Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.45.09.1
How to Cite:
Ivaniuk, H., Oleksiuk, O., & Vyshnevetska, M. (2021). Sociocultural dominants of developing students’ value intentions: context of
civilization challenges. Amazonia Investiga, 10(45), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.45.09.1
Sociocultural dominants of developing students’ value intentions:
context of civilization challenges
Соціокультурні домінанти розвитку ціннісних інтенцій студентів:
контекст цивілізаційних викликів
Received: August 2, 2021 Accepted: September 25, 2021
Written by:
Hanna Ivaniuk
Olha Oleksiuk
Maryna Vyshnevetska
Дослідження впливу соціокультурних
домінант на формування ціннісних інтенцій
молодої генерації фахівців (педагогів) є
важливим для виявлення корисних ідей, що
можуть упроваджуватися для покращення
аксіологічної ситуації в країні та світі
відповідно до цивілізаційних викликів. У
статті висвітлено широкий пласт теоретичних
здобутків та подано результати емпіричного
дослідження, що підтверджують позитивну
динаміку розвитку ціннісних інтенцій у
студентів педагогічних і мистецьких
спеціальностей. Узагальнені висновки щодо
розвитку цього важливого феномену в умовах
зниження запитів на ціннісні домінанти,
підтверджено статистичними даними.
Дослідження ґрунтується на аксіологічному,
соціокультурному, системнодіяльнісному і
міждисциплінарному дослідженні.
Дослідницьке поле становили заклади освіти
міста Києва (Україна), вибірка становила 356
респондентів (студенти першого
бакалаврського рівня). Доведено адекватність
застосованих експериментальних
інструментів (анкети, опитувальні аркуші,
педагогічні есе). Експериментальна робота
проводилась в онлайн режимі з
використанням Гугл-сервісів. Результати
вивчення показують позитивну динаміку
розвитку ціннісних інтенцій та значну
кореляцію між мотивацією студентів до
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Musicology and Music Education, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD Student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialties based on sociocultural knowledge is
цінніснозначущої діяльності і сталість цієї
спрямованості у майбутньому. Вперше за
результатами наукового пошуку маємо змогу
зробити доконаний висновок про важливість
соціокультурних детермінант у розвитку
ціннісних інтенцій студентів педагогічних
спеціальностей, що ґрунтуються на
гуманітарних соціокультурних знаннях.
Ключові слова: соціокультурні домінанти,
цінності, ціннісні інтенції, студенти
педагогічних спеціальностей,
міждисциплінарні дослідження.
Formation of the cultural space of a person, a
specialist involves synthesis of general scientific
knowledge with the culture of the era (human
civilization). In this context, we consider of
primary importance the interpenetration of
professional knowledge and human values,
knowledge of the nature and technology and
knowledge of man and sense of his existence.
Since modern civilization is largely technocratic,
the purpose of education in general and art
education in particular is to assimilate the values
of the social environment culture. Sociocultural
dominants constitute the basis of the value
intentions of future teachers specialists in
musical art because they represent the following
personal components: volitional (desire to
perceive, act, create); desire (intention) for value
self-improvement; emotional (evaluative).
Students of pedagogical and artistic specialties are
a special age group which is characterized by a
desire for dominant values: search for truth,
charity in sociocultural centers, openness to
aesthetics and spiritual practices. Therefore, in the
educational process of universities it is important
to cultivate values that are important for the social
practices of future professionals and focused on
the development of personal axiological
intentions, and thus determine the vector of self-
development of the student’s personality.
Note that sociocultural dominants are highlighted
in the context of modern basic concepts of culture,
as a set and enrichment of cultures in the space of
human life. In the conditions of digital civilization
and rapid globalization, the problem of preserving
deep values, which are equally important for
people of different cultures, becomes relevant. In
the process of teacher training, we focus on the
fact that a future specialist will work with children
who will bring motives, needs and assessments
that differ greatly from those established in
previous generations.
