Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.54.06.34
How to Cite:
Pohoretskyi, M., Cherniak, A., Serhieieva, D., Toporetska, Z., & Iskenderov, E. (2022). State monopoly on gambling on the
example of the organization lotteries by state-owned banks. Amazonia Investiga, 11(54), 357-366.
State monopoly on gambling on the example of the organization
lotteries by state-owned banks
Державна монополія на гральний бізнес на прикладі організації лотерей державними
Received: April 12, 2022 Accepted: May 19, 2022
Written by:
Mykola Pohoretskyi136
Andrii Cherniak137
Diana Serhieieva138
Zoriana Toporetska139
Elchin Iskenderov140
The article analyzes the model of absolute state
monopoly on gambling on the example of the
idea of the Government of Ukraine to organize a
lottery market by state-owned banks. The object
of the study is the process of assessing the risks
and economic benefits of involving state-owned
banks to the organization and conduct of
lotteries. The methodical instruments of the
study were general scientific and special research
methods (system-structural, formal-logical
(dogmatic), economic, comparative,
sociological, statistical). The study period is
selected from 2014 to 2021. Based on the
research conducted by the authors, the
inefficiency and high riskiness of the
combination of banks and lottery activities, as
well as its economic disadvantage for the state, is
proved by the authors. The main risk from the
combination of these types of activities is that the
bank can use the money attracted from the
population not for their direct purpose, in
particular: to use funds from the banking activity
У статті проводиться аналіз моделі абсолютної
державної монополії на гральний бізнес на
прикладі ідеї Уряду України організувати
лотерею на базі державних банків. Об’єктом
дослідження є процес оцінки ризиків та
економічних вигод від залучення державних
банків до організації та проведення лотерей.
Методичним інструментом дослідження були
загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи
дослідження (системно-структурні,
формально-логічні (догматичні), економічні,
порівняльні, соціологічні, статистичні). Період
дослідження обрано з 2014 по 2021 рік. На
основі проведеного авторами дослідження
доведено неефективність та високу
ризикованість поєднання банківської та
лотерейної діяльності, а також її економічну
невигідність для держави. Основний ризик від
поєднання цих видів діяльності полягає в тому,
що банк може використовувати залучені від
населення гроші не за прямим призначенням,
зокрема: на використання коштів від
Doctor of Science in Law, Professor, Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, Taras Shevchenko National University of
Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Science in Law, Professor, Rector of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Science in Law, Professor, Professor of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Department, Educational and Scientific
Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Department, Educational and
Scientific Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Science in Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Activities, Educational
and Scientific Institute of Law, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and the needs of the organization of lotteries or
payouts, or to use funds of the prize money to
goals other than payouts. In addition, the
combination of these activities leads to an
increase the number of crimes in the banking
Key words: gambling, lotteries, state monopoly,
banking activities, evidence, crimes in gambling
sphere, fraud.
банківської діяльності та на потреби організації
лотерей чи виплат, або використовувати кошти
призових коштів на цілі, відмінні від виплат
виграшів. Крім того, поєднання цих видів
діяльності призводить до збільшення кількості
злочинів у банківській сфері.
Ключові слова: азартні ігри, лотереї, державна
монополія, банківська діяльність, докази,
злочини в сфері грального бізнесу, шахрайство.
There are three main models of public gambling
management in the world: a total ban on
gambling (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Brazil,
Indonesia, Thailand, Algeria, Libya, Sudan,
Central Africa and others); free gambling market
(Ukraine until 2009, Malta, Gibraltar, Monaco),
state monopoly on gambling (all European
countries). State monopoly on the organization
and conduct of gambling is existed in various
forms: absolute state monopoly, state monopoly
of a private company, oligopoly, limiting the
maximum number of gambling establishments,
limiting the permitted types of gambling, etc.
Absolute state monopoly provides that the
organizer of gambling is one or more state-
owned companies; private organizers are not
allowed to work in the state.
