Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
How to Cite:
Ovcharenko, N., Sysoieva, S., Samoilenko, A., Chebotarenko, O., & Bohianu, K. (2021). Formation of prospective music art
teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational activity. Amazonia Investiga, 10(45), 175-184.
Formation of prospective music art teachers’ readiness for inclusive
educational activity
Формування готовності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва до освітньої
інклюзивної діяльності
Received: June 12, 2021 Accepted: July 30, 2021
Written by:
Natalia Ovcharenko
Svitlana Sysoieva
Aleksandra Samoilenko
Olga Chebotarenko
Kateryna Bohianu
The article reveals the current problem of
Ukrainian and foreign education - the preparation
of present-day teachers to get engaged with
learners with special educational needs. The
objective of the study is to highlight the results of
theoretical and experimental research on the
formation of prospective music teachers’
readiness for inclusive educational activities,
which is the result of students` professional
training, prospective bachelors of music,
determined by the level of music mastery,
psychological-and-pedagogical, information and
communication knowledge and skills along with
technological ones regarding a system of
humanistic and cultural values in the field of
educational inclusion. To study this problem, the
following scientific research methods were used,
such as: scientific approaches (humanistic, socio-
psychological, technological, competence), a set
of theoretical, empirical, mathematical
methods. The structure of readiness of
prospective music art teachers for educational
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of the Department of Methods of Musical Education, Singing and Choir Conducting,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Pedagogy and Philosophy of
Education, National Academy of Educational Sciences, Ukraine.
Doctor of Art Criticism, professor of the Department of the History of Music and Musical Ethnography, Vice-rector for scientific
work of Odessa National Music Academy named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Ukraine.
Candidate of art criticism, associate-professor of the Department of musicology, instrumental and choreographic training, Kryvyi
Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Postgraduate, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
inclusive activities comprises the following
components: motivation-and-value,
psychological-communicative, musical-
epistemological, inclusion-and-activity. The
results of the pedagogical experiment proved the
effectiveness of enriching the content of bachelor
students` training with an educational and
inclusive component and the introduction of
author's pedagogical technology of inclusive
music education for secondary school students,
mastering of which enhances the readiness for
inclusive education with prospective music art
Keywords: Readiness, inclusive educational
activities, people with special educational needs,
pedagogical technology of inclusive music
education, future music teacher.
Undoubtedly, the modern world is characterized
by a number of globalization processes, which
are marked not only by g lobal economic,
political, cultural or educational integration, but
also known as environmental problems and
socio-economic crisis, exacerbated by the
coronavirus pandemic, which has negatively
affected the general psychological state of
society on the whole, but especially of those who
have problems with communication and social
inclusion. Therefore, today there is a growing
need to humanize and culturize education and
create a legislative and regulatory framework to
ensure opportunities and equal rights to obtain it
and improve its quality. One of the priority
humanistic directions of educational policy in the
world and, in particular, in Ukraine is to
strengthen the state's attention to inclusive
education of its citizens, as evidenced by the
Laws of Ukraine "On Education" (2017), "On
Complete General Secondary Education" (2020)
and concepts "National Strategy for the
Development of Inclusive Education for 2020-
2030" (2020). Thus, inclusive education, in the
Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017), is
defined as a system of educational services
guaranteed by the state, based on the principles
of non-discrimination, consideration of human
diversity, effective involvement and inclusion in
the educational process of all participants;
"Inclusive education" as the inclusion of people
with special educational needs in the general
educational process. Special inclusive education
is needed not only by children with disabilities,
but also by other children in need of special
educational services, in particular - high
educational potential, which gives them the
opportunity to finish school quickly (Order MES
of Ukraine (2016).
