www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.53.05.33
How to Cite:
Karakaitis, D.Y. (2022). Technical and economic efficiency of led lights in green crops. Amazonia Investiga, 11(53), 336-347.
Technical and economic efficiency of led lights in green crops
Received: March 12, 2022 Accepted: May 9, 2022
Written by:
Dmitry Yurievich Karakaitis136
SPIN: 6171-5977
Year-round provision of fresh vegetables and
green products to the population of Russian
regions of 1 and 2 light zones remains an
important social and economic task, despite the
modern devel-opment of logistics. The need to
provide fresh crop production in the context of
the COVID-19 pandemic has increased. Agro-
industrial greenhouses still rely mainly on
traditional light sources. The purpose of this
scientific study was therefore to assess the
effectiveness of modern LED lights in finishing
salad plants in a closed ground relative to
traditional sodium light sources. The scientific
hypothesis of the research carried out was a
thesis about the possible effectiveness of light-
emitting diode phytoplants with peak values of
red (660nm) and blue (440nm) light spec-trum in
comparison with traditional sodium light in
artificial finishing of vegetables of protected soil.
The study revealed the production, commercial
and energy efficiency of salad plants from the
plant lamps tested. The study resulted in practical
recommendations for producers and further
research on the subject.
Keywords: LED phyto-lights, effective phyto-
lighting, closed ground, lettuce yield.
Research Scholar of Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFITS URO RAS)
RAS, Russian.
Karakaitis, D.Y. / Volume 11 - Issue 53: 336-347 / May, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The objective of this scientific study was to
assess the effectiveness of modern LED lights in
finishing salad plants in protected soil relative to
the traditional sodium light sources used. A
scientific hypothesis was the possible
effectiveness of red-blue LED phytoplants
compared to DNAT/DNAZ sodium lamps in
artificial illumination of protected vegetables. In
order to achieve this objective, the following
objectives have been achieved:
1. The production experience was carried out
for growing lettuce plants in two versions of
artificial supplementary lighting:
traditionally used lighting with high-
pressure sodium lamps and modern LED
2. A comparison is made of the productivity of
the lettuce harvest when using LED lamps
produced by LLC «GC «CET» (Perm) and
traditionally used gas-discharge lamps (type
3. The energy saving effect of the LED
artificial finishing system application is
Year-round provision of fresh vegetables and
green products to the population of Russian
regions of 1 and 2 light zones remains an
important social and economic task, even in spite
of the modern development of logistics. The need
to provide fresh crop production in the context of
the COVID-19 pandemic has increased. Its
solution is possible by developing modern
agribusiness based on protected soil. On the
world market, the share of all greenhouse
products is growing, increasing by 10% annually.
Recently, the development of the domestic
greenhouse sector has also seen a significant
acceleration. As noted by M. N. Polyakova, Y. C.
Martirosyan, A. A. Kosobryukhov, according to
the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian
Federation, the area of winter greenhouses in
Russia has reached 1.88 thousand hectares by the
beginning of 2014. The average vegetable yield
was 28 kg/m2 (Polyakova, Martirosyan &
Kosobryukhov, 2015).
Optimizing the light regime of vegetable crops is
of particular importance in order to increase the
efficiency of indoor production, crop
productivity and crop quality. Vegetable
production, especially in winter, is known to rely
heavily on pre-cooking.
While LED lighting in the segment of the so-
called «white light» almost completely displaced
luminescent and other light sources, on the
market of artificial finishing of agricultural and
decorative plants in the modern industrial-type
hothouses are now still dominated by traditional
light sources. Agrarian mentalities have always
been cautious and cautious innovators and have
favoured proven technologies over technological
innovations that carry potential risks in addition
to potential benefits (Innovative techonologies of
light, 2021).
Until recently, production hothouses were mostly
equipped with lamps based on sodium and/or
mercury lamps with maximum radiation ranges
of 550-600 and 450 nm. The group of researchers
G. D. Massa, H. H. Kim, R. M. Wheeler, C. A.
Mitchell emphasize that there is increasing
interest in the introduction of lighting systems
based on light-emitting diodes with great
potential as additional or sole lighting sources for
agricultural crops (Massa, Kim, Wheeler &
Mitchell, 2008).
