www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.23
How to Cite:
Koda, S., Turkpenova, D., Kyrylenko, S., Malyk, V., & Lukіianchuk, A. (2022). Innovative elements in distance learning in a
multicultural environment. Amazonia Investiga, 11(56), 232-239. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.23
Innovative elements in distance learning in a multicultural
Innovaciones científicas y tecnologías avanzadas en un entorno multicultural durante la
formación a distancia
Received: September 10, 2022 Accepted: October 8, 2022
Written by:
Svitlana Koda96
Dinara Turkpenova97
Svitlana Kyrylenko98
Valentyna Malyk99
Alla Lukіianchuk100
Scientific and technological innovations in
education actually complete the process of
establishing distance learning as an independent
educational format. Information and digital
cluster forms specific educational components in
different socio-cultural dimensions, one of which
is multiculturalism. Scientific exploration aims
to analyze the dynamics of the implementation of
scientific and technological innovations in the
multicultural educational environment through
the actualization of distance learning. The
objectives are to investigate the transformation of
educational strategies of multicultural space,
which are updated online thanks to the ICT-
potential. The article uses general scientific,
pedagogical, culturological, and philosophical
methods of research. We see a characteristic
feature of the study as methodological activity in
the dynamics of the rapid socio-cultural
development of modern education.
Consequently, modern sociocultural space is
characterized by diversity, which dictates
education its development prospects, which are
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of the Content of Education
Faculty of advanced training and retraining Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ukraine.
Graduate student, Master of humanities Orenburg state university, Russian.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the department of innovative activity and research and experimental work State
Scientific Institution "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Postgraduate student, Teacher of the English language Department of Ukrainian and foreign languages Vinnytsia National Agrarian
University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Management The Bila
Tserkva Institute of Continuing Professional Education, Ukraine.
Koda, S., Turkpenova, D., Kyrylenko, S., Malyk, V., Lukіianchuk, A. / Volume 11 - Issue 56: 232-239 / August, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
provided by scientific innovations and advanced
technologies. Prospective areas of research are
the direction of innovative dimensions to
overcome the negative manifestations of distance
learning and taking into account the multicultural
nature of the educational environment.
Keywords: distance learning, ICT in education,
innovative educational strategies, multicultural
space, Moodle.
Distance learning has gradually asserted itself in
educational systems. With the development of
information and digital technologies, the
organizational and logistical opportunities for the
distance learning format of the educational
process have increased significantly. At the same
time, the globalization processes at the turn of the
XX-XXI centuries contributed to the emergence
of the factor of demand for distance learning for
the multicultural environment. Synergetic
scientific and worldview paradigm focused on
pragmatism, the main principle of which was the
result. The need for rapid and productive learning
emerged to achieve proper educational
outcomes. Applicants for knowledge, skills, and
abilities in recent years have not always been in
the standard conditions of education applicants in
traditional educational institutions. Often
enough, learning content had to be distributed to
a large and dispersed audience that was in
different locations and in different sociocultural
statuses. This state of affairs required distance
learning, which is able to take into account the
necessary parameters required to organize the
educational process in a multicultural space.
The traditional model of education, based on
conservative principles, is quite difficult to
respond to the need to transform. However, the
modern world is full of challenges that have a
significant impact on the content and form of
education. If the content of education can be
relatively quietly changed to meet the demands
of the time, the transformation of the format of
education requires much more effort. Today we
are witnessing the final stage of the formation of
a new format in the educational system - the
online electronic educational space.
The period of positioning the distance learning
format as an alternative or innovative has already
expired. Recent years, especially the times of
pandemic restrictions, have formed the basis for
reorienting the innovativeness of learning
technologies to the basic use of them in the
educational space. In contemporary pedagogical
discourse, the problem of distance learning
focuses on considering aspects of creating a
sustainable online environment for educators and
co-educators (Ovcharuk, 2020; Sherman,
Puhovskiy, Kambalova, & Kdyrova, 2022). A
sustainable educational environment implies a
total perception of the format of learning activity
by all subjects of education. This is how the
conditions for a stable and balanced educational
process are created. We must recognize that
online learning differs from emergency distance
learning because it is more sustainable and
holistic (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020).
In such an environment, it is possible to plan
short- and long-term educational strategies.
