Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.45.09.10
How to Cite:
Paryzkyi, I., Humin , O., Matvieiev , S., Marchenko, O., & Chukaieva, A. (2021). Administrative offense as deterrent to prove
objective aspect in criminal proceedings. Amazonia Investiga, 10(45), 99-104. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.45.09.8
Administrative offense as deterrent to prove objective aspect in
criminal proceedings
Адміністративний делікт як стримувальний чинник доведення об’єктивної сторони
в кримінальному судочинстві
Received: August 16, 2021 Accepted: September 29, 2021
Written by:
Paryzkyi Ihor
Humin Oleksii
Matvieiev Serhii
Marchenko Olha
Chukaieva Alina
Метою статті є дослідження
адміністративного делікту як стримувального
чинника доведення обєктивної сторони у
кримінальному судочинстві. Предмет
дослідження: Предметом дослідження є
адміністративний делікт у кримінальному
судочинстві. Методологія: Методологія
дослідження включає використання
загальнонаукових та спеціальних методів
наукового пізнання: діалектичного,
гносеологічного, логіко-семантичного,
системно-структурного, нормативно-
догматичного, монографічного методів,
методу правового моделювання. Результати
дослідження: У статті досліджено проблеми
співіснування адміністративних деліктів та
кримінальних правопорушень. Встановлено
ознаки відмежування цих противоправних
діянь та одночасно виявлено складність
визначення та розрізнення адміністративних
та кримінальних порушень, що створює
правові прогалини та колізії.
Охарактеризовано проблему існування
Doctor of Economics, PhD in Law, Professor of the Department of Marketing, Economics, Management and Administration,
Vice-Rector for Strategic Development of the Higher Educational Institution "National Academy of Management", Ukraine.
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of Lviv Polytechnic National University,
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the National Academy of Management, Ukraine.
Ph.D. in Law, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law Disciplines of the University of Modern Knowledge,
PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies and Cybersecurity of the Educational and Scientific
Institute №1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
адміністративного делікту як стримувального
чинника доведення обєктивної сторони в
кримінальному судочинстві. Практичні
наслідки: З’ясовано основні перешкоди у
притягненні до юридичної відповідальності,
пов’язані із розглядом адміністративних
деліктів. Цінність / оригінальність:
зЗапропоновано шляхи подолання
вищевказаних проблем.
Ключові слова: адміністративний делікт,
адміністративна відповідальність,
кримінальна відповідальність, кримінальне
судочинство, правопорушення.
Nowadays, the legislation on administrative
offenses is undergoing numerous changes,
accompanied by the decriminalization of many
illegal acts related to the abolition of criminal
liability for certain offenses, as well as making
criminal offences administrative offenses,
because often the punishable acts (crimes and
misdemeanours) are similar, the boundaries
between these public law torts are blurred and
difficult to define. This causes certain
complications due to human rights violations, or
failure to adequately protect violated rights. In
view of this, the possibility of considering illegal
acts as administrative offenses, rather than
criminal offenses, is a deterrent to proving the
objective element in criminal proceedings, which
as the consequence of not incurring
responsibility may have a significant public
The fundamental differences that eliminate
arised limits of administrative and criminal
liability is the determination of different features
(Statkienė & Granickas, 2017, p. 149). It should
be noted that administrative liability is
distinguished from criminal one on the following
1) administrative liability arises for the
commission of an administrative offense,
the composition of which is determined both
by laws and by-laws (decisions of local
governments). Criminal liability arises for
the commission of a crime, the composition
of which is determined exclusively by the
provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine;
2) the right to initiate cases on administrative
offenses, as well as the right to consider such
cases is endowed with a wide range of
subjects of public administration. The right
to initiate criminal cases is vested
exclusively in the bodies of inquiry and
preliminary investigation and the bodies of
the prosecutor’s office with the power of
review vested solely in the courts;
3) only natural persons are held criminally
responsible, and both natural and legal
persons are held administratively liable;
4) bringing a person to administrative
responsibility and applying administrative
sanctions do not lead to such consequences
as criminal record, which is further
manifested in certain limitations of his (her)
legal personality (for example, free travel
outside Ukraine);
5) administrative liability is realized both out
of court and in court; criminal liability is
realized only in court;
6) bringing a person to administrative
responsibility takes place in a shorter time
and under a simplified procedure.
