www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.27
How to Cite:
Shvets, O. (2022). Variety and action of soil microorganisms in diverse Ukraine climatic zones. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55),
256-264. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.27
Variety and action of soil microorganisms in diverse Ukraine climatic
Diversidad y actividad de los microorganismos del suelo en diferentes zonas climáticas de
Received: July 2, 2022 Accepted: August 28, 2022
Written by:
Shvets Olha117
The study aims to summarize the important
results of the long-term studies of soil
microorganisms: structure, interaction,
functioning, activity, and diversity in the main
types of soils in different natural and climatic
zones of Ukraine.
Methods for the study are the generalization and
analysis of literary sources and scientific papers,
and materials, as well as our own research. The
initial information for the assay’s calculations,
matheanalysis were the resokution of many year
discovering of soil microorganisms in the period
The researches have shown a powerful action and
diversity of soil microorganisms of the
ecosystems. The Chernozem of the Steppe zone
was characterized by a more stable and balanced
structure of microbiocenosis, processes of
mineralization-immobilization, decomposition
of organic matter, and humus accumulation than
the sod-podzolic, forest soils of Polesie.
Studies of soil microbiome showed a direct
correlation between natural conditions and soil
treatment methods and the activity of
microbiocenoses, a decrease in the biodiversity
of bacterial groups through the use of plowing.
The increase in the proportion of micellar
organisms occurred with the prolonged
application of mineral fertilizers.
Keywords: ecosystem, microbiome,
biodiversity, soil microorganisms,
Postgraduate Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agronomy and Plant Protection State Biotechnological University, Ukraine.
Shvets, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 55: 256-264 / July, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Soil is an important component of the ecosystem
for the development and activity of many species
of microbiocenoses. The quality of soil depends
directly on the diversity of the species
composition of the microbiome as well as its
activity. Soil microorganisms take part in all
stages of humus formation, from the
decomposition of plant residues to the creation of
simple humic acid compounds and their gradual
transformation directly into soil humus.
Microbiota are also involved in the processes of
humus degradation and renewal of soil structure.
The biological activity of soils in turn determines
their ecological condition and fertility.
At the present stage of development of
agrotechnologies more and more increased
attention is being given to study of the potential
of soil’s microbiome. Active microbial structures
carry out various processes of decomposition of
organic matter, the transformation of elements,
as well as the processing of nutrients required for
crop development. Depending on the zone of
climat, also soil sort in the convert environment,
significant changes can occur in the construction
and variety of the ground’s microorganisms
because of the using certain agronomic impacts.
Despite the rather urgent topic of research, there
is still no clear understanding of the mechanism
of interaction of soil microbes with the
environment, other organisms, as well as with the
impact on their development of specific soil
treatment methods.
Generalization of a scientific research study of
soil microbiota functioning, its structure,
interaction, activity, and diversity creates a
research basis for understanding the interaction
of ecosystems, which are made possible by a
clear consideration of the role of soil microbes.
Research Focus
Many scientific works are devoted to the study of
the processes of functioning of microbial
diversity of soils, but studies of microbial
resources of soils in Ukraine are quite rare.
That is why rigorous and exhaustives crutiny of
the fundamental regularities of organization
microorganisms groupings, functional action
which depend on the natural, climatic zone, also
the applied agrotechnical methods of soil
treatment, as well as the degree of land pollution
due to anthropogenic impact, especially in the
context of Ukraine, as one of the largest suppliers
of agricultural products.
Research Aim and Research Questions
Study aim generalization of significant
outcomes of prolonged studies ground
microorganisms: formation, interplay, activity,
multiformity in the basic soil’s sort in any kind
native and Ukrainian climatic zones.