The development of inclusive education requires
engagement of an appropriately highly qualified
teacher, whose training involves enriching the
content, forms, methods, teaching aids in higher
education with an inclusive component and
creating new pedagogical technologies for their
training to work with secondary school students
with special educational needs. In this context,
the problem of forming prospective music art
teachers’ readiness for educational inclusive
activities is of significant importance, which
involves, in particular, students of Pedagogical
University mastering innovative pedagogical
technologies of music education to form their
ability to provide quality educational services.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The analytical review of the scientific literature
on the research problem showed that a wide
range of political, epistemological and
institutional aspects of inclusive education are
widely covered in the scientific works of foreign
scholars, presented as: the essence of special
education, which is a set of educational services
provided by enrolling such learners into classes
with their age-appropriate peers (Mokter, 2012);
the problem of substantiating the conceptual
foundations of a differentiated approach in the
joint education of students with and without
disabilities (Strogilos, Tragoulia, Avramidis,
Voulagka & Papnikolaou, 2017); features of the
innovative technologies introduction, for
example: communication technologies, which
Ovcharenko, N., Sysoieva, S., Samoilenko, A., Chebotarenko, O., Bohianu, K. / Volume 10 - Issue 45: 175-184 / September, 2021
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
significantly contribute to the freedom of
communication, increase mobility, offer
different models of student interaction (Aitken,
Fairley & Carlson, 2011; Januszewska-Warych,
2005); problems of the specifics of teacher
training mode of working with people in need of
educational inclusion (Cagran & Schmidt, 2011;
Myung-sook Koh, Sunwoo Shin, 2017).
In the research works issued by Ukrainian
scientists, special attention was paid to:
substantiation of theoretical and methodological
concepts of inclusive education (Kolupaeva &
Taranchenko, 2016; Poroshenko, 2019; Sysoeva
et al, 2020; Shved, 2015); identifying the health-
preserving potential of musical art, which should
be used in work with children with special needs
(Sinyov, 2003; Sinyovа, 2012; Fedorenko,
2012); determination of theoretical and
technological bases of preparation of prospective
music art teachers for educational inclusion
(Sysoeva, Ovcharenko & Chebotarenko, 2020,
etc.); disclosure of the essence of technological
competence of the teacher, which is considered
as a structural and functional component of
professional competence, characterized by the
ability of the prospective specialist to
independently organize the educational process
in school based on the use of general educational
technologies (Koval, 2012; Ovcharenko 2019).
The recent numerous studies emergences are
explained by a growing number of people with
disabilities who need special educational
services, which is associated with certain
changes in socio-economic and environmental
conditions of society. At the same time, the
analysis of scientific works carried out by both
foreign and domestic scientists revealed that the
problem of forming prospective music art
teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational
activities has not been the subject of a separate
scientific study yet.
Therefore, the purpose of our study is to highlight
the results of theoretical and experimental
research on the formation of prospective music
art teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational
To study this problem, the following scientific
research methods were used, such as: scientific
approaches: humanistic, which helped to
determine the humanistic orientation of the
content of inclusive music education on the basis
of the principle of humanization; socio-
psychological, which provided an opportunity to
determine the psychological-communicative
component of the structure of prospective music
art teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational
activities and the basic principles of pedagogical
technology of inclusive music education
(empathy, communication, tolerance);
technological, aimed at developing,
substantiating and determining the effectiveness
of pedagogical technology of inclusive music
education; competence, which helped to
determine the musical-epistemological
component of the structure of prospective music
art teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational
activities on the basis of the principles of
cognitive activity and musical-creative
effectiveness; a set of theoretical methods, such
as: analysis, substantiation, concretization,
generalization to identify the basic concepts of
the study, determine the components of the
structure of readiness and criteria for determining
the formation of components; a set of empirical
methods, namely: pedagogical experiment,
diagnostic questionnaires and tests (Izard, 2008;
Kortneva, 2004; Lusin, 2009; Leongard, 1981;
Matiykiv, 2012; Pakulin & Ovchinnikov, 2010;
Petrushin, 2008), creative tasks, conversations,
debates, creative projects, competitions of
instrumentalists and vocalists; mathematical
methods for determining the quantitative and
qualitative results of the study.
