www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.14
How to Cite:
Kamentsev, D., Havryshkiv, O., Kukharska, L., Romashko, O., & Baybakova, I. (2022). Learning english through YouTube as a
self-development factor for future officers. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 132-142. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.14
Learning english through YouTube as a self-development factor for
future officers
Вивчення англійської мови засобами інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій як
чинник саморозвитку майбутніх офіцерів
Received: August 1, 2022 Accepted: August 30, 2022
Written by:
Denys Kamentsev59
Oksana Havryshkiv60
Liliia Kukharska61
Olha Romashko62
Inesa Baybakova63
The aim of the article was to assess the
effectiveness of learning English through
YouTube as a factor in improving the future
officers’ language skills. The study involved the
following methods: survey, pedagogical
experiment, Score-Rating System of
Performance Control; Scale of Assessing the
Need to Achieve the Goal by Yu. M. Orlov;
Adapted Method of T. I. Ilina Examining
Motivation to Study in a higher educational
institution (HEI); Diagnosis of the Level of
Reflexivity Development by A. V. Karpov. The
dynamics of change in the level of foreign
language competence is very insignificant for
students in the traditional form of education
(control group), and it applies only to levels A1
(-8%) and A2 (+8%), that is, the lowest of the
represented ones. Learning through the proposed
model helps increase student involvement in
foreign language learning, which is reflected in
the increased number of completed assignments.
Ph.D in History, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Military Translation, Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army
Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.
Lecturer of the Foreign Languages and Military Translation Department, Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine.
PhD in Management, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Military Translation, Hetman Petro
Sahaidachny National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.
Lecturer of the Foreign Languages and Military Translation Department, Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages Department, The Institute of Humanities and Social Work, Lviv
Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
Kamentsev, D., Havryshkiv, O., Kukharska, L., Romashko, O., Baybakova, I. / Volume 11 - Issue 55: 132-142 / July, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The quality of education is growing, which is
reflected in the increased level of student
Keywords: Foreign language competencies,
learning English, training officers, YouTube in
education, linguistic education.
The informatization and globalization of society
set new requirements for the educational process,
and new approaches to learning appear. Mass
informatization of society has made the Internet
an important part of everyday life of most
modern people. In a relatively short period of its
existence, the Internet has been involved in
changing all spheres of society, including
education (Order 466, 2013). The possibilities
of using Internet resources to obtain new and
improve existing knowledge are endless. Virtual
social networks are not only a popular means of
communication but also a unique resource for
those who learn a foreign language. As one of the
available ways to exchange information, social
networks and hosting platforms are becoming an
effective tool for acquiring foreign language
competencies by future officers (Spiriakova,
Tokmilenko & Balyuk, 2020).
From the research point of view, the video
blogosphere is a relatively new social
phenomenon. Still, it has particular prerequisites
for theoretical justification, which follow from
the provisions of the theory of structural
functionalism. The video blogosphere has
obvious boundaries in time and space as an
element of social structure. As part of the global
Internet, the video blogosphere demonstrates all
the major subsystems of social structure
(behavioural organism, cultural system,
personality system, social system) (Maria et al.,
Traditionally, insufficient time is allocated, and
insufficient attention is paid to the study of
Foreign Language in the military HEIs, because
it is not specialized. The education system that
existed recently contributed to the acquisition of
knowledge, skills, and abilities by students, but
this was not enough to form a fully developed
personality of the future officer of the Armed
Forces. There is a need for close cooperation
between the domestic military and the world
community due to the growing public interest in
international military blocs. The state’s desire to
join the NATO military bloc necessitates the
future officers’ communication ability. In
today’s world of globalization, there is a growing
need to connect with other cultures, and learning
a foreign language has a special place. A foreign
language is no longer an end in itself and can
serve as a working language for seminars and
lectures during the exchange of experience
between domestic and foreign military
(Marchenkov, 2021).
As a foreign language becomes a necessary tool
for the daily activities of the military, modern
students and graduates of specialized HEIs need
to master all means of communication with
foreign colleagues. This approach leads to a
change in attitudes towards teaching foreign
languages in non-linguistic faculties of military
HEIs. It is necessary to optimize language
education, taking into account new realities in the
context of informatization and digitalization
(Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
YouTube is a video hosting company that
provides users with video storage, delivery, and
display services. Users can upload, view, rate,
comment, add to favourites and share videos.
Due to its simplicity and ease of use, YouTube
has become the most popular video hosting and
the second-largest site globally in terms of the
number of visits. From a computer science
standpoint, YouTube is nothing more than a
database that allows video to be uploaded to the
platform and viewed.
