www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.45.09.20
How to Cite:
Matvieiev, P., Murzanovska, A., & Ivanchenko, O. (2021). The legal phenomenon of "complience-service" in commercial activities:
international experience and development prospects. Amazonia Investiga, 10(45), 198-207.
The legal phenomenon of "complience-service" in commercial
activities: international experience and development prospects
Правовий феномен "complience-service" у комерційній діяльності: міжнародний
досвід та перспективи розвитку
Received: August 27, 2021 Accepted: September 30, 2021
Written by:
Petro Matvieiev
Alina Murzanovska
Olga Ivanchenko
В умовах глобалізаційних процесів
підприємство має відповідати міжнародним
стандартам для того, щоб вести бізнес із
закордонними партнерами. Для того, щоб
комерційна діяльність відповідала вимогам
законності, етичності, прозорості, для того,
щоб вас вважали надійним контрагентом,
необхідно застосовувати комплаєнс. Це
поняття означає відповідність суб’єкта
господарювання вимогам законодавства,
правилам та стандартам ведення бізнесу.
Метою дослідження було проаналізувати
особливості застосування комплаєнсу з
юридичної точки зору, врахувати
закордонний досвід, дослідити, як комплаєнс
застосовується в Україні. Для цього ми
використали системно-функціональний
метод, формально-юридичний метод,
прийоми аналізу та синтезу. Автори
використали системно-функціональний
метод, формально-юридичний метод,
прийоми аналізу та синтезу. У результаті
дослідження було встановлено, що комплаєнс
є важливим інструментом для систематизації
та ведення бізнесу відповідно до приписів
нормативно-правових актів, документів
внутрішнього розпорядку, етичних приписів.
Застосування комплаєнсу переслідує ряд
функцій, одними з яких є усунення недоліків
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Public and Private Law, Faculty of Law and International Relations.
Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine.
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure, Detective and Investigative Activities, National University "Odesa
Law Academy", Ukraine.
Ph.D., Associate Professor of General Theory of Law and State, National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ukraine.
Matvieiev, P., Murzanovska, A., Ivanchenko, O. / Volume 10 - Issue 45: 198-207 / September, 2021
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
is useful in the contractual process and can also
be used to forecast economic performance.
в роботі підприємства, стандартизація,
підтримка бездоганної ділової репутації,
врегулювання конфлікту інтересів,
унормування поведінки співробітників,
посадових осіб компанії, їх взаємодії з
зовнішніми суб’єктами, підтримання
корпоративної культури, протидія корупції.
Також було встановлено, що така комплаєнс-
послуга як due diligence є корисною в
договірному процесі, а також може
використовуватися для прогнозування
результатів економічної діяльності.
Ключові слова: комплаєнс, due diligence,
етичні норми, репутація, бізнес.
Compliance, which was a novelty for Ukrainian
businesses decades ago, is now rapidly becoming
an indispensable tool for doing business
following the best international standards
(Karakashyan, 2020). Currently, compliance is
understood as a large number of functions aimed
at supporting ethical and transparent business
conduct, combating corruption, preventing
conflicts of interest, compliance with internal
rules of the organization, the rule of law, and
maintaining a brilliant reputation. The peculiarity
of regulatory civil legal relations in the private
sphere is their dual nature (the “positive”
regulation of civil relations, there is a “granting”
of civil rights and responsibilities to the
participants of these relations, in accordance with
the established norms and rules of conduct of
civil rights) (Kharytonov, Kharytonova,
Kolodin, & Tkalych, 2020).
The relevance of compliance is explained by the
following factors (Kovalishin, 2019). First,
compliance is common practice for leading and
regular corporations, companies, enterprises in
Europe and the United States. Accordingly,
doing business with foreign companies requires
compliance with high standards of activity.