In Ukraine, several times in bills or bylaws
proposed to organize gambling and lottery
markets on the principle of absolute state
monopoly. In May 2017, the Ministry of Finance
of Ukraine published for discussion a new draft
for licensing conditions for the conduct of
economic activities for the issue and holding of
lotteries. The proposal to change the state policy
in the regulation of lottery activities,
redistributing the market in favor of state-owned
banks is new for Ukraine. Today, the license for
the issue and holding of instant lotteries in
Ukraine has the State Oschadbank, but has not
conducted its own lotteries since 2007, its share
in the lottery market until 2007 was also
insignificant and did not significantly affect both
the market and its banking activities.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine insist on granting
such a right to state banks, motivating their
decision by the necessity of organizing a
competitive lottery market and increasing
revenues to the budget to 2 billion hryvnias. The
National Bank of Ukraine strongly opposed this,
basing its decision on the fact that lottery activity
is risky for banks, and therefore can cause
damage to the banking system. The
Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine supported
the position of the National Bank of Ukraine.
Such discussions between government bodies,
experts, market participants and academics have
been going on for almost two years now.
Due to the lack of a single government approach
to the formation of state policy in this area, the
presence of opposing positions and arguments of
the parties, the problem of the necessity of
conducting complex research and risk
assessment of attraction of state banks of Ukraine
to lottery activity, as well as economic analysis
of projected results of implementation such
innovations for state banks and for the state.
Theoretical framework
The history of lotteries as a financial instrument
of accumulation and distribution of money is
very long. Thomas Gataker in his book The
Nature and Uses of Lotteries gave the first
systematic exposition of a modern view of
lotteries, not just as a form of gambling, but as a
fair method of division (Gataker, 2013,
р. 172-175).
D. O. Getmantsev in his monograph examines
the general issues of legal regulation of contracts
on games, concepts and types of lotteries, the
main principles of regulation of the lottery
market in Ukraine and foreign countries
(Getmantsev, 2008, р. 40). S. G. Osyka devoted
his work to the study of issues of legal regulation
of gambling and lottery activity in individual
states and at the interstate level (Osyka, 2011,
р. 343). These works are very valuable, the
general theoretical positions set forth by the
authors underlining the research, but since the
writing of works in virtually all foreign countries,
the state policy on regulation of the lottery
market and legislation has changed, which
stipulates the need for further scientific research.
Pohoretskyi, M., Cherniak, A., Serhieieva, D., Toporetska, Z., Iskenderov, E. / Volume 11 - Issue 54: 357-366 / June, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307
V. M. Dorohykh in the candidate’s thesis
investigates the issues of administrative and legal
regulation of gambling business in Ukraine
(Dorohykh, 2004, р. 19), however, in 2009
gambling business is prohibited, in connection
with which the state policy in this area has
M. O. Lyskov in his doctor’s thesis investigates
the issues of public administration of the lottery
sphere, focusing on public administration means
(Lyskov, 2017, р. 272).
Thus, scientists in Ukraine have devoted little
attention to the issues of legal regulation of
gambling and lottery business. Most of the
modern research is devoted to the fight against
illegal gambling and to the problems of
investigation in the criminal proceedings against
gambling (which has been prohibited in Ukraine
since 2009).
For example, N. O. Petrychko examines the
criminal law and criminological problems of
illegal gambling (Petrychko, 2010, р. 73). She
focuses on the need to select victims of this
crime, because gambling creates gambling
addiction, which manifests itself in
uncontrollable and often repeating episodes of
the game. R. O. Pinyaga devoted his candidate’s
thesis to the crimes related to gambling (Pinyaga,
2015, р. 21). In this work, the author emphasizes
that gambling is a risky activity that is always
associated with financial fraud, including in
banks and money laundering from this crime. M.
A. Pohoretskyi and Z. M. Toporetska consider
the peculiarities of the investigation of the
gambling business (Pohoretskyi, & Toporetska,
2015, р. 250). In this monography the authors
cite modern ways of disguising gambling
business for lottery activity, as well as paying
attention to the peculiarities of legalization of
criminal proceeds from gambling business using
the banking system. V. V. Vysotska considers the
issue of criminal-legal analysis of the crime of
occupation by gambling business (Vysotska,
2016, р. 172).