Using YouTube as an archiving platform entails
certain media transformations, although some
sceptics argue that “there will never be a time
when everything is available (online).”
Moreover, most archives are interested in
receiving the money to preserve or restore old,
unique products rather than in their promotion
and free distribution (Olimova, 2020).
Therefore, YouTube is a kind of environment
that archives and distributes audio-visual media.
YouTube can and should be used as a lecture and
practical material database, including on Foreign
Language (Silveira & Reis, 2022).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Obviously, implementing two main functions
communicative and informational YouTube
presents students with a new format of social
platform for the realization of their own creative
and educational potential. Internet socialization
is a new format of student integration into the
globalized world, which was formed under the
influence of two processes:
Global informatization of society, which entails
a change in the process itself and the emergence
of new channels and institutions of socialization;
Changing views on the formation of
communicative competence of the future
specialist, including in the military field (Sabiri,
The study aimed to prove the effectiveness of
learning English through YouTube to improve
the language skills of future officers. The aim
involved the following research objectives:
Check the effectiveness of pedagogical
conditions to increase the level of foreign
language competencies.
Compare the effectiveness of information and
communication and traditional technologies for
learning a foreign language.
Literature review
Technological, organizational, and pedagogical
aspects of e-learning described in Steiner and
Mendelovitch (2017) are subject to
standardization (IEEE Learning Object
SCORM), formalized in computer programs for
educational purposes (ePront, OpenElms, ILIAS
Claroline LMS, OLAT, ATutor, Moodle, etc.).
The analysis showed that research is directed
toward increasing consistency, fundamentalism,
and strengthening the applied significance of
teaching social-humanitarian and general
professional subjects. This is evidenced by the
increased interest in the problem of improving
organizational forms (Shinkevich et al., 2020),
the implementation of didactic principles (Ryan
et al., 2014), stimulating independent activity,
and management of self-learning activity
(Rosida, Muin & Sakka, 2021). Development of
students’ readiness for self-learning and its
management, as well as the formation and
development of the culture of independent
activity (Kulieva et al., 2021); various aspects of
independent activity (Asad et al., 2020);
opportunities for autonomous activity in the
development of personal components as a
means of forming subjectivity, self-knowledge,
professional self-development (Aborode et al.,
2020). Many studies point to the need for greater
use of the latest communication technologies to
learn a foreign language. Although the education
digitalization process is constantly covering
higher education institutions, the level of
implementation of new technologies is still low.
According to Umarova (2020), it is necessary to
ensure the development of information and
digital resources for learning a foreign language.
Particular attention in the scientific literature is
paid to the organization of the educational
process during distance learning (Liutyi,
2021a, b).
Despite a comprehensive study of various
aspects of self-learning a foreign language,
innovative processes that are actively taking
place at the present stage in HEIs are still
insufficiently reflected in the process of its
organization. Issues related to the modelling of
self-learning activities of students in HEIs,
including students who follow an individual plan,
need to be addressed.
Uncertainty of the selected theoretical provisions
causes several contradictions in the practice of
higher military education:
between the need of the military educational
practice for the creation of resource
materials for the organization of self-
learning activities of students with the help
of automated educational systems and the
uncertainty of pedagogical conditions for
their effective use;
between the objective need for the
introduction of information technology in
the educational process and the insufficient
development of theoretical and
methodological aspects of their use in
students’ self-learning.
The experiment aims to test the effectiveness of
the introduction of English language learning in
the educational process using YouTube. The
selection and evaluation of the general conditions
of the experiment are considered an integral part
of its planning, namely the means and places
of implementation by students and teachers.
Particular attention was paid to the evaluation
and correct choice of comparable and variable
experimental conditions. Equalization is
performed in the control and experimental
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
groups to ensure the similarity and invariance of
the conditions. In general, they include student
composition, teacher’s personality, educational
material, and educational situation.
The study was conducted in several stages, as
detailed in Table 1.
Table 1.
Stages of the study
1 Preparation.
Research of
scientific literature.
Selection of
Preliminary study.
Development of
June 2020
Analysis of scientific and methodological
literature on the organization of learning
English. Definition of the objectives and
methods of research. Analysis of the current state and
prospects for the development of
informatization of educational processes. Development and substantiation of the
structural and content model, software
and methodological support, as well as
pedagogical conditions for the
organization of English learning with the
help of YouTube.