At the same time criminal liability takes
advantage over administrative liability.
According to the legislation of Ukraine
administrative liability occurs if the nature of the
violation does not make it a criminal offence
under the law. Thus, the aim of the Article is to
distinguish administrative offense from criminal
offense and to study administrative offense as a
deterrent to proving the objective element in
criminal proceedings.
General and special methods of scientific
knowledge were used as the methodological
basis for the research. In particular, dialectical
method helps to examine the problem of
administrative offense in criminal proceedings as
a separate and distinct issue. Epistemological
method, as well as logical and semantic method
are used to clarify the concepts of administrative
offense and criminal offense. The application of
Paryzkyi, I., Humin , O., Matvieiev , S., Marchenko, O., Chukaieva, A. / Volume 10 - Issue 45: 99-104 / September, 2021
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
system and structural method contributes to the
investigation of the factors, which hinder proper
consideration and bringing the perpetrators to
justice in criminal proceedings. Normative and
dogmatic method helps to examine legal acts,
which regulate the issues connected with
administrative and criminal offenses (the Code of
Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code
of Ukraine). Monographic method allows to
study the view of scientists on the problem of
administrative offense in criminal proceedings.
The use of legal modeling method allowed to
formulate the relevant conclusions.
Literature Review
Clarification of the essence of the subject matter
of administrative offense and criminal offense,
establishing its objective nature, place and role in
the structure of public relations, protected by
appropriate sanctions, is of great importance for
the correct administrative offense or criminal
qualification and the correct imposition of
administrative penalties or criminal charges. As
Kirchengast (2008, p. 114) correctly notes “the
separation of tort and criminal law is now
affirmed by the institutionalisation of criminal
prosecutions in a state authority and the severe
limitation of victim power in the criminal
courts”. Richards (2009), in his turn, stresses
that “it is important to understand the parallels
between criminal and administrative law,
because most of the criminal prosecutions arise
from administrative law problems”.
However, the distinction between administrative
and criminal illegal acts has a number of
difficulties, as administrative and criminal
liability have common features; in particular the
former is punitive in nature and does not differ
substantially from criminal liability (except
where a warning or injunction has been issued,
which have no punitive effect). In this regard
Paeffgen (1991, p. 247) notes that their co-
existence, based on different legal concepts and
serving different purposes, creates specific
problems of interaction and even interference. In
his turn Simons (2008, p. 720) adds that
structural difference is sometimes given a more
substantive gloss: criminal law prohibits "public"
wrongs and tort law "private" wrongs. According
to Dyson (2014) tort law and criminal law are
closely bound together but their relationship
rarely receives sustained and rigorous scrutiny
There is increasing recognition in the legal and
administrative literature that administrative
offenses are criminal offenses by their nature,
and administrative and tort liability derives from
criminal one, given that it appeared in the
legislation due to the decision of the Soviet
authorities to separate certain socially dangerous
encroachment from other crimes with the
establishment of an administrative procedure for
the consideration of the relevant cases
(Onishchenko et al, 2013, p. 220; Kolpakov,
2005, p. 117).
Although many scientists (Khavroniuk, 2015,
p. 252; Lukianets, 2013; Hryshyna, 2014;
Hrytenko et al, 2021) believe that there are
differences in object, degree of assault,
procedural characteristics, the nature of the
offense and punishment between administrative
offenses and criminal offenses.
Results and Discussion
Nowadays, there is a situation when it is
impossible to distinguish administrative offenses
from criminal offenses, as a significant part of
criminal offenses that have nothing to do with
public administration, provided for by the Code
of Administrative Offenses (Law No. 80731-X,
1984) and other laws. On the contrary, the
composition of administrative offenses is
enshrined in the Criminal Code of Ukraine
(Law No. 2341-III, 2001), and sometimes the
same acts are envisaged in both of these Codes.
The norms of the special part of the current Code
of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine envisage
misdemeanors that are not related to the sphere
of public administration (Khavroniuk, 2015, p.
