www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.45.09.21
How to Cite:
Kyrychenko, O.V., Soldatenko, O.A., Gorokhovska, O.V., Voloshyna, M.O., & Maksymova, L.O. (2021). Fraud in the banking
system of Ukraine: ways to combat taking into account foreign experience. Amazonia Investiga, 10(45), 208-220.
Fraud in the banking system of Ukraine: ways to combat taking into
account foreign experience
Received: July 12, 2021 Accepted: September 9, 2021
Written by:
Oleh V. Kyrychenko
Olena A. Soldatenko
Olena V. Gorokhovska
Maryna O. Voloshyna
Larysa O. Maksymova
Статистичні дані про рівень банківського
шахрайства в розвинених та країнах, що
розвиваються, свідчать про доцільність
створення ефективної системи боротьби з
цими видами злочинів. Стаття покликана
визначити ефективні шляхи боротьби з
банківськими шахрайствами в Україні. За
допомогою методу системного аналізу
теоретичного досвіду, практичних заходів та
міжнародного законодавства у сфері протидії
банківським шахрайствам визначено основні
фактори, що впливають на рівень
банківського шахрайства. Такими факторами
є: фінансова нестабільність банківської
установи, відсутність інформації про
кредитну історію клієнта, поганий
внутрішній контроль, низький рівень
корпоративного управління, відсутність
стандартної процедури перевірки клієнтів,
відсутність єдиного реєстру працівників
банку, недосконалі правові регулятори та
система банківського контролю. Дослідження
Doctor of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector Private institution of higher education "Dnipro humanitarian university",
Dnipro city, Ukraine.
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro city, Ukraine.
Associate Professor, PhD in Law, Head of the Department of Theory, History of State and Law and International Law, Classical
Private University, Zaporizhzhia city, Ukraine.
Ph.D, Associate Professor of the Department of Operative Investigative Activity Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal
Affairs, Dnipro city, Ukraine.
Candidat of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kyrychenko, O.V., Soldatenko, O.A., Gorokhovska, O.V., Voloshyna, M.O., Maksymova, L.O. / Volume 10 - Issue 45: 208-220
/ September, 2021
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
successful experience of developed countries,
comprehensive implementation of measures to
combat bank fraud (at the legislative, bank
management and technological level) will not
only reduce the level of bank fraud, but also
corruption, money laundering and terrorist
financing rate.
дозволило виявити характеристики
ефективної системи боротьби з банківськими
шахрайствами: чітке визначення
законодавчої бази, суб’єктів та об’єктів
регулювання, сувору та гарантовану
відповідальність за порушення законів,
співпрацю структурних підрозділів та
контролюючих органів на внутрішньому та
міжнародному рівнях, державний контроль
фінансового моніторингу. В результаті
дослідження було зроблено висновок, що
успішний досвід розвинутих країн, всебічне
впровадження заходів щодо боротьби з
банківськими шахрайствами (на
законодавчому рівні, на рівні управління
банками та на технологічному рівні) не тільки
знизять рівень банківського шахрайства, але
також корупції, відмивання грошей та
фінансування тероризму, що сприятиме
зростанню довіри населення до банків та
фінансової стабільності.
Ключові слова: фінансова установа,
злочинність, контроль, безпека, інформація,
правове регулювання, Україна.
Inter-temporal changes in modern reality and
current trends in society increase the need to
obtain only the most necessary information in a
few seconds, without being overloaded with
related information; the main principle is access
to information with just "one click". Such
information development, publicity and
simplification of access to information gives new
opportunities for the society development. The
other side of this process is offering new
opportunities for financial crimes and fraud in all
spheres of life. Banking system is one of the most
vulnerable areas for fraud. Despite audits by
financial institutions and financial transactions
control, verification of customer bases and
continuous improvement of the security system,
fraud related to financial transactions is
becoming more common.
The rapid pace of banking sector modernization,
the emergence of new payment systems and
methods of mutual settlements has become the
basis for the emergence of various forms of fraud
requiring legal regulation and identification of
possible ways to combat such crimes. The
common forms of fraud involve the use of digital
signatures, online transactions, plastic cards.