There are very little scientific works on the
problem of holding lotteries by banks in the
world, while maintaining a common proper it is
forbidden hold lotteries by banks. In separate
publications proposed to the banks to conduct
promotional draws for bank customers instead of
lotteries. For example, creating a deposit
program «save to win» with a prize draw allowed
banks to more actively involve the population in
accumulating funds in the banking system.
Unsolved aspects of the general problem. The
analysis of the above-mentioned works testified
that in scientific researches general issues of
choice of models of regulation of the lottery and
gambling market in different countries were
covered. The considerable attention of scientists
is devoted to questions of criminal struggle
against illegal gambling. Problems of
organization of gambling by state companies and
the issue and holding of lotteries by state banks
in the scientific literature have not yet been
investigated, which, together with the
intensification of discussions in the state on this
issue, has led to the need for in-depth study.
The aim of the article is the study and
assessment of absolute state monopoly on
gambling on the base of assessment the state idea
to involve Ukrainian state-owned banks in
organization and conduction lotteries on the basis
of studying foreign experience in organizing the
lottery market, conducting own empirical studies,
as well as own calculations of the effectiveness
of such activities for banks and economic
benefits to the state.
The object of the study is the process of
assessing the risks and economic benefits of
involving state-owned banks to the organization
and conduct of lotteries.
The subject matter of the study is the
requirements to lotteries in the current legislation
of Ukraine; factors, causes of the risk
combination of lottery and banking activities;
economic indicators of the activity of state banks
of Ukraine; activity of banks of foreign countries,
which carry out lottery activity.
In scientific research were used general scientific
and special methods of research (system-
structural, formal-logical (dogmatic),
comparative, sociological, statistical). Methods
of generalization and logical analysis were used
to distinguish and group risk factors of the
combination of lottery and banking activities.
Using the sociological method of research, the
authors conducted a survey of practicing bank
employees and clients of banks, which revealed
that lack of awareness of bank employees with
the specifics of lottery activity, as well as a
decrease in customer confidence in the bank in
the event of a combination of a bank lottery and
banking activity. Economic methods were used
in assessing the value of organizing lottery
business, assessing the economic performance of
banks. Statistical methods were used in the study
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the statistical information of the National Bank
of Ukraine regarding the main indicators of
banks' activity.
Results and discussion
Foreign experience in organizing and
conducting gambling
The absolute state monopoly on the organization
of the gambling business is to allow gambling
exclusively for one company, which is wholly or
partly state-owned, exists in France, Austria and
Denmark. France is the sole operator of
Francaise des Jeux for the state-owned casino, 72%
of which is state-owned, Denmark is the state-
owned Danske Spil A / S, 80% of which is state-
owned, 10% of the Danish Sports Federation and
10% of the Gymnastics and Sports Association,
and 70% in Austria Casinos Austria AG, owned
by the state (Pohoretskyi, & Toporetska, 2014, p.
In most countries, state monopoly means
allowing socially harmful activities within a
strict framework that will minimize such harm to
individual members of society (Agrawal, &
Trandel, 2019). Instead, the compensator of this
school is the financing of various spheres of
public life through contributions from the
gambling business for good deeds (Cheng, & Ma,
2018, p. 235).
Lotteries in most European countries are a form
of gambling, and therefore are organized on the
principles of state monopoly. Lottery activity in
the world is one of the financial instruments of
the state on voluntary accumulation and
redistribution of funds from the population for
social purposes. Finance has a monetary form of
expression, since financial relations are not
possible without the movement of money.
Money is the material bearer of financial
relations, and their amount in circulation (money
supply) affects the efficiency of the functioning
of the financial system (Pohoretskyi, Vakulyk, &
Serhieieva, 2015, р. 134). In fact, the lottery is an
additional voluntary method (along with taxes)
involving the money from the population, their
redistribution in the game, and the transfer to the
budget (deductions from the operator of gross
game income) to finance them at the expense of
"good deeds" - culture, sports, cinematography,
treatment of complex illnesses, etc continues
(Getmantsev, 2008, р. 42).