The aim of the article is to reveal the generalized
results of scientific research on the formation of
university students’ readiness to choose
sociocultural dominants for the development of
their value intentions on humanistic ideas that
determine their self-affirmation and self-
The results of theoretical analysis have revealed
various approaches of scientists to the study of the
sociocultural component in the development of
value orientations of student youth, which allowed
to substantiate the concepts of “sociocultural
dominants”, “value intentions” and their impact
on professional development. The conducted
interdisciplinary research confirms relevance of
this direction due to the needs of modern human
civilization. The highlighted results of empirical
research in the context of the article made it
possible to generalize the scientific and practical
significance of students’ value intentions
development based on sociocultural dominants
and contributed to their self-improvement in
personal and professional senses in civilizational
Literature Review
Modern researchers argue that in the
interdisciplinary dimension a prominent place
occupy sociocultural dominants in the process of
assimilation by the young generation of such
eternal values as wisdom, truth, justice, freedom
and equality, ethics, kindness and justice (Elior,
2011). We support the above considerations,
given that they are characterized by longevity,
rooted in the traditional sociocultural and modern
cultural background.
In line with the problems of the article, valuable
is interdisciplinary research in the field of social
sciences (pedagogy, psychology) and arts, based
on the classical understanding, according to
Ivaniuk, H., Oleksiuk, O., Vyshnevetska, M. / Volume 10 - Issue 45: 9-19 / September, 2021
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
which the vision of humanities is to form
thinking open to everything new and respect for
past as well as to create the society that supports
value dominants of culture and ethics
development. The study of various aspects of the
influence of sociocultural dominants on value
intentions development in future teachers ensures
preservation of cultural ties between generations.
This idea was substantiated by the ancient Greek
philosopher Plato, who considered the sciences
of man to be related to the humanities and serve
as a means of conscious comprehension of the
meaning of life (Goldman, 2014).
A retrospective review of scientific sources has
revealed that in the sociocultural dimension
(from the historical period of Hellenic culture to
today’s European culture) it was the sciences of
man and his values that expressed the human-
creating mission of civilization. In contrast to the
current popularization of the technological
education strategies, Western European history
of education in previous periods (XIX-XX
centuries) contains productive models built on
the priority of studying the humanities, which
were considered the key to human self-
improvement. The sciences of man and his
values were a tool for achieving his goals and
personal success. The study of different models
of education in Western Europe suggests that the
priority strategy is axiological, and therefore
interdisciplinary research occupies a prominent
place in human adaptation in a changing world
(Rinon, 2014).
In the modern intercultural space, the issue of
personal values and, above all, values of future
professionals, has been studied multifacetedly. In
particular, interesting are the studies presented in
the monographs Horizon of education
spiritualityand “Ugdymo dvasingumas" on the
spiritualization of the educational environment
on the basis of anthropocentrism. The spirituality
of the individual is considered by modern
scholars in connection with culture. This
approach makes it possible to highlight
sociocultural dominants against the background
of a wide cultural field (Kevishas & Otych,
2019). In line with the issues of the article, a
prominent place belongs to research on the
development of spiritual potential of the
individual in post-classical art education on the
basis of anthropological and interdisciplinary
approaches O Oleksiuk (Oleksiuk, 2019),
J. Uchyła-Zroski (Uchyła-Zroski, 2016); value
competences and their essence are revealed in the
work of I. Bekh (Bekh, 2019).
The issue of values is multifaceted. In the
research of modern scientists, a significant place
is given to the study of the values of professional
and pedagogical activities, including the value
attitude and motivation to the teaching career. Of
scientific importance is the study of various
aspects of the students’ humanistic orientation
development by different types of values, general
orientation and self-esteem (Orekhova et al.,
2020); theoretical foundations and models of
values development in higher education
applicants of the specialty Primary Education”
(Panev, 2020); value regulation of the education
managers’ activities (Zhussupova et al., 2020).