LED lighting is being actively researched and
discussed by scientists and specialists around the
world. Despite the growing interest of the world
agricultural industry in the theme of closed-field
vegetable crops, there is still a lack of verified
research on this subject in the Ural region. The
effective use of LED irradiators in greenhouses
hinders their implementation in practice.
It follows from the above that the relevance of
the studies under this article is which is planned
as a prelude to a whole cycle of research on the
effectiveness of LED lighting in industrial
greenhouses and measures for its improvement
and development in the agro-industrial complex
of the Russian Federation as a whole.
Literature review
At present, traditional sources of additional
artificial light for vegetables and other closed soil
crops dominate the market (according to the
author’s preliminary marketing research up to
80-90% of the market), due to a number of
objective reasons: 1) a clear and proven
technology that allows programming of planned
yields and other results of use (this pre-
processing technology has been applied for about
forty years); 2) a relatively affordable cost of
At the same time as proven strengths, traditional
light bulbs have a number of serious
disadvantages: 1) the light spectrum of
photosynthetic active radiation generates few
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
waves of blue light spectrum, necessary for crops
during the growing season and also insufficient
red light spectrum necessary for vegetables to
harvest fruit; 2) during operation, the radiation of
sodium lamps is shifted to the heat zone, that,
with the same electricity consumption, there is
absolutely no effect in the increase in yield; 3)
the temperature of the combustion of gas-
discharge lamps reaches 250°C, resulting in
deterioration of the microclimate of the
greenhouses and of plant burns; 4) the useful and
effective life of traditional sodium lamps is five
times shorter than that of modern LED fitting
lamps; 5) gas-discharge lamps are
environmentally hazardous and require a special
recycling procedure; 6) traditional sources of
phytophote, through the use of electromagnetic
start-up and control devices, consume 10 % or
more of the electricity than declared in nominal
A. A. Emelin, L. B. Prikupets, I. G. Tarakanov
note that irradiators with a combination of red
and blue LEDs are offered for growing salad and
green crops, with the proportion of radiation in
the red (630690 nm) being 6595% and in the
blue (430470 nm) - the remaining 535%
(Emelin, Prikupets & Tarakanov, 2015).
Researchers M. Olle and A. Viršile emphasize
that the use in plant production of light-emitting
diodes with a high level of light emission and
different spectral composition of radiation has
revealed a diverse and not always clear reaction
of plant species and varieties to narrowband
radiation (Olle & Viršile, 2013). Scientists
O. V. Avercheva, E. M. Bassarskaya,
T. V. Zhigalova, Y. A. Berkovich,
S. O. Smolyanina, M. R. Leontyeva,
A. N. Erokhin, I. G., Tarakanov,
O. S. Yakovleva, I. O. Konovalova,
S. O. Smolyanina, M. A. Pomelova,
A. N. Erokhin, O. S. Yakovleva, I. G. Tarakanov,
S. Muneer, E. J. Kim, J. S. Park, J. H. Lee are
convinced that narrowband radiation can
modulate plant growth, development and
morphogenesis, affect photosynthetic structure
and activity, overall metabolism, biomass
accumulation and chemistry (Avercheva,
Bassarskaya, Zhigalova, Berkovich,
Smolyanina, Leontyeva & Erokhin,
2010; Tarakanov & Yakovleva,
2011; Konovalova, Berkovich, Smolyanina,
Pomelova, Erokhin, Yakovleva & Tarakanov,
2015; Muneer, Kim, Park & Lee, 2014).
Within the scope of this article, research has been
carried out on a salad crop that is widely in
demand in the consumer market and is cost-
effective. A. V. Butkin notes that the salad
(Lactuca sativa L.) is an exceptionally useful
vegetable crop, the technology of which in
production has been brought almost to perfection
(Butkin, 2013). World and domestic practice
shows that most salad products are produced in
protected ground using artificial lighting
sources. The light culture of salad is of particular
relevance in the regions of the middle band of
Russia, the Urals and northern regions. I. V.
