Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.7
How to Cite:
Metelenko, N., Khrapkina, V., Ovіechkina, O., Shapurov, O., & Rudych, O. (2022). Polyvariance of vector formation of sustainable
development of metallurgical enterprises. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 69-79. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.7
Polyvariance of vector formation of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises
Поліваріантність формування вектору стійкого розвитку металургійних
Received: June 1, 2022 Accepted: July 30, 2022
Written by:
Natalya Metelenko30
Valentyna Khrapkina31
Olena Ovіechkina32
Olexandr Shapurov33
Oksana Rudych34
The article establishes that the formation of the
vector of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises should be based on the
use of such methodological approaches as
systems analysis and program-target approach;
on a combination of methods of economic
diagnostics (method of expert assessment,
method of economic and mathematical
modeling, methods of multifactor and trend
analysis). The polyvariance of the process of
forming a system of indicators, which is the basis
for calculating the integrated indicator of the
vector of sustainable development, ensures
taking into account the state and trends of
changes in technical-technological, economic-
environmental, and social components of the
industrial enterprise. To solve this scientific
problem, the stages of polyvariate formation of
the vector of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises are developed, which
are based on the established basic principles;
actualization of the vector of sustainable
development is happening in accordance with the
state of technical-technological, economic-
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of Engineering Educational-ScientificInstitute of Zaporizhzhia National University,
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD, Associate Professor of University of Educational Management, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Information Economics, Entrepreneurship and Finance Department Engineering
Educational and Scientific Institute named by Yuriy Potebni Zaporizhia National University, Zaporizhia, Ukraine.
PhD Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Management, Associate Professor of Bilotserkiv Institute of Continuing Professional
Education, Kyiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
environmental and social components and takes
into account the modes of operation of the
metallurgical enterprise, corresponding to the
actual level of the integrated indicator.
Keywords: polyvariance, the vector of
sustainable development, indicators, the
integrated indicator, environment-friendly
production processes.
Studies of the state of the domestic metallurgical industry clearly show that the negative consequences that
occur in the enterprises of the metallurgical industry are the result of an imbalance in the management
mechanism of the entire mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine. The key features of the unbalanced
mechanism are systemic technical-technological, economic-environmental, and social destructive
phenomena in enterprises that are strategic producers of metal products.
The solution to the scientific problem of developing the vector of sustainable development of metallurgical
enterprises is proposed by using the advantages of methodological approaches at the same time, namely a
program-targeted approach to developing and adjusting the program of actions to achieve the goal of the
enterprise and methodologies of system analysis in terms of using methods of economic diagnostics, in
particular methods of expert evaluation, economic and mathematical modeling, multifactor and trend
analysis. The analytical basis for providing a polyvariate approach to the formation of the vector of
sustainable development of metallurgical enterprises is the calculation of a system of indicators of
evaluation and integrated indicators, which are focused on dynamics of change and development of
preventive measures in all functional areas of metallurgical enterprise, including technical-technological,
economic-environmental, and social components of the enterprise as a complex socio-economic system.
As the results of research, the stages of polyvariate formation of the vector of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises have been proposed. Under conditions of uncertainty, they provide an opportunity
to update indicators of assessment of technical-technological, economic-environmental, and social levels
of activity of metallurgical enterprise on the basis of retrospective analysis of achieved results by individual
indicators and by establishing cause and effect relationships between the absolute and relative indicators of
financial statements.
Based on the results of practical testing of the integrated indicator of sustainable development of the
metallurgical enterprise, the basic principles are substantiated, compliance with which is mandatory in the
modeling of processes and phenomena and the formation of multiple linear regression models for analysis,
planning, and forecasting.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 722/2019 of 30.09.2019 approved the Sustainable Development
Goals of Ukraine until 2030, which, in particular, includes several goals that complement each other,
focused on the formation of a vector of sustainable development of enterprises and highlight problems that
need to be addressed immediately on the way to sustainable development of the economy, civil society and
the state as a whole. Those goals are: promotion the sustainable, inclusive, and sustainable economic
growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all; creating sustainable infrastructure,
promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation; ensuring the transition to rational
models of consumption and production; ensuring openness, security, viability and environmental
sustainability of cities and other settlements.