For our study, of particular interest is the impact
of value orientation on the efficiency of the
generation Z in the educational process,
including gender dimension (Starecek et al.,
2019). Important for the work are comparative
approaches to the study of the similar problem,
including foreign experience, values of higher
education applicants (González-Gijón et al.,
In a number of works of modern scientists some
aspects of the problems mentioned in the article
are covered. Thus, the article “Formation of
students’ values-based attitude to the future
teaching profession as moral basis of
pedagogical ethics” highlights the values of
future teachers in line with modern social
realities and culture of society (Orekhova et al.,
Some ideas of the above article correspond to the
conclusions of the present article. In line with its
issues, the articleValue-centric education: A
transcending approachis of interest. Its author
pays attention to revealing the essence of value-
centric learning in the context of a new
educational philosophy that integrates modern
experience and traditions (Lyberger, 2020).
The relevance of values development in current
generation is revealed in the article Value
orientations of generation Z and their
performance in education process”, which
highlights the impact of value orientations on
generation Z in the educational process and
substantiates research tools that have revealed
the relationship between the cognitive level and
moral-value orientation of the personality
(Starecek et al, 2019).
Of considerable interest is the article Study of
the values present in the students pursuing the
degree of teacher in primary education in the
public universities of Andalucia”, which reveals
the essential aspects of social and aesthetic
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
concepts of values in youth; educational needs
for learning values in university training
(González-Gijón, 2020). The results of the
theoretical analysis have shown that despite
numerous studies of various aspects of the theory
and practice of values in pedagogical specialists
training, the scientific problem of the
sociocultural dominants of developing future
teachers’ values in the context of civilizational
challenges is not fully and systematically studied.
To ensure the completeness of research, we have
chosen axiological, sociocultural,
interdisciplinary, and systems-activity
approaches. In the process of scientific research,
we gave preference to the systems-activity
approach, as the value intentions development is
considered in the process of teaching students of
artistic and pedagogical specialties, which
envisages their personal value motivation, choice
of dominant sociocultural values and value-
personal activity. The scientific field of research
constitutes a holistic dimension of value interests
and motives, a cognitive level and ways of
activity, the relationship between the acceptance
of sociocultural dominants and changes in value
intentions that affect the value development and
self-development of the individual. This
interpretation is based on the scientific ideas of
L. Vygotsky (Vygotsky, 2000).
An interdisciplinary approach allows combining
interdisciplinary components of art, literature,
history, ethics, pedagogy in line with the human-
creating philosophy of education (Gershunsky,
To implement a comprehensive study of the
above scientific problem a set of methods was
used, namely: theoretical (analysis,
generalization, comparison, systematization) to
determine the degree of elaboration of the
problem in scientific sources; empirical testing,
interviewing to ascertain the formation of the
studied phenomenon; pedagogical experiment;
methods of mathematical statistics (quantitative
and qualitative processing of research results and
statistical verification of their objectivity by
Pearson’s correlation using MS EXCEL (the
function “Corel”). The choice of adequate
methods for the purpose of the study is based on
the results of theoretical analysis of the studies
that reflect similar scientific problems.
The study was carried out in several stages. The
purpose of the first stage of the study was to
clarify the state of the problem, to identify in
students-future teachers of the education and art
field the value intentions based on sociocultural
To achieve the above goal, we used a group of
empirical tools using the Google service and
conducted: online surveys, interviews; analysis
of products of students’ educational activity
(pedagogical essay); real-time pedagogical
observation. The different stages of the study
involved 356 respondents, the age range was 18-
35 years. We did not divide respondents by
gender and nationality.
Procedure: in the developed case study, the
respondents were selected in accordance with
educational-professional training programs,
namely: “Primary education”, Instrumental
performance” (orchestral string, folk, wind and
percussion instruments).
Research results
According to the results of the study, the profile
of students of pedagogical specialties, the
relationship between the attitude to sociocultural
dominants and intrinsic motivation for the
development of value intentions and value-
personal self-development are analyzed.