However, an important methodological
prerequisite for such planning is an algorithm for
harnessing scientific innovation and
technological transformation in education. As
Penprase (2018) notes, “societal change from
4IR will require higher education to develop a
greater capacity for ethical and intercultural
understanding, preferring a liberal arts education
with modifications to adapt to the specific issues
raising 4IR technologies.”
The purpose of the scientific exploration is to
analyze the implementation of scientific and
technological innovations in the distance
education environment in the context of the
dynamic development of multicultural space.
The objectives are to form the attitudes of
adaptation of transformational educational
systems (distance, electronic, digital), which in
the multicultural dimension need improvement in
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Modern scientific and pedagogical literature has
attempted to systematize e-learning trends over
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the past decade (Valverde-Berrocoso et al.,
2020). At the same time, it should be noted that
the specificity of distance learning in the
literature is positioned in two dimensions: pre-
pandemic (before 2020) and pandemic (from
In the pre-pandemic period, the status of the
distance learning format was alternative to the
traditional educational dimensions. The main
pedagogical research was directed to the general
problems of multiculturalism of the educational
environment (Parkhouse et al., 2019), an
adaptation of educational process participants to
globalization manifestations in education
(Karacabey et al., 2019), formation of ICT
competencies in the subjects of the educational
system (Ovcharuk, 2020).
Consideration of distance learning as the main
format of the educational process has been
expressed in the scientific and pedagogical
discourse in such aspects:
the potential of online learning in
multicultural environments (Adedoyin &
Soykan, 2020);
synergetic self-organizing distance learning
models (Choi & Lee, 2020);
practically oriented science and technology
innovations in online learning (Korkmaz &
Toraman, 2020);
indicators of educational quality in a
distance learning format (Lassoued et al,
ICT competencies in e-learning (Sousa &
Rocha, 2019);
sociocultural characteristics of the global
use of distance learning (Rodriguez &
Morrison, 2019).
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
educational system was considered in the context
of the mainstreaming of ICT-based learning
(Coman et al., 2020), taking into account the
sociocultural status of participants in the
educational process (Hebebci et al, 2020).
The methodological precepts of distance learning
research in a multicultural world need a critical
analysis of the planetary turn to digital distance
and distance education (Williamson et al., 2020).
Among the methodological approaches, we note
the use of dichotomous studies of the impact of
multiculturalism on the process of distance
learning: analysis of the international (interstate)
educational space vs. the features of the national
educational environment (Ferri et al., 2020).
Certain aspects of distance learning features are
analyzed using the technique of content analysis
(Hebebci et al., 2020).
The most common method of researching the
problem of distance learning is an exploratory
descriptive approach using a questionnaire with
appropriate samples (Lassoued et al., 2020). In
our research exploration, we offer an analysis of
the activity of distance learning systems among
applicants and educators. An interesting site for
the study of distance learning innovations in the
multicultural dimension in Ukraine are
institutions with applicants from different
nationalities. The activity of applicants of
different nationalities has formed a number of
statistical data, which became the basis for the
study of the multicultural influence on the
transformational processes of distance learning.
The information-digital dimension adds its share
of methodological potential when studying the
impact of innovativeness on the multicultural
educational space and the distance mode of the
educational process. In particular, let us note the
possibility of conducting an online survey in the
distance mode (Sousa & Rocha, 2019).
Results and Discussion
The peculiarity of the final approval of distance
learning in the educational space was the
lightning speed with which all educational
institutions switched exclusively to this format of
work organization. Pandemic constraints
dictated the conditions for the further functioning
of the educational system as a whole, so there
was no special choice for the educational
community. In a short period of time, there was
actually a real-time adaptation exclusively to
online learning (Coman et al., 2020). On the one
hand, the lack of a planned transition to the
distance format has led to a certain chaotic nature
of the learning process. However, on the other
hand, such a stress test of the education system
has demonstrated its potential to respond even to
global problems. The realization of its powerful
fundamental potential contributed to the
formation of a worldview educational paradigm
focused on continuous progress and
When we consider the established educational
worldview paradigm, it should be understood
that such a system has answers to the vast
majority of questions of the multicultural
dimension of education. The scientific and
technological component in the established
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
worldview paradigm works according to the
principle: innovation for improvement
(Tambovceva, 2021). That is, when an
educational problem of any nature arises
(including a multicultural one), the scientific and
technological segment mobilizes its efforts to
solve it quickly and efficiently. The formation of
ICT competencies is a relevant educational niche
for multicultural space (Qizi, 2021). The
availability and transmission of necessary
cultural information is a prerequisite for the
development of any community. Therefore, the
educational cluster activates all possible
mechanisms to form a common worldview
paradigm in which multiculturalism is taken for
Teachers' participation in cultural exchange
programs in courses can be useful to increase
their awareness and competence in multicultural
education (Karacabey et al., 2019). In such an
environment, the electronic format allows for
cultural learning without wasting resources.