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art.
1 of the Law of Ukraine No. 5204-VI "On State
Lotteries in Ukraine" from September 6, 2012, a
lottery is understood as a mass game, regardless
of its name, the conditions of which it is planned
to draw a prize (winning) fund among its players
and the victory in which has a random character,
the territory of conducting (distribution) which
extends beyond the limits of one building
(structure), regardless of the way of making
money for participating in such a game. The said
law allows state banks to carry out activities for
the issue and holding of lotteries. In addition to
Art. 47 of the Law of Ukraine No. 2121-III "On
Banks and Banking Activities" from December 7,
2000 stipulates that the bank is also entitled to
carry out activities for the issue, distribution and
holding of lotteries.
The authors carried out a research study on the
examination of employees of state-owned and
state-owned banks (During the study, the authors
interviewed 200 respondents (80 employees and
120 clients of state-owned banks of Ukraine LLC
by shares "State Savings Bank of Ukraine" and
LLC by shares "State Export-Import Bank") for
specially designed questionnaires.), which
showed that 86% of bank employees did not have
the experience of organizing, conducting or
distributing lotteries and never worked in the
lottery sector, 14% of bank employees
distributed (sold lottery tickets and paid winnings)
lottery, working in Limited Liability Company
by shares "State Savings Bank of Ukraine" or
lottery operators, but have no experience in
organizing or conducting lotteries.
The survey of clients of state banks showed that
only 15% of customers play in the lottery, while
69% of the clients have a negative attitude to
giving the right to state banks to conduct lotteries,
16% failed to identify and 15% supported such
an initiative (Parra, 2018, р. 30). During the
questioning and interviewing of clients of banks,
it was found out that the main reason for such a
negative attitude is the fear that the funds of
clients of banks (deposits) will be used for
lotteries, which will make it difficult for them to
return depositors.
In order to identify the risks of combining lottery
and banking, foreign experience should be
explored to enable banks to organize and conduct
In any country in Europe, the bank, and even
more so the state, does not carry out activities for
the issue and holding of lotteries. This position of
the states can be understood, since this activity is
essentially not banking. In addition, there are
high risks of using someone else's funds for other
purposes: using funds from the prize pool
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307
(players’ funds) to cover bank losses or using the
bank's funds to cover losses from lotteries
(depositors’ funds). Moreover, the conduct of
lottery activities because of high financial risks
jeopardizes the bank as a whole, and given that
such a right is granted to a state bank (system-
forming), this poses a threat to the national
economic security of Ukraine. There are also
high IT risks when integrating lottery and
banking software that can be expressed in the
vulnerability of electronic banking systems to
external unauthorized interference with their
work (Pinyaga, 2015, р. 7).
In the USA at the federal level there is a direct
prohibition of banks to engage in lottery
activities. So in Art. 9 (a) of the Federal Reserve,
the US has a direct prohibition on participating in
lotteries or other rates for banks (Blair, 2012,
p. 11).
In Uzbekistan, the right to hold lotteries was
granted to Narodnyi Bank under the 2009 license,
with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
Uzbekistan (51%) and the Central Bank of the
Republic of Uzbekistan (49%). At the same time,
employees of this bank have recently been
prosecuted for the compulsory sale of lottery
tickets. The Ministry of Justice reported that,
along with the payment of wages, scholarships,
and pensions through the bank, the clients were
forcibly forced to buy lottery tickets.
In Brazil, the lottery Mega Sena, Quina and
Loteca (formerly Loteria Esportiva) are held by
the federal bank Caixa Econômica Federal since
1961. At the same time, in 2014 there was an
attempt to bank robbery in the amount of 31
million dollars by involving a head of one of the
bank branches, which helped open an account for
the transfer of a prize to the lottery. Then these
funds were transferred to many other accounts.
