www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.09.6
How to Cite:
Khairetdinova, O. (2022). Ecosystem of tourist business in the context of regional tourism and hospitality industry
development. Amazonia Investiga, 11(57), 56-63. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.09.6
Ecosystem of tourist business in the context of regional tourism and
hospitality industry development
Экосистема туристического бизнеса в контексте развития региональной индустрии
туризма и гостеприимства
Received: October 1, 2022 Accepted: November 2, 2022
Written by:
Olga Khairetdinova12
RSCI Author ID: 736920
WoS Researcher ID: T-8054-2017
The evolution and problems of the definition of
such notions as “business ecosystem”, “business
ecosystem model” and “business platform” in the
scientific environment are overviewed and
analyzed in this paper. Different strategies of the
management of business ecosystem models are
considered and conclusions about their
efficiency at different development stages are
formulated. In the paper, the particular attention
is paid to digital platforms as a tool of
management and development of business
ecosystems in modern realities, the key cases of
ecosystem business models in Russian economy
are analyzed. The authors consider the digital
platform creation as a perspective approach to the
transition to the concept “Tourism 4.0” in the
Republic of Bashkortostan. However, there are
different opinions regarding the practicability of
the realization of regional tourist platforms in
comparison with the federal ones. The paper
presents the overview of the main arguments of
the parties of this discussion. As a result of the
conducted research, the author formulated the
conclusions on the perspective of creating cross-
functional and multi-platform solutions for the
realization of federal and regional platforms.
That is, the construction of platforms based on
the principle of mutual integration and
realization of different but supporting functions,
which would serve the whole chain of creation,
promotion and realization of tourist product and
realization of accompanying touristic services,
will allow implementing not the competitive
development environment but the ecosystem
cooperation environment. Such principle is
Senior lecturer, Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Services, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russian
Khairetdinova, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 57: 56-63 / September, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
relevant from the point of the broad-scale and
deep mechanism of data aggregation, for
building up effective development strategies at
entrepreneurial, regional and federal levels.
Keywords: tourism industry, digitalization,
business ecosystem, platform economy, regional
tourism, digital pltform.
Today, the tourism and hospitality industry in
Russia reaches the new heights of development,
which was influenced by a number of factors
from the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic. It is
known that Russians felt how their favorable
international format is suffering. The internal
tourist format does not always meet the needs of
demanding tourists but it is much more
predictable. Under current conditions, it is
reasonable to take measures for the rest in Russia
to become more attractive and comfortable for
tourists with different interests, needs,
preferences and financial possibilities. It is easy
to see that the topic of Russian tourism is on
everyone’s lips. Great creative efforts are
required from regions, especially from those,
which have been satisfied with a little for decades
not making a claim for large tourist flows but, at
the same time, possessing rich tourist resources.
The Republic of Bashkortostan is one of them.
The project team of the Department of Tourism,
Hotel and Restaurant Services of Ufa State
Petroleum Technological University considers
the issue of the practicability of creating one of
the tools of regional tourism development under
current conditions tourist business ecosystem
in Bashkiria. The investigation is carried out in
the frameworks of research project “Tourist-
information ecosystem of user services “Yal” in
strategic project “New life environment” of the
strategic development program of Ufa State
Petroleum Technological University.
Business press comments periodically that such
initiatives are futureless because regional digital
resources will not be able to compete with acting
and developing federal digital resources
(Korolev, 2020). But the final conclusion can be
made after analyzing the nature of the concept
“business ecosystem” or business ecological
system. This is one of the most discussable terms
in the theory of modeling business processes.
There are a lot of opinions about the essence of
this phenomenon, therefore, it is reasonable to
discuss it from the basic principles.
In this regard, the objective of the present
research is to analyze such notions as “business
ecosystem” and “platform”, as well as the
development perspectives of these phenomena in
Russian tourist industry. The following issues
were analyzed during the research to reach the
stated objective: origin of the terms and evolution
of interpreting the notions, development of
digital platforms in Russian business, specifics of
development and expansion of platform services
in Russian and regional tourism. The paper
begins with the section devoted to the
fundamentals of applying ecosystem approach in
economy. After that the research methodology is
described followed by the description of the
analysis results of the current state of ecosystem
approach and digital platform development in
Russian entrepreneurship, including the tourism
and hospitality industry, taking into account the
existing barriers and drivers. As a result of the
analysis carried out, the author answered the
question whether it is necessary to apply
ecosystem approach to develop the tourist
industry in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Theoretical aspects of ecosystem approach in
The notion “ecology” (Greek οικος home,
native land and λόγος science) was introduced
into the scholarly discourse by German biologist
Ernst Haeckel in 1866 and since then this term,
understood as “science about interactions of live
organisms and their communities between
themselves and habitat”, has been steadily linked
with biology.