This situation becomes the basis for changing the
form of fraud, its globalization and
In 2019 the KPMG international company
undertook a global study in 43 retail banks in
regard to the commitment and combating bank
fraud. The study found that more than half of
respondents worldwide experienced an increase
in the total cost and volume of external fraud, in
2018 61% of respondents reported of an increase
in the total number of external fraud cases, and
59% of respondents reported of an increase of
fraudulent transaction amounts. Banks around
the world experience a tendency of fraud level
increase. Fraudsters manipulate and force
customers to make payments to them, bypassing
banking control (KPMG, 2019). Fraudsters are
becoming more sophisticated and can change and
adapt their approaches very quickly. Banks need
to be shifty to be able to respond to new threats
and apply new approaches and technologies to
predict and prevent fraud.
The share of products and services sold by banks
through digital channels is growing. According
to the World Payments Report (BNP Paribas,
2018), the share of non-cash transactions will
increase by a total of 12.7% by 2021. According
to a global study of economic crime and fraud
conducted by PwC (2020), relatively low
percentages of financial institutions investigate
fraud cases and regularly monitor financial
performance. 26% of Ukrainian companies have
suffered losses caused by fraud ranging from $
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
50,000 to $ 1 million during the last two years,
and 3% of Ukrainian respondents have reported
fraud losses of more than $ 5 million (PwC,
Statistics of developed countries concerning
fraud rate show that this issue is topical for many
countries. 81% of US organizations were
attacked by payment fraud in 2019, which is the
second highest percentage since 2009. However,
only 60% of them have implemented anti-fraud
policies. The level of missing card fraud (CNP)
continues to grow from year to year in Europe.
Within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
in 2018, CNP fraud amounted to € 1.43 billion of
fraud losses, which is 17.7% more compared to
2017. In contrast, ATM fraud decreased by
14.7% from 2017 to 2018, which is largely due
to the increasing use of chip-and-pin transactions
cards in ATMs (Merchant Savvy, 2020).
This situation can adversely affect not only the
profitability of banking institutions, but also
macroeconomic variables (Bhasin, 2016). The
growing level of financial fraud, the
consequences it leads to and the low
effectiveness of combating against such crimes
indicates the expediency of determining an
effective system for detecting and combating
financial fraud in the banking sector
The article aims to identify effective ways to
combat banking fraud in Ukraine on the basis of
a systematic analysis of theoretical experience
and practical measures to combat fraud in the
banking system.
Banking fraud is the subject of interdisciplinary
research. The object of study refers to research
areas of law, economics and psychology.
Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of banking
fraud, which includes general theoretical and
special methods of cognition, is appropriate. The
methodological basis of the study includes such
general scientific methods as the dialectical
method of scientific knowledge, which
determines the development of banking fraud, as
well as the relationship between banking fraud
and other crimes (corruption, cybercrime, money
laundering). Using the classification method, the
main types and forms of bank fraud are
identified. System analysis allowed to determine
the causes of fraud in the banking sector. The
grouping method and the system-structural
approach allowed to classify modern frauds in
the banking sector. The logical-legal method
allowed to determine the main measures to
combat banking fraud in Ukraine. The method of
comparative law, which is used to compare the
legislation of countries with low levels of
banking fraud, has identified effective measures
to combat and reduce fraud in the banking
system. Due to the method of generalization,
conclusions and proposals for research are
Literature review
As reported in ACFE (2014), banking institutions
are becoming more susceptible to fraud, although
various control measures have been
implemented. A global survey concerning bank
fraud was conducted by KPMG company (2013)
reports that 85% of respondents believe that
fraud is increasingly occurring in the industries
inclined to fraud risk. The banking industry is
mainly an industry of risk, and one of the
industries that is classified as an area of high
fraud risk (Kingsley, 2012). The propensity of
the banking sector to fraud risk also affects the
level of money laundering. Increasing the level
of money laundering is influenced by incomplete
identification of users when using Internet
banking and online transactions; evasion of
financial institutions from conducting audits for
fear of losing their customers' trust(Vitvitskiy
et al, 2021a).