Intercultural communication is optimized by
advances in science and technology.
In general, the fundamental condition for
controlling the quality of higher education is
information support, which includes the
formation of educational information and its
processing, characterizing the state of the
educational system (Oseredchuk et al., 2022).
The issue of education quality largely depends on
the quantitative indicators of scientific and
technological potential and its ability to
implement in a multicultural environment.
One of the important trends in modern
progressive education is the concept of active
learning, which characterizes not only the
didactic approach but also forms a holistic
philosophical and attitudinal paradigm. The key
message of this paradigm is the actualization of
global educational transformation as a synergetic
model of interaction between subjects of
education, educational groups or institutions, and
national education systems. The search for
learning contexts is the main goal of educational
innovation (Misseyanni et al., 2018). Active
learning, due to the synergistic effects of
interdisciplinarity and self-organization, brings
together the stakeholders of the educational
space and brings the educational system's
teaching and methodological and organizational,
and logistical cluster to a common denominator.
Such theoretical and methodological precepts
become a favorable environment for
multicultural dimensions of the educational
space. The presence of several cultural
manifestations in the educational system needs a
dynamic system of education. The system of
online learning was able to promptly provide all
the necessary conditions for the subjects of the
educational system.
Given the role of distance learning in modern
education, we can state the globality of this
format of learning (Palvia et al., 2018). In such
conditions, this system of educational process
organization covers all socio-cultural
communities. Not to mention, innovativeness
and adoption of advanced technologies in
distance learning system occurs unevenly.
Progressive communities with a high level of
logistical support have much more opportunities
for scientific innovation in the information and
digital cluster. Multicultural space implies a
peculiar blurring of boundaries in two aspects:
the ability of the applicant to choose a
country or community where the
information and digital innovation potential
is at an adequate level;
the opportunity to disseminate information
and digital technologies among
communities with different levels of
The affirmation of distance learning as a basic
format of the educational process has led to the
time to focus on the intricacies of e-learning (Liu
et al., 2019). Among the most common issues in
contemporary scientific and pedagogical
discourse related to distance learning, we note
the following aspects (see Fig. 1).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 1. Actual aspects of distance learning functioning in the multicultural space.
Source: authors' own development.
These elements of distance learning need
constant updating and improvement since
multiculturalism implies involvement in the
educational process of the full power of scientific
and technological potential.
Having succeeded in putting in order the
organizational and logistical elements of online
learning, the process of constant updating of this
format of learning has begun. The analogy here
analogy with the software of modern information
and digital technologies Online learning also
requires constant updating and improvement at
all levels. Consequently, when we talk about
advanced technologies in online learning, we are
referring to the process of updating, not the
introduction of a new format of distance learning.
When we consider distance learning, an
important point is to investigate the type of
presence of education applicants and educators
(social or cognitive) (Rapanta et al., 2020).
Modern distance learning systems provide
advanced statistics on user activity. Our study
was guided by an analysis of a multicultural
audience of education applicants consisting of
students from different continents, different
states, and different cultural communities. The
different cultural paradigms of the applicants
became one of the focuses of the study in the
context of the perception of distance learning in
general and the response to scientific and
technological innovations of online learning.
As an example, let us cite the statistics on the use
of resources of the Moodle environment (the
largest distance learning platform in the world of
education), indicating the steady dynamics of
increasing requests from education applicants for
access to learning content. When we talk about
the dynamics of mastering the latest versions of
the Moodle distance learning format, we get the
following indicators (see Fig. 2).
interactivity, involvement, variety of educational content
interactivity, involvement, variety of educational content
learning factors
of ICT nature
communication features, inclusiveness
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 2. Versions of the Moodle LMS used by the subjects of the educational process as of 2018
Source: (Moodle, n/d)
As we can see, new versions of Moodle distance
learning system have a total superior demand
among educational institutions. We can state that
the attraction to scientific and technological
innovations is total and does not depend on the
characteristics of the socio-cultural community.