To achieve the goal, the following tasks were
analysis of modern scientific studies of soil
microbiota functioning, its structure,
interaction, activity, and diversity;
analysis of the calculated results of long-
term soil’s analysis of microorganisms in
stady field of
assays of the National Academy of Agrarian
Sciences of Ukraine (2005-2021);
assessment of the variety and action of
ground microorganisms in
various native and Ukrainian climatic zones:
Steppe, Forest-steppe, Polesie;
formation of conclusions on the interaction
of soil microbes with the environment, with
other organisms, as well as with the
influence of specific tillage methods on their
Literature Review
Soils are the natural physical covering of the
earth's surface and the unique foundation of all
terrestrial ecosystems, capable of producing the
resources necessary for the development of all
alive microorganisms. Soil biome are involved in
many biogeochemical processes and are
responsible for the mineralization of organic
matter, the cycle of elements, synthesis of
proteins and nucleic acids, and conversion of
forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, other nutrients,
making them available to vegetation (Furtak &
Gajda, 2018). The most active component of the
soil biocenosis are microorganisms (bacteria,
archaea, fungi, etc.), whose maine role in soil
ecosystems. Condition of the soil environment,
in addition to soil activity, is related to the
diversity of soil microorganism (Fazekašová &
Fazekaš, 2019). The presence, diversity, and
activity of microorganisms depends on the
chemical composition, moisture, pH, and soil
structure. The vital action of soil microorganisms
affects the processes of biomass decomposition,
biodegradation of impurities, which will support
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
soil structure, the cycle of nutrients and nutrients
that become available to plants and animals
(Demyanyuk et al., 2020). Microbiological
aspects of soil fertility are extremely important
traits, but they are often underestimated or
neglected altogether. Some symbiotic
microorganisms have a lead positive effect on
crop productivity by increasing the
bioavailability of nutrients. Baliuk et al., (2017)
cite three sources of fertility associated with
microbial activity: mineralization of organic
residues; involvement in the biological cycle of
chemical elements from minerals; and biological
nitrogen fixation It is well known that an
important function that occurs due to soil
microorganisms is the degradation of organic
matter into simpler molecules. Thus, up to 90%
of degradation processes are carried out by
bacteria and fungi (Głodowska & Wozniak,
2019). Microbial communities play a main role
in the nitrogen cycle, mediate nitrogen fixation,
influence the processes of denitrification and
nitrification of soil (Aislabie et al., 2013).
Ukraine has very favorable conditions for
agricultural production, so more than 68% of its
territory is occupied by agricultural land, which
is several times higher than in developed
countries of the world. Therefore, particularly
negative ecological effects such as soil depletion
and changes in microbial diversity and
microbiome structures are created, proving the
study (Symochkо, 2020). Scientific papers by
Chen et al., (2020) and Ukrainian researchers
Alyokhin et al., (2020) on soil microorganisms
show that cultivation, fertilization, and pest
control have a significant impact on the physical
and chemical parameters of soils and, as a
consequence, on the functioning of soil
microbiota. Changes in the direction of
biogeochemical cycles of biophilic elements, the
content, and composition of organic solutions,
soil density structure, air and irrigation regime
etc., lead to changes in the number, action and
diversity, activity of soil microorganisms.
Reduced activity or death of soil microbiota
reduces the availability of nutrients in the soil.
Therefore, an assessment of soil diversity and
microbial activity is critical to determining the
application of tillage technology (Balanovskа et
al., 2021). Agro-technology used in tillage can
affect soil microbiocenosis directly or indirectly
through changes in physicochemical parameters
of microclimate and carbon release,
reorganization of microbial group composition,
and functional activity, as evidenced by studies
(Auffret et al., 2016, Qamar et al., 2018).
Crowther et al., 2019). Structure of the soil
microbiome, activity, and microbe community
diversity are sensitive indicators of soil property.
Changes in microbial activity and reduction in
individual microbiota species can affect plant
vegetation and yield, and this has been noted in
scientific papers (Yang et al., 2018; Wakelin,
2018; Liu et al., 2020). For example, scientists
Nannipieri et al., (2020) and Jezierska-Tys et al.
(2020) in their works noted the soil’s skill to
execut its acts directly relies on the biological
activity of soils, the reduction in any group of
microbiota species affects the overall processes
in the soil. The stability of the structure of soil
microorganisms is important for the activity of
processes in grouds. A change in any soil
function decreases it is and value, ability and
quality to provide agrocenosis fertility (Jacoby et
al., 2017; Looby & Martin, 2020). Soil fertility
management has been studied by Meliani et al.