At the beginning of the last century, at the first International Conference for Nature Conservation, held in
Bern in November 1913, stressed the urgent need to implement global nature conservation through
interrelated activities at the national and international levels (Sarazen, 1913). This thesis later became the
basis for the formation of an international approach to environmental security as part of the overall security
of the country, in particular at the UN Conference on Environmental problems (Stockholm, 1972), the
Second UN Conference on Environmental problems and Development called "Earth Summit" (Rio de
Metelenko, N., Khrapkina, V., Ovіechkina, O., Shapurov, O., Rudych, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 55: 69-79 / July, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Janeiro, Brazil, 1992) and others. Of particular importance in this area was the UNESCO General
Conference on October 16, 2003, which recognized the Charter of the Earth. The Charter has defined the
fundamental principles of a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the XXI century. It has
emphasized the interdependence of the world, the mutual responsibility of all, both to each other and all
living and future generations (Landveld, 2012).
Following the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20; Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, June 2012),
the final document "The Future We Want" was adopted. It's reaffirming the course set at the World Summit
on Balanced Development in 2002 for sustainable development and for ensuring the construction of an
economically, socially, and environmentally balanced future for the planet, for present and future
generations (Landveld, 2012).
The 70th-anniversary session of the UN General Assembly (September 2015) in New York (USA) hosted
the Summit on Sustainable Development, which set a global course for sustainable development and
building an economically, socially, and environmentally balanced future for planets, as well as the rule of
life and management in every country in the world: "it is economically advantageous to be environment-
friendly" (Outcome Documents, 2015).
This historical digression into human awareness of the environmental dangers of its activities illustrates the
steps taken by the international community to come to the final conclusion that the main vector of world
development in the near and long term should be the combination of environmental and economic goals.
In turn, against the background of the merging of resource, environmental and economic threats, it is
necessary to ensure efficient, sustainable, and environment-friendly regimes for the functioning of material
industries in general and industrial enterprises as major polluters in particular.
The sustainable development of metallurgical enterprises is considered in the context of the relationship of
technical and technological (production), economic-environmental and social components. In this context,
the polysemy category of "economic-environmental security" formulated by Afonov R.P. (2020) in relation
to the metallurgical enterprise, draws attention, namely: it is a dynamic state of resources…, which is
characterized by the stability of its economic interests; transparency, and efficiency of results due to the
process of continuous improvement of technical and technological potential through the implementation of
corporate missions and strategies, which, ultimately, ensures its sustainable development in external and
internal threats with mandatory compliance with the principle of environmental conditionality of
production. We believe that taking into account the provisions of the Strategy of Environmental Security
and Climate Change Adaptation for the period up to 2030 approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
which was designed to ensure compliance with regulations such as the Law of Ukraine "On ratification of
the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change"; the Law of Ukraine "On Ratification of the
Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic
Energy Community, and their Member States, on the other hand"; the Law of Ukraine "On Ratification of
the Paris Agreement" (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no. 218, 2021) (6), etc., it is
necessary at the legislative level and in scientific schools to gradually abandon the term economic security,
at least when assessing the security of industrial enterprises, replacing it with complex phrases technical-
technological and economic-environmental security. After all, now the economic goals and tasks, both at
the enterprise level and the state level had to be environment-friendly; moreover, today we are talking about
the greening of all spheres of human activity in society.
The process of globalization of the economy requires consideration of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises in combination with technical-technological, economic-environmental, and social
issues. Following this direction is especially important for Ukraine due to the presence of many factors, the
impact of which is destructive on the development of the industry and the national economy as a whole,
export-oriented metallurgical enterprises and their dependence on foreign markets;
extremely high level of depreciation of the active part of fixed assets (both physical and moral);
material consumption and energy consumption of production;
unsatisfactory brand and size range of metal products;
pollution of the natural environment by emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water bodies;
irrational use of basic natural resources and their depletion;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
lack of sufficient infrastructure and effective waste management system, which leads to the mass formation
of unauthorized landfills and numerous violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Waste" and other regulations;
lack of an effective system of state supervision (control) in the field of environmental protection, etc.
(Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no. 218, 2021).
reduction of the number of the employed population in the industry from 3236.7 thousand people in 2012
to 2358.6 thousand people in 2020 (Voronko-Nevidnycha, et al., 2021; Voronko-Nevidnycha & Sirenko,
It should be noted that the domestic metallurgical industry is one of the largest polluters of the environment
in the country due to the use of mostly obsolete and low-efficiency technologies. As for the methods of
steel production, three methods are used in Ukraine: open-hearth; oxygen-converter; production of electric
steel. Moreover, if we talk about the open-hearth method, as obsolete and most harmful to the environment,
energy-intensive and dangerous compared to others, then, according to the world organization World Steel
Association, our country is the undisputed world "leader" in this regard (Voronkova & Metelenko, 2020).
The presence of uncertainty in the economic activity of domestic metallurgical enterprises significantly
complicates the process of selecting optimal solutions and can lead to unpredictable results. Regarding the
peculiarities of enterprise management, their detailed standardization is given, in particular, in Section II
of the Commercial Code of Ukraine No. 436-IV of, 2003. However, the Commercial Code of Ukraine does
not regulate such defining guidelines for the functioning of the business entity as the mission and strategy
of the enterprise, which are mandatory prerequisites for the formation of a vector of sustainable
The methodological basis for the polyvariant formation of the vector of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises is the use of both systematic analysis (in the formalization of complex structures)
and a program-targeted approach, which provides the ability to reveal the integrity of the object and its
mechanisms; identifying the types of internal and external relations and bringing them into a single
theoretical picture; development and adjustment of the program of actions in the interests of achievement
of the purpose (formation of a vector of sustainable development) by the decision of triune scientific task
in a subsystem of technical and technological, economic-environmental and social components;
standardization of the system of legislative, normative-legal and sub-normative acts of regulation of activity
of industrial enterprises of the metallurgical branch taking into account interests of the state and business
interests of subjects of managing.
The application of economic diagnostics as a system of target analysis in conditions of uncertainty using
the methods of expert assessments, economic and mathematical modeling, multifactor and trend analysis
using indicators of evaluation and calculation of integrated indicators, focused on developing preventive
measures in all functional areas of metallurgical enterprise, in particular in the technical-technological,
economic-environmental and social components of the enterprise as a complex social and economic system.
The application of the program-target approach is accompanied by the use of the method of expert
evaluation, which is acceptable and objectively necessary in the formation of the vector of sustainable
development of the enterprise. System analysis in this case allows not only a new approach to solving many
pressing problems of polyvariate formation of the vector of sustainable development of metallurgical
enterprises but also to explore specific actions, situations, and goals in combination with established and
measured factors of influence; to structure new models of estimation taking into account influence on them
of branch and organizational structure, features of production technology, processes of "aging" of
manufacture, limited access to resources, etc. Domestic scientists (Zaloznova, 2018; Kindzersky, 2016;
Mazur, 2016) assess the current state of the industry as a state of deep deindustrialization; they note that in
a quarter of a century of economic transformations Ukraine has dropped out of the top ten industrialized
countries and has now become the poorest country in Europe with deindustrialized production and that the
current spontaneous, unjustified and unregulated industrial policy of Ukraine has resulted in
Thus, in general, we can conclude that domestic research on the sustainable functioning of industrial
enterprises (Hroznyi, et al., 2019; Tarasova, et al., 2020; Voronkova & Metelenko, 2020) covers certain
areas of activity, but does not focus on the most important components, which today play a crucial role in
shaping prospects for both domestic and international metal markets. Analytical evaluations are mostly
carried out by calculating indicators or integrating them without building a system of actions that takes into
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
account the integral relationship of the components of technical-technological, economic-environmental,
and social systems.
