State of preparation of a teacher-psychologist for professional adaptation to an inclusive educational environment: Eurasian aspects


The article considers the conditions for preparing a teacher-psychologist for professional adaptation in the environment of inclusive education in the post-Soviet space. The authors consider the work on inclusive education and psychological and pedagogical support for problem categories of the population based on concepts in the field of education. The article is an analytical review. We analyse scientific and pedagogical research on the problems of domestic and foreign inclusive education, the process of personal development and career guidance in the countries of Eurasia, primarily Russia and Kazakhstan. Professional training of future specialists consists in the formation at a high level of professionally important qualities of their morality, communication skills, will, intelligence, etc. We consider the state of inclusive education in higher educational institutions of Russia and Kazakhstan, we focus on the issue of preparing a teacher-psychologist for professional adaptation in an inclusive education environment. The authors present in the article the results of research conducted by students on the issues of professional adaptation at the University.


education, inclusive education, adaptation, professional adaptation, inclusive educational environment, COVID-19 pandemic


The professional standard sets high requirements for the professional competence of the teacher, while increasing his responsibility for the results of teaching activities. Along with the already known competencies that a teacher must implement in professional activities (for example, effectively regulate the behavior of students to ensure a safe educational environment; be able to communicate with children, recognizing their dignity and accepting them; be able to design a psychologically safe and comfortable environment, etc.), new, previously undefined requirements are formulated. A modern teacher must possess psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various groups of students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autistics, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction (Polivara, Karabulatova, 2018).

The development of inclusive education in the countries of Eurasia (Russia, Kazakhstan, China) is becoming a priority, especially in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aggression of the COVID-19 pandemic causes an urgent need to improve the skills of teachers-psychologists, subject teachers and inclusive education technologies. In the situation of a threat to universal civilization, we understand again the relationship " society-education-training-teacher "as one of the" eternal " problems of humanity. We, as specialists, should understand that in this situation, psychological and pedagogical training and professionalism are vital for helping and support to children in situations of forced social isolation, in the development of mechanisms for social adaptation (Karabulatova et al., 2015). The governments of most countries of the world have closed educational and educational institutions in order to contain the global COVID-19 pandemic (An appeal to UNESCO from March 18, 2020).

The very situation with the COVID-19 coronavirus, in which all of humanity found itself, causes a lot of complex feelings not only in adults, but also in children. This condition is hard to understand by all people, regardless of age, gender, nation, profession and status, because there are no actions that can quickly fix everything, return to the usual way of life. This situation is accompanied by a feeling of powerlessness. The demographics of most developed countries are focused on the birth of one child, so in the case of illness of parents, children are left alone as social orphans. This causes a feeling of fear of death, fear of losing loved ones, forming features of the autistic spectrum in children.

In the context of educational reform in the context of a pandemic, there is a need to train teachers-psychologists who understand the essence of the ongoing socio-pedagogical processes, with a new conceptual idea.

Materials and methods

The aim of the study was to identify psycho-pedagogical conditions of formation of psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers-psychologists for work in inclusive education system. The object of the research is the psychological and pedagogical readiness of a teacher-psychologist for professional activity. The subject of the research is psychological and pedagogical readiness of a teacher-psychologist to work in the system of inclusive education. The research hypothesis is as follows:

1) structural components of psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers-psychologists for work in inclusive education system heterochronic develop and interrelate with each other: the level of personal development and motivational components are interdependent and determine the formation of cognitive component of readiness; 2) compliance with stages in the process of formation of readiness, integrative impact on all subjects of inclusive educational space with the allocation of priority areas of work, creative cooperation in the student-teacher dyad will effectively form the psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers-psychologists to work in the system of inclusive education; 3) the process of forming psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers-psychologists to work in the system of inclusive education will be effective if the formative program is organized in the unity of three interrelated stages: the first stage-the formation of personal, motivational and emotional-volitional components through psychological and pedagogical training; the second stage-the formation of a cognitive component based on an elective course; the third stage is to consolidate the qualities formed at the previous stage necessary for psychological and pedagogical support of children with developmental problems in an inclusive school in practice.