Dalke, A. V. Butkin, G. N. Tabalenkova, R. V.
Malyshev, E. E. Grigorai, T. K. Golovko state
that, on the basis of many years of observation,
crop estimation and experiments with different
lighting regimes, it is possible to determine the
optimal parameters for the finish of leaf lettuce
by mirror high-pressure sodium lamps, which
ensure the production of marketable products in
different seasons of the year (Dalke, Butkin,
Tabalenkova, Malyshev, Grigorai & Golovko,
Materials and methods
The following scientific methods were used in
the research: monographic, scientific
experiment, comparison of data, systematic
analysis and synthesis of data, analysis of expert
estimates, and analysis of tabular and graphic
methods of visualization and interpretation of the
information analysed.
The activities of the author’s experimental study
were carried out in the following sequence and
1. In order to carry out a comparative study of
the physiological-biochemical
characteristics of leaf lettuces (Lactuca
sativa L.), the plants are grown at a
temperature of 24± 2 C and the СО2 content
in the air is about 400 ppm. The lighting
regime is chosen on the basis of
recommendations for cultivation of the crop
in closed ground. Plants are grown by the
method of flowing hydroponics in plastic
pots with a peat mixture by the conveyor
method in production conditions of
agricultural enterprise LLC «Truzhenik»
(Perm Region, Russia). Planned full-cycle
production of plants (turnover) is about 45
To accomplish the tasks set, there are two options for
growing plants. The first assumes cultivation in
greenhouses on tables under full LED lighting
conditions using ECOLED-BIO-112-185W-D120
UniversaLED phyto-lamps (Option 1). The second
method is aimed at growing plants under
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
illumination with gas-discharge lamps (type DNAZ),
with an additional supply of natural light, which is
determined by weather conditions during the
cultivation cycle (Option 2).
Taking into account the area of one LED lamp
ECOLED-BIO-112-185W-D120 UniversaLED
about 0.14 m2, 12 LED lamps (in three rows of 4
pieces) were used to support the experiments. For the
relevance of the scientific results, the test plots were
isolated from the luminous flux from other light
The spectral characteristic of artificial and natural
light sources will be determined using a portable
spectroradiometer UPRtek MK350S, radiometer
TKA-PKM (Russia). Recording of daily changes in
the luminous flux to the plant cenosis was carried out.
The regulation of the light regime (intensity,
photoperiod) was carried out taking into account the
actual receipt of photosynthetically active radiation
from the used LED lamps provided by the
manufacturing company LLC Group of Companies
Light and Electric Technologies (LLC GC LET).
During the turnover, the microclimatic conditions of
plant growth (light regime, temperature, humidity,
CO2 in the air) and the state of plant material were
regularly documented. Intermediate determinations
of biomass accumulation and functional indices of
the assimilation apparatus (by non-damaging
methods) were carried out after the arrival of about
40-50 MJ / m2 PAR to the cenosis.
2. At the end of the turnover, the growth
parameters, linear and mass characteristics of
the leaf apparatus were determined for the
formed plants. A comparison is made of the
productivity and quality of the lettuce harvest
produced with the use of LED and gas-
discharge lamps. The laboratory determined the
content of nutrients and the economically useful
part. Also, within the framework of the
experiment, it was supposed to test the market
hypothesis about the high marketability of the
resulting crop (its full suitability for sale in terms
of sensory organoleptic properties).
3. During the period of the experiment, using the
Mercury 230 ART-01-RN electric meters,
separate metering of electricity was organized in
the area supplemented by LED and sodium
1. The variability of the luminous flux from
LED luminaires was low, the coefficient of
variation was within 20%. This indicates a
uniform influx of photosynthetically active
radiation from LED phytoirradiators, which
positively influenced the formation of a
cenosis uniform in height and density.
To determine the growth parameters, 20 plants of
each variant were randomly selected. Plants were
divided into aboveground and underground parts,
weighed and dried at 70 ° C. Growth parameters,
linear and mass characteristics of the
aboveground part and root system were
determined in plants.