V.V. Pivovarov (2013) notes that latent crime in
the banking sector is a vivid and visible
manifestation of corporate crime committed in
the banking sector. "The most common crimes in
the banking sector is fraud using payment cards
and their details, unauthorized debiting of bank
accounts, interference with Internet banking, the
spread of computer viruses, DDoS-attacks on
Internet resources, fraud in information
networks." (Vitvitskiy et al, 2021b).
Among the scientific approaches to
understanding the concept of "financial fraud"
the similar approaches can be distinguished,
which, in turn, can be divided into two groups:
scientific-theoretical approach and practical
functional approach (Rodchenko & Zhivko,
According to the scientific-theoretical approach,
financial fraud is understood as a set of
interconnected and common in terms of forensic
technology selfish encroachments on the
financial resources of the state, business entities
and citizens, committed by deception and abuse
of office (Cherniavskyi, 2010). Financial fraud is
a criminological phenomenon that constitutes a
criminal activity and is expressed in a system of
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
criminal and legal actions committed by
deception or abuse of trust in the process of
formation, distribution and use of funds for
material gain (Chernyshov, 2014).
Wells (2008) puts emphasis on the use of one's
probably official position for personal
enrichment. Fraud is one of the most serious,
expensive, stigmatizing and punitive forms of
liability imposed on today's corporations and
financial markets (Buell, 2011; Green, 2007).
According to Agwu (2013), fraud is considered
as any illegal act characterized by deception,
concealment or breach of trust. These actions do
not depend on the threat of violence or physical
force. Entities and organizations commit fraud to
obtain money, property or services; to avoid
payment or loss of services; or to provide
personal or business advantage. Research on
fraud detection and prevention has been
highlighted in audit procedures and appeal to
"Red Flags". As explained by Gullkvist & Jokipii
(2013), "Red Flags" is a warning sign or
symptom that indicates the likelihood of fraud for
professionals in the field of financial
In terms of financial market activities - banking,
securities and insurance - fraud is given more
specific meaning and is best understood as illegal
falsification or manipulation of financial
information (Neil & Roehrkasse, 2013).
Financial information is considered as a support
for financial market operations (Lomnicka,
There are two types of fraud in criminal
proceeding related to banking activities; in
particular external and internal fraud (Sanusia et
al, 2015). Fraudsters are divided into three main
groups: "household" (individuals) fraudsters,
professional fraudsters and borrowers who use
the services of professional fraudsters
(Kuznetsova, 2016a; Siddiqi, 2006). It is also
important to identify friendly fraud, also known
as "civil fraud" or "family fraud." This applies to
fraud committed using information, which
belongs to an intimate friend or a family member
(Bhasin 2007).
The strongest protection against this type of fraud
is to emphasize to clients the importance of
maintaining the complete confidentiality of their
passwords (Haugen and Selin, 1999; Agwu,
The ways of committing fraud in the banking
sector are classified by L.I. Kriushenko (2015).
The ways to commit fraud in the banking sector
are distinguished as follows, depending on:
intent; typical traces; the stage of entering
knowingly false information; type of credit and
banking transaction; the nature of the mechanism
for obtaining a credit and banking transaction;
the nature of the employment relationship of the
entity with the banking institution; existence of
certain agreements; the method of entering
knowingly false information in the documents;
the actions for preparation and concealment.
О.V. Krishevich (2012) classifies bank fraud in
criminal proceedings according to three grounds:
1) the type of banking operations by means of
which the crime is committed;
2) the nature of the relationship of the subject
of the crime with the bank;
3) separate mechanisms of criminal activity.