Research methods: 1) "Motivation of teaching of pedagogical University students" by S. A. Pakulina, M. V. Ovchinnikova; 2) test "Method of diagnostics of levels of empathic abilities" V. V. Boyko; 3) Method "tolerance-tolerance" L. G. Pochebut; 4) test of social intelligence of Guilford; 5) Factor personal questionnaire of Kettell (16 RB); 7) method of diagnostics of social and psychological attitudes of the person in the motivational-need sphere of O. F. Potemkina; 8) test-questionnaire for measuring motivation of affinity of A. Mehrabian (adapted by M. sh.Magomed-Eminov). The experimental base of our research was universities in Russia and Kazakhstan, where the authors of this study work. A total of 262 subjects took part in the study at various stages (224 of them were girls and 38 young people).

The work uses a set of the following methods that are selected adequately for the purpose, subject and objectives of the study: 1) theoretical methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and educational literature on psychology; 2) empirical methods: testing, questionnaires; 3) experimental methods: pilot study, formative experiment; 4) methods for processing experimental data: statistical methods, qualitative and quantitative processing of research results, graphical representation of data.


In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the formation of inclusive teacher competence is an effective part of professional activity, while children with special educational needs receive additional difficulties, since, as researchers point out, these children need to communicate and co-learn with normally developing peers (Sinomenko, Reptivyh, 2003; Salthouse, 2005).

Educational psychologists must be specially trained in order to have high professional competence in working with children in the context of a pandemic. The formation of such competencies will allow each specialist to be an active member of society in a situation of isolation.

Today, researchers have developed the following criteria for inclusive competence: motivation, perception, response, and action.

Perception as a criterion reflects the educational ability to think critically in the context of inclusion of education and the pandemic (Waleed, 2015). This parameter assumes the presence of not only the actual subject knowledge, but also the socio-pedagogical knowledge of a modern teacher-psychologist.

This criterion includes the following parameters: 1) the presence of specialized and systematized complex of psycho-pedagogical and medico-social techniques in conjunction with empirical activities for inclusive work with children with special needs in a pandemic; 2) the possession of a body of knowledge and skills transmitted in the technologies and methods of professional activity of the psychologist in inclusive education at the time of a pandemic; 3) understanding the complex of medical, social and other problems in children with disabilities studying in the context of a pandemic.

The response includes the following items: 1) a critical analysis of the implementation of the ideas of inclusive education based on the awareness of self and the experience of others; 2) adequate assessment of the results of various types of psycho-pedagogical activities considering the challenges of the time; 3) the need for personal and professional growth of a teacher-psychologist with higher level of inclusive competence.

Action as a criterion implies the presence of previously mastered methods of inclusion in the psychological and pedagogical practice of a specialist (Afonkina, 2015; Khairani, et al, 2020; Karabulatova et al, 2017).

Uncertainty is not easily experienced by most people. The educational psychologist creates a sense of confidence for children in the current pandemic situation by creating certainty and constancy in what the child and/or adult can control. For example, it can be a daily routine: getting up and going to bed at the same time as usual for a person, observing the time of eating, playing, studying and resting.

Researcher O. S. Kuzmina (2011) emphasizes that professional and personal training of teachers-psychologists requires compliance with the following components: 1) a clear understanding of the concept of inclusive education as such; 2) drawing a clear border between inclusive education and traditional forms of education and awareness of the differences between these types of education; 3) understanding the psychological, age, gender, personal, medical and social characteristics of children in a limited situation of the pandemic and conditions of inclusive education; 4) understanding the methods of psychological and didactic design in the inclusive educational process for children from different health groups, taking into account the situation of quarantine due to the pandemic; 5) using various technologies of psychological and pedagogical work between all actors of the educational inclusive environment, both separately and jointly . For example, a) working with children individually, in pairs, in a small and/or large group; b) working with parents; c) working with colleagues-teachers and medical staff, specialists and experts.