Therefore, there is a need to develop stages of polyvariate formation of the vector of sustainable
development of the metallurgical enterprise, which must meet such requirements:
be based on the joint application of systems analysis and program-targeted approach to the identification
of factors and conditions for the formation of the vector of sustainable development of metallurgical
apply the methodology of economic diagnostics (using the methods of expert assessments, economic and
mathematical modeling, multifactor and trend analysis) for developing and adjusting the program of action
in the interests of achieving the goals of the enterprise;
to ensure the polyvariate process of forming a system of indicators (including integrated indicators), which
takes into account the relationship of such components (areas) of the enterprise as technical and
technological, economic, environmental, and social;
take into account the dynamics of changes in all components (areas) of the industrial enterprise and adapt
to changing environmental conditions without significant losses for the enterprise as a complex socio-
economic system.
The sequence of stages of polyvariate formation of the vector of sustainable development of metallurgical
enterprises in conditions of uncertainty of the external environment is shown in Figure 1.
The scheme was developed by the authors of the article.
The system of indicators and their updating is formed on the basis of using the calculation method set out
in the "Guidelines for identifying signs of insolvency of the enterprise and signs of actions to conceal
bankruptcy, fictitious bankruptcy or bankruptcy" (The Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine No.
14, 2006).
The updating of indicators for assessing the technical-technological, economic-environmental and social
levels of the metallurgical enterprise is based on a retrospective analysis of the results achieved by
individual indicators and by establishing causal links between absolute and relative indicators of financial
Figure1. Stages of polyvariate formation of the vector of sustainable development of metallurgical
enterprises in conditions of uncertainty.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
For the formation of an integrated indicator, it is necessary to use the method of economic and mathematical
modeling (in particular, regression analysis), multifactor analysis, which allows measuring the dependence
on the operating conditions of the enterprise; aimed at streamlining, regular location and combination in
space and time of all constituent elements involved in the calculation. Considering that any multivariable
function can be reduced to a linear form by logarithmic or substituting variables, then in practice the
multiple regression equation is given in a linear form (Orekhov, et al., 2004):
where parameters of the equation, which should to be determined.
If for each factor, in particular the resultant feature, n values are known
then by using the standard procedure of the least-squares method, to estimate the parameters of the
regression equation, we obtain a system of linear algebraic equations.
The obtained system of n+1 equations with n+1 unknowns can be solved by linear algebra
methods. For a large number of equations, it is best to use the Gaussian method with the choice of the main
element. Since the matrix of this system of linear algebraic equations is symmetric, its solution always
exists, and the only one. If the number of equations is small, then the inverse matrix method can be
successfully used to solve the problem.
To verify the adequacy of the obtained model, it is necessary to perform several consecutive actions, namely
to calculate the residuals of the model, i.e., the discrepancy between the observed and calculated values;
relative error of residues and its average value; the RMS error of the dispersion perturbation; coefficient of
determination; multiple correlation coefficient R, which is the main indicator of the correlation density of
the generalized indicator with factors:
If the value of R is close to 1, then the relationship between the indicator and the factors is considered dense.
The multiple correlation coefficient R is the main characteristic of the closeness of the relationship between
the resultant trait and the set of factor traits. Note that the correlation coefficient is applicable when the
regression equation is a linear function. In the case of a nonlinear regression function, the concept of
correlation ratio is introduced. This ratio is defined by a similar equation but characterizes the degree of
approximation of the regression equation to the observation data. In some cases, during the examination of
multifactorial processes, it is advisable to pre-examine the degree of relationship between individual factors
in pairs. If all pairwise connections are close to linear on average, then there is every reason to assume that
the multiple connections will be linear. Paired correlation coefficients are used to determine the density of
the relationship between two of the examined factors (excluding their interaction with other variables). The
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
method of calculating these coefficients and their interpretation is similar to the method of calculating the
linear correlation coefficient for the case of a one-factor connection.
With help of the outlined procedure of multifactor regression analysis, the prediction of changes in the
simulated process (phenomenon) as a result of changes in one or more factors (indicators and their
components) is carried out and the new vector of sustainable development of the metallurgical enterprise
is formed, i.e. the process of polyvariant, which is based on the identification of technical and technological,
economic-environmental and social levels of the metallurgical enterprise is ensured.