A. Mordvinkin (2014) offers several
classifications relating to financial fraud in a
commercial bank:
classification of the type of events which
have led to losses;
classification of bank fraud;
classification of credit fraud types of legal
The key contributing factor facilitating fraud is
poor internal control (KMPG, 2019) and poor
corporate governance practices (Beasley, 1996;
ACFE, 2014). As banking institutions carry out a
wide range of activities, fraud can potentially be
committed by various parties, including
shareholders, depositors, borrowers, staff, and
the bank itself.
The main causes of fraud in the banking sector
are: the lack of standard customer verification
procedures and the unavailability of reliable
information about the customer's credit history;
lack of a unified register of employees of credit
and financial institutions, imperfection of public
relations legal regulators; inefficiency of the
bank activities control system, low level of
material security of the population and
unemployment (Klochko, 2015).
Fraud is committed for the following reasons:
perceived pressure, anticipated opportunity and
rationalization. These three elements or basic
concepts were taken from the "Fraudulent
Triangle Theory" founded by Donald R. Cressey
(Omar et al., 2010).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Analyzing the threats to banking security,
O.I. Baranovskyi (2014) has noted that the
significance of classifying financial security
threats lies in the need to assess soberly the
current situation, assess the negative aspects and
trends of their development, group negative and
positive actions of factors and on this basis to
develop sound recommendations for making
specific decisions to ensure the appropriate
security level.
Ukraine is one of the leading countries in the
world regarding bank fraud and is among the top
five countries where bank payment transactions
are unsecured. 19% of transactions suspected of
fraud turned out to be really fraudulent. This
index exceeds the fraud extent in other countries.
Thus, in 2017 with the help of cyber fraud, 8900
dollars were withdrawn from the cards of
Ukrainian citizens (Fraud Digest, 2017).
The largest share of fraudulent bank transactions
carried out applying social engineering methods
(41%) was implemented using fitting and
pretexting. The essence of such fraudulent
actions is to defraud payment card data from
customers and gain access to accounts and stolen
funds. The victims of social engineering are
usually people of retirement age (aged 55 and
older) - 15% and middle-aged people (aged 35-
44) - 13%. The popular method of money
stealing from bank customers is through ATMs
(32%) and via the Internet (16%). Taking into
consideration the popularity of these types of
bank fraud, banks need to develop ways to
protect their transactions. In fairness, it should be
noted that bank fraud implemented using social
engineering is not only a problem of Ukraine, but
a global problem (Rodchenko & Zhivko, 2020).
Often the victims of ATM fraud (in particular, by
"trapping" and "phantom" method) are people
who do not live permanently in the relevant area,
namely tourists. Insufficient awareness,
combined with the stressful situation created by
a fraudster, contributes to the victimization of
such persons and attracts the increased attention
of criminals (Afanasenko, 2014).
In the field of bank card fraud, the victim's
behavior plays a decisive role. According to
scientists, the main reasons for the crime
commitment are the inattention of the victim,
lack of sufficient critical thinking, his or her own
carelessness and propensity to risk-taking. K.L.
Popov (2015) notes that risk often becomes the
last argument for a person in favor of
participation in situations of doubtfulness or
uncertainty, which involve obtaining significant
benefits, achieving significant advantages, but at
the same time are potentially dangerous given the
possibility of unpleasant consequences.
The difficulty of legal regulation of bank fraud in
criminal proceedings is that fraud must involve
both dishonesty and intent to either gain benefit
or cause damage (which must be a profit or loss
in terms of money or other property). Such traits
are subjective classifications and therefore they
are difficult to be justified objectively (Sharma,
2004; Agwu, 2013). Fraudsters are becoming
more sophisticated, which means that fraud
precautions should be constantly evolving to
ensure that they are able to counter the threat
(Agwu, 2014).
For example, most types of fraud in the UK fall
under one of the laws. The Law on Fraud
establishes certain types of fraud that cannot
easily fit into the categories of this law. These
include possession of documents (including
electronic data and programs) for fraudulent use,
drafting such documents to obtain services
dishonestly (Okpara, 2009).