Results and Discussion
Based on the theoretical analysis of modern
scientific research, we have outlined the essence
of the concepts "inclusive educational activity",
"readiness of a prospective music art teacher for
educational inclusive activity" and the structural
components of such a phenomenon. Thus,
"educational inclusive activity" is considered as
a specific professional activity of a teacher aimed
at forming, in people with special educational
needs, knowledge and skills in a particular
subject area and values to education. The concept
of "readiness of a prospective music teacher for
educational inclusive activities" we interpret as a
result of professional training of a prospective
music art teacher, which is determined by the
level of students' mastery of music,
psychological and pedagogical, information and
communication, technological knowledge and
skills and system of humanistic and cultural
values in the realm of educational inclusion.
The structure of prospective music art teachers’
readiness for inclusive educational activities
comprises the following components:
motivation-and-value, psychological-
communicative, musical-epistemological,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
inclusion-and-activity - a set of which provides
the ability of prospective teachers to successfully
use innovative learning technologies for students
with special educational needs. In accordance
with the outlined components of the structure of
the phenomenon under study, we have defined
the criteria: motivational-demanding, emotional-
empathic, musical-cognitive and active-
technological. These criteria contributed to the
assessment and identification of low, medium
and high levels of prospective music art teachers’
readiness for educational inclusive activities.
In order to form the readiness of prospective
music art teachers for educational inclusive work
with students, a pedagogical experiment was
conducted, which included ascertaining,
formative and resulting stages.
At the ascertaining stage of the experimental
research, which took place in early 2020, the
existing levels of formation of this phenomenon
among prospective music art teachers to
educational inclusive activities in the classroom
and extracurricular forms of music education
were estimated. The study involved
undergraduate students of Kryvyi Rih State
Pedagogical University, namely: full-time
department - control group, which included 15
people and correspondence (part-time)
department - experimental group, which included
16 people.
To identify the level of formation of the
structural components in prospective music art
teachers’ readiness for educational inclusive
activities, certain diagnostic methods were used,
such as: methods of studying the students`
motivation in terms of pedagogical education
institutions (Pakulina, & Ovchinnikov, 2010) to
diagnose the level of motivation and value
component of prospective music art teachers for
educational inclusive activities; methods of
"Differentiated scale of emotions" to determine
students` emotional attitude to inclusive
activities in general secondary education
(modification of the method by Izard, 2008),
method Emin (Lusin, 2009) to diagnose the
emotional intelligence of prospective music
teachers, self-assessment questionnaire
emotional readiness for educational activities
(Matiykiv, 2012) to diagnose the level of
formation of the psychological-communicative
component in the structure of prospective music
art teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational
activities; methodology "Cognitive and
information culture of the prospective music art
teacher" and the questionnaire "Professional self-
improvement of the prospective music art teacher
in working with learners with special educational
needs" to diagnose the level of musical-
epistemological component of prospective music
art teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational
activities. "Scale of readiness for musical and
creative activity" (S. Stepanov), method "Value
attitude to creative and performing activity"
(Modification of V. Petrushin's test), creative
tasks on application of technologies of musical
training learners with various educational needs
(with psychological problems, visual
impairments, musculoskeletal system) to
diagnose the level of formation of the inclusive-
activity component in the structure of
prospective music art teachers` readiness for
educational inclusive activities.
Figure. 1. Comparison of the levels of prospective music art teachers` readiness in the control and
experimental groups for educational and inclusive activities (ascertaining stage).
low average high
low average high
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
According to the results of pedagogical
diagnosis, it was estimated that with a low level
of readiness for educational and inclusive
activities there are 7 (46.7%) students in the
control group (CG) and 8 (50%) in the
experimental group (EG), the average level - 6
(40%) students of CG and 6 (37.5%) EG
students. Only 2 (13.3%) CG students and 2
(12.5%) EG showed a high level of readiness
(See Fig.1).
The observational stage of the experiment
showed that students of CG and EG have almost
the same indicators of readiness for educational
and inclusive activities. During the conversation,
prospective music art teachers noted that they
consider it important to introduce a lecture-
practical discipline "Fundamentals of Inclusive
Music Education", the study of which would
establish not only theoretical knowledge but also
practical skills to work with learners with
specific educational needs. Hence, the students
emphasized the need to master various
pedagogical technologies of inclusive music
The formative stage of the pedagogical
experiment took place in the 2020-2021
academic year. The content of bachelor students`
training was enriched due to the introduction of
the discipline "Fundamentals of Inclusive Music
Education" in the first semester of the fourth year
of study (90 hours - 3 ECTS credits). This
discipline includes two thematic blocks: Block 1.