Thus, for building an integrated indicator in order to form one of the options for the vector of sustainable
development of the metallurgical enterprise, we have selected such relevant indicators that are included in
the list of indicators (The Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine No. 14, 2006) and reflect (directly
or indirectly) processes occurring in technical-technological, economic-environmental and social spheres
of activities of the industrial enterprise:
the share of fixed assets in the assets of the enterprise;
maneuverability of own current assets;
coverage ratio;
the share of current assets in assets;
the financial autonomy ratio;
long-term investment structure ratio;
fixed-asset turnover;
equity turnover;
Beaver's ratio;
- return on equity.
Based on the calculations of the actual level of current indicators of economic activity of the metallurgical
enterprise in accordance with the Methodology (The Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine No. 14,
2006), as well as the formation of multiple linear regression functions, the calculation of the integrated
indicator of sustainable development vector of the metallurgical enterprise is carried out. The algorithm for
determining the integrated indicator is based on the calculation of indicators , the density of the
relationship between which and the significant impact on the performance indicator has been proven
experimentally. Each indicator characterizes a particular aspect of the economic activity of the metallurgical
enterprise and reflects the (direct or indirect) impact on the level of the integrated indicator. Standardization
of selected indicators is carried out by dividing the actual indicators by the standard value, and the integrated
indicator is determined as follows:
where the actual value of the current indicator from the list of selected indicators;
the standard value of the current indicator (recommended experimentally, in accordance with modern
conditions of operation of the metallurgical enterprise);
weight (significance) of the current indicator.
The aggregation of features into one integral assessment is based on the so-called "additive value theory"
according to which the value of the whole is equal to the sum of the values of its components (Grabovetsky,
2009). The integrated indicator varies within the limits of change of modes of functioning of the
metallurgical enterprise are shown in Table 1.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Modes of functioning of the metallurgical enterprise in accordance with the actual level of the integrated
indicator of the vector of sustainable development
The level of
the integrated
The limits of
The mode of functioning of the enterprise
(critical, low)
0,00 0,30
Systemic signs of crisis phenomena in the technical-technological,
economic-environmental and social spheres for a long period.
Unprofitable activities for a long time. Lack of own financial sources
to ensure current activities.
Satisfactory (allowable)
0,30 0,50
Periodic crises in the technical-technological, economic-
environmental and social spheres (loss of qualified personnel, loss of
markets, pollution of the environment, lack of resources to upgrade
equipment and technologies, etc.)
0,50 0,70
Sustainable functioning in the technical-technological, economic-
environmental and social spheres throughout the year. Positive
changes in volume economic indicators (volumes of activity in-
kind). Sufficient level of competitiveness of products and an
enterprise in the market. Profitable activities at all levels of profit.
Periodical processes of investing in fixed assets, technology,
0,70 0,90
Sustainable functioning in the technical-technological, economic-
environmental and social spheres for three years. Stable positive
dynamics of increasing the volume of economic activity. Increasing
the level of competitiveness of products and enterprises as a whole in
the market of goods and services. Periodical implementation of
investment and innovation projects at the expense of own sources of
0,90 1,00
Sustainable functioning in the technical-technological, economic-
environmental and social spheres for five years. Stable positive
dynamics of annual growth of economic activity. High level of
competitiveness of products and enterprises in general in the market
of goods and services. Investment activity of the enterprise and their
financing from their sources (net profit). Investing in staff
development. Update of technologies in the direction of the
realization of the principle of the greening of production.
Source: own research
Thus, we have developed stages of polyvariate formation of the vector of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises, which, among other things, include the construction of multiple linear regression
functions, which allows for organically combination qualitative and quantitative factors, the relationship
between which has been proven experimentally; take into account the modes of functioning of the
metallurgical enterprise, which are differentiated according to the currently achieved level of the integrated
indicator, that was calculated based on current assessment indicators.
Result and Discussion
The practical approbation of the developed integrated indicator was carried out at the metallurgical
enterprise of the Zaporizhzhia region PJSC MK "Zaporizhstal". It was established that in 2018 and 2019
the level of the integrated indicator is characterized as "normal"; in 2019 and 2020 - as "satisfactory", i.e.,
during 2020 - 2021 the vector of sustainable development of the metallurgical enterprise has a negative
trend are shown in Table 2.