In Japan, the exclusive right to conduct a lottery
is Mizuho Bank. Lottery is allowed for sale for
the population only within Japan. The bank
began to hold lotteries in 1945 after the war,
when the country was destroyed, needed help.
The population of Japan is very disciplined and
responsible came to this process and actively
played a lottery for the support and
reconstruction of the country. Lottery Takarakuji
(luck) is still held by the bank. In Japan, the only
example in the world is the successful conduct of
lottery activity by the bank. This is primarily due
to the history of lottery and culture, mentality and
discipline of the Japanese. In addition, Mizuho
Bank has no competitors on the territory of the
country, and therefore its activity as a single
market entity cannot be fail.
Assessment of the ability of state banks of
Ukraine to conduct lottery activities
On May 05, 2017, on the website of the Ministry
of Finance of Ukraine, a draft the resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval
of licensing conditions for conducting economic
activities for the issue and holding of lotteries
and the establishment of fees for the issuance of
a license for conducting economic activities for
the issue and holding of lotteries" was published
for discussion. The document received quite a
few comments from the state authorities, which
should be agreed upon, as well as criticisms from
the people's deputies of Ukraine, representatives
of the expert environment and the market.
For example, in the Report of the Antimonopoly
Committee of Ukraine (hereinafter - AMCU)
approved by the Committee on 22.02.2018 a
number of comments on the right of state-owned
banks to hold lotteries were expressed. The
AMCU notes in the report: "Banking activity is
distinct both from lottery and from activities in
any other gambling or additive goods market due
to its legal nature and essence. The business
model, marketing policy, service standards, etc.
on the two markets have significant differences,
which excludes the conclusion that the
experience of the subject in the banking sector is
a guarantee of the latter's ability to work
effectively in the market for the issue and holding
of lotteries. Taking into account the said
combination, a combination of one banking and
lottery business will require more resources and
efforts to maintain an adequate level of stability
and solvency, as well as to maintain a positive
reputation and trust from the public, which is a
prerequisite for effective work on the banking
market". Today there are four state-owned banks
in Ukraine. Oschadbank and Ukreximbank were
state-owned from the beginning. Ukrgasbank
became state-owned as a result of the capital
increase. And PrivatBank became state-owned in
December 2016 as a result of nationalization and
capitalization in order to avoid a systemic threat
to the country's economy and minimize losses to
the state. Today there are two state-owned banks
in Ukraine (created by the state and are 100%
owned by it): LLC by shares "State Savings Bank
of Ukraine" and LLC by shares "State Export-
Import Bank".
Thereinafter, banks need significant economic
resources to organize their lottery activities. We
will conduct a study of the financial capacity of
state-owned banks to organize lotteries (for
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
example, LLC "Oschadbank" and LLC
LLC by shares "State Savings Bank of Ukraine"
has a license for conducting business activities
for the issue and holding of instant lotteries,
however, since 2007, it does not carry out its own
lotteries, but carries out only the distribution of
lotteries organized by other operators of lotteries.
In addition, in order to resume activities on the
issue and holding of lotteries, the bank must
comply with the requirements of the current Law
of Ukraine No. 5204-VI "On State Lotteries in
Ukraine" from September 6, 2012 to the lottery
LLC by shares "State Export-Import Bank" has
never carried out lottery activity, therefore, it
does not have qualified personnel for the
organization of such activities, necessary
software, technical support for lottery terminals
and does not have the appropriate minimum
number of separate units and distribution points.
According to the financial statements published
on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine,
as well as LLC by shares "Oschadbank" and LLC
by shares "Ukreximbank", these banks, carrying
out exclusively banking activities, as a rule,
worked with large losses or small profits, which
cannot yet close large losses of the past years.
Table 1.
Financial result of state banks (according to the National Bank of Ukraine)
Limited liability company by shares "Oschadbank"
Limited liability company by
shares "Ukreximbank"
+ 1,1 bln UAH
+ 2,1 bln UAH
+ 2,7 bln UAH
-5,59 bln UAH
+ 255,1 mln UAH
+ 65,8 mln UAH
+ 132 mln UAH
+ 805 mln UAH
+ 559 mln UAH
+ 765 mln UAH
+ 464 mln UAH
- 977 mln UAH
-12,3 bln UAH
- 14 bln UAH
- 8,6 bln UAH
- 11,2 bln UAH
Source: Official website the National Bank of Ukraine (2014-2021).