Theoretical principles of inclusive music
education (Topic 1.1. Historical stages of
inclusive music education in Ukraine and abroad.
Legislative documents of Ukraine to ensure the
rights of people with special educational needs;
Topic 1.2. The essence and specifics of inclusive
music education. Theme 1.3 Content, forms,
methods and means of music education of
persons with special educational needs) and
Block 2. Organizational and methodical bases of
prospective music art teachers` training for
activity in the field of inclusive music education
(Theme 2.1. Forms, methods and means of
organizing the professional activity of a music art
teacher taking into account the peculiarities of
working with children with special educational
needs and their parents; Topic 2.2. Music-and-
pedagogical technology for inclusive music
education (for people with visual and hearing
impairments, psychological problems and
problems of the musculoskeletal system). The
students were invited to mastering the innovative
technology of inclusive music education of
learners "Collective group music playing", the
mastery level of which was assessed at the end of
the course and in the course of pedagogical
practice with children in general secondary
The pedagogical technology of inclusive music
education developed by us is aimed at enriching
the content of professional training of
prospective music art teachers with an inclusive
component to form cultural competence of
children with special educational needs, their
inclusion in the process of music education in
general secondary education and contains an
algorithm of inclusive activities for teaching the
subjects of music education. The methodological
basis of the technology mentioned are scientific
approaches, such as: humanistic, socio-
psychological, technological, competence
approach as well as their ideas, which are
implemented using the principles of:
humanization, communication, tolerance,
cognitive activity, empathy, musical and creative
performance effectiveness. Thus, taking into
account the principle of humanization implies
focusing on music education in terms of the
comprehensive development of a child with
special educational needs, the formation of moral
culture, the harmonization of their intellectual
and emotional world; that of communicativeness
- on socialization and communication in
universal and artistic contexts, understanding of
dialogical relations in the life of society, culture,
art, the process of music playing; tolerance - a
tolerant attitude to different cultures, phenomena
in the art of music, specific features and
characteristics of any individual, pluralistic
thoughts; systematic content of education - the
structuring of educational material for the
accessibility of its perception by students; taking
into account the areas of actual and immediate
development of personality - to diagnose the
existing general and musical level of
development of personality and setting goals to
achieve further results in the development of the
child; cognitive activity - to enhance knowledge
in the field of music; empathy - the ability to
understand and perceive the meaning of musical
art, the artistic and figurative essence of a
musical work, the feelings of another person,
etc.; musical and creative effectiveness - to
intensify practical activities in music classes and
in the course of extracurricular activities, the
manifestation of creativity during the study of
musical art, singing and playing musical
The aim of the technology of inclusive music
education is to teach (educate) students with
special educational needs (with psychological
problems, physiological defects) in both
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
classroom media and extracurricular activities,
characteristic to a secondary school mode of
education. The specifics of the proposed
technology include its focus on teaching music to
middle school students, i.e. Years 5 - 8 (10- to
15-year-olds). This technology comprises four
stages of implementation: preliminary,
psychological-motivating, emotional-cognitive
and creative-activity phase.
The special attention of prospective teachers was
focused on establishing an open friendly
atmosphere and students` tolerant attitude to
those classmates who need educational inclusion.
To do this, a series of preparatory extracurricular
conversations were delivered, some literary
works films presented in order to promote
universal values such as: love, kindness, mutual
understanding, empathy, tolerance, etc. Each
student of the experimental group, during their
pedagogical practice in general secondary
education institutions, tested the possible ways to
apply the pedagogical technology of inclusive
music education in an inclusive classroom
engaging the four stages of implementation.