Therefore, we consider it expedient to single out
the value-personal component of the content of
future teachers training, which is based on the
inner senses of the individual to conscious
perception of himself in the profession, attitude
to himself and others and is dominant in
becoming a specialist. Note that pedagogical
activity is multidimensional, it is expressed by
psychophysiological, didactic, aesthetic, ethical
It is proved that in the sphere of human-human
activity, which includes pedagogical and artistic
education, value intentions are characterized by
personal and professional components, and
hence personal-value and professional content.
The results of the analysis of the content of
educational programs in pedagogy, psychology,
educational (psychological-pedagogical
practices), professional methodologies allowed
to establish the main interconnected tendencies:
innovative and traditional (adaptation of separate
practices of the past years to solving current tasks
of specialists’ value intentions development in
conditions of the transformation of the
educational paradigms).
A set of methods was used to identify current
values in future specialists in pedagogical and art
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
education: surveys, interviews, pedagogical
essays, mathematical statistics. Identification and
generalization of the results of scientific research
allowed to establish the following: 100 % of
respondents (full-time and part-time students of
the 1, 2 years study) considered important for
themselves in the professional plane the values of
goodness and justice; in the ranking of dominant
values it was found out that 77.3 % preferred
sociocultural and spiritual values; in second
place there were family values (family, family
care) chosen by 54.5 % of respondents; 50 %
of respondents preferred democratic values
(freedom, justice, equality; respect for the
individual); material values were paramount for
27.3 % of respondents. A comparative analysis
of the responses of students with teaching
experience and those without such an experience
shows the following: teachers with five years of
teaching experience or more pay more attention
to their own professional development and
connect it with digital and other innovative
technologies, the axiological component of
professional activity mostly remains in the last
place. In contrast to this group of respondents,
full-time students (without pedagogical
experience) in the ranking process distinguish
sociocultural values in the first group and
characterize them as being fundamental to
human communities.
Interpretation of the obtained results is based on
innovation and traditionalism (as discussed
above). Excessive focus on the performance of
narrow-profile tasks in teacher training is
characterized by the longevity of the usual
knowledge-normative educational paradigm of
previous periods. Hence, there is an obvious
substitution of the visions for training, which
contradict the current tasks of preparing the
young generation for life in a multicultural
environment and forming their readiness to learn
throughout life. In line with innovative trends in
teacher training, the main thing is integration of
knowledge about man and his values as a human-
creating factor. Thus, anthropological correction
of pedagogical reality is carried out in the
conditions of change of pragmatic strategy to
To examine whether there is a relationship
between students’ positive attitudes toward
sociocultural values and motivation to learn
them, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was
calculated. A significant positive correlation was
found (p <0.01, r = 0.4). A positive correlation
was also found in the sample of EPP “Primary
Education” (p<0.01, r = 0.34) and in applicants
for higher education of the first (bachelor’s) level
in instrumental performance (p<0.05, r = 0.44).
Table 1.
Pearson’s correlation between the average ratio of sociocultural dominants and the average indicators of
value intentions assimilation.
Pearson’s correlation
Total sample
Students of the EPP Primary Education
Students of the EPP Instrumental
performance (orchestral string, folk, wind
and percussion instruments)
*p< .05, **p< .01
Source: own authorship (2021)
Based on the obtained results, Pearson’s tests
were performed for each selected position
separately. There was a significant correlation
between the attitude to sociocultural heritage and
motivation to study literature (oral folk art),
history of culture and arts, contemporary art,
native and state languages, written memorabilia
for each of the subjects separately. The highest
ratio for the arts was found, while the study of
written memorabilia (written historical and
literary sources) received the lowest correlation.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Pearson’s correlation between personal-value attitudes to education fields and the choice of value
Pearson’s correlation
Languages and literatures
Oral folk art
History of arts, art
*p< .05, **p< .01
Source: own authorship (2021)
Regarding the question whether and to what
extent there will be differences between those
who have low and high academic achievements
(grades) in motivation to study the sociocultural
aspect of academic disciplines, we have
identified three levels of students’ achievements
low, medium, high. A one-way ANOVA was
performed. No significant difference between the
levels of academic achievements of students was
found (F (3125) = 0.79; p = n.s.).