Professional competence was studied by many scientists: V. I. Kashnitsky, M. M. Levina, A. K. Markova, L. A. Petrovskaya, V. A. Slastenin, etc. Issues of training of teachers and development of higher pedagogical education are considered by such Kazakhstani researchers as A. E. Abylkasymova, J. R. Bashirova, Z. A. Issayeva, N. D. Khmel, A. K. Kussainov, L. V. Nikitenkova, A. A. Moldazhanova, T. S. Sadykov, A. P. Seiteshev, V. V. Shakhgulari, Sh. T. Taubayeva, G. A. Umanov, K. S. Uspanov et al.

Many researchers understand professional competence as a multi-level integration of professionally significant parameters of the teacher's personality: K. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, T. Cherkasova, I. Grishina, V. Krayevsky, A. Markova, I. Mkrtumova, E.Mychko, I. Tsvelukh, V. Vvedensky, G. Zabirovа and others.

Today we see many scientific researches in the field of improving pedagogical skills, while specific issues of professional competence of teachers in the field of inclusion are considered by few specialists (Karabulatova et al., 2015; Karepova et al, 2015). The position of Z. V. Polivarа and I. S. Karabulatova on the formation of inclusive competence of teachers in the process of professional training is of interest. Researchers interpret inclusive competence of teachers as a key component of their professional competence (Polivara, Karabulatova, 2018). Representatives of the Kazan scientific school include content and functional competencies in the propaedeutic profile of the teacher (Zamaletdinov et al., 2014). They developed a model for the formation of inclusive competence in students-teachers based on contextual learning technologies.

Representatives of the Saint Petersburg scientific school understand the professional competence of a teacher as a certain synergetic characteristic, which includes both the specialist's ability to solve professional problems, and background knowledge combined with life experience. All authors note that professional competence is expressed as much as possible in solving professional tasks of varying complexity, considering the context. Groups of professional tasks reflect the levels of competence of teachers in the field of inclusion. psychological and pedagogical features of the age of children with disabilities, their personal development in an inclusive educational space; 2) the ability to select the best ways to organize inclusive education; 3) the skills of detailed design of the educational process for co-education of children with disabilities and normal development during epidemics/ pandemics and after them; 4) the implementation of multidimensional psychological and pedagogical interaction between all actors of the inclusive educational process; 5) creation of a specialized educational environment in conditions of inclusion using various resources and opportunities of various educational and educational institutions for children with special health needs; 6) development and implementation of professional self-education on various problems of children with disabilities in an inclusive educational continuum (Sinomenko, Reptivyh, 2003; Polivara, Karabulatova, 2018).

The problem of education for disabled people in modern countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, China) is one of the most pressing problems of our time. Without education, the disabled person is not only unable to participate in public life, but also to earn a living. Therefore, the possibility of getting an education for a disabled person plays an important role in their life. In turn, the fundamental role in the education of any person is played by school education. (Cherkasova et al, 2019).

So the teacher begins his work with children with disabilities with the adoption of the professional value orientations: 1) recognition of the value of a person's identity regardless of the degree of violations and the severity of the disease; 2) focus on a common and comprehensive development of child's personality, not just the achievement of some learning outcomes; 3) awareness of own responsibility as a carrier of culture for children with disabilities; 4) understanding the importance of creative approach in pedagogical and educational work with children with disabilities; 5) accumulation of various spiritual, cultural and energy resources for involving children with disabilities in the work on their own psychological improvement of the individual. Professional and personal readiness of a teacher to work with the disabled, according to I. Erina, is determined by the psychological desire to help (2019).

At the same time, this category of disabled people does not need excessive guardianship, since, first, such guardianship, especially if it accompanies a disabled person from birth, can foster in him a sense of inferiority, entailing internal psychological conflicts, and secondly, excessive assistance in those actions that the disabled person is able to perform himself, leads him to a sense of protest.

The division of all persons with disabilities into these two categories allows us to determine the main directions that would ensure that they receive education, both school and professional. Disabled people with functional disabilities have very developed intellectual abilities.