Formed lettuce cenoses had a leaf index of about
6 (normal agronomic index) (Figure 1). This leaf
area is capable of absorbing up to 95% of the
incident light. The location of the lamps ensured
a uniform distribution of light over the cenosis
surface. This is evidenced by the value of the
coefficient of variation, which did not exceed
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. The appearance of the cenosis of lettuce plants when illuminated by LED lamps ECOLED-BIO-
112-185W-D120 UniversaLED.
The appearance of the agrocenosis of lettuce
plants cultivated under traditional lighting
visually looked somewhat worse than the plants
supplemented with LED phyto-lamps (Figure 2).
The use of LED irradiation of the lettuce plants
resulted in a richer green light and a slightly
richer visual perception of the volume of the leaf
The PAR intensity at the plant level in December
was 8090 µmol quanta / m2 s, in January at
midday sundial the illumination could reach
120130 µmol quanta / m2 s PAR. During the
first cycle of growing plants under LED lamps,
they were receiving 240 mol quanta / m2, which
is equivalent to 54 MJ / m2 of light energy. In the
second rotation, due to a slight decrease in the
suspension height of the lamps and an increase in
natural insolation, the plants were receiving 35%
of PAR bigger than in December.
Figure 2. The appearance of the cenosis of lettuce plants, supplemented traditional sodium lamp.
The illumination intensity of traditional sodium lamps and LED luminaires is shown in Table1.
Table 1.
Illumination intensity according to experiment options.
Lighting options
Total, lux
Active photon flux in the blue and red
Active photon flux in the blue and red spectrum
1 420,0
LED phyto-lamps "ECOLED-BIO-112-185W-D120
As can be seen from the table, with an increase in
the total photon flux of only 9.6%, the option of
supplementary illumination of lettuce plants
provided an increase in photosynthetically active
radiation in the blue and red spectrum by 3.75
times, while traditional light sources spent most
of their energy on infrared light (heat) and on the
yellow-green part of the spectrum visible to the
human eye.
2. Improvement of the light regime has
increased the quality of the harvest, the leaf
blades of the lettuce had a normal shape,
density and size. Under the conditions of
LED lighting, lettuce seedlings have
appeared on the third day, the data on the
length of the plants were as follows.
Comparative data on the growth
characteristics of lettuce grown on LED and
traditional light sources are shown in Figure
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
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Figure 3. Comparative data on the growth characteristics of lettuce grown on LED and traditional light
The weight characteristics of lettuce plants obtained as a result of the production experiment are shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Comparative data on the weight characteristics of lettuce grown on LED and traditional light
sources, grams.
By the time of harvest, the average height of the
lettuce cenosis was approximately 23 cm (from
the base of the pot to the top of the plant's leaf
blade), the specific surface density of the leaves
was 0.15 g / dm2, and the leaf index was 6. The
aboveground mass of freshly picked lettuce in
each package sold for sale (a pot with three
plants) averaged 70 g. The share of the root
system did not exceed 5% of the aboveground
part (Table 2). The lettuce yield was about 4.2 kg
/ m2.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Indicators of salad productivity in traditional and LED winter lighting.
Average mass of lettuce
with pot, g
Average length of above-
ground part of lettuce, cm
Average mass of above-
ground part of lettuce, g
DNAZ «Reflux S400»
Difference in mass (size),
+ 5,8
+ 0,7
Difference in mass (size),
+ 4
As can be seen from the Table 2, the total
increase in the average mass of a salad plant
together with a pot as a result of the application
of LED lead was 5.8 grams or increased by 4.2%.
The average size of the sheet became 0.7 cm or
4%. The most important indicator for
technological and consumer use above ground
increased by 5.4 grams or by more than 8%.
It should be noted that in the variant with
irradiation of plants with traditional lamps, the
growth rate of plants was lower in the first half
of the 45-day experiment and slightly higher in
the second half of this period. This fact provides
some food for thought and for further research in
order to increase the efficiency of LED lighting,
for example, due to programmable intelligent
changes in the light spectrum at different stages
of morphogenesis.