French statistics on the level of bank fraud show
the effectiveness of the system for combating
these types of crimes. According to the French
Observatory for Payment Security (OSMP), the
figures for 2017 show that losses decreased by
9.8% (467.0 million euros) compared to 2016. In
the UK, there is an increase in banking fraud. In
2016, bank card fraud in the UK caused losses of
8.8% more than in 2015. However, in 2017 there
was a decline of 8.4% since 2016. In May 2019,
the UK developed a new payment security
system in which the CoP is an important tool to
prevent payment fraud (Nets Fraud & Dispute
services, 2019).
Rodchenko & Zhivko (2020) states that banking
payment systems that have poor protection may
lose customers because they may be subject to
fraud. Involving large sections of the population
in non-cash transactions and the possibility of
sustaining losses among them turns bank fraud
not only into a problem of banks, but into a social
problem. This problem needs to be solved
comprehensively with the involvement of the
state, population, banks, and investors.
Results and discussion
The main ways to commit banking crimes can be
divided into 4 main groups:
1. Information interception: direct interception
and electromagnetic interception.
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
2. Unauthorized access to information:
"computer boarding", "hoax", "disguise",
"inconstant choice", "by the tail",
"emergency", "by a fool", "break", "hatch",
" warehouse without walls", "system looky-
3. Manipulation of information: "Trojan horse
in chains", "Trojan nest-doll", data
substitution, code substitution, computer
viruses, "salami", "logic bomb",
"asynchronous attack", simulation, "kite",
"bait trap".
4. Obtaining and using information for
criminal purposes: software theft, theft of
equipment through computer operations,
money theft by obtaining secret codes,
money theft by computer transfer, money
theft by means of computer manipulation,
introducing changes in the program
(Dzhuzha, Golosnichenko, & Chernyavsky,
The use of special information technologies that
would detect fraudulent plans of attackers at the
stage of loan applications consideration is
currently topical for the banking sector. In this
respect, the important task of risk management is
to distinguish between fraud credit risks and
defaults (impossibility of further fulfillment of
their credit obligations) (Buchko, 2013).
In world practice, different types of scoring are
used at different stages of crediting, but not only
at the stage of loan application consideration,
continuing to assess the significance of the loan
application throughout the life of the loan, as well
as at the stage of debt collection and transfer to
collectors. At any stage of credit history with the
help of scoring, it is possible to solve various
tasks, such as:
1. Scoring according to current data during the
application process - assessment of the
potential borrowers' credit capacity based on
the information provided during the credit
2. Scoring during the credit period, when
assessing the dynamics of the borrower's
credit account allows you to mathematically
estimate the probability of the credit
3. Assessing the probability of full or partial
reimbursement of the credit offers to
determine the priority areas of work
regarding borrowers, when their credit
account is classified as "unsatisfactory".
4. Assessment of fraud possibility determines
the likelihood of potential wrongful acts of
the borrower (Narain, 1992).
The main way to combat fraud is to update
constantly scoring models to detect fraud, change
their parameters, increase the speed of operations
monitoring, increase IT tools and maintain strong
collaborative relationship with cyber police. It is
offered to use scoring models and special scoring
technologies to detect fraudulent actions at the
stage of a loan application consideration or at
attempt to obtain unauthorized money from
bankcards. (Kuznetsova, 2016b).
The main reasons of bank fraud are:
imperfection of financial institutions internal
low level of banks corporate governance
lack of standardized customer verification
information unavailability about the
previous credit history of clients;
lack of a unified register of banking
institutions employees;
imperfection of legal regulators of public
relations in the banking system of Ukraine;
low efficiency of the control system over the
activities of banks.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Fraud in the banking system.
Systematization of the main forms, types,
methods and causes of bank fraud commission
allows to assess the shortcomings and gaps that
may affect the increasing level of bank fraud and
identify possible ways to combat these types of
Factors affecting the level of fraud in the banking
system can be divided into three main groups:
banking system shortcomings, the shortcomings
of legal and regulatory framework and the
actions of bank customers. To increase the
effectiveness of combatting and counteraction to
banking fraud, it is advisable to implement
measures aimed at overcoming each group of
Table 1.