In addition, in 2014 LLC by shares
"Oschadbank" received funds for state
capitalization in the amount of UAH 11.6 billion,
in 2016 it was UAH 4.96 billion, in 2017 it was
UAH 5.4 billion more. In LLC by shares
"Ukreximbank" in 2014 was capitalized at UAH
5 billion, in 2016 it was UAH 9.3 billion, in 2017
it was UAH 4.7 billion more. Pre-capitalization
was carried out through the issuance of domestic
government bonds. Thus, in 2014-2017, the state
expended 22 billion UAH at the expense of
increasing the state debt for the capitalization of
LLC by shares "Oschadbank", and 19 billion
UAH for the pre-capitalization of LLC by shares
“Ukreximbank”. In 2018, the question of bank
capitalization was also considered in 2018. In
2020, the National Bank of Ukraine again
recapitalized "Ukreximbank" in the amount of
UAH 6.84 billion. due to domestic government
The difficult situation in state-owned banks is
due to a significant percentage of non-
performing loans, as well as serious problems
that have accumulated in previous years due to
crime in the banking sector and the inability to
return bank assets seized by criminals as a result
of such criminal activity, which is associated
with the difficulty of detecting and proving such
crimes (Pohoretskyi, Serhieieva, & Toporetska,
2019, р. 40).
Calculate the bank's basic expenses necessary for
the start of the activities for the issue and holding
of lotteries, using the method of assessing the
value of "bottom-up" (Huang, & Wen, 2018,
p. 355) and evaluating the cost elements of their
economic content: labor, material (materials and
raw materials), costs for the purchase, lease,
equipment leasing and production facilities,
subcontract (costs for part of the work of external
organizations), other costs (administrative fees,
license fees, transport, warehousing costs,
advertising, etc.).
To operators of state lotteries, the Law of
Ukraine No. 5204-VI "On State Lotteries in
Ukraine" from September 6, 2012 has set certain
higher requirements. Some of them do not apply
to state-owned banks. However, a number of
requirements of the bank, if desired to organize
and conduct lotteries, must comply. In particular,
according to Art. 6 of the said Law among the
main requirements is provided:
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307
the operator of state lotteries must have
permanently operating separate units in each
populated area of Ukraine with a population
of more than 500 thousand people, as well as
points of distribution of state lotteries in
each settlement with a population of more
than 5 thousand people, but not less than 5
thousand distribution points;
the electronic system of acceptance of rates
of the operator of state lotteries should
include not less than 5 thousand working
terminals of the electronic system of
acceptance of rates belonging to the operator
of state lotteries on the right of ownership;
the network of distribution of state lotteries
of the operator of state lotteries must be not
less than 5 thousand points of distribution of
state lotteries;
the operator of state lotteries is obliged to
insure the risk of non-payment to prize-
winning players in the event of his
insolvency and / or bankruptcy in the
amount of the prize (winning) fund paid by
the operator of state lotteries during the
previous calendar year;
operator of state lotteries ensure observance
of financial-economic, technological and
organizational norms established by
licensing conditions;
the business entity at the time of application
with the application for obtaining a license
must confirm its compliance with the
requirements provided for by this Law to
lotteries operators, as well as observance of
other norms established by licensing
the head of the operator of state lotteries,
persons who perform the duties of the head
of the operator of state lotteries in the
absence of him, as well as officials
responsible for the technological process in
conducting state lotteries, must meet the
requirements for education, professional
experience and business reputation
determined licensed terms.
The Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine regulates the fixed cost of the license
in the amount of 100 thousand costs of living
adjustment for an able-bodied person (from
01.01.2018 - 1921 UAH), that is, the fixed fee for
the issuance of a license amounts to 192.1 million
hryvnias. The project also includes an annual
non-fixed fee for a license: 100 costs of living
adjustment for an able-bodied person (192,100
UAH) annually for each distribution point in
which the drawing of drawings of unlimited
lotteries is carried out at the terminals of the
electronic system of acceptance of bids, and 10
costs of living adjustment (UAH 19,200) for a
point of distribution of lotto or 110 costs of living
adjustment (UAH 211,310) if both of the above
types of lotteries are distributed in the clause.
Given that there must be at least 5000
distribution points in the lottery operator, this
amount may be quite large. Of course, the bank
may not carry out the specified types of lotteries
at all points, but limit themselves to classical
lotteries, which still do not bring the operator
large profits.
Let's assume that the lottery operator will install
only 20% (1000) points of distribution of
lotteries with visualization and lotteries. This is
the minimum number of distribution points that
must be set by the operator to have at least some
kind of profit from such activity. Then the cost of
purchasing licenses only will be 110 costs of
living adjustment (211 310 UAH) * 1000 points
= 211 310 000 UAH every year.
That is, the minimal expenses for the acquisition
of licenses in the first year of the bank's activity
will amount to 192,1 million UAH + 211,3
million UAH = 403.4 million UAH.
If we talk about the distribution of such lotteries
throughout the network operator (5000) points of
distribution), then the annual cost of such
licenses will be 110 costs of living adjustment for
an able-bodied person (211,310 UAH) * 5000 =
1,056 billion UAH. For comparison: the turnover
of the entire lottery market according to the data
of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, provided
at the request of the authors, in 2017 amounted to
1241.5 million UAH (in 2016 - 802.8 million
UAH., In 2015 - 1 407.7 million UAH).
Thus, the net profit of LLC by shares
"Oschadbank" for 2018 is not enough to acquire
a license, therefore, they must be obtained from
other sources (either from deposits of the
population, or to ask to be capitalized to the state).
However, it is profitable to give the bank more
than 400 million UAH for the right to conduct
lotteries, if he already has a free license, but has
not been using it since 2007. LLC by shares
"Ukreximbank" must give half of its annual
income for the last year only for the acquisition
of the right to conduct lotteries.
Let's evaluate the cost of organizing lotteries. Of
course, they cannot be accurately calculated, but
at least the bank as the lottery operator needs to:
open separate units in the cities of Ukraine and at
least 5,000 distribution points (renting premises,
purchasing equipment, furniture, employing at
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
least 5000 people, etc.); to establish electronic
bidding system (central server, special software,
information security programs, computer
equipment, etc.); to buy at least 5000 terminals of
the electronic system of acceptance of rates; To
hire a management that has experience in the
issue and holding of lotteries; print lottery tickets;
to make advertising of lottery activity, etc.
For example, as Peter Shetty, an investor in the
state lottery operator's Ukrainian National
Lottery, said he had invested in the development
of the company 70 million USD. Even on the
basis of the size of 70 million USD, this amount
is almost 2 billion hryvnias. However, today the
indicated amount may be much higher, as the
cost of computer equipment and software
changes, the rental cost increases, salaries for
employees, etc.
According to the calculations carried out by the
authors by the bottom-up method, the basic costs
of the bank were calculated, necessary for the
beginning of activities on the issue and holding
of lotteries, assessing the cost elements for their
economic content: labor, material (acquisition of
computer equipment, the creation of a central
electronic system, purchase of lottery terminals,
etc.), costs for the purchase, lease, leasing of
equipment and facilities, subcontract (costs for
part of work by external organizations), other
expenses (administrative costs and, royalties,
transportation, warehousing costs, advertising,
etc.) costs of the bank will be around 5 billion
USD. At the same time, the specified amount of
investment does not guarantee the success and
profitability of such a business.
Whether it is profitable for the state to give the
state banks the lotteries. To answer this question
should take into account the economic interest of
the state receiving revenues for the state budget
of Ukraine. It is certainly not profitable, because
in this case it is unlikely that the budget revenues
from such activity, indeed, the budget will
receive from 400 million to 1.2 billion revenues
from a fee and a license for one entity, but in fact
the state will have to invest for the state Banks
acquire this right and further invest about 5
billion UAH in one pot to launch lotteries.