Scientific and methodological
literature was reviewed. The
concept of scientific research is
formulated, the objectives and
methods of their fulfilment are
defined. The possibilities of
automated learning systems and
distance learning systems, which
are used in English language
learning, were identified. The
pedagogical conditions necessary
for realization of pedagogical
model are defined.
2. Main pedagogical
2020 June
Approbation of pedagogical conditions.
A model of organizing English
self-learning with the help of
YouTube was introduced into the
educational process.
3 Statistical data
Summarizing the
results of the
December 2021
Data processing. Summarizing the results
of the pedagogical experiment.
The results of experimental work
were used to write the article.
Source: Authors
The general sample consisted of students of HEIs
in Ukraine aged 17 to 26. The sample consisted
of students of military HEIs who agreed to take
part in a pedagogical experiment a total of 150
respondents who formed an experimental group.
Pedagogical conditions were applied to the
experimental group. Namely, a programme for
learning English via YouTube was proposed. The
control group consisted of students of non-
military HEIs who studied English by traditional
methods. The control group involved 150
students. Students of the control group studied
English by the method of blended learning.
Google Forms were used for the survey. The data
were entered and processed in Microsoft Excel
and SPSS Statistics 18.0. All data are given in
relative (% of the number of respondents) values.
All instruments meet the criteria of validity,
scientific, and verifiable results. The proposed
test meets the criterion of validity in content
because it fully covers the research subject. The
test also complies with the principle of
convergent validation. Namely there is a
relationship between test results and other study
indicators. The test does not measure any trait
that it should not measure and thus complies with
divergent validation. Based on this, you can
unambiguously ensure that the test meets the
requirements of science and academic ethics.
Data collection
1. The study used an author’s online
questionnaire developed through Google Form
(http://surl.li/azjiu). Such diagnostic pedagogical
methods as Scale of Assessing the Need to
Achieve the Goal by Yu. M. Orlov (Studwood,
n.d.); Adapted Method of T. I. Ilina
Examining Motivation to Study in a higher
educational institution (HEI) (Psitesterua, n.d.);
Diagnosis of the Level of Reflexivity
Development by A. V. Karpov (Psycabi, n.d.).
2. The pedagogical experiment is a method of
complex scientific research, and the essence is to
use a set of didactic research methods. The
pedagogical experiment was conducted in stages,
comparing the initial and final indicators of the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
control group and the experimental group. The
study involved summative and formative
pedagogical experiments (Plomp 2020).
Score-Rating System of Performance Control
was used to determine the level of cognitive
component and its indicator “mastering the
system of multilateral knowledge in the process
of self-learning a foreign language”. Learning a
foreign language is based on extensive use of the
YouTube hosting platform. The maximum points
that a student can score per semester in the
subject is 100% (100 conditional points). The
maximum score obtained on the exam/test can be
30 conditional points (percent). The total score
for the subject is translated into its national
numerical equivalent and European Credit
Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
Rating points scored by students are converted
according to Table 2. The article uses reliable and
proven research methods and data processing
Table 2.
Scale of conversion of points into the national numerical equivalent, the international letter system
Sum of points for
current control
Sum of points for
Sum of
Level of
68 70
29 30
97 100
66 67
27 28
93 96
Very well
56 65
21 26
77 92
45 55
18 20
63 76
35 44
15 17
50 62
20 34
12 14
31 49
0 19
0 11
0 30
Source: Authors
Data analysis
Mann-Whitney U test. The Mann-Whitney test
does not impose restrictions on the range of
changes in the values of the characteristics in
both samples, that is, the mutual placement of the
studied samples does not matter.
U = W 1
2 m (m + 1) = 𝛿𝑖𝑗
𝑖=1 ;
When applying the Mann-Whitney test, the
sample sizes must meet the following
. In this case, the first is the
sample, which is more important according to
preliminary estimates.
Ethical criteria
The research was conducted considering the
requirements for academic integrity in scientific
activity. The data from the research participants
were obtained in the manner prescribed by the
rules of scientific research work. Respondents
were warned that the study results would be
published as a scientific article. Respondents
provided informed consent for the use of research
results. Personal data of respondents remain
known only to the author's team of researchers.
All research methods are selected following the
academic requirements of respect for the
individual and prevention of discrimination on
any grounds.
In 2020, students of the control and experimental
groups passed the input test in an exam format,
which included 5 sections: reading, lexical and
grammar test, listening, writing and speaking.