According to the results of the ascertaining stage
of the study, the influence of sociocultural
dominants on the development of value
intentions of student youth is detected. Their
content is increasingly filled with universal
meaning and naturally affects the direction of
students’ interests and needs. At the same time,
in our opinion, it is right to consider it to be one
of the types of values, the semantic whole, which
unites motives, needs, interests, attitudes, and
ideals. It is here that the law operates: the broader
aesthetic interests, the more defined the needs for
artistic creativity or communication with art, the
more formed taste and aesthetic position, the
fuller in terms of values becomes an aesthetic
attitude, the more spiritually significant.
Based on these provisions, we have identified
several types of value intentions that reflect the
value attitude of student youth to different arts
and future teaching.
In order to determine the trends in the
development of values of student youth in
modern sociocultural realities in Ukraine, we
studied the influence of the sociocultural
dominants on the development of these personal
qualities in students of art and pedagogical
specialties of several universities in Ukraine and
traditions of its development, as well as the needs
of society and the possibility of meeting them in
the sociocultural environment. The study
involved 450 first- and second-year students.
Methods of observation, questionnaires,
interviews, ranking, testing, rating were used.
Students were asked to fill out the questionnaires
consisting of the open-ended questions to explore
their ideas about aesthetic qualities, ethics,
culture of behavior, the pursuit of the ideal. Note
that the answers to the questions were varied and
almost not repeated. When asked why modern
man should strive for the ideal, students
answered that it was an opportunity to be
something better than others; gaining experience
and self-improvement; development. Future
professionals would like to be role models for
those who: want to be familiar with different
genres of music; loves art; does not know what
he wants from life. According to students, a
cultured person should observe etiquette rules
and speak languages, respect others and take
control of himself, strive to acquire knowledge.
Respondents noted that a person had to do his job
honestly, be purposeful, aware of the purpose of
his activities.
Describing their aspirations in life, future
professionals point out what they like; self-
realization and self-development; the desire for
something new, for happiness and money, for the
ideal. Aesthetic qualities are understood by
students as the desire for beauty; love of classics
in various arts; the ability to see beauty in
everything around; obligatory features of the
modern personality. Applicants form themselves
as musicians; independent and decent
personalities; qualities of a leader: resistance to
life misfortunes, politeness, self-control.
Students believe that a person who has achieved
respect, understands others, the world,
everything, authority, has formed
communicative qualities. They are grateful for
the achievement of certain results to teachers of
music schools and parents; other factors that
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
contributed to it are: fruitful work; efforts to
overcome laziness; the environment; motivation.
For students, the priority values in society are
kindness, optimism; family; respect; money;
moral values. In other people, students are
attracted to such aspects as: the style of music
that the person listens to; intelligence;
independence, respect for others; responsibility
for their words and deeds, sense of humor; ability
to speak on “high topics”. Students reflect on
cultural issues when they are addressed; when
observing the rudeness and disrespect of people
for others; when communicating with people
who cannot express their opinion.
Students’ ideas about ethics are manifested in
knowledge of etiquette and good manners;
restraint; respect for each other; colors; people’s
actions. In aesthetic culture, students are
attracted by the beauty that everyone aspires to;
thirst to see the new and unusual; colors and
books; the height from which aesthetics “looks”
at the world. Students believe that art for modern
man is an opportunity to learn something new;
new genres in music and new styles in dance, a
combination of different arts; self-development
and peace of mind; way to make the world a
better place. According to the respondents,
beauty will save the world under such conditions,
if: it reaches the highest value; is able to solve
problems; beauty, reason and moral values are
combined; becomes a priority in society. When
asked about their desires and dreams, the
students answered that they would like to play
in a rock band”; always be smiling”; “be more
relaxed”; “sleep and see friends”; “be happy”;
“succeed and self-realize”.