Hereby, at the preliminary stage, in terms of
inclusive classes the following strategies were
carried out: testing of children in Years 5 - 8 to
identify existing special educational needs of
children, their level of motivation to study music,
development of their emotional intelligence,
musical knowledge and skills, musical abilities,
ability to socialize; proper educational and
musical material, methods and tools for working
in music lessons and in the school club "Musical
Travels" were selected. To diagnose the
formation of these qualities, the following
techniques were apllied: Shmyshek's test to
identify accentuation of personality; methods of
diagnosing the motivation for success and fear of
failure (Rean, 2001); questionnaire "Cognitive
regulation of emotions" (CERO) (Garnefsky,
Craig; adaptated by: Pisarev, Gritsenko, 2011);
test to identify attitudes to specific musical
activities (Petrushin, 2008); creative tasks to test
the level of musical knowledge and skills, as well
as musical abilities - performing practices,
conducting a creative contest "Musician-
performer"; methods for diagnosing emotional
intelligence - EmIn (Lusin, 2009); methods of
measuring the level of formation of
communication skills (Petrushin, 2008).
According to the results of the diagnosis, the
problems of children with special educational
needs were identified, which allowed prospective
teachers to choose appropriate forms, methods
and tools for their socialization, musical
development in the process of collective music
playing, to structure and prepare teaching
materials so that all students were able to master
Psychologically-motivating stage of the
technology application provided the use of
optimizing forms in music art lessons: collective
and group work in various types of musical
activity, such as: performance of vocal and
instrumental works, preparation of creative or
independent task, and also selected methods:
acquaintance with the best samples of children's
musical performance, performing interpretation,
dramatization of musical works, making some
drawings as a result of music post-listening
phase, visualization and others. It was crucial, at
the stage of motivation for musical activity
formation, to provide psychological support from
teachers and classmates to children with special
physiological or psychological features, to create
an emotional comfortable environment for them.
Students-interns were intended to involve all the
participants of the educational process into
collective and group forms of making music,
trying to maintain their sense of self-confidence.
The student motivating means of music
education was the use of musical instruments,
sound amplification equipment, innovative
music computer programs, multimedia board,
visual aids in the form of posters, books, etc.
At the emotional and cognitive stage of
technology implementation, children actively
acquired general musical knowledge, skills and
abilities (musical-auditory representations,
fricative and musical-rhythmic sense, etc.),
specific skills to navigate in different types of
musical activities (playing noisy and simple
musical instruments, singing, musical-motor
activity and others), musical-auditory and
musical-creative skills (improvise by voice or on
noisy musical instruments with a phonogram;
create a melody, perceive music in colours and
reflect it in pictures, find poetic analogues to the
listened music and others). To increase the level
of children's knowledge of the content of music
lessons, the teaching material was presented in a
structured way based on empirical and then -
theoretical and empirical way of learning musical
art, which required knowledge of key concepts
(scale, major and minor, musical genre and style
and others) and the basic elements of music
theory, presented in vivid illustrations, using
artistic presentations.
Therefore, a particularly positive emotional
mood was characteristic to students of inclusive
classes in group work as an extracurricular
activity while mastering musical and performing
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
skills. Therefore, in the course of training the
schoolchildren were given elementary musical
scores and collective music making was carried
out with the use of musical tools, such as: bells,
maracas, drums, a triangle, a rattle, spoons,
plates, pipes and the like. Practising
systematically, the most musically able children
have mastered playing more complex musical
instruments, such as: flute, metallophone and
xylophone. It was also proposed to introduce an
algorithm of vocal and vocal-choral music
performance, which, at first, required teaching
singing to students in a choir, then in a vocal
ensemble and subsequently, further on, in group
work as singers-soloists. The children learned to
produce a true beautiful sound, singing breath,
clear diction, phrasing, use of dynamics and
accent (agogics) in singing, artistry and other
vocal skills. At this stage, the following methods
were used: solving music-theoretical puzzles,
charades, crossword puzzles; conducting such
competitions as "Guess the melody", "Guess the
composer"; “physical education and music”
minute break, vocal-dance and breathing
trainings, trainings on learning to play musical
instruments and singing.