Second, in the narrow sense of its application,
compliance has become indispensable in the
purchase of other people's business, mergers and
acquisitions, and other risky transactions
involving large capital. That is, the use of
compliance is not only a well-established
practice but also an issue of investment security,
reliability of doing business. Thus, the global
spread of compliance is due to globalization
processes that motivate companies to adhere to
international rules and standards to optimize their
In Ukraine, compliance is actively implemented
through the activities of international
organizations such as the EBRD, OECD, UNDP,
USAID. They provide an opportunity for even
small businesses to participate in the
development of their compliance system, to
improve the skills of their employees
(Karakashyan, 2020). The general principles of
European Union law are based on the priority of
the rights of the individual enshrined in the
European Convention, which also derives from
the constitutional traditions of the European
states (Kharytonov, & Kharytonova, 2019).
In this study, we attempted to analyze the concept
of compliance from a legal point of view to
establish the features of its application in
business in Ukraine and around the world.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the
peculiarities of the application of compliance
from a legal point of view, to take into account
foreign experience, to investigate how
compliance is used in Ukraine. The work consists
of an introduction, methodology, literature
review on the research topic, the main part where
we consider the concept of compliance and
features of its application, in particular, how
related compliance and due diligence, which are
components of corporate compliance, etc.,
conclusions and sources.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
In her study, Pererva (2017a) considered
compliance as part of the company's internal
control. The study found a difference between
compliance and internal audit. For example, it is
stated that the internal audit is characterized by
the characteristics of the activity, which includes
monitoring, verification, evaluation of business
transactions to optimize them, improve the
financial result. In this sense, compliance and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
internal audit are components of the internal
control of the enterprise. At the same time,
compliance professionals are primarily
concerned with compliance risks, which cover, in
particular, the field of corporate ethics, business
reputation of the entity.
In the article of Pererva, Kobeleva, & Romanchik
(2018), compliance is used to denote the
continuous efforts of the enterprise to comply
with the requirements of legislation, rules,
standards of corporate governance. As a result of
the study, the authors found that compliance
should guide all levels of management,
regardless of position. It was also found that
compliance is a complex phenomenon that can be
considered as an ideology, a tool of control, the
principles of management.
Kovalishin (2019), in his study, analyzed the
concept of corporate compliance-based on
foreign experience and prospects for its
application in Ukraine. Accordingly, the study
found that corporate compliance refers to
activities related to monitoring compliance with
officials and employees of the law, local
regulations of regulatory, non-regulatory nature
in companies.
Zadek (2007) reviewed five levels of corporate
responsibility, one of which is compliance. Using
the example of Nike, the author demonstrates
how the company builds a policy of corporate
responsibility from denying the facts of the
offense to higher standards of ethical business.
The author concludes that compliance with the
rules of ethical business is an important factor in
the success and profitability of the company, a
necessary criterion for its activities in our time.
In their work, Chen & Bouvain (2009) attempted
to overcome the methods of analysis of non-
financial reporting of large corporations
available at the time of writing. For example,
they note that the frequency and volume of
reporting do not reflect the quality of the audit
and compliance. From this, the authors conclude
that the application of more rigorous statistical
and textual analytical methods, in particular,
content analysis, should overcome these
shortcomings and demonstrate real compliance
with large business entities.
Rasche (2010), in his article, criticizes the
standardization of corporate responsibility as a
panacea for any future offenses. To argue his
position, the author uses the tools of analysis of
the concept of justice, proposed by Jacques
Derrida, and concludes that when deciding on the
application of corporate responsibility,
judgments should always take into account the
specifics of the situation, i.e., each time should
be individual.
Carroll, Lipartito, Post, Werhane, & Goodpaster
(2012) conducted a thorough analysis of the
development of the institution of corporate
responsibility in the United States. The book
covers the period from 1776 to 2011, thus
demonstrating the theoretical and philosophical
basis of corporate responsibility, which was later
embodied in regulations and rules of doing
business. The guide contains useful links to
articles on corporate responsibility, contains a
large amount of numerical information presented
in the form of tables, can serve as a foundation
for research on the history of corporate
responsibility in the United States.
Ghobadian, Money, & Hillenbrand (2015), in
their research, examine the study of corporate
responsibility. They first demonstrate how this
concept has been explained in the past, how it has
affected how corporate responsibility is studied
now, and what the prospects for future research
are. For example, the authors conclude that the
use of developments in the field of psychology
can help improve corporate governance practices
and help make corporate responsibility more
flexible in application.