Getting into an inadequate situation, students try
to: correct it; think adequately; quickly navigate
and find a way out. Describing the decisions they
regret, the respondents named situations when
the actions: a) were, in their opinion, wrong; b)
had bad consequences; c) did not bring the
desired results. Memorable for students are those
events that were “fun”; “caused strong
emotions”; “full of bright and joyful moments”;
“all were important”; remain in photos and
videos”; “evoke memories”.
Answering open-ended questions on the
principle of continue the sentence”, students
formulated the following statements: to the
question “Modern man should strive for the ideal
to…” 30.4 % of them answered “improve
yourself”. 17.4 % would like to be a role model
for those who want to become better. 34.8 % of
future professionals believe that a cultured
person should observe the rules of etiquette, have
moral values, knowledge and skills. To the
question “Mandatory for a person in the activity
is…”, 34.8 % of respondents answered
“diligence”; 26.1 % of respondents in life want to
start a family, work and get an education.
Aesthetic qualities are understood by 17.4 % of
students as “something beautiful”. According to
them, among the qualities that should be formed
in the personality, 39.1 % noted respect for
cultural heritage, pride in one’s culture and
respect for other cultures; 21.7 % willpower,
determination, humanity. Students note that a
person who has achieved respect, first takes
control of himself (30.4 %). To the question
“Why do students achieve certain results?they
single out the following factors: “diligence and
perseverance” (43.5 %), “help and faith of
parents” (26.1 %). Among the highest priority
values in society, respondents note respect,
kindness and honesty (69.6 %). Other students
are attracted by the following traits and qualities:
openness, appearance (30.4 %), humor and zest
for life (17.4 %). Forming their ideas about
ethics, students note that it is “norms of behavior,
a set of moral rules(34.8 %). Cognition (13.0
%) and worldview (13.0 %) for students is the
embodiment of art. Faced with an inadequate
situation, 34.8 % of students try to be calm, and
26.1 % try to find a way out. When asked about
the decisions they regret, 13.0 % of students
answered, “actions that could harm others”, and
21.7 % those that will not help them
themselves”. The most memorable events for
students are those that are accompanied by
positive emotions (26.1 %). The results of the
study are presented in table 3.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
The results of a survey of future professionals.
Sentences to be continued
Variants of students’ answers
Percentage of answers
from the total number
of respondents
Modern man should strive
for the ideal to
Improve oneself
30.4 %
Be a role model for those who want to be
17.4 %
A cultured person must observe the rules
of etiquette, have moral values and skills
34.8 %
Mandatory for the person in
the activity is
Hard work
34.8 %
Creating a family, work and education
26.1 %
I understand aesthetic
qualities as
Something beautiful
17.4 %
Personality qualities that
should be formed in a
Discipline, confidence, professionalism
39.1 %
Willpower, purposefulness, humanity
21.7 %
A person who has achieved
respect first of all
Takes control of himself
30.4 %
What helps students achieve
certain results?
Hard work and perseverance
43.5 %
Help and faith of parents
26.1 %
The highest priority values in
Respect, kindness, honesty
69.6 %
Traits and qualities that
attract you in others
Openness, appearance
30.4 %
Humor and zest for life
17.4 %
Your ideas about ethics
Norms of behavior, a set of moral rules
34.8 %
Personification of art
13.0 %
World perception
13.0 %
Getting into an inadequate
Try to be calm
34.8 %
Trying to find a way out
26.1 %
What decisions do you
About actions that could harm others
13.0 %
Those that will not help them themselves
21.7 %
Most memorable events
Those that are accompanied by positive
26.1 %
Source: own authorship (2021)
The instability of economic development, the
clash of globalization and regionalization, the
prevalence of declarative moral norms in society
over the existing ones affect the formation of a
system of students’ value orientations, according
to which the central link in the system of
responsibility for performance is the individual.