In case of violations in the organization of
lotteries, in particular, the presence of signs of
money laundering, tax evasion, manipulation of
the electronic system of betting, etc., may be
grounds for criminal proceedings, which will
require investigators (investigative) actions,
covert investigative (search) actions in order to
establish the circumstances that are subject to
proof in criminal proceedings.
It would be economically advantageous for the
state to at least preserve the existing lottery
market with three operators of lotteries, carry out
reforms of the lottery industry in order to ensure
favorable conditions of work in the market,
investment attractiveness of the market. Then we
can talk about annual growth of market volumes
and deductions to the State Budget of Ukraine in
the amount of 25-30% (indicators of the most
successful years for lottery business). Today, in
spite of inconsistent state policy in regulation of
lottery activity, lack of necessary regulations,
delaying the process of issuing new licenses for
lotteries, inefficient tax policy, lack of effective
measures to combat gambling, and thus masking
gambling business in the form of lotteries, loss
the population's trust in lotteries, the lottery
market still brings the state 100-200 million
hryvnias’ revenues to the budget. With the
correct organization of the lottery market and a
stable state policy in this area, state revenues
could amount to more than 1 billion UAH each
year with a constant steady increase in income,
but these issues are not covered by the topic of
this article and will be disclosed by the authors in
further scientific research.
Table 2.
Indicators of the lottery market according to the Ministry of Finance
Market turnover
(amount of
accepted rates),
UAH million
The amount of
deductions from
Deductions from
the profit tax,
mln. UAH
Deduction of
military salary
from prizes, mln.
Total taxes,
mln. UAH
9 069,5
12 429,8
1 407,7
Source: Letters issued by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. No. 06010-04-2 / 35049 of 13.12.2017 and
No. 06010-10-13 / 9334 dated April 14, 2018, received upon the request of authors.
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307
On September 7, 2018, a Bill 9067. "On
Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On Banks
and Banking Activities" concerning the
specification of certain provisions on banking
supervision" was submitted to the Verkhovna
Rada of Ukraine, which provides for the
introduction of a ban on state lotteries for the
conduct of lotteries. The Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine did not consider the draft.
Thus, a scientific study shows that Japan is the
only example of a successful state lottery in the
world, but this is due to the history, culture and
mentality of the country, and not to the activities
of the bank. In the United States there is a direct
ban on banks for lotteries. In no country in
Europe, the state bank does not hold lotteries.
This is due to the high riskiness of lottery activity
for banks, which manifests itself in the following
risks: the use of funds of depositors of banks not
for their intended purpose (for payment of
winnings); use of prize money funds to cover
losses of the bank; program risks in the
integration of lottery and banking software; risks
of protecting confidential information of the
bank, etc.
In case of permission from state banks in Ukraine
to carry out lotteries, instead of incomes, the
budget of the country will suffer additional losses
in the amount of more than 5 billion UAH for one
bank, which are necessary for the start of
activities for the issue and holding of lotteries by
the bank.
Therefore, in Ukraine it should be forbidden to
hold lotteries for state banks, instead, it is
foreseen the possibility of obtaining a license for
several subjects (not less than 3-5), who have
experience in the issue and holding of lotteries,
as well as the necessary financial and technical
basis for conducting them, which will preserve
the existing lottery market and ensure a steady
increase in budget revenues, but these issues are
not opposed to the object of the study of this
article and will be the subject of further scientific
research by the authors.
Therefore, the best model for Ukraine will be the
organization of the gambling market on the
principle of state monopoly, which would limit
the maximum number of licenses or the
maximum number of gambling establishments
that can operate in the country, but giving private
organizers the right to gamble. Some elements of
the state monopoly on gambling are already
provided for in the Law № 768-ІХ from July 14,
2020, On state regulation of activities related to
the organization and conduct of gambling.
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