Therefore, there is no need for them to adapt educational programs and standards. Given the conditions in which any healthy person exists, they will not be inferior to any of them in academic performance and level of knowledge. But in most cases, their illness limits their ability to access the source of knowledge (Rojas Bahamón, & Arbeláez Campillo, 2020). Many of them find it difficult or impossible to use the library or communicate with people who are knowledgeable in the Sciences.

Psychological and pedagogical readiness of a teacher to help is based on altruistic behavior of a person aimed at the well-being of other people (Blagireva, 2019; ). Psychologists believe that this type of prosocial behavior is not unambiguous and uniform. The level of willingness to help correlates with the level of empathy, dedication, care, organization, and responsibility. This trait of a person's personality, as a rule, gets its development under certain conditions. Such a person should have a safe mind and pedagogical optimism Pedagogical optimism in relation to children with disabilities implies confidence in the progress in the development of such a child, faith in his potential. At the same time, you should be careful of making excessive demands on the child, that you expect better results from him than what he is capable of (Erina et al, 2019).

A teacher working with children with disabilities must have a high level of regulation of their activities, control themselves in stressful situations, respond quickly and confidently to changing circumstances and make decisions. They must have the skills to cope with negative emotions, the skills to relax, the ability to control, and the ability to adapt to difficult, unexpected situations (Alsubaie, 2020).

The emotional-volitional component is represented by a high level of empathy development, the cognitive component consists of the ability to make quick and accurate judgments about people, successfully predict their reactions in given circumstances, show foresight in relations with others, and interest in social problems. The emotional and volitional component of the teacher's personality allows to prevent possible conflict situations during the educational process, in which a protective and sparing regime is a priority for a disabled child (Cherkasova et al., 2019).

Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to generalize and systematize the essence of the concept "psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers-psychologists to work in the system of inclusive education". The variability of existing approaches to the definition, structure, indicators, and conditions of formation of psychological and pedagogical readiness of psychology students to work in the inclusion system makes it difficult to understand the essence of training psychological personnel to work in inclusive educational institutions.


The analysis of various approaches and trends in domestic and foreign science allows us to consider the psychological and pedagogical readiness of future teachers-psychologists to work in the system of inclusive education as a system of professionally significant personal qualities, social attitudes, motivation, and cognitions necessary for psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities in inclusive education.

The process of professional development is associated with professional achievement, satisfaction of it in accordance with the type of person in the professional environment. In order to determine the diagnostic characteristics of the research and study the state of inclusive education in higher education, as well as to disclose the main content of the issue of preparing a teacher-psychologist for professional adaptation in the environment of inclusive education, a survey was conducted among students of 1-4 courses. The purpose of the study is to study the patterns in the groups of subjects in preparation for professional adaptation to an inclusive educational environment in working with children with POA.

The method of multivariate research of Kettell's personality (16pf-questionnaire) is carried out. The main task is to connect with personal qualities based on awareness of the conditions of inclusive education under study. Depending on these tasks, a correlation analysis was performed using the SPSS-24 program. We performed The Kettell 16-personality factors method in control and experimental groups of the subjects. The main results of the Pearson correlation analysis were low: in the Kettell method, the a factor indicates that the openness or closeness of a person. Awareness of inclusive education is very closely related to the factor A /r=0.152, p>0.01/. This, in General, is directly related to the fact that students, thanks to sincere intentions and willingness to communicate with other people, with a large number. "What children you think about the number of children in need of inclusive education?"

The relationship of factor A to the question is very high /r=0.138, p>0.05/," is inclusive education included in the legal documents? "if you indicated a link to the question /r=0.1236 p>0.05/, then "is the subject related to inclusive education being studied at the University where you study?" on the question /r=0.168, p>0.01 / indicates a connection. "Are you ready to work in an inclusive education environment in the future?" are you ready to work with children with a PO in the future, if you specified indicators/ r=0.173, p>0.01/?"indicators have shown a / r=0,120, p>0.05/. In other words, close correlations allow us to conclude that the higher the future teacher-psychologist's good intentions and views on people, the higher the level of professionalism. In other words, we can say that the presented psychological regularity is a competency-based requirement for the upbringing and training of children with ZPR. This correlation is inextricably linked to the General pedagogical competence, and we can say that this is a General requirement for pedagogical activity.