Factors increasing the level of bank fraud and possible ways to overcome it.
Ways to overcome
Banking systems shortcomings
Low efficiency of banking activities
Establishing uniform standards for auditing and
verification of banking activities in accordance with
international standards
Insufficient verification of bank
Creating a single customer base of financial
institutions, with preserving data concerning their
credit history
Opportunities for bank employees to
commit fraud
1) creation of a single database of banking
institutions employees;
2) establishing liability for bank employees for
violating the standards of the banking institution
Shortcomings of
legal and
Difficulties in detecting bank fraud
Involvement of IT specialists, financiers and
financial auditors in the process of detecting and
investigating bank fraud
Lack of interaction of banking
institutions with law enforcement
Introduction of state standards of interaction
between law enforcement agencies and banking
Activities of bank
Disclosure of personal financial
information to relatives and friends
Informative activities with the bank customers in
regard to the need to maintain the confidentiality of
personal banking data
Providing access to banking information
to the third parties (fraudsters)
Educational activities with the population on
possible ways of committing banking fraud and the
need to maintain the confidentiality of personal
banking data
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
That is, improving the effectiveness of banking
fraud combating can be achieved through
comprehensive implementation of changes in the
security system and monitoring of banking
activities, amendments to regulations and
optimization of banking fraud investigations, as
well as educational and informational activities
for the population.
According to a study carried out by Sanusia et al,
(2015), bank affiliates are more vulnerable to
fraud. According to the results of the study, the
level of fraud can be reduced by the following
1) comprehensive verification of the
documents submitted, for example, cross-
checking of the information provided in the
certificates of salary, clarification of the
employer's information about the position
and status of the employee; verification of
financial declarations and verification in
other relevant authorities;
2) checking the applicant's credit history and
the ability to repay the bank loan;
3) involvement of professional appraisers in
the bank affiliates, who will carry out
property appraisal.
Positive trends in reducing the level of bank
fraud in developed countries indicate the
effectiveness of combating these types of crimes.
Therefore, it is advisable to compare the anti-
fraud system in the banking sector of developed
countries and Ukraine.
Table 2. Anti-bank fraud system
Legal regulation
Financial monitoring
.20)The Fraud Act. (CPS, 20
Cooperation within FIRST, the International
Telecommunication Union,
Groups of European Computer Emergency
Response Centers
Is carried out by the Inland Revenue Service NCIS / ECU,
which is subordinated to the UK Treasury and interacts
with the National Criminal Intelligence Service, Customs
and Excise, the Anti-Fraud Office and the National
Investigation Service.
. Digital Economy Law (Lexology, 2004)
Cooperation with the Federal Office for
Information Security of Germany (BSI).
Administrative model of financial monitoring.
Activities of TRACFIN - a body, which is provided with
information on setting up bank accounts of individuals and
legal entities.
Italian legislation requires banks and other
intermediaries to keep detailed records
concerning residents' foreign exchange
transactions in order to prevent fraud and
money laundering attempts. (Di Vizio,
2017). The legislation provides for banks and
other financial institutions to keep detailed
documentation on all foreign exchange
transactions of resident clients.
The state is obliged to monitor the detection and cessation
of money laundering attempts. The monitoring is carried
out by the Ufficio Italiano Combi UIC (SAR), which
reports to the National Bank of Italy.
Identification of legal entities and individuals upon receipt
or payment of cash (or its equivalent), bearer securities, the
amount of which exceeds 12.5 thousand euros, is
The Law on the Participation of Financial
Institutions in Anti-Money Laundering and
Anti- Drug Trafficking (1990), The Law on
the Certain Measures against Money
Laundering (Law 10/2010, 2010) and the
Monetary and Financial Code (European
Banking Federation, 2002).
The monitoring is carried out by TRACFIN, which is an
agency of the French Ministry of Finance.