This thesis can be confirmed by the fact that
despite the significant, almost fourfold difference
in the efficiency of LED lamps in the active
spectrum of radiation in the blue and red
spectrum, the increase in yield is characterized
by only a few percent of the increase in leaf mass
of lettuce.
From the point of view of A. Amoozgar, A.
Mohammadi, M. R. Sabzalian, in production
conditions, LEDs can be used not only to
increase yields, but also to improve the
nutritional value of salad plants (Amoozgar,
Mohammadi & Sabzalian, 2017).
According to scientifically recommended
consumption standards, a portion of 100 g lettuce
provides up to 30% of the daily human demand
for beta carotene (Provitamine A), about 10% of
the recommended dose of plant polyphenols,
36% of manganese, 14% of potassium, 9% of
chromium, about 5% of calcium, magnesium,
phosphorus and iron (Unified sanitary,
epidemiological and hygienic requirements for
products subject to sanitary and epidemiological
surveillance (control), Chapter II. Section 1. Fruit
and vegetable products (Decision 299,
2010). Consumers, controlling organizations and
producers are naturally interested in the content
not only of useful nutrients, but also safety
indicators for unwanted substances, particularly
Laboratory data from analyses of physico-
chemical indicators of quality and biological
value of the produced salad products show that
the above-mentioned methodological
recommendations are in compliance with the
established standards (Table 3).
Table 3.
Nutrient content of lettuce leaves grown under LED lights, mg / 100 g
Soluble sugars
38± 13
β- carotene
The amount of polyphenols
At the same time, the content of nitrates in the
biomass of lettuce plants grown under LED
lamps in winter didn’t exceed the maximum
permissible level, averaging 3740 mg / kg, which
is almost 17% lower than the maximum
permissible level.
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The physicochemical composition of the lettuce
harvest obtained using traditional light sources
was characterized by absolutely comparable,
similar values, including for nitrates (according
to the experimental method, the cultivation
technology hasn’t been changed, only the
lighting varied).
The physicochemical composition of the lettuce
harvest obtained using traditional light sources
was characterized by absolutely comparable,
similar values, including for nitrates (according
to the experimental method, the cultivation
technology hasn’t been changed, only the
lighting varied).
The aboveground part of lettuce plants obtained
as a result of this industrial and scientific test,
was successfully sold on the consumer market of
Perm Region at the market price prevailing at the
time of sale.
3. As a result of the entire period of the
experiment, the following results were
obtained on energy consumption in test areas
with traditional and LED lamps (Table 4).
Table 4.
Comparative electricity consumption in the area with LED phyto-lamps and sodium type DNAZ
Applicable lamps
Power consumption of the tested plot, kW
DNAZ «Reflux S400»
«ECOLED-BIO-112-185W-D120 UniversaLED»
Savings when using LED supplementary lighting, kW
Savings when using LED supplementary lighting,%
When replacing sodium lamps of the DNAZ type
with LED lamps in a one-to-one ratio, it turned
out that a 185-watt LED lamp can replace a 400-
watt sodium lamp. At the same time, under the
conditions of the set experience, the relative
energy savings amounted to about 60%, or in
absolute terms, 2087.7 kW.
Despite a fairly large volume of fundamental
scientific research in the field of using LED
phytolight to increase the efficiency of
agricultural production in hydroponic conditions
and a fairly large number of production tests of
LED lamps of various brands, there is still no
unequivocal opinion on this issue among
scientists and practitioners today.
According to the research of Professor
I. G. Tarakanova, as well as O. S. Yakovleva,
there is no universal photon flux spectrum that is
equally suitable for all agricultural and
ornamental plants. In addition, the same culture
needs photosynthetically active radiation of
different spectrum and intensity at different
phases of its growth and development
(Tarakanova & Yakovleva, 2011). The authors of
this article fully agree with this opinion; indeed,
at present, there are still no systemic
developments on the use of photoculture as an
adaptive technology for specific agricultural
crops (in particular, industrially significant
cucumber and tomato) for specific greenhouses
located in different climatic conditions and
different geographic segments of the consumer
To date, the effectiveness of LED lighting on
green crops, in particular on salad, has been
relatively studied and proven. This is proved by
the works of Chinese scientists K. H. Lin, M. Y.