Factor B in the methodology of R. B. Kettell characterizes the level of development of human intelligence. Therefore, the higher the intelligence of the future specialist, the more inclined he is to pedagogical activity. Courses for researchers of intelligence factors, "do you know about inclusive education?"/ r=0.137, p>0.05/, " which children are considered to be in need of inclusive education?"/ r=0.228, p>0.01/, " is inclusive education included in the legal documents?"/ r=0.194, p>0.01/, "is there a subject related to inclusive education at the University where you study?"/ r=0.192, p>0.01/, " does the content of the discipline satisfy in the studied case?" - there is a close relationship with the questions / r=0.278, p>0.01/. It can be concluded that these questions and their close connections with each other in a positive sense reflect the level of training of the studied. Because this is a psychological pattern.

The emphasized psychological pattern is that the higher the intelligence, desire for knowledge and motivation to learn, the higher their readiness for inclusive education. High intelligence of the subjects " are you ready to work in an inclusive education environment in the future?"/ r=0.164, p>0.01/, " are you ready to work with children with PDT in the future?" - very closely related to the questions / r=0.218, p>0.01/. Of course, this is a psychological pattern. A higher level of students ' knowledge, a broader Outlook, and an indicator of their readiness to work in the field of inclusive education in the future.

In the presented methodology, factor C, aimed at determining emotional stability by the method of teaching the subject " is the subject related to inclusive education studied at the University where you study?"/ r=0.131, p>0.05/, " are you ready to work in an inclusive education environment in the future?"/ r=0.121, p>0.05/, " are you ready to work with children with a PO in the future?" - with questions/ r=0.115, p>0.05 / are indicators of their readiness to teach and teach inclusive children in the future. With this factor, we will conclude that the relationship of the above issues, i.e. the readiness of future specialists for inclusive education is closely related to their emotional stability.

The next personal factor in The Kettell’s Method is represented by factor E. the Main meaning of this factor is that a person /dominance and subordination/ leadership qualities, and not due to his great perseverance, is able to influence other people. For this factor, it was found that the studied course of students and the relationship with the questions posed as an indicator of their readiness for inclusive education is very close.

These questions can be seen that factor E has a close positive relationship with the following questions. For example: "which children are considered to be in need of inclusive education?"/ r=0.194, p>0.01/, "is there a subject related to inclusive education at the University where you study?"/ r=0,121, p>0,05/, " does the content of the discipline satisfy in the studied case?" - the answers to the questions/ r=0.209, p>0.01/ are evidenced by the responses of the subjects. But do you know the forms of work with children with disabilities, as a future specialist with the e factor of the researcher?"/ r=0.133, p>0.05/, " do you know, as a future specialist, about psychological and pedagogical research in children with PDT?" - the feedback between the questions was determined/ r=0.178, p>0.01/.

In other words, the more students depend on other people, the less they can get acquainted with the forms of work with children with PDT, research on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with PDT (Erina et al, 2019; Trohirova, Zimina, 2014; Malofeev, 2018; Vanyukova, Moskovenko, 2018). During the meeting the sides discussed issues of further cooperation in trade-economic, investment and cultural-humanitarian spheres, as well as topical issues of bilateral cooperation in trade-economic, investment and cultural-humanitarian spheres, as well as topical issues of bilateral cooperation in trade-economic, investment and cultural-humanitarian spheres.

The value of factor F in Kettell's personal methodology expressiveness / demonstrates the personal qualities of a person with a calm, balanced, aware of their readiness for expressive, pedagogical creative work that meets the requirements for a teacher. With this factor, " which children are considered to be among the children in need of inclusive education?"/ r=0.158, p>0.01/, " does the content of the discipline satisfy in the studied case?" - a positive close relationship was also found between the questions/ r=0.193, p>0.01 /. This close relationship shows that the future teacher is an experimental indicator of their creativity. In other words, the future teacher shows himself in professional orientation, shows his pedagogical abilities.