The final testing in the format of the exam was
conducted after the end of the 2020/21 academic
year in May 2021. The data were processed by
mathematical methods. Not all data had a normal
distribution, it was decided to process all data by
estimating non-parametric odds according to the
Mann-Whitney test. Sections such as writing and
lexico-grammatical test were of interest for this
study. Probability values with an explanation of
the statistically significant difference and
dynamics are presented in Table 3.
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Dynamics of success in completing the assignments of sections “writing” and “lexico-grammatical test”
for the period of experimental training
Value on -P -the Mann
hitney test W
at the
beginning of
Value on -P -the Mann
hitney test W
at the end of
EG and
EG and
EG and
EG and
EG and
EG and
EG and
Source: Authors
The data analysis shows that according to the
input test results, the students of the experimental
groups coped with the multiple-choice
assignment Use of English Multiple Choice
better than the students of the control group.
Students in traditional CG classes coped better
with the assignment of filling in the blanks with
the appropriate words Use of English Open Cloze
than EG students.
The trend, however, changed during the final
exam: EG students on showed better results in
the assignments of Use of English Multiple
Choice and Use of English Open Cloze compared
to CG students. It can be noted that the data show
changes in writing and speaking skills, that is, in
assignments for abstracting and essay writing.
Besides, it is worth noting the tendency for a
statistically significant difference in the overall
score of EG students. Although the P-value in the
Mann-Whitney test 0.0835 does not
indicate a statistically significant difference, it is
important to note that this value is close to the
specified figure of 0.05 compared to the order of
magnitude input test (0.4966), which indicates a
trend of more successful learning of EG students.
The analysis of the change in the sum of points
by sections is of great interest, when all types of
assignments are combined. For example, the
scores on four assignments Multiple-choice
cloze, Open cloze, Word formation and Sentence
transformation will be summed up for the
“lexico-grammatical test” section. Next, the
scores obtained by the students of the group in
this section were added up, and the relative
difference between the values obtained was
analysed (Figures 1 and 2).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Comparison of the results of the input test and the final exam for students of the control group.
Source: Authors
Figure 2. Comparison of the results of the input test and the final exam for students of the experimental
Source: Authors
The analysis of the diagrams shows how the total
values on the sections “Lexico-grammatical test”
and “Writing”, including the Total score, have
changed in all groups. Students were engaged in
self-learning outside the classroom during the
study and submitted the results to the teacher: the
control group on paper and the experimental
groups online. It is noted that the positive
dynamics in all sections are observed in students
studying through YouTube, while in the control
group only in the section “Lexico-
grammatical test”. This is due to the possibility
of copying the answers of other control group
students, who completed the assignment of
independent work on paper and submitted it in
The assignments were checked as follows: the
student posts the answers on his/her personal
page, the teacher checks the answers and selects
the wrong ones, leaving comments on the type of
a mistake, if necessary (indicating the area of
error). Then the student can complete this
assignment again and get extra points for
corrected mistakes. If the student does not
understand what exactly is wrong, he/she can ask
questions. The combination of the ability to make
adjustments to the work and the lack of
opportunity to read other students' work explains
Lexico-grammatical test Writing Total score
Lexico-grammatical test Writing Total score
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the achievement of the best results in the
development of writing skills on closed pages.
As for the dynamics of the overall score, all
groups showed an improved effect.
If we compare the level of foreign language
communicative competence in students when
passing the input test in the format of the exam in
2020 and the level achieved after the course in
May 2021, we see the following picture (Table
Table 4.
Changes in the level of foreign language communicative competence of students during the experimental
training from input control to final control
Input control
Final control
А1 – 10%
А2 – 21%
В1 – 53%
В2 – 16%
А1 – 0%
А2 – 16%
В1 – 31%
В2 – 52%
А1 – -10%
А2 – -5%
В1 – - 22%
В2 – +37%
А1 – 8%
А2 – 25%
В1 – 42%
В2 – 25%
А1 – 0%
А2 – 33%
В1 – 42%
В2 – 25%
А1 – -8%
А2 – +8%
В1 – -
В2 – -
Source: Authors
The dynamics in CG students of a traditional
form of education are very insignificant, and it
concerns only levels A1 (-8%) and A2 (+8%),
which is the lowest of the represented ones.
Changes in levels B1 and B2 were not recorded.
The most favourable picture is observed in the
experimental group: the share of students with
initial levels A1, A2 and B1 decreased (-10%, -
5% and -22%, respectively), and the share of
students with the highest of the represented levels
B2 showed a significant increase of 37%.
We can say that students who used YouTube
achieved the greatest success.