Huang, W. D. Huang, M. H. Hsu, Z. W. Yang, C.
M. Yang (Lin, Huang, Huang, Hsu, Yang &
Yang, 2013). However, practice shows that the
main crops that are the locomotives of the
greenhouse industry cucumber and tomato
are still cultivated in the Russian Federation
under conditions of traditional sodium lighting.
The same goes for one of the most profitable
greenhouse industries, the floriculture industry.
Scientists M. Johkan, K. Shoji, F. Goto, S.
Hahida, T. Yoshihara confirm the fact that the
main effect of the use of LED phyto-lighting is
provided by a reduction in energy consumption
(Johkan, Shoji, Goto, Hashida & Yoshihara,
2010). This thesis is well known regarding not
only phyto-lighting, but lighting in general. LED
lamps solve the same problems as sodium lamps
with more than twofold energy savings.
N. Gruda says that the most powerful factor
limiting the development of the market for phyto-
lamps based on LEDs is their relative high cost
(Gruda, 2005). If energy savings are achieved at
the level of more than two times, then the price
of an LED phyto-light is three times higher today
than that of a traditional lamp based on sodium
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Therefore, in addition to saving energy, LED
lighting can also affect the increase in the yield
of irradiated crops. Therefore, as B. Mou
emphasizes, an important point in favor of the
practical use of LED phyto-lamps is that they are
capable of providing an effective spectrum of
photosynthetically active radiation, which is
directly necessary for the plant (Mou, 2008). If
sodium lamps give a peak of the photon flux in
the middle of the visible spectrum of illumination
(yellow-green colors), which are not decisive for
photosynthesis, then in phyto-lamps the emission
spectrum is shifted towards the so-called blue
and red light. According to the authors, it is the
possibility of varying the spectral properties of
the luminaire that is the most important
advantage of LED lighting systems.
According to the authors of the article, in
addition to purely economic and technical factors
that impede the widespread introduction of LED
phyto-lighting fixtures in industrial complexes,
organizational and managerial factors and
thinking stereotypes of practitioners are of great
importance. Indeed, when introducing LED
lighting instead of traditional sodium lighting at
an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to take
into account not only the financial aspects of its
acquisition, but also the interests of agronomic,
energy and engineering services.
Q. Li, C. Kubota state that in the modern world
the desire of the population for proper nutrition
with environmentally friendly products and
responsibility for the state of the environment is
growing more and more (Li & Kubota, 2009). In
this aspect, LED phyto-lighting also outperforms
gas-discharge lamps that require a special
disposal procedure.
The main effect of the use of LED phyto lighting
is provided by a reduction in energy costs. This
thesis is well-known regarding not only the
subject of phyto-lighting, but also lighting in
general. LED lamps solve the same problems as
sodium lamps with more than twofold energy
The most powerful factor limiting the
development of the market for phytolamps
produced on the basis of LEDs is their relative
high cost. If energy savings are achieved at a
level of more than two times, then the price of an
LED phytolamp today is three times higher than
that of a traditional lamp based on sodium lamps
(Figure 5).
Figure 5. Summary of final technical and economic data production experience.
According to the results of the presented study,
the benefits of using LEDs in growing green
crops are, first of all, revealed in more than
twofold energy savings, and secondly, in a small
increase in yield.The opposite factor is the
pricing characteristics, Figure 4 clearly shows
that the initial investment cost of implementing
LED lighting is about three times more expensive
than using traditional high pressure sodium
lamps. At the same time, the calculations of the
authors show that with an average cost of
electricity of 6 rubles per kW, the return on
investment in LED lighting will come in less than
four years with a warranty period of 5 years for
the equipment.