252). For example, misdemeanors provided for
in Article 51 “Petty theft of alien property”,
Article 51-2 "Violation of intellectual property
rights", Article 52 "Spoil and pollution of
agricultural and other lands", Article 89 “Animal
cruelty“, Article 104 “Poisoning of crops,
damaging or destroying crops, damage to
plantations of collective agricultural enterprises,
other State and public or peasant (farmer) farms
", Article 173 “Petty hooliganism” and many
others (Law No. 80731-X, 1984). Accordingly,
criminal penalties are applied for administrative
violations, and administrative fines and other
administrative penalties are applied for criminal
Thus, the combination of offenses in the area of
public administration and offenses of a general
criminal nature (petty theft, petty hooliganism,
etc.), enshrined in our in the codified act do not
correspond to the European concepts in the field
of administrative offense law (Khavroniuk,
2020). Such torts are not directly related to the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
sphere of public administration, do not encroach
on administrative legal relations, are not
subordinate to public administration bodies and
do not "fit" into the modern paradigm of
administrative responsibility (Hurzhii, 2014),
because some administrative offenses in Ukraine
are criminal in their nature (e.g. infringements in
the spheres of public safety and traffic, which are
subordinate to the National Police of Ukraine).
This complicates the possibility of distinguishing
between administrative and criminal violations
and, accordingly, reduces the possibility of
correctly establishing responsibility for the
committed illegal acts.
Regarding the causes of this phenomenon, we
agree with claim that it is not clear to distinguish
between the offences under investigation in
public law, because (Azarov, 2018):
- public danger, as the capacity of an offence to
cause substantial harm or create a threat of its
infliction, is not a sign that distinguishes these
types of offenses, as public danger is a rather
subjective concept and is inherent in both
criminal offences and administrative offenses.
Therefore, the transfer of the article on liability
for a particular offense from the Criminal Code
to the Code of Administrative Offenses does not
change the ability of this offense to cause harm
or create a threat of its commission;
- the body authorized to impose penalties by law
does not characterize the legal nature of the tort
as well. Determining the jurisdiction of cases is
largely a technical problem, the issue of rational
use of State resources, the compliance with the
procedural form of the essence of the offense;
- the assertion that the imposition of an
administrative penalty does not entail a criminal
record is only correct only from a formal point of
view. Although the Code of Administrative
Offenses (Law No. 80731-X, 1984) does not
contain the term “criminal record”, the main
manifestation of a criminal record its impact on
the qualification of encroachment and
punishment in the case of a new crime is also
applied to administrative liability. Repeated
violation throughout the year is qualifying
ground of many types of administrative offenses
and a circumstance that aggravates liability for an
administrative offense (Article 35 of the Code of
Administrative Offenses). Besides, the
imposition of penalties for administrative
offenses sometimes entails social restrictions,
such as the inability to hold certain positions or
engage in certain activities.
We believe that the emergence of such gaps and
conflicts creates additional restrictions on the
possibility of proving the objective element in
criminal proceedings, because the consideration
of offenses from the standpoint of administrative
offense, rather than criminal misconduct and
criminal offense creates opportunities for
Therefore, even the detection of the facts of
offenses is not always a guarantee of their proper
consideration and bringing the perpetrators to
justice. This is facilitated by various factors:
1) lack of coherence between the Criminal
Code of Ukraine and the Code of
Administrative Offenses of Ukraine on the
composition of the relevant offenses, as a
result of which criminal offenses can often
be considered as administrative offenses,
taking into account low level of public
danger of illegal acts;
2) poor collection of evidence leading to the
dismissing of proceedings because of the
absence of all the elements of administrative
3) insignificant amount of sanctions provided
for the commission of administrative
offenses is also the factor that does not
contribute to the fight and their prevention in
the future. In many cases, judgesdecisions
in cases of administrative offenses are
reduced to a minimum administrative
penalty (fine), which is considered not only
a measure of responsibility, but also serves
to educate the person who committed the
tort. Besides, there is a practice of
combining several cases into one proceeding
and imposing a minimum fine within the
sanction of the norm. This, on the one hand,
relieves the courts, but on the other one it
does not perform a preventive function,
which contributes to legal nihilism that
further generates new torts;
4) sometimes the courts release the offender
from administrative liability, taking into