(2011), Bertola et al. (2021), Cusumano et al.
(2022). Their works have proven that fertility
control is the management of the microbiological
processes that occur in it. Unfortunately, there
have been few studies by van der Bom et al.
(2018), Martin et al. (2019), Weng et al. (2021)
quantifying useful relationships between
microbial diversity and soil and plant activity and
quality, and ecosystem resilience. The soil
microbiome of Ukraine has been studied by a
small number of scientists such as Demyanyuk et
al., (2020), as well as Tsyuk et al., (2018),
Illienko et al., (2021). Patyka et al., (2019) and a
group of scientists studied the functioning of
microorganisms in the Steppe of Ukraine. Their
scientific papers indicate that ecosystem
functioning is mainly regulated by soil microbial
dynamics. Therefore, it is necessary to generalize
the results of studies of soil microbiome and
detailed full tests of the main regularities of
formation of microorganisms groupings and their
functional action based on agrarian methods and
The study was based on the analysis of literary
sources and scientific papers and materials, as
well as our own research. The initial data for the
analysis, calculations, and mathematical analysis
were the results of many year reserching of soil
microbiome in the stady field of assays of
theNational Academy of Agrarian Sciences of
Ukraine (2005-2021).
The following research methods were used:
analytical, abstract-logical, monographic, expert.
Results and Discussion
From north-west to south-east Ukraine soils can
be divided into three large aggregations in
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
different natural-climatic zones: a Polesie - sandy
podzolized soils, the central of Ukraine includes
of black very rich harvest chernozems, Steppe
brown forest and saline grounds.
In the Steppe and Forest-steppe zone formed
unique fertile soils, 60% of which occupy -
chernozems. They are the main means of
production in agriculture and forestry and the
main source of crop production. Forest steppe is
covered with podzolized typical chernozems,
which contain up to 9% of humus, and the land
structure is well-drained with water and high
fertility. In the northern strip of the Steppe -
ordinary chernozems (4 - 6 % of humus), and in
the middle strip - southern chernozems (3 - 4 %
of humus) (National atlas of Ukraine, 2009). The
taxonomic construction of the microbiocenoses
after analysis showed that the soils give for
natural environment, and defined like a
sustainable proportion of microbes
(streptomycetes, myxomycetes) For common
chernozem - 94%: 4.5%: 1.1%, brown forest -
77.0%: 16.1%: 7.0%, gray forest - 82.9%: 15.3%:
1, 8%, sod-podzolic - 77.2%: 20.3%: 2.5%,
respectively. Bacteria are usually found in soils
rich in organic nutrients, whereas relatively high
numbers of saprophytic fungal groupings tend to
increase when soil fertility decreases Illienko et
al.(2021) The results of Demyanyuk et al. (2020)
showed that the impact of agricultural activities
on soil microbiota was most pronounced in the
brown forest, podzolic, and gray forest soils of
Polissia Ukraine. The total pool of soil
microorganisms ranged from 7.4 million to 5.4
million CFU/g in natural ecosystems and from
3.7 million to 2.8 million CFU/g of dry soil in
transformed ecosystems. Prolonged cultivation
of unfertilized crops resulted in a 2.2-fold to 4.5-
fold decrease in the total pool of microorganisms.
The composition and number of microorganisms
are closely related to the environment of their
existence and the depth of the studied soil layer.
In the studies of Beznosko et al. (2022), different
phytocenoses changed the activity index of soil
microorganisms of typical chernozem, which
was less manifested in the root-bearing layer of
soil (0-5 and 5-20 cm) and was more pronounced
in the 20-40 cm layer (Figure 2).
The biogenicity of typical chernozem within the
root-containing 0-5 cm layer was 1.5-3.5 times
higher than grounds depth in 0-40 cm and was
defined by the lowest values in the arable and the
highest in the forest belt and fracture. It is
predicted that this is due to the activation of soil
processes due to grassing and the presence of
significant biomass of plant residues in the forest
belt. In the 5-20 cm layer, the increase in the
number of soil microbiomes was influenced by
water-air and temperature regimes in addition to
the inflow of plant biomass.