Consequently, we can conclude that the
multicultural environment adapts to distance
learning at virtually the same pace. This indicates
the priority of the educational component over
the socio-cultural one. Educational needs dictate
the conditions of sociocultural space, and not
vice versa, as often happened in previous eras.
This sociocultural reality forms predisposing
factors for the continuation and development of
the processes of scientific and technological
improvement of distance learning independent of
multicultural environments.
One of the main priorities of educational
development is to create a diverse environment
for participants in the educational process
(Tarbutton, 2018). The discussion of technology
integration practices in the process of creating a
positive learning space is becoming mainstream
in contemporary scientific and pedagogical
discourse. Multiculturalism is one of the key
constants considered in twentieth-century
educational distance learning practices. At the
same time, the electronic online learning format
is a flexible tool, thanks to which the obstacles of
multicultural nature are overcome, namely:
accessibility of education regardless of the
socio-cultural status of the subject of the
educational system;
diversity of education, taking into account
the socio-cultural characteristics of its
tolerance to the peculiarities of
representatives of different socio-cultural
A group of researchers (Morales-Chicas et al.,
2019) attempted to identify culturally responsive
educational strategies (CRE) within a K-12
computer-based education that addressed issues
of multiculturalism (social and political
consciousness, popular culture, cultural artifacts,
intercultural connections, personalization issues,
and experiences in education. Technological
education that uses the information and digital
component is able to effectively provide
appropriate learning content (including socio-
cultural direction) to all participants in the
educational process.
Rodriguez & Morrison (2019) argue that science
and technology innovation in education
demonstrates the prioritization of the
sociocultural triad (equity, diversity, inclusion)
over traditional political-economic arguments.
Distance learning is a mechanism for relieving
tensions in individual multicultural dimensions
regarding the translation of specific cultural
knowledge about communities (Parkhouse et al.,
2019). The need for self-organization of
participants in the educational process during
online learning encourages the formation of
autonomous worldview beliefs about cultural
issues. This approach completely removes the
problem of any pressure or redundancy of
ideological instruction from the tutor or
dominant sociocultural group in the classroom
learning format.
An important step for introducing innovative
elements into the educational process is the
development of educators' self-efficacy in the use
Active versions of Moodle
Versions 3.1 - 4.0 96% 96 Versions 3.0 and lower
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of multicultural classrooms (TSMC). This format
forms the basis for the development of
multicultural (PDME) (Choi & Lee, 2020). Such
innovative approaches of a sociocultural nature
are a promising direction of renewal of the
educational system by achieving a synergetic
effect in education and culture.
The obvious advantage of distance learning in the
multicultural dimension is synergistic
methodological attitudes. Different sociocultural
dimensions need interdisciplinarity and self-
organizing principles. Among co-educators of
education, these aspects are expressed in the
elements of self-regulation (Rasheed et al.,
2020). They are realized in distance learning
systems through an ongoing process of
transformation based on the information-
technological potential.
Thus, multiculturalism in distance learning is
manifested in the aspect of analyzing the
response of different communities (national,
ethnic, cultural, religious, etc.) to innovative
processes in education. The level of scientific
and technological progress in the modern
educational system allows to form educational
strategies by the following components:
Ensuring the dynamism of education and its
readiness for global challenges;
Taking into account the socio-cultural
specificity of the subjects of the educational
Adaptation of distance and digital learning
to the parameters of educational quality.
Modern socio-cultural space is characterized by
dynamic changes, pragmatic principles, and
socio-cultural diversity and forms appropriate
educational development strategies. To ensure
the progress of education under such conditions
is possible only through scientific innovations
and advanced technologies, designed to correlate
the format of distance learning with the
peculiarities of the multicultural world for the
subjects of the educational space.
Of course, distance learning, as, after all, any
other problem of pedagogical discourse,
produces a number of problematic aspects
waiting to be solved. Today distance learning
format is under the euphoria of its effectiveness
in the critical period for the education pandemic.
However, already the near future actualizes the
need to solve the problems of e-learning or online
learning. Consequently, the prospects of the
study lie in the direction of scientific innovation
and advanced technology to overcome the
potentially negative manifestations of distance
learning in a multicultural environment.
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