Therefore, in addition to saving electricity, LED
lighting can also affect the growth of the yield of
irradiated crops. Therefore, an important point
that speaks in favor of the practical use of LED
phyto-lamps is that they are able to provide an
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
effective spectrum of photosynthetically active
radiation, which is directly necessary for the
plant. If sodium lamps give a photon flux peak in
the middle of the visible light spectrum (yellow-
green colors), which are not crucial for
photosynthesis, then in phytolamps the emission
spectrum is shifted towards the so-called blue
and red light. According to the authors, it is the
possibility of varying the spectral properties of
the lamp that is the most important advantage of
LED lighting systems.
According to the authors of the article, in
addition to purely economic and technical factors
that prevent the widespread introduction of LED
phytolamps in production complexes,
organizational and managerial factors and
stereotypes of thinking of practitioners are
important. Indeed, when introducing LED
lighting instead of traditional sodium lighting at
an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to take
into account not only the financial aspects of its
acquisition, but also the inte-rests of agronomic,
energy and engineering services.
In the modern world, the desire of the population
for proper nutrition with environmentally
friendly products and responsibility for the state
of the environment is increasing. In this aspect,
LED phyto-lighting outperforms gas-discharge
lamps, which require a special disposal
In general, despite the difficulties in the
development of the market for modern phyto-
lighting systems, most experts and scientists
believe that the future of the greenhouse industry
is all about LED phyto-lighting, which in the
coming years will replace traditional sodium
lighting on the market.
Within the framework of this article, a self-
sufficient scientific study was carried out where
the set goal was achieved to assess the
comparative effectiveness of the use of modern
LED phyto-lights when supplementing lettuce
plants in greenhouses with respect to sodium
light sources traditionally used by greenhouse
farms. This study confirmed the initial thesis
(scientific hypothesis of the article) about the
effectiveness of LED phyto-lights of the red-blue
spectrum in comparison with sodium lamps
DNAT / DNAZ under artificial lighting of
protected ground vegetables.
In the conclusion of the scientific study, the
following conclusions were made.
1. The mass of lettuce grown under LED
phyto-lights of the ECOLED-BIO
trademark was 8.3% higher than on the site
using the conventional lighting technology
with sodium gas-discharge lamps of the
DNAZ Reflux S400 type.
2. The salad grown under the LED lamps
ECOLED-BIO had a high level of quality
both in terms of organoleptic and
physicochemical indicators. In general, the
appearance of green salad products was
sufficiently marketable, which made it
possible to fully realize it (with the
exception of products selected for laboratory
quality tests).
3. The use of the LED supplementary lighting
system for lettuce plants allowed to reduce
the power of lighting equipment by more
than two times while maintaining and even
improving the quality of the luminous flux
(photosynthetically active radiation). As a
result, the level of electricity consumption
when using LED phyto-lights was 2.52
times less than in the version with sodium
gas-discharge lamps DNAZ Reflux S400.
As a result of the use of LED lighting, the
profitability of operating activities is
significantly increased both due to the growth of
revenues and due to the reduction in energy costs.
Unfortunately, specific economic indicators are a
commercial secret of the companies LLC
Truzhenik and LLC Group of Companies Light
and Electric Technologies (LLC GK SET),
therefore the authors cannot bring them in a clear
logical sequence in this article, but in general,
calculations show that the payback on the
purchase of LED phytolamps is about three to
four years with a guaranteed useful life of 5
Summarizing the above, the author’s
recommendation for manufacturers of green
salad products is to introduce modern LED
phyto-lighting systems at their enterprises.
The authors see a wide range of interdisciplinary
(agronomic, technical and economic) research as
opportunities for further scientific study to
improve the efficiency of LED greenhouse
lighting: 1) development of optimal technologies
for the production of various crops of protected
soil in the conditions of using LED light culture;
2) selection of the optimal spectrum of radiation
for various plants and phases of their vegetation
and various technologies of LED supplementary
lighting, including combined methods using both
LED and sodium lamps; 3) the possibility of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
reducing the cost of production and other pricing
characteristics of LED phyto-lights; 4)
improving the efficiency of lighting using
modern research and development in the
framework of the IOT (Internet of things).
The study was carried out within the
framework of the state assignment, state
registration number NIOKTR 122031100058-
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