Analysis of the exam results showed that students
of the experimental group did no worse and, in
some respects, even better than students in the
traditional form of education. When comparing
scores for assignments in different sections,
students who studied the use of information and
communication technologies showed an increase
in all indicators, including the Total score.
Ifeakor (2021), Mazurenko (2021), Poddubnaya
et al., (2020) noted high rates of students
studying English through information and
communication technologies. At the same time,
students with traditional forms of education
showed negative dynamics in some sections.
According to studies by Hodges et al. (2020),
Lemeshchenko-Lagoda, Kryvonos and Kolodii
(2020), acquiring a high level of communicative
competence is not possible in today’s world
without the introduction of innovations. The
study showed that the use of such a popular
platform as YouTube could increase the English
language level of future officers of the Armed
YouTube has been found to be a didactically
justified tool for creating an information and
educational environment in distance learning.
The proposed model uses YouTube to post
learning material, organize various types of
active assignments, implement collaborative
learning, and provide online feedback via
interactive chat. The importance of interactivity
in foreign language learning is noted by Aripova
(2021). The researcher notes that active and
interactive methods allow the development of
future specialists’ communicative competencies.
The optimal number of participants for the
organization of work is determined. The
efficiency of pair interaction is proved. Learning
foreign language writing and speaking activities
within the proposed model helps to increase
students’ motivation by creating a virtual
learning space, implementing of interactive
group assignments, implementation of mutual
evaluation technology, transparency of
evaluation procedures, access to quality
electronic specialized educational resources, and
the possibility of feedback from the teacher and
other students. Studies by Chernova et al.,
(2021), Chisango et al., (2020), Czerniewicz
(2020) etc. note that the traditional form of
learning remains indispensable. According to
researchers, comparisons of traditional and
innovative forms give approximately the same
The theoretical significance of the research
results is that they expand and deepen knowledge
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
about the nature of the use of YouTube in foreign
language learning, its theoretical and
methodological principles, and organization
through the use of computer technology. The
study's practical significance is because today,
the Internet has entered all spheres of human
activity. This is the largest source of information.
With the help of the Internet, you can use all sorts
of educational and methodological information
when learning a foreign language, including
video content. Every day on the Internet you can
meet new phenomena, to understand this you
need to have a basic knowledge of English. More
and more people want to participate in
intercultural communication via the Internet or
live communication. Learning a foreign language
is designed to form a person capable of it. The
purpose of learning a foreign language is the
formation of communicative competence.
Communicative competence includes not only
linguistic but also socio-cultural competence, as
without knowledge of the cultural background it
is impossible to form communicative
competence even within limited limits. This
study provides an understanding of the
importance of using YouTube in foreign
language learning in freelance education.
The practical significance of the model proposed
in the study lies in the analysis of the experience
of using computer technologies to improve the
training of military personnel. A significant
advantage of the article is comparing the use of
YouTube in foreign language learning by
students of various fields of study. This will
make it possible to adapt the methodological
basis of the article for conducting similar studies
among students of not only military specialties.
The practical significance of the research was
also achieved through developing a
methodological base for researching the
effectiveness of computer technologies in foreign
language learning. The practical results of the
study can improve the methodological and
didactic basis of English language teaching in
higher education institutions.
The main limitation is the inability to cover a
large number of respondents. This limitation
arises against the background of the specifics of
the mode of operation of the military HEI.
Therefore, it was possible to reach only some
respondents, making it possible to unequivocally
assert the validity and consistency of the data
obtained. Quarantine restrictions related to the
COVID-19 pandemic should also be mentioned.
However, despite all the difficulties, it is possible
to assert the representativeness of the obtained
The use of YouTube video hosting has been
suggested as an effective tool for foreign
language learning for future Armed Forces
officers. The research results showed that the
dynamics of level change in CG students is very
insignificant. In particular, it is observed at levels
A1 (-8%) and A2 (+ 8%), which is the lowest of
the represented ones. When processing the study
results, changes in B1 and B2 in the CG were not
recorded. The most favourable picture is
observed in the experimental group: the share of
students with initial levels A1, A2 and B1
decreased (-10%, -5% and -22%, respectively),
and the share of students with the highest of the
represented levels B2 showed a significant
increase of 37%. The research can be helpful to
all interested organizations and individuals
whose activities are related to increasing the level
of foreign language competence of future
specialists. Of course, this study does not cover
all aspects of this problem. Further research may
deal with the formation of the students’ readiness
to work independently with the help of video
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