The term “ecological system” is younger – it was
for the first time used by English botanist Arthur
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Tansley in 1935, bringing ecology to a higher
level based on the fact that system approach
allows investigating the aggregate of organisms
and habitat conditions in the self-regulation
mode (Nazarenko, 2007; Mirkin & Naumova,
2011). At the beginning, this term was also
studied only by the biological science. But with
time, it also became relevant outside it.
In 1993 the representative of Harvard Business
School James F. Moore published the article
“Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of
Competition”, in which he compared the mutual
evolution inside natural and social systems,
bearing in mind that in both of them
interconnected participants are developing in the
mutual cycle. Moore used the notion
“ecosystem”, for the first time giving it an
economic sense: “In order to extend the system
approach to the strategy, I suggest considering a
company not as a representative of one industry
but as a part of the business ecosystem covering
many industries. In the business ecosystem the
companies develop opportunities around the
innovation: they are working together on a
competitive basis in order to support new
products, satisfy needs of the clients and,
eventually, introduce another round of
innovations” (Moore, 1993). In other words, if
the natural ecosystem unites live habitants of
some habitat (for example, lake or taiga)
interacting both with each other and the habitat,
then in business, according to Moore’s theory,
“the habitants” of ecosystem are the
representatives of entrepreneurial world (a top
company and other companies: suppliers,
commodity flow channels, etc.), interacting on a
competitive basis to complete the common
innovative business task, as well as consumers.
Let us point out that Moore reasoned about the
system approach to the company strategy and
illustrated his reasoning with the experience of
real companies, which had been actually building
up ecosystems long before his publication and,
apparently, not using the term “business
ecosystem”, and, moreover, differently. Thus,
Moore compared the strategies of such
companies as Apple and Tandy, since 1970-s
having launched the products based on
microprocessors (the innovation of that time)
onto the market, which were later converted into
personal computers.
Obviously, Apple controlled its own basic
developments, including software of the
operation system, at the same time, the company
stimulated cooperation with independent
developers to write software for their computers.
The company also supported business relations
with computer stores, educational institutions
and independent magazines.
Tandy, on the contrary, had the principle of
concentration of all business processes inside the
company. The company purchased everything
for computers (from programming languages to
word processors), it dealt with teaching, sold the
equipment through its own store chain and did
not cooperate with independent magazines.
At the beginning, judging by the volume of sales,
Tandy’s strategy looked more effective, but with
time Apple’s sales indicators raised much higher
that can be considered as a result of realizing the
strategy implying the access of other participants
to its business and, hence, providing partners
with new growth opportunities and bringing
talents to light.
Moore considered that both companies built up
ecosystems, only Tandy controlled the
ecosystem more tightly (Moore,1993).
Another interesting model of the late 1970-s is
mentioned in the publication. First, Digital
Research developed the operation system CP/M
compatible with any hardware, which gave the
impulse to the development of the variety of
small manufacturers of personal computers, and
then Micropro developed a powerful word
processor for any computers with the operation
system CP/M, thus, still more stimulating the
demand for these computers produced by small
manufacturers. It would seem that it was the time
of boom for the latter but they found themselves
involved in the competitive struggle with each
other, which resulted in price control, low
profitability and lack of the possibility to
thoroughly deal with the implementation of
promotion programs. Having analyzed this
experience, Moore stated that at the stage of
forming the business ecosystem the correct
assessment of the consumers’ needs is a
necessary but insufficient step: “The leader of the
business ecosystem must appear who is able to
initiate the process of fast, continuous
improvement, which attracts the whole business
community (Moore,1993). This is the quality
initially possessed by Apple and Tandy and
which the ecosystem being formed, whose
launch was conditioned by Digital Research’s
development, was lacking.
Thus, in 1990-s James F. Moore formed the
initial vision of the concept “business
ecosystem”. But only the initial one, since in
Moore’s theory, with all its consistency and
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
harmony, the effect of incompleteness was
objectively observed, first of all, due to the fact
that economic processes at different times rely on
different technological capabilities, at the
managerial level as well. We will return to this
issue later but before that we will touch upon
another important moment.