Among the subjects of financial monitoring, it is
appropriate to mention auditors, accountants, tax advisors,
organizations selling antiques and pieces of art. Financial
monitoring entities are obliged to provide information to
the financial intelligence unit on transactions if they
involve the transfer of cash, checks or other documents to
the bearer, as well as on transactions with residents of
offshore jurisdictions in the amount exceeding 30 thousand
Legal Act - PATRIOT Act 2001 (Uniting
and Strengthening America by Providing
Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Terrorism)
Controlling bodies: The U.S. Department of
the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency, The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System), FinCEN (Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network).
In 2020, the Anti-Money Laundering Law
was approved.
The financial monitoring system is based on extending
authorities of government bodies; strengthening and
improving the procedure for financial institutions to
implement measures to prevent fraud in the banking
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So, the international system of banking fraud
combating is characterized by the following
clear definition of the legal framework,
subjects and objects of regulation;
establishing strict liability for non-
compliance with the law;
interaction of structural subdivisions and
controlling bodies within the country;
international cooperation on the basis of
international agreements and acts in regard
to banking fraud combating;
state control over financial monitoring of
risk-oriented approach.
Based on the analysis of international experience,
effective measures to combat banking fraud are
as follows:
investment in monitoring the
implementation of the requirements of
international financial institutions to combat
financial crime (anti-money laundering and
terrorist financing (AML CTF), bribery and
corruption (ABC);
introduction of integrated reporting,
integrated management structures,
integrated systems and staff responsibilities
with fraud risk management and financial
crime combating compliance (KPMG,
changes in legislation with clearly defined
subjects, objects of regulation and liability
for breach of the law;
increase of the country's cybersecurity,
interaction with cyber police;
combating money laundering and financing
of terrorism, corruption and other
interrelated crimes;
involvement of external experts for risk
assessment and financial monitoring.
At the same time, banking fraud is not a separate
problem of modern society, which can be solved
independently. Fraud in the banking sector is
interrelated with the following social problems:
increasing the money laundering and
terrorist financing level;
the presence of corruption schemes in the
country, both in the financial, political and
legal system;
low material standard of living of the
Ukrainian population;
socio-economic and political instability.
Therefore, combatting against banking fraud can
not be considered separately from these social
problems. Therefore, improving the
effectiveness of combatting against banking
fraud can have a positive impact on solving these
problems, reduce money laundering level,
eradicate corruption in the banking system and
promote socio-economic and political stability in
the country.
Fraud in the banking sector can cause huge losses
in terms of the financial market, banking and
financial institutions and payment systems
operation. From the point of view of customers'
psychology, bank fraud can lead to customer
distrust, which in the future may adversely affect
the integrity and stability of the economy. Such
influence can destroy the banking system and
cause public discontent and political turmoil.
Another obstacle to combat fraud in the banking
sector may be the inexperience and low level of
awareness of employees in regard to fraud
prevention. In this respect, it is important to train
employees to combat fraud, which will positively
affect the level of employees’ compliance and
improve the attitude to banking procedures. The
interaction of relevant committees, special public
and interbank associations can have a positive
effect on reducing the bank fraud level, due to the
creation of common models for fraud detection
and exchanging current information on existing
ways of committing fraud, its detection and
Maintaining the level of customer confidence in
banking institutions can be reached through
informational and educational activities that can
protect the bank's customers from the
confidential information disclosure and from the
loss of money due to fraudulent actions.
In terms of banking institutions activity, work
can be done to increase the efficiency of
monitoring and tracking of suspicious banking
transactions. Tracking the territorial position of
financial transactions by the client will help to
prevent fraud. If the transaction is carried out
elsewhere in the country or in the world, by
increasing control of the transaction - requesting
additional information or confirmation of the
customer, it is possible to avoid bank fraud
Effective counteraction of fraud in the banking
sector and combatting it can be reached by
introducing reliable information technology
equipment of the bank's security service;
introduction of a unified clients' database of
relevant institutions, training of employees of
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
credit (deposit) banking units concerning fraud
prevention, organization of enhanced
cooperation between representatives of the
financial sector and law enforcement agencies.