Analysis of modern training strategies, as well as
practices of the educational process in higher
education institutions reveals several trends in
the formation of the system of value intentions
development in future professionals. These
trends have a binary character: radicalism of
innovations and conservatism of traditions,
though with the changed content, sense, values
and vectors of development; incomprehensibility
in the use of world experience and orientation
towards isolationism; expansion of the
technocratic approach to the procedure of
assessing the quality of education.
It is known that tradition is always the value basis
of any social system. First of all, the cultural
tradition in which the values of society take place
is important for art education. New forms of
digital revolution, challenges and risks of
network socialization affect the whole content of
spiritual education, not only its individual
components, namely: educational systems,
theoretical ideas about the spiritual space of
educational reality and its component space of
spiritual education” (I. Kevishas).
Thus, we are currently witnessing modernization
of value orientation in the fields of art and
education (pedagogy), which is explained by
intercultural globalization, penetration of digital
technologies into all spheres of life and intensive
development of the world educational space.
This trend is reflected in the increase of spiritual
significance for students of classical and folk
music, rock music and in the critical attitude to
the pop hit, in the stable awareness of national
Volume 10 - Issue 45
/ September 2021
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and cultural identity, reflected in the evaluation
of works of art and so on. Meanwhile, there is a
decline in the culture of reading literature about
art and Ukrainian classics. We can say that the
Internet factor determines special prospects in
training modern specialists in the field of art, in
particular, in reading literature about art.
Experimental data on aesthetic qualities,
aesthetic communication, ethics, culture of
behavior, striving for the ideal turned out to be
quite interesting. The most valuable were the
value intentions of students for the profession,
although there are some contradictions between
the focus on the end result as a form (completion
of higher education, obtaining a profession) and
content (mastery of professional competences).
Experimental research has shown that in the
modern system of art and pedagogical education
there is a need to organize large-scale
interdisciplinary cooperation of teachers of
music schools, colleges and institutions of higher
art education for the development of student
youth in continuing art education.
Sociocultural reality is unique at a particular time
and place, in relation to the general essence of
human life and personal and professional
meanings in the space of existence.
Theoretical analysis of research on the value
dominants of human life, from abstract to
concrete, throughout the history of culture leads
to the conclusion that humanity seems to have
woven the most important virtues, which are
reflected in language, traditions, oral and written
literature, philosophy, art, views on the
upbringing of children and youth. The
development of their value intentions is
influenced by sociocultural dominants, which is
constantly updated within human thought, with
all its uniqueness and changing nuances.
Note that the interest in the sociocultural
phenomenon today is due to the following
circumstances: civilizational changes in the
environment and social institutions; priority of
the culture potential in the development of the
individual and society. The difficulty of this
reasoning lies in establishing links between the
“personality-culture” dichotomy and
overcoming the contradictions of the individual
with various cultural and civilizational
influences, including those generated by the
dominance of technological consciousness.
In the scientific discourse of the twentieth
century, there are diametrically opposed views of
scientists in the fields of psychoanalysis (S.
Freud, C. Jung, E. Neumann (Freud, 2013; Jung,
Neumann, Freud, 1996)), philosophical
anthropology (E. Fromm (Fromm, 2017)),
sociobiology (M. Ruse, E. O. Wilson (Ruse,
1985; Wilson, 1979)) on the place and role of
culture in the development of man and society.
The conceptual ideas of our study are based on
understanding the priority of sociocultural
influence on the formation of personal and
professional values of future specialists in the
field of education and art. Sociocultural
dominants are considered as factors influencing
the formation of the inner world of the individual
and his value intentions, which are decisive for
both the individual and social units and society
as a whole. Culture in the personal sense is
correlated with conscious work to improve one’s
own self-development and order all that
surrounds a person. According to I. Kant’s
(2019) ideas, culture is a way of setting and
achieving one’s own goals, as well as the goals
of moral improvement of society. The
characteristic features of people’s behavioral
experience in the social environment of
knowledge, which serve to meet individual
intellectual and emotional needs in the process of
self-development and professional development
of the future teacher, have been experimentally
confirmed. Therefore, we consider the
relationship of cultural determinants with social
transformations and their impact on the subject-
personal aspect of man in the process of
becoming a specialist in the field of pedagogical
and art education.