As pointed out by Ya.S. Matkovskaya who
studied publications on the topic, the researchers
have not reached the common ground regarding
the nature of business ecosystems yet. The
discrepancies are mainly connected with the fact
that in the initial exposition the differences of
ecosystems from other forms of cooperation and
integration are not quite clear. Matkovskaya
suggested her own approach to understanding the
problem. First of all, she underlined that business
models with ecosystematicity features are based
on the system properties and should have the
appropriate qualities. The participants’
composition is important in the system. The
author referred the initiator (“core”),
orchestrator, partners and consumers to such, as
applicable to business ecosystem model
(Matkovskaya, 2021). Remembering the
unregulated experience of companies placing the
bet on the operation system CP/M, as described
by Moore, we can agree that the lack of
regulation is impossible in a system. We can also
remind that A. Tansley revealed the self-
regulation mode in a natural ecosystem, and the
nature itself is the regulator. In an economic
ecosystem the processes are organized
artificially. Consequently, the mechanism
imitating the self-regulation mode should be
created artificially. The element called the
orchestrator takes on this role.
Here we return to the issue about technological
capabilities of business organization. Ya.S.
Matkovskaya designated “the platform owner” as
the orchestrator (Matkovskaya, 2021). A
platform is a polysemic word. It is obvious that,
in this case, we are talking about a digital
platform. It should be indicated that this notion is
understood differently. In numerous definitions,
the authors call the software environment,
information system, business model, enterprise,
set of interconnected software and hardware, etc.
as the determinative component. On the other
hand, the explanations regarding the designation
of platforms, as a rule, do not contradict each
other. In different definitions the designation is
explained as follows: provision of either
“mutually beneficial interactions between third
party manufacturers and consumers”, or “direct
interaction and execution of transactions between
several groups of third party users”, or
“execution of interrelation functions between
market participants”, or “facilitating exchanges
between two or more interdependent groups of
participants”, etc. (Niyazova, Garin & Zlydnev,
2021). Here is an example of extensive definition
of a digital program: this is “a digital form of
organizing interactions between suppliers and
consumers to minimize transaction expenditures
when seeking partners, goods, services,
executing payments, signing contracts,
controlling fulfilled arrangements, evaluating
reputation of sectorial participants, etc.” (Styrin,
Dmitrieva & Sinyatullina, 2019). In the
frameworks of the investigation topic it is
important to single out the relevant feature of the
digital platform as applicable to ecosystem
concept, therefore, having summarized the
abovementioned, we will claim that a digital
platform is, first of all, the tool for establishing
the interaction between users interested in each
Research methods
The present research is an overview in the
frameworks of the selected topic and is based on
objectiveness and systematicity principles. The
objectiveness principle conditioned the use of
only reliable facts and data presented in
professional sources and scientific literature. The
principle of consistency is based on taking into
consideration in the context of the study of the
socio-political and economic situation in the
country and the region, technological trends in
the development of the service sector and
creative industries.
The indicated principles were realized with the
help of general scientific empirical research
methods: data collection from scientific and
professional sources, analysis, synthesis and
comparison of the information obtained. The use
of these methods allowed conducting complex
research of the factors under the influence of
which the ecosystem approach in tourist industry
is currently being developed in Russia and
Republic of Bashkortostan. To answer the
research question about the origin of the terms
and evolution of interpreting the notices,
scientific papers were studied and analyzed,
which are the theoretical basis of the ecosystem
approach in economics and the interpretation of
key provisions under the conditions of the
Russian market. In the analysis of the
development of digital platforms in Russia,
scientific works of Russian scientists on the
trends in the development of digital platforms
and professional thematic digests from industry
leaders in Russia were used. The study and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
analysis of the specifics of development and
expansion of platform services in Russian and
regional tourism was carried out on the basis of
scientific articles by Russian scientists on the
prospects of digitalization and ecosystem
development in the tourism and hospitality
industry, as well as thematic articles from
periodicals with comments from industry experts
to form an idea of the diversity of opinions and
the availability of professional discussion about
the immediate prospects.
Results and Discussion
Evolution of digital platforms in Russia
Digital platforms have been blended in many
spheres of activity. Social networks and
messengers (VK, Tik Tok, WhatsApp, etc.) have
been widely spread and have transformed the
arrangement of communications. The methods
and mechanisms of trade realization of
E-commerce platform, i.e. electronic commerce,
are actively changing (Alibaba, Wildberries,
Ozon, etc.). The sharing platforms (Uber, Avito,
etc.) provide users with “anywhere access to
assets instead of the need to possess them
(Geliskhanov, Yudina & Babkin, 2018).