account the facts of the case and the nature
of the tort, as well as the fact that no serious
consequences resulted from his (her)
actions, making only an oral comment under
the provisions of Art. 22 of the Code of
Administrative Offenses (due to the
insignificance of the offense);
5) delay and dismissal of the cases in
connection with the expiration of the term of
bringing to administrative liability or in
connection with the expiration of the term of
imposition of an administrative penalty;
6) return of case files for completion
(rectification of defects) and their proper
registration in local police departments and
in the National Agency on Corruption
Prevention. As a result, the proceedings
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
usually end with the dismissal of the case
due to the expiration of the term of
administrative prosecution. This applies in
particular to the improper execution of
protocols on administrative offenses, which
are often returned for completion because of
the following reasons:
the essence of the administrative offence is
missing (the fabulate is vague and it is not clear
what exactly constitutes the offence);
it is not specified which normative acts of
Ukraine were violated;
there is no information about witnesses of events
or their absence in the column "witnesses" of the
protocol on administrative offense;
there is no date of the tort with reference to a
specific number of months in the report on the
administrative offense in the column
"composition of the administrative offense”;
the time of the offense is not specified;
the report on the administrative offense does not
specify which part of the article qualifies the
alleged wrongdoing;
the sentences of the protocol are not completed
with a logical meaning, which deprives the court
of the opportunity to establish the essence of a
particular tort;
7) Obstacles to prosecution may also arise at
the stage of consideration of cases in the
administrative court, which in some cases
revoke the judge’s decision and close the
In order to address these gaps and harmonize
administrative and criminal law, it is necessary to
create an effective system for detecting and
combating offenses, respect the rights and
freedoms of those prosecuted, and establish clear
criteria for distinguishing illegal acts, which
makes it impossible to prove the objective
element of criminal proceedings and avoiding
offenders by improper incrimination. Therefore,
we consider it is appropriate:
to applicate the institution of criminal
misdemeanor (Law No.2617-VIII, 2018) in
the system of criminal law with the
harmonization of administrative offense
norms in administrative law;
to implement of the correct qualification of
violations of administrative offense and
criminal law;
to establish the signs of administrative
offenses and offences and criminal
misdemeanors and offenses, according to
which it will be possible to distinguish these
illegal acts in the relevant codes;
the distinction between crimes, criminal and
administrative offenses should be made on
the basis of such criteria as the degree of
damage to public relations, the type of object
of the offense, the objective element of the
offense, the subject of jurisdiction, severity
and type of penalties provided, the subject of
the offense;
to respect the rule of law when bringing to
administrative or criminal liability,
depending on the nature of the offense and
reduce the possibilies of unfair actions on
the part of relevant authorities aimed at
minimizing the consequences of the crime in
order to reduce sanctions. It should be noted
that criminal liability takes precedence over
administrative liability (Part 2, Article 9 of
the Code of Ukraine on Administrative
Offenses (Law No. 80731-X, 1984) states
that administrative liability for offenses
under this Code occurs if these violations are
not criminal offences under the law of
criminal liability).
to harmonize administrative and criminal
justice procedures.
Based on the results of the study, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1) administrative offenses and criminal
offenses have common features and are not
clearly defined in the codified acts, so the
correct definition of the subject matter of
administrative offense and criminal offense,
the establishment of their objective nature is
important for unmistakable administrative or
criminal characterization and proper
imposition of administrative fines or
criminal prosecution;
2) taking into account the problems of
distinguishing administrative offense from
criminal offense, the existence of legal gaps,
the problem of proving the objective element
in criminal proceedings and the probability
of avoiding liability is exacerbated;
3) currently, despite amendments to some
legislative acts of Ukraine to facilitate the
pre-trial investigation of certain categories
of criminal offences, introduce and allocate
“criminal offense” into a separate category,
there is a need to clearly develop universal
criteria for all cases of delimitation of
administrative offenses, formulate the rules
for resolving conflict situation, which entails
the need to improve the rules of domestic
administrative and criminal law.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
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