Arenas & Ayuso (2016), in their work, propose
to consider the institute of corporate social
responsibility in terms of the activities of
multinational companies. The authors note that
typical for this institute measures to improve the
skills of employees in the field of corporate
responsibility, ethics, behavior, as well as an
inclusive decision-making process when the
opinion of all participants is heard before making
a final decision that positively affects its quality.
We used the system-functional method to
demonstrate compliance in the form of a system
of measures to comply with the law, rules,
requirements, standards of doing business,
ethical standards. This means that compliance as
a phenomenon is a set of tools aimed at
counteracting negative factors and supporting
positive factors such as brilliant business
reputation, perfect audit, compliance with ethical
standards in the company, non-discrimination,
gender balance, lack of corruption, and more.
Compliance is also associated with other
concepts that can be considered components,
such as compliance risk, compliance control,
compliance plan, compliance ideology,
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
compliance officers, etc. Compliance as a
general concept includes the specification,
direction of its application, and its varieties, for
example, anti-corruption compliance, financial,
legal, tax, etc. Thus, compliance is a systemic
phenomenon with interconnected elements that
perform specific functions, contribute to the
specific purposes for which compliance is carried
out. In this regard, due diligence was considered
as part of the compliance (namely as a
compliance service), the purpose of its
application and functions were outlined.
We used the formal-legal method when
considering regulations that are considered to
regulate issues related to the application of
compliance. For example, the American and
British legislation is taken into account; the
norms of the Ukrainian legislation in the field of
financial, criminal, civil law are analyzed from
the legal point of view. In particular, the
applicability of criminal law institutions to legal
entities for violating the rules and regulations of
their activities was studied, the institute of
corporate responsibility in the United States, and
criminal law measures that can be applied to
legal entities in Ukraine were analyzed.
The method of analysis is used in the formulation
of concepts and consideration, characterization,
selection of their features and characteristics, as
we do in the part responsible for the concepts and
types of compliance, as well as in the place
devoted to due diligence. Synthesis is used to
summarize information, in particular in the
introduction and conclusions.
Results and Discussion
Compliance. Concepts and types
Compliance comes from the verb to comply. This
means following rules, requirements, or
conditions. For business, compliance means
compliance with the rules of law, internal
regulations, corporate culture, business practices
(Chubenko et al., 2018). For corporate partners,
a successful compliance check means that your
company can be trusted because it meets business
standards. So, we can make agreements with you,
and you can apply for the title of a reliable
The International Compliance Association (ICA)
defines compliance as the ability to act following
an order, requirement, set of rules (ICA, 2021).
In the financial services business, compliance
operates on two levels:
1) compliance with external requirements;
2) compliance with internal rules.
According to the information provided on the
website of the All-Ukrainian Integrity and
Compliance Network (UNIC), compliance is an
internal control system that allows you to manage
compliance risks, including bringing companies
and top management to justice (UNIC, 2021).
Researchers have their understanding of
compliance. For example, it means:
a) a system of protection of business and its
shareholders from corruption, abuse,
ineffective management by top managers, as
well as the ability to act following
instructions, rules, and special requirements
(Kalinichenko, 2014);
b) a set of functions aimed at compliance with
internal standards of doing business,
corporate ethics, legal requirements, to
achieve the highest efficiency of financial
and economic activities (Neizvestna, 2017);
c) a tool to reduce risks in the management of
economic entities (Gutsalenko, 2020).
In the literature, you can find the definition of
compliance, according to which it means part of
the management system in the organization,
which is associated with risks of non-
compliance, non-compliance with legislation,
regulations, rules, standards of supervisors,
industry associations, self-regulatory
organizations, codes of conduct, etc. (Pererva,
2017b; Kovalishin, 2019). Failing these risks can
lead to the application of sanctions, financial,
reputational losses.
Compliance usually applies to:
1) compliance with standards of conduct in the
2) management of conflicts of interest;
3) fair, transparent interaction with customers.
Special issues in the application of compliance
1) combating money laundering and terrorist
2) compliance with the law;
3) information security (protection of personal
data, trade secrets, etc.);
4) counteraction to fraud, corruption;
5) compliance with ethical conduct, etc.