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2
The integrated indicator of the vector of sustainable development of the metallurgical enterprise
Name of the enterprise /
research period
PJSC MK "Zaporizhstal"
Source: own research
Polyvariance of the proposed approach to the
formation of the vector of sustainable
development of metallurgical enterprises is the
diversity of logical selection, combining relevant
indicators and forming on their basis multiple
linear regression models for analysis, planning,
and forecasting. In general, modeling is a
scientifically based method that evaluates almost
all the characteristics of complex systems used
for the development and implementation of
management decisions (Petrenko, 2010). For
solving each of the problems, as scientists say,
«you need to build your own mathematical model
of the process or phenomenon, which would take
into account their» (Stepanyshyn & Tysovsky,
2012). The proposed stages of the polyvariate
formation of the vector of sustainable
development of metallurgical enterprises, which
is updated taking into account the state of
technical-technological, economic-
environmental, and social components, have
provided an opportunity to formulate basic
principles that are mandatory for the sustainable
development of metallurgical enterprises:
the principle of scientific validity
(combination on the basis of scientific
research the ecological and economic
interests of society, which provide real
guarantees of human rights to safety, health,
and favorable living environment;
determination of optimal costs to ensure
natural and anthropogenic and ecological
safety and environmental protection from
various sources);
the principle of economic responsibility
(consists in obligatory compensation by
nature users of damages caused to the
environment, human health, and property of
individuals and legal entities as a result of
man-made and environmental offenses);
the principle of complexity (systematic,
comprehensive coverage of the situation),
which contributes to the multi-purpose use
of resources, the development of low- and
zero-waste production, processing of raw
the principle of economic calculation
(requires a link between the greening of
production and its economic efficiency and
profitability), which is fundamental in the
formation of the management system of the
production sphere in general, as it meets the
interests of economic entities and society as
a whole;
the principle of payment for the use of
natural resources (aimed at solving
important social, economic, and
environmental problems of increasing
interest in efficient nature management, the
formation of additional financial sources for
the reproduction of limited environmental
the principle of the greening of production,
which provides for a gradual transition to
environment-friendly technologies in order
to reduce the level of man-made load on the
We also insist that the sustainable functioning
and development of industrial enterprises in
Ukraine should take place in accordance with the
approved state program on the cooperation of
public authorities and self-government with
owners of metallurgical enterprises with the
mandatory involvement of recognized domestic
scientific experts in this field. It is necessary to
develop a comprehensive "road map" for the
development and modernization of each
individual metallurgical enterprise due to the
importance of their impact on the prospects of
Sustainable Development of Ukraine. In our
opinion, the program should provide for large-
scale modernization and renewal of metallurgical
production, reduction of harmful effects on the
environment, real regulatory measures (financial
and credit, price, tax regulation, etc.) that would
stimulate enterprises to both production and to
social responsibility.
It is established that the peculiarity of research on
the sustainability functioning of industrial
enterprises is the lack of focus on the most
important areas - technical-technological,
economic-environmental and social, which
further hinders the process of building an orderly
system of actions aimed at forming an adequate
vector of their sustainable development. The
development of the vector of sustainable
development is based on the joint application of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
systems analysis and a program-targeted
approach to the identification of factors and
conditions of formation; applies the method of
economic diagnostics to develop and adjust the
program of action in the interests of achieving the
goal of the enterprise; provides a polyvariate
process of forming a system of indicators and
takes into account the dynamics of changes in all
components (areas) of the industrial enterprise,
adapting to changing environmental conditions.
The sequence of stages of polyvariate formation
of the vector of sustainable development of
metallurgical enterprises allows measuring the
impact of qualitative and quantitative factors on
the effective indicators of assessing the level of
sustainable development of the enterprise in
accordance with the modes of the function of the
metallurgical enterprise, differentiation of which
corresponds to the actual level of the integrated
indicator, calculated based on current evaluation
The principles that are mandatory for sustainable
development of metallurgical enterprises, in
particular for PJSC MK "Zaporizhstal" and the
need to develop a comprehensive "road map" for
the development and modernization of each
metallurgical enterprise due to the importance of
their impact on the perspective of sustainable
development of Ukraine as a whole have been
practically proved and substantiated.
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