It was found out The influence of sociocultural
dominants on the development of value
intentions of future specialists in pedagogical and
art education in the context of civilizational
challenges corresponds to the understanding of
the essence of future specialist own involvement
in social development as a carrier and product of
the social environment values and transformation
of previously acquired values under the influence
of cultural (technological, social) processes. In
general, culture characterizes a person as an
active subject in the process of social
development; concentrates his experience in the
creation of natural and social environments,
which is the basis for the continuity of the human
mentality. A person develops as a personality in
the process of assimilating a cultural space that
contains a kind of social memory of generations.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
It was proved: sociocultural dominants are the
architecture of humanizing education and teacher
training. The content and methods used by the
humanities are the only ones that support and
contribute to the preservation and increase of
culture and democracy in various spheres of
human life. The humanities occupy a prominent
place in teacher training. The content of the
humanities serves as a tool for value intentions
development in students of pedagogical
specialties, which is the basis for the formation
of critical thinking, creativity and empathy. In the
course of the experiment it was established the
predominance of pragmatic value intentions that
we observe today in youth circles is a process and
result of education, based on technological
paradigms. The departure from humanistic
values in education and daily life of human
communities leads to the devaluation of
sociocultural dominants and the severance of
ingrained cultural ties. Therefore, it may affect
the young person’s perception of antisocial and
anti-democratic values, formation of apathy to
humanistic values. Since the personality is socio-
cultural in nature and individual and unique in
the way of its existence, we consider its
subjectivity in the course of the cultural-
historical process. To ensure the dynamism of the
cultural process, man should be in constant
development, based on socio-cultural dominants,
and hence human civilization will be constantly
The conducted experiment of this scientific
problem in the context of preparation for
professional activity of specialists in education
and art gives grounds to say that the majority of
students show a positive attitude to socio-cultural
dominants that characterize universal meanings,
namely: respect for man and his traditional
culture, values of human health and life,
traditional folk culture, etc. Agreeing that socio-
cultural dominants are the basic background of
human culture, a significant number of
respondents did not show readiness to study the
culture of previous periods which indicates the
contradictions of their perceptions. In this group
of students mostly prefer modern pragmatic
personal meanings their own career, material
security, leadership. We assume that the profile
of graduates of pedagogical specialties of higher
education institutions will be characterized by
high cultural and professional status. To conduct
the study, we have identified the following main
issues that correspond to the profile of the higher
education applicant of the (first) bachelor’s
degree level: what are the dominant values
relevant to the teaching career (primary school
teacher, head of a group playing musical
instruments); personal and value portrait of a
modern teacher; ranking by students of value
dominants which most essentially correspond to
a pedagogical profession in the conditions of
social transformations; influence of value
differences on the motivation to study the
humanities, personal development and self-
The results of the study allow us to conclude that
the humanities have not lost their human-creating
potential in our time. It has been found that the
young generation is motivated to develop their
own moral sphere and they are value-centered.
However, pragmatically oriented young people
cannot always find in the content of the
humanities, which include disciplines of art,
pedagogy, those segments that are aimed at the
future, the development of values of future
professionals depends on the content of the
educational process in their training. Common to
specialists training in pedagogical and art
education is their involvement in the stage of
study at the university in the human-centered
sociocultural content, which is a factor in the
development of value intentions of the
individual. Note that the sociocultural
component and its value dominants are of interest
to young people when they see its prospects and
future orientation. We did not focus in the study
on identifying the deep processes of humanities
education and limited the range of research to
those values that are clear and acceptable to
young people.
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