Approaches to the organization of compliance
can be divided into two types (Pererva,
Kobeleva, & Romanchik, 2018):
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
1. Rule-based approach. In this case,
compliance implies only compliance with
external requirements, such as mandatory
legislation that explicitly prohibits or
requires specific actions.
2. Risk-based approx. This approach is subject
to compliance with ethical aspects of the
enterprise, internal regulations, corporate
policy, management, rules, management
standards, and more. In fact, all the activities
of the enterprise, in this case, are subject to
compliance, and compliance with
mandatory legislation (compliance with the
principle of legality) is only the first step to
compliance, an external factor influencing
the compliance policy of the organization. In
this case, all positions and levels of
management are subject to compliance, the
requirements of compliance with the
corporate code of ethics, qualification level,
etc. will be applied to all levels of
management of the organization.
Compliance in corporate governance
The development of compliance in corporate
governance is associated with the institution of
corporate responsibility (Kovalishin, 2019). One
of the first examples of the application of such
liability is the case of Dollar S.S. Co. v. the
United States in 1939, in which the company was
prosecuted for dumping debris from aboard its
ship by a member of the crew (Oded, 2013).
Another example is the case of United States v.
Hilton Hotels Corporation of 1972, where the
court ruled that documents governing the
company's internal activities could not be
grounds for release from liability (Oded, 2013;
Kovalishin, 2019). Subsequently, the Watergate
scandal also contributed to the development of
ideas of the institution of compliance, as the
scandal saw private companies, which cast a
shadow on their reputation (Simon, 1998;
Berghoff, 2013, 2016; Hayes, 2015). To
counteract these negative phenomena, a federal
law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA),
was passed in 1977. Currently, its effect extends
1) American companies whose shares are listed
on stock exchanges or which report to the
Securities and Exchange Commission;
2) American business structures in the United
States or abroad;
3) individuals, officials, and residents of the
United States;
4) non-US companies on US stock exchanges
or foreign companies representing US
companies, if they have committed a
corruption offense (Oberkovich &
Kalnytska, 2014; Tupchienko, 2015;
Vasilieva, 2019). In the UK, a similar piece
of legislation is the Bribery Act of 2010.
Companies covered by this law are required
to establish compliance control services
(Oded, 2013).
Corporate compliance and liability are
interrelated. Compliance with the law and
minimization of offenses are in the field of view
of compliance. In the case of corporate
responsibility, it is possible to consider two
types. For example, an entity is liable for actions
committed on its behalf (direct liability) as well
as for the actions of its officials, even if they are
not committed on behalf of the entity but within
the authority of the entity's official (indirect
responsibility) (Laufer, 1999; Kovalishin, 2019).
The formation of such legal practice was
influenced by the doctrine of respondeat superior
(Latin "responsible senior"), according to which
the principal is responsible for the actions of his
subordinate (Roszkowski & Roszkowski, 2004).
At the same time, it is not so easy to determine
the best regime of corporate responsibility, as the
main goal here is not just to punish offenders, but
to motivate companies to implement compliance
control, which will include monitoring,
investigation, and reporting of compliance
deviations. In this regard, Arlen & Kraakman
(1997) proposed a model of corporate
responsibility, which establishes a severe penalty
for detecting business violations for non-
compliant businesses, and in the case of an
offense that has been duly documented by the
company’s compliance control service, the
sanction can be significantly mitigated, which
should be provided for in regulations and should
facilitate the use of compliance by businesses.
Compliance in corporate governance includes
several components. For example, it includes
codes of corporate ethics, corporate conduct,
conflict of interest policy, whistleblowing policy,
fair competition policy, etc.
Due diligence and compliance
Compliance is often associated with due
diligence (DD). This concept refers to the
procedure of thorough decentralized verification
of a potential counterparty in a contractual
relationship (Spedding, 2009). It is carried out on
behalf of investors and serves to give them an
idea of the object of investment, the identity of
the counterparties, the dynamics of the partner
business, and the reputation of the partner
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
company (Kobeleva, 2020). This procedure is
most often used in business acquisitions, mergers
and acquisitions (M&A), IPOs (public offerings
of securities on the stock exchange), assessment
of the company's investment attractiveness,
commercial lending, purchase of the real estate,
lending, sponsorship, or free financing
(Kuzmenko, 2020). Also in the literature, you
can find the understanding of due diligence as
checking the business entity for integrity and
reliability, "checking the required reliability",
"necessary diligence", "thorough research",
"checking the necessary integrity", "ensuring due
diligence", "comprehensive study the reliability
of the information provided".