The creative and activity stage of using the
technology was aimed at increasing the student
activity and creative activity in particular, which
is manifested in their active participation in
music lessons while doing homework,
independent, search tasks and extracurricular
activities - participation in rehearsals, concerts,
competitions, etc. In the process of making
music, children progressed using various means
of musical expression, such as tempo, rhythm,
strokes, register, dynamics, articulation, diction,
and performed creative tasks, namely: invent
your own melody, continue the melody, change
the rhythm or timbre of the melody. At this stage,
the following methods were used: debates,
creative projects, instrumentalists' competitions
and vocalists' contests.
As the practice showed, students-interns
creatively and successfully implemented the
technology of music education for schoolers,
which, in its turn, contributed to the socialization
of children with psychological problems,
adaptation of learners with visual and hearing
impairments, activation and inner positive
attitude setting for adolescents with
musculoskeletal disorders.
The level of students' mastery of practical skills
to apply the technology of inclusive music
education was determined at the resulting stage
of the pedagogical experiment. The study found
that 6 (40%) students of the control group (CG)
revealed a low level of readiness for educational
and inclusive activities and no students of the
kind were found in the experimental group (EG),
the average level was shown by 7 (46.7%)
students of the CG and 9 (56.2%) of the EG. Only
2 (13.3%) CG students and 7 (43.8%) EG
students showed a high level (See Fig.2).
The diagrams show a significant difference in the
results of students in the control and
experimental groups. Mastering the skills to
apply pedagogical technologies of music
education to children in need of educational
inclusion in practice contributed to the fact that
EG students have only a medium and high level
of readiness for educational and inclusive
activities, while the performance of CG students
has not changed significantly.
Figure. 2. Comparison of prospective music art teachers` levels of readiness for educational and inclusive
activities in the control and experimental groups (resulting stage)
low average high
average high
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
According to the results of the inspection, the
dynamics of prospective music art teachers`
levels of readiness for educational and inclusive
activities in the control and experimental groups
was determined (Table 1).
Table 1.
Dynamics of prospective music art teachers` levels of readiness for educational and inclusive activities in
the control and experimental groups.
Levels of readiness
formation stage
(persons) CG / EG
Quantitative indicators
ascertaining CG / EG
Quantitative indicators
resulting stage
Indicator of changes
+ 0.07/+0.18
In general, the pedagogical experiment showed
that the indicator of low level of readiness for
educational and inclusive activities with EG
students decreased by 50%, while in CG - only
by 7%; the average level in EG increased by
18%, in CG - by 7%; the high level in EG
increased by 32%, and in CG remained
unchanged (Figure. 3).
Figure. 3. Comparison of prospective music art teachers` levels of readiness for educational and inclusive
activities in the control and experimental groups (ascertaining and resulting stage)
The data of the pedagogical experiment showed
the effectiveness of the developed content to
form prospective music art teachers’ readiness
for educational and inclusive activities and
pedagogical technology of music education of
learners with special educational needs.
Thus, the study of the formation of prospective
teachers` readiness for inclusive educational
activities made it possible to see the relevance
and urgency of its solution not only for
educational media in Ukraine but also in other
countries and the growing interest of the
academic community in this problem, as
evidenced by numerous publications. The results
of the theoretical study show that prospective
music art teachers’ readiness for educational
inclusive activities is the result of professional
training of prospective music art teachers, which
is determined by the level of students' mastery of
music, their psychological and pedagogical,
information and communication, technological
knowledge and skills along with the system of
humanistic and general cultural values in the
field of educational inclusion. The structure of
prospective music art teachers` readiness for
educational inclusive activity features the
following components: motivation-and-value,
psychological-communicative, musical-
epistemological as well as inclusion-and-activity
one. To determine the level of formation of each
component in the specified structure of the
phenomenon under study, we have outlined the
following criteria: motivational-demanding,
CG |C EG |C CG | R EG | R
iow average high
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
emotional-empathic, musical-cognitive and
active-technological. The conducted pedagogical
experiment showed the effectiveness of
enriching the content of bachelor students
training for educational and inclusive activities,
and the development and implementation of
author's pedagogical technology of inclusive
music education with secondary school students,
which proved, in the experimental group, the
appropriate level of prospective music art
teachers` readiness for educational and inclusive
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