The indicator of readiness of a teacher-psychologist for professional activity also shows the factor that they / criticality sensitivity / sensitivity to their profession, sensitivity to the understanding of the children being trained. In other words, the future teacher-psychologist is more sensitive, able to understand students, and can be considered as an indicator of their readiness for professional activity. According to the Kettell method, factor I determines the sensitivity of the individual. "Do you know about inclusive education?"/ r=0.180, p>0.01/, " which children are considered to be in need of inclusive education?"/ r=0.152, p>0.01/, " is inclusive education included in the legal documents?"/ r=0.191, p>0.01/, " does the content of the discipline satisfy in the studied case?"/ r=0.143, p>0.05/, " are you ready to work with children with a PO in the future?"/ r=0.137, p>0.05/. In these questions, they indicate their knowledge of General inclusive education and readiness for professional activity. In other words, awareness of children with a PO, the regulatory documents for them and the first knowledge of identifying children with a PO also indicates a close positive relationship with these personal qualities. This, the revealed psychological regularity can also be considered as an indicator of the readiness of a teacher-psychologist for pedagogical activity. However, this factor was put in the research group " are there conditions for teaching children with disabilities in the educational institution where you study?" - feedback has been established with the question/ r=0.127, p>0.05/. In our opinion, there is a certain pattern in certain feedback.

The L factor of the Kettell technique reflects an individual's attitude to trust and suspicion / trust in others or belief. The higher the result for this factor, the more people relate to other people. That is, a low Value of the l factor reflects a sincere attitude to other people, which openly, vividly expresses its sincere intentions in other directions. This factor "created the conditions for the education of children with disabilities at the institution where you are studying?"/r=0.126, p>0.05/. In other words, the more open it is, the more clearly this factor as a person's personal qualities, the more that the researcher is not disappointed about inclusive education, the higher the desire for knowledge.

Great importance is given to the M factor of the Kettell method, which shows the pragmatic attitude of people /practical and dreamy/ everyday life, or that they live their ideas and developed in the process of imagination at a very high level. Such people in everyday life demonstrate high motivation to achieve their dreams and goals, goals set for them. "Do you know about inclusive education?"/ r=0.115, p>0.05/, " is inclusive education included in the legal documents?"/ r=0.148, p>0.01/, " is there a subject related to inclusive education at the University where you study?"/ r=0,130, p>0,05/, " does the content of the discipline satisfy in the studied case?"/ r=0.121, p>0.05/, " are you ready to work in an inclusive education environment in the future?"/ r=0.248, p>0.01/, " are you ready to work with children with a PO in the future?"/ r=0.268, p>0.01/, "Do you know how to work with children with disabilities as a future specialist?"/ r=0,157, p>0,01/, " do you know, as a future specialist, about psychological and pedagogical research on children with mental retardation?"- there is a very close relationship with the questions /r=0.112, p>0.05/. According to the main results of these factors, it can be noted that if a person is rich in his inner soul, he can only strive for the goals set for him and consider all his imagination as a force that leads only to the goals set for him.

This revealed correlation determines not only the essence of our dissertation work, but also the essence of General pedagogical education, as the main meaning of the pedagogical activity of the studied, its perception as the main meaning of their lives and personal qualities that meet the pedagogical requirements during the transition from course to course, are formed in the educational process.


The problem of formation of psychological and pedagogical preparedness of future teachers-psychologists for work in inclusive education system found its solution through the creation of psycho-pedagogical conditions: the work on formation of readiness based on the phased implementation of the formative program (stage 1 - formation of personality, motivational and emotional-volitional components by means of psycho-pedagogical training; stage 2, the formation of the cognitive component on the basis of elective course; stage 3 consolidation of the qualities formed at the previous stage necessary for psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in an inclusive school in practice), integrative impact on all subjects of the inclusive educational space with the allocation of priority areas of work (work with parents of a child with disabilities, interaction with the class teacher of a child with disabilities, work on adaptation of a child with disabilities in school), creative collaboration in the dyad student-teacher (joint research work both in the scientific circle and outside it, supervising schools where children with disabilities study).