DD is an individual procedure because each time
it pursues a specific goal set for specialists in its
implementation by the customers of the
procedure, which are divided into three groups:
1) investors;
2) creditors;
3) owners and managers of the enterprise
(Baldji, 2018).
Due diligence is associated with the dynamic
development of the financial market, the
emergence of multinational corporations, the
consolidation of large enterprises. As the number
of transactions of such entities began to grow in
proportion to the expansion of their activities, the
risk of hiding critical information for
counterparties has increased (Kuzmenko, 2020).
Among the types of due diligence, financial,
legal, and tax are most often mentioned
(Virchenko, 2017). Such a classification is
possible due to the criterion of the subject of
assessment what exactly is checked during the
procedure. Financial due diligence analyzes
primarily the assets of the enterprise, operates
with the concepts of risk of operations, considers
the dynamics of doing business (Proskura &
Salova, 2016). For legal due diligence, the
subject of assessment needs to comply with the
law, verify its reputation, adhere to the code of
ethics, corporate governance standards, etc. Tax
due diligence is less narrow in its scope of study
and focuses on whether the auditee has complied
with the tax procedure.
Kuzmenko (2020) provides a typology of due
diligence depending on:
1) client: vendor and buyer due diligence;
2) report forms: full scope and red flag report.
In English law, due diligence is often replaced by
personal guarantees and assurances (guarantees
and representations), for violation of which there
is a clear liability in the form of damages
(Tomsinov, 2015; Budylin, 2016; Sannikova,
2016; Kuzmenko, 2020). However, in Ukrainian
law, this institution has not become
unambiguous, so it has not taken root, and
entrepreneurs use personal guarantees with little
interest, as they worry about their assets, turning
to other types of collateral (Kuzmenko, 2020).
Compliance experience in Ukraine
In Ukraine, the concept of "compliance" is used
in the financial and banking sector. In the
currently invalid regulatory act of the National
Bank of Ukraine, compliance was defined as an
activity to comply with the requirements of
legislation and internal procedures (Kovalishin,
2019). At the same time, the current Guidelines
for Improving Corporate Governance in
Ukrainian Banks (Decision No. 814-rsh, 2018)
have been developed, taking into account the best
international practice, principles, and
recommendations of the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision on Corporate Governance
(BCBS, 2005).
The tasks for which the recommendations were
created include (Resolution No 98, 2007):
1) ensuring effective banking management;
2) making agreed on decisions;
3) increase of responsibility;
4) avoidance of conflict of interest;
5) promoting the disclosure of information and
its transparency;
6) increasing the reliability of banks;
7) protection of the interests of depositors and
other creditors.
In this document, you can find a mention of
compliance as control over compliance. It is also
mandatory to establish a compliance unit, which
is responsible for monitoring compliance with
the code of ethics. The recommendations also
contain a definition of compliance risk. This
means the risk of legal sanctions, financial losses,
or loss of reputation due to non-compliance with
the requirements of Ukrainian legislation,
regulations, internal regulations and rules,
standards of self-regulatory organizations
applicable to the bank.
The bank's reputation is important in terms of
corporate culture (Kunitsyna, Britchenko, &
Kunitsyn, 2018). Even when the law has not been
formally violated, the reputational damage can
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
have a devastating effect on a bank's position and
the confidence of customers and investors. In this
sense, reputational risk is a negative change in
the perception of the bank by its stakeholders
(Andersen, 2020). However, predicting
reputational risks is not as easy as initial
operational and material risks, so spending large
amounts of money on regulating and anticipating
reputational risks is not always justified, and the
politicization of reputational risks by regulators
negatively affects confidence in the banking
system as a whole.