Let us return to Ya. S. Matkovskaya’s
publication where the differences in business
ecosystem from other forms of cooperation and
integration are explained. The author, having
provided “platform owner” with orchestrator’s
functions, did not only underline the importance
of development of digital technologies but also
singled out one of the distinctive features of
business ecosystem model minimized
bureaucracy shortening the “time-to-market”
period (speed of commercialization of
innovations) (Matkovskaya, 2021), and we
cannot help but agree with it. As we see, the
today’s understanding about business
ecosystems has changed from the times when
James F. Moore stated his opinion. He paid
attention to the system role of the control factor
but could not relate it with digital platforms,
which were developed several years later.
Let us also point out that the evolution of
ecosystem models is going on, the understanding
of ecosystem participants is also changing. In
particular, in cases when the ecosystem’s aim is
to optimize the transaction (deal) from the point
of supply and demand, the digital platform owner
can function not only as the orchestrator but also
as the core (Matkovskaya, 2021).
Let us point out another important moment. A
business ecosystem can be built up for the sake
of meeting one or several needs, to rely on one
platform or set of platforms. In the evolution
process, large ecosystems emerged working to
satisfy multiple human needs (Bank of Russia,
2021). With such approach a human, when
solving any everyday problem, gets an
opportunity to use the unified access system.
In this regard, the experience of PJSC
“Sberbankis demonstrative. Using the strategy
of establishing companies from scratch and
merging players of financial and nonfinancial
markets, Sber has built up the ecosystem where,
apart from the initial financial segment, a number
of segments of nonfinancial business have been
developed: 1) e-commerce (marketplaces
SberMarket, SberLogistika, Samokat), 2) health,
including telemedicine, online medical
appointment booking or calling a doctor (service
Sberzdorovie), 3) entertainment (online cinema
Okko and other services),
4) FoodTech&Mobility, i.e. services of ready-to-
eat food delivery, taxi and car sharing (Delivery
Club, Citymobil, etc.), 5) B2B-services for legal
entities (cloud service SberCloud to store and
process information, Bi.Zone company rendering
services for protecting personal and commercial
data, etc.), 6) other nonfinancial services: job
hunting, real estate transactions, virtual mobile
operator services, etc. (Rabota dlya vas (work for
you), DomClick, Sberdevices, etc.). The user
gets access to the whole diversity of offers
through the unified access system Sber ID
(Sberbank, 2021).
But there are only a few giants like this in Russia.
Apart from Sberbank, they include Yandex,
Mail.ru, MTS (Serov, 2021).
There is no need to build up the ecosystem on
such a large scale. It can be built up around a
certain basic need, for example, need in real
estate. When forming such system, it is important
to wisely cover the range of required products
and services, and these are not only the services
for selecting and purchasing the real estate but
also mortgage, design, repair works, cleaning,
etc. (Bank of Russia, 2021).
Current state of development of tourist platforms
in Russia
Having formed the vision of the business
ecosystem essence, we move to detailing the
problem in the sphere of tourism and hospitality,
which is based on interterritorial interaction and,
obviously, cannot ignore digital technologies
Volume 11 - Issue 57
/ September 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
opening ample opportunities both for business
representatives and consumers
(Morant-Martínez, 2019).
In recent years, tourists got used to services
providing booking processes of travel tickets
(AviaSales, Avia.tutu, etc.) and accommodation
(Booking.com, AirBnB, Ostrovok.ru, etc.),
search for excursion offers (Tripster.ru,
Sputnik8, WeAtlas.com, etc.) and so on. At the
same time, we now hear the proposals to create a
national tourist and hotel ecosystem in Russia. In
particular, in 2020 М.А. Morozov and N.S.
Morozova gave voice for digitizing state
services, i.e. to create a unified digital ecosystem
of the state “instead of isolated separate
information systems of federal departments,
regional authorities and state services” and
combine it with the national ecosystem of
tourism and hospitality with different business
proposals under terms of public-private
partnership (Morozov & Morozova, 2020). The
idea is clear as not only the services of
transportation, accommodation, meals,
entertainment, etc. are in demand in tourist and
hotel sphere but also state services. Moreover,
even then the Chairperson of the Committee on
Social Policy of the Federation Council
I.Yu. Svyatenko declared, “The government sees
the need in unified digital tourist contour” (it was
said about Russpass project). At the same time,
Rostourism promoted the tourist website Russia.