The number of microorganisms in the 20-40 cm
layer was 1.5-2.0 times less compared to the 5-
20 cm layer, except for the forest belt variant,
where the difference is 1.25 times. On depth 0-
40 cm soil layer the maximum biofillic was in the
line of forest variant, where the indicator arrived
38,9 mln./year and then in descending order -
30,98 mln./year of the virgin soil, 29,8 mln./year
of the arable land, 27,1 mln./year of the swidden
land, 24,2 mln./year of the mown virgin land.
Plowing of virgin lands and additional oxygen
supply lead to an increase of microorganisms
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Humus content of soils of Ukraine (National Atlas of Ukraine, 2009)
Without sufficient organic matter in the form of
plant residues and fertilizers, the nutrient
medium for the soil microbiome is the
decomposition of humus (Kosovska et al., 2022).
The population of soil microorganisms depends
not only on the of soil’s kind but also on the depth
and type of vegetation cover. This is shown by
the results of a study (Meliani et al., 2011). Soil
specimens were collected from different levels of
ground (5-10, 10-15, and 15-20 cm), they was
formed from 30 various sites (randomly) of sod-
podzolic soil. The exampls were tasted for pH,
chemical composition, and soil structure. The
ecological qualities of the researched soil
presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Ecological characteristics of the soil under study (Meliani et al., 2011)
Soil type
Sampling depth, cm
temperature, ◦С
Average annual
precipitation, mm
495 m for all samples
Vicia spp. (C1-C2-C3) Triticum spp. (C4-C5-C6) Lens spp. (C7-C8-C9)
Grey forest
710 m 695 m 670 m
Pinus spp. (C10-C11-C12) Asphodelus spp. (C13-C14-C15) Tamarix spp. (C16-C17-C18)
710 m 695 m 670 m
Triticum spp. (C19-C20-C21) Сirsium spp. (C22-C23-C24) Ноrdium spp. (C25-C26-C27)
Soil types influenced the activity of
microorganisms in ground. The maximum fungal
was noted Triticum spp. density, rhizosphere
(1.35x109 CFU/g) at the depth (0-5 cm), and the
minimum for Vicia spp., rhizosphere (1.8x109
CFU/g) (10-20 cm). Actinomycetes showed a
maximum of 1.98x1010 CFU/g in Triticum spp.,
rhizosphere (5-10 cm), and a minimum of
1.8x109 CFU/g in Vicia spp., rhizosphere (10-20
cm). Studies by Bertola et al. (2021), and
Cusumano et al. (2022) also confirm that the
diversity and abundance of soil microorganisms
can be strongly influenced by some abiotic and
biotic factors, such as the type of agriculture.
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 2. Numbers of the microbiota of typical chernozems in different agrocenoses
Table 2.
Numbers of microorganisms in the area contaminated by radiation (Illienko et al., 2021).
Pollution dose rate, μG/year
Organisms assimilating
organic N, mln/y
Organisms assimilating
mineral N, mln/y
The number of microorganisms, ths./y
3,754 ± ,192
2,155 ± 0,145
935,5 ± 25
6,550 ± 0,435
1,002 ± 0,102
285,1 ± 15
2,115 ± 0,285
7,855 ± 0,525
2215 ± 195
Table 2 shows outcome results of the number of
microorganisms in the contaminated area. The
result of sowing on the contaminated soil showed
the highest number of colonies of
microorganisms, points with an index of 1.57
μG/h (the highest level of contamination with
radionuclides) about 2215 thousand / g are
highlighted. On the radioactively contaminated
soils in the points with a higher level of
contamination with radionuclides decrease of the
content of humus substances in the soil was
observed, which was combined with the increase
of activity and increase of the number of soil
The depth of transformation and aeration of the
soil major affects to activity of the soil
microbiome. Inputs of organic fertilizer provide
a positive influence on the establishment of
micro-populations. As deep of ground increases,
organic solutions, aeration content redoctions as
microbial community decreases. It shows that the
soil’s upper layer is productive for microbial
population because a favorable terms is created
for their development.