Following Part 2 of the Recommendations,
compliance control refers to the functions of
control units (paragraph 8, Part 2). These are the
divisions of the bank, which carry out an
objective and independent assessment of the
bank's activities, ensure the accuracy of
reporting, fulfillment of its obligations by the
bank. In addition to the compliance unit
(compliance control unit), the control units
include the risk management unit and the internal
audit unit (paragraph 8, part 2). The set of rules
and measures of control of the organizational and
operational structure of the bank, which include
the processes of preparation of reports and
functions of risk management, compliance, and
internal audit, is called the system of internal
control (paragraph 9, part 2).
Unlike banks, as well as accounting and auditing,
compliance is not mandatory for businesses in
Ukraine (Pererva, Kobeleva, & Romanchik,
2018). Kovalishin (2019) points out that this is
not surprising, as compliance as a separate
phenomenon is voluntary its use depends on the
will of the leaders of the enterprise.
In judicial practice, compliance is interpreted in
the context of compliance with financial
legislation, and court decisions relate mainly to
bringing administrative responsibility for its
violation. For example, the head of the
compliance department was brought to
administrative responsibility for the late
submission of financial statements with a delay
of one working day (Kovalishin, 2019).
Regarding corporate compliance, the existence
of case law is not common due to the following
factors (Kovalishin, 2019):
1) the relative novelty of the phenomenon, the
legislation on which is in the process of
2) features of doing business in Ukraine, which
is restored after the command-and-control
system of economic management;
3) the absence of a rule similar to Western
practices on bringing a legal entity to justice
for a crime.
Instead, Ukraine has an institute of criminal law
measures that can be applied to legal entities.
This became possible through the adoption of
Law No. 314-VII (2013) which amended the
Criminal Code of Ukraine (Law No. 2341-III,
According to these regulations, when committing
such crimes as:
1) money laundering;
2) use of illegally obtained funds obtained from
illicit trafficking in prohibited substances;
3) bribery of an official of a legal entity of
private law;
4) bribery of a person providing public
5) an offer, promise, or provision of illegal
benefit to an official;
6) abuse of influence, measures of criminal law
nature may be applied to a legal entity
(Articles 96-3 of the Criminal Code).
They include a fine, liquidation, and confiscation
(Part 1 of Article 96-6 of the Criminal Code). The
main ones are fines and liquidation, confiscation
of property can only be an additional measure.
Damage, damages caused by the guilty legal
entity are reimbursed in full. The illegal benefit
received or should have been received by a legal
entity is also subject to compensation (Part 2 of
Article 96-6 of the Criminal Code). However, the
number of criminal cases in this category is not
significant (Trut & Autukh, 2016).
Today, compliance is a necessary condition for
positioning the company as a modern and reliable
business partner, which uses in its activities the
advanced standards of corporate governance
(Kovalishin, 2019).
There are several advantages to the use of
compliance in commercial activities:
1) it is a promising means of achieving purity
of office work;
2) promotes a positive reputation of the
enterprise, transparency of accounting and
3) is proof of responsibility of the executive
bodies of the enterprise;
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
4) indicates that the relations within the
enterprise are based on the principles of
equality and justice;
5) is an indicator of a high level of corporate
culture and professionalism (Pererva,
Kobelev, & Romanchik, 2018).
Regarding due diligence, the experience of
foreign partners shows that the specialization and
integration of enterprises into the international
business space leads to improved quality of
services by consulting companies and
diversification of prices for compliance and due
diligence services (Shalapugin, 2005;
Polishchuk, 2008; Gordeeva, 2009).
Compliance is a kind of filter through which the
activities of commercial structures. Compliance
with compliance requirements is becoming
common practice for companies seeking to
conduct transparent and ethical business
following the highest standards of economic
The principal perspective of compliance is that
over time it should become a common practice
for all businesses. If a company wants to
establish itself in the market as one, that is
trustworthy, monitors compliance with corporate
ethics, compliance with the law, it must apply
compliance. Companies that fail to do so are
immediately left behind because they lack the
systems of standards and requirements that have
become commonplace in the commercial sector.
They are required of an enterprise that wants to
be part of civilized commercial space, so it must
comply with corporate governance standards.
Standardization of business activities, in this
sense, contributes to the unification of business
practices, improves corporate culture and
management, develops new rules and regulations
necessary for ethical business and sustainable
development of the company.
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