Travel (Korolev, 2020).
The situation became complicated in 2022 when
a number of habitual foreign services left Russia
(Booking.com, AirBnB, etc.). In business mass
media we came across the opinion that 1) there is
no point in letting them back to our market
(“nobody will entrust again the data of Russian
citizens to unreliable partners”), 2) there is no
need to try duplicating the services, which left
but it is better to create something that was
created in no state of the world own digital
tourist ecosystem (this is “a difficult but quite
realistic task”) (Golovina, 2022).
The endeavors in system tourist industry are
realized. The service Russpass is being adapted
to new conditions. In summer 2022 Russpass
launched the project “We are opening Russia
together” with SberStrakhovanie Sber’s
daughter company (Vedomosti, 2022). From the
information website, Russia.travel has been
converted into the interactive digital platform
(Interfax-Tourism, 2022). Other participants of
the service market are getting more active. For
instance, a part of online platform Ozon, the
service Ozon Travel, which has been rendering
the services of booking travel tickets for several
years, has later started rendering insurance
services, and in April 2022 declared about
launching the hotel booking service “in the short
term” (Chupanova, 2022). The services of
booking travel tickets and accommodation are
provided by the resource Yandex Puteshestvia.
As we see, the process is going on, though there
is room for improvement. Some experts affirm
that digital tourism, despite the solutions for b2c-
segment having emerged long ago, are still “in
embryonic stage”, since all projects are
concentrated on the limited number of one and
the same functions (Solvyova, 2022).
The digitalization of regional tourist industries is
an important trend. Interesting projects exist. For
example, the mobile reference guide “Altai
Today” with a long list of services was developed
in the Republic of Altai: booking of hotels and
excursions, booking of transport and tours from
travel agencies, assistance in working out
walking, bicycle and automobile routes linked to
the map, provision of information about sights,
weather, recreation facilities, prices for services,
etc. (Altai Today, 2022). This is an example of
individual initiative. The ideas of bigger players
are implemented. Thus, several cities and regions
started building up the digital ecosystem based
on the information web-portal, mobile
application for iOS and Android and software for
interactive city panels from the company
“Rusatom Infrastructural Solutions” (RIS, a part
of State Corporation “Rosatom”). As it is
indicated in the project presentation, the
information portal is “out-of-the-box” solution,
i.e. the customer specifies the brand book content
and decides himself what content should be
uploaded into the system (Solvyova, 2022).
The Republic of Bashkortostan participates in
Russian digital tourist projects (Russpass,
Russia. Travel, etc.) but there is no regional
ecosystem of tourism and hospitality in the
region. There can come up the question: Why do
we need it, if the information about Bashkiria is
accessible for millions of visitors of major digital
resources? We think we need it.
First of all, the content from the region is
prepared for the large system in compliance with
the parameters set up in this system. In the
regional system there can be own approach to
forming the list of services and, consequently, to
partners’ business offers (Markelova &
Khairetdinova, 2022).
Secondly, digital technologies allow the system
owner to receive data necessary for creating a
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
more precise vision of the regional tourist market
and its players, about client preferences and
correspondence of the rendered services with the
expected ones, about social portrait of tourists,
etc. It is important not only from the point of
personifying offers and quality of targeted
advertising but also for timely adaptation of the
environment to changing needs of the tourists
and correction of the regional strategy of tourism
and hospitability development. However, in the
situation of the region cooperation with a large
resource, the information is concentrated not in
the region but with the ecosystem leader whose
vision specifies the evolutionary processes of the
whole system. Therefore, we do not see
contradictions in combining the already existing
cooperation with the work in the frameworks of
the regional ecosystem of tourism and hospitality
created for the abovementioned reasons based on
public-private partnership.
Thus, it can be affirmed that with the existing
state of tourism digitalization the regional tourist
ecosystem of business can be considered as a
perspective phenomenon. On the one hand, the
region gains certain benefit from federal digital
systems, for example, in view of attracting
tourists, as well as revealing demand tendencies
common for the country and adapting own
resources to the demand. At the same time, large
systems do not cover many local issues, they are
not direct data suppliers who could surgically
inform the region about strengths and
weaknesses of providing and rendering services,
expediency of embedding new services relevant
for the region into the system, trends in tourist
industry development perspective for the region.
Russia is a large country distinguished by
natural, historical and cultural, ethnic,
gastronomic diversity, and there is a reason
everywhere to think what resources can be
developed and provided with the necessary
infrastructure. And regional digitalization can
help a lot here.
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