Studies by Patyka et al. (2019) cheked that on soil
layer in depth 0-40 cm, the maximum bioactivity
was characterized by the forest belt variant,
where the index obtained 39.8 million CFU/h,
due to the input of a major total of plants remains,
followed in descending: absolute virgin soil (31.0
million CFU/h), arable (29.5 million CFU/h),
overgrowth (26.2 million CFU/h), mowed virgin
(23.1 million CFU/h).
Analis of biological and also molecular
components of eubacterial community of steppe
and steppe chernozems showed a major
superiority of untreatment bacterial variety in the
“absolute virgin land” variant (up to 68%)
compared to the “arable land” variant (up to
Researching of diversity of prokaryotic complex
of chernozems revealed a reduce in the biological
variety of bacterial groups when plowing was
The modern agrarian soil treatment uses
chemical fertilizer, which limits the use of
organic one. As a result soil microbes are
malnourished, and their rise stops, which in turn
leads to an imbalance of environment,
deterioration of its structure and soil richness. To
restore the balance of the microbiocenosis, it’s
needed to assure the introduction of organic
compounds into the ground, loosen the soil mass,
ensure optimal soil moisture, reduce the impact
of heavy agricultural machinery, reduce the use
of chemicals in land treatment, and use natural
sources of manure. These measures are aimed at
balancing and restoring a high population,
diversity, with soil’s microbiome mobility.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Soils of natural ecosystems of Ukraine are
describe by a elevated microorganisms contant
with well-balanced organization and big species
variety. Also ukrainian soils are well done
transformation and mineralization of organic
The taxonomic structure of microbiocenosis has
shown that soils of the natural ecosystems of
Ukraine are defined like a sustainable proportion
of microbes (streptomycetes, myxomycetes). For
the common chernozem - 94%: 4.5% brown
forest - 77.0%: forest soil (grey) - 83.1%: 15.25%
sod-podzolic - 77.2%: 20.3%. Ukrainian
chernozem was characterized by high stability
and phylogenetic diversity of soil microbial
biogeny of typical chernozem within the 0-5 cm
layer is 1.5-3.5 times higher than in the 0-40 cm
layer. The considerable influence of agricultural
activity on soil microbe is tested in soils with
lower content of microbial substance. The high
level of microbial diversity and the complex
structure of relationships give more opposition,
resistanceof the microorganisms in soil to
negative conditions caused by human-induced
Types of soils of Ukraine influenced the activity
of microorganisms from the ground. The biggest
solidity of fungi was noted in Triticum spp.
(1.35x109 CFU/g) at the depth (0-5 cm), and the
lowest - in Vicia spp., (1.79x109 CFU/g), at the
depth (10-20 cm). Actinomycetes was the
highest 1.98x1010 CFU/g in Triticum spp. at the
depth (5-10 cm) and the lowest of 1.8x109 CFU/g
in Vicia spp., at the depth (10-20 cm).
Most of the territories of Ukraine are under the
influence of anthropogenic factors from intensive
land cultivation, cattle breeding, hay stocks, etc.
On average in the soil layer (0-40 cm) the
maximum bioactivity was in the test from the
forest line - index obtained 39.8 mln CFU/h,
which is connected with the ingress of the
considerable quantity of the plant remains,
further in the downward line of descent.
The result of sowing on the contaminated soil of
Polesye showed the most colonies of
microorganisms at 1.57 μg/h, about 2215
thousand CFU/h. On radioactively contaminated
soils we observed a reduction in the repletion of
humus substances in the ground, which was
combined with an increase in the activities and
abundance of microbiome.
Consequently, regardless of the climatic zone of
Ukraine and soil type,
important alterations in the formation, difference
of the soil microorganisms were detect in the
transformed ecosystem as a result of agricultural
Due to changes in climatic conditions, aggressive
farming methods, use of chemical fertilizers and
pest control agents, soil contamination with
heavy metals and radiation, losses of organic
matter, and changes in the natural micro
biodiversity occur. All of these factors affect soil
microbes, so the interpretation of field data from
scientific studies of soil properties becomes more
difficult, especially when several factors are
involved that affect association of
microorganisms. Onward discovering is require
to confirm the complex action of these factors.
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