in
Europe and the U.S. roughly categorize the goals
of such permanent education into several
The first element of lifelong learning, which
forms additional vocational education, is the
formation of the professional basis of the human
resource potential of today's high-tech economy
(Leon-Martinez & Tapia-Rangel, 2020). The
main consumers of this part of continuing
education are the socially adapted parts of
society, consistently trained at all levels. The
second element is the ability to adapt in a
changing social environment. This element will
perform educational functions for a group of
individuals in need of social rehabilitation,
unable to adapt independently to the fast-paced
conditions and abrupt changes in the social
environment (Sydoruk et al., 2022). In addition,
this subsystem involves citizens who, because of
a number of other problems, are deprived of
access to the traditional educational system,
which forms the prerequisites for their
desocialization. The third component of the
permanent learning system has the function of
entertaining the various individual learning
requirements of citizens (Leon-Martinez &
Tapia-Rangel, 2020). We are talking, for
example, about language learning, obtaining
psychological, cultural, and other information,
communication skills, special skills, etc. These
European and American innovations are still
little known to Ukrainian society. However, a
gradual shift of emphasis on non-formal
education allows for a positive assessment of
attempts to transform the Ukrainian educational
environment and harmonize it with modern
So, in the educational system of the XXI century,
the main fundamental element is the concept of
lifelong learning. This principle corresponds to
the challenges of fleeting learning trends and
leads to new interpretations regarding value
aspirations and life orientations. We believe that
the requirements of updating education,
increasing professional competence,
development of acquired knowledge and skills
should serve as a response to the challenges of
our time, take into account global changes
associated with the introduction of new computer
technology in all areas of educational activity.
Under such conditions, continuing education
becomes a condition for the full innovative
improvement of society, the main one for success
in other spheres of human activity.
For modern globalized society lifelong learning
serves as a tool for expanded human professional
and cultural potential, so it is a condition for the
transformation of sociocultural mechanisms. In
particular, the article proves the importance of
lifelong learning in the educational systems of
Europe and the USA, points to the formation of
new value aspirations of the modern generation
of education applicants, taking into account the
development of digital technology and
professional requirements.
The high level of cultural awareness and
education is the key in the system of lifelong
learning. For Ukraine, these challenges are also
relevant, as the general requirements of
economic development transformation of the
educational industry and technology need to
update the educational industry as a whole. The
proposed synthesis study points to the need for
change in the Ukrainian legislation in the field of
non-formal education opens the discussion on a
broader justification for the need to harmonize
the European and Ukrainian systems of
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