Figure 2. Anti-fraud system in the banking sector
Factors affecting the level of banking fraud also
1) financial stability of the banking institution,
the increase of which may help reduce the
level of fraud;
2) complex bank transactions, poor financial
performance, low capacity of the bank to pay
debts may increase the level of fraud;
3) poor internal control over the activities of
managers and employees of the bank may
increase the level of banking fraud;
4) failure of bank managers to comply with the
standards of the institution plays the greatest
role as a factor in increasing the level of
fraud (Nafchi & Dastgir, 2019).
These factors can be solved through the
establishment of an independent board of
directors, which will monitor compliance with
the standards of the banking institution, the
revival of a culture of honesty and trust among
bank employees and conduct seminars and
trainings for the staff.
Anti-fraud system in the banking sector should
be comprehensive and systematic, including the
interaction of the state, banking institutions and
organizations conducting audit and control of
bank activities. Coordinated actions in the
following areas can be effective ways to combat
fraud in the banking sector: banking institution
management, legal regulatory support and
technological area.
Development of organization strategy and
definition of control tools aimed at analyzing
potential threats as a result of internal and
external abuses; periodical training and
education for bank employees, aimed at
improving knowledge on detecting and
combating fraud in the banking system;
establishing an effective communication model
between the banking units, the bank's security
service and law enforcement agencies; reporting
on the results of suspicious transactions
monitoring and transferring relevant information
to the security service and higher authorities;
Regular assessment of the bank's operating
procedures for compliance with statutory
standards will be able to reduce the level of
banking fraud and increase the security level of
banking institutions.
The anti-fraud strategy in the banking sector
should be focused not only on improving the
security level, but also on creating conditions
under which fraudsters will know that they will
be punished for sure for the committed crime. In
this respect, it may be effective to create
conditions in which a fraudster will not be
willing to commit a crime and will believe in a
guaranteed punishment, which will turn worse
than the reward for fraud, which will represent a
warning factor.
It is important for the bank to be able to protect
itself against fraudulent activities by
strengthening the mechanism for detecting,
mitigating and controlling fraud through prompt
detection, investigation and information
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
exchange. This can have a positive impact not
only on banks security, but also ensure the
resistance and stability of the financial system as
a whole and maintain public confidence in
financial institutions.
This study was aimed at identifying the main
trends in the causes and consequences of bank
fraud, features and methods of committing such
crimes. In order to determine effective ways to
combat bank fraud, international legislation and
the system of financial monitoring of developed
countries, which are characterized by a low level
of bank fraud, were analyzed.
The increase in the banking fraud level can be
influenced by: corporate crime, imperfection of
banks safe operation ensuring system, rapid
development of technology, information
availability, financial transactions poor control,
simplification of the bank customers
identification system, shortcomings of legal and
regulatory framework of banking institutions.
The analysis of the international bank fraud
combating system revealed the features peculiar
to the countries with high effectiveness in
combating bank fraud: clear definition of the
legal framework, subjects and objects of
regulation, strict and guaranteed liability for
breach of laws, interaction of structural units and
controlling authorities at the domestic and
international level, state control of financial
monitoring of the risk-oriented approach.
It is possible to increase the effectiveness of bank
fraud combating in Ukraine as a result of the
implementation of the following measures: the
application of countermeasures at the bank
management level (creation of a standard
customer verification system, training of bank
employees to combat bank fraud, maintaining
information confidentiality, enhancing customer
identification control); at the state level
(development of effective legal regulations,
creation and interaction with cyber police,
introduction of communication models between
banks, the state and organizations conducting
banking institutions audits); at the technological
level (scoring models updating, creation of a
unified register of banking institutions
employees, involvement of IT specialists to
increase the bank security system efficiency).
As a result of the study, it was concluded that
bank fraud combating cannot be considered
separately from combating against corruption,
money laundering and terrorist financing.
Reducing the level of bank fraud in the country
will help increase confidence in banking
institutions, economic development